《A Destructive Incarnation》Chapter 1 : Yet another Isekai?


“Where am I?”

Of course,that is his first words.Of course.Well I can’t blame him.After all the last thing that he remember Is that after all.

“I thought I was dead.”

He has risen up from the ground and he is looking around.

“Did someone save me or something?Did they leave me in this cave?”

If you are wondering what is happening,then allow me to bring you up to this point.So Allen is now in this small cave.There is a fountain on the inside which seems deep if you look at it.He is going near the fountain he took some water and he is washing his face.And now he is drinking it.No, he was testing weather the water is drinkable.

“It seems like it is safe to drink this water.I mean,there is no smell and it tastes fine too.I was really thirsty.”

He is drinking some more water from the fountain.

“I can’t believe my own ability to stay calm.I mean, a lot of shit happened to me in the past 9 years.”

Oh it seems like he is remembering things from his past,when he was a human.And it seems like he had the habit of thinking loud, ever since he was a human.It is not like I can’t hear his thoughts.There is pretty much nothing I can’t do. After all I am the one who created this world.

Whoops…I shouldn’t have said that.


You want to know who I am?

I can’t really introduce myself,just yet.My identity will take a little long to explain.It is a pain and it will also spoil the future chapters.So the only thing I can say is that for now I am the narrator of this story.And for reasons which I can’t say,am travelling along with Allen in this world.

Yes, this is an alternate dimension.And this story is also gonna start as a generic isekai?

“Should I just leave this place?What if the person who saved me comes back?Wouldn’t he be worried if I am not here?I mean it could be a she as well.It is bad to assume gender alright.”

It seems like our MC is talking with himself again.I can’t just go ahead and tell him that I am here and just go ahead and talk with him.

It might be a little lonely,but hang in there Allen.You will soon meet your harem candidates.

Why am I even talking with him? It is not like he can hear me talking.We are both lonely.


“It shouldn’t hurt to check the surroundings a little bit.”

Oh,it seems like Allen wants to go out of the cave.He is near the entrance of the cave where sunlight is poking inside through the giant opening.

“It’s really bright out side.Judging from the sun.It should be around 4 or 5 pm.There is a lot of bamboo like trees here.But they feel a little too thick for bamboos and the grow far from each other.There are some really strange trees.I wonder which country I am at.It is already a miracle that I am alive after all that happened.”

Allen is walking ahead through the jungle of those weird trees.He has now reached a river bank which is open.

“It is really weird.Bamboo usually grows close to rivers but here the bank is pretty much empty and is full of grass.I can even see the sky clearly. It could be that this bank is actually the part of the river and the river is shallow at the moment.”

Allen you shouldn’t try to analyze this world using logic.I created this world pretty much on a whim.So the mechanics of this world is not really ‘perfect’.There are some glitches and bugs here and there.It is such a pain to fix stuff so I have decided to just leave them here.If you manage to find them you could be really powerful,Allen.

And there I go again,talking to Allen.Even though he can’t hear me.

I just heard a whoosh sound.Oh it is just a rabbit.Wait I don’t think I created rabbits in this world.

“Oh a rabbit.It can be a good food,if I can catch it.”

Allen is picking up some stone from the ground.Oh may be he is gonna use that thing I have heard rumors of.

“The Qigong which I spent time learning in Tibet is useful for this type of situation.”

Allen is channeling his inner chi into the stone and looked at the exact position where the rabbit is hopping around.The rock in his hand starting to emit a light same colour as the stone.He then threw the stone towards the rabbit.The stone turned to wards the rabbit in mid air.

“You can’t dodge this,little bun.”

Allen shouts.But the rabbit just turns back towards Allen and jumps on top of the stone deflecting it down to the ground.

Wow! That’s one badass rabbit.

“Are you mocking me?”


Why are you trying to piss off that rabbit.

Oh I just remembered something.That rabbit is actually an monster which I created because I felt like it would be cool. Savagehops, that is what they are called.

I made them to be absolutely fearless and savage as it gets.Although there are really weak and can’t evolve, they are still pretty feared among the adventurers and hunters of this world.And the reason for that is they always attack with numbers.And there fuckers are so relentless that they would prefer fighting to death rather than run away and live.

Oh that fucker is running towards Allen.

“Come close motherfucker.I will eat you no matter what.”

Allen seems to be confident.The bunny rushes towards Allen and tries to tackle him.Allen punches the rib of the bunny with a hook.Bunny flies of to the side and doesn’t move after that.

“Did it die?”

[You have unlocked a new Achievement]

[You have unlocked new skills]

It seems like he has finally gotten his first message from the system.The expression on his face looks like he is not able to believe it.

“What? Is this for real?”

He is trying to touch the message.A new window opened as he touched one of the message.




The First Kill

Kill your first monster

All stats +5

“Am I…?There is no way right.”

He touches a cross button on top of the table an he could now see a settings menu on front of him.




Voice commands:ON





He touches the credits bar but nothing happened

“Nothing is happening even if I touch it.Maybe I should check my status.”























“What the fuck is this ridiculous stats?I guess I would be fine with them.”

“Well,I should check my skills as well.”


Level(/Max Level)


Stamina cost

Martial Arts


You are able to perform various martial arts to attack or defend yourself.


Chi manipulation


You are able to manipulate chi on your body and surroundings


Chi Injection


You are able to inject your chi into objects and control


“My skills are kinda weird as well.”

Huh?You think the [System] is weird?You should have made it yourself if you think its weird.Who the fuck do you think I made it for.

Who am I even shouting at?It’s not like he can hear me.

Its my bad.I made this world halfheartedly.And my excuse is that created a world is harder than you expect.But you know like someone said “It just works”.I am sorry but you will have to deal with this.

“I should turn the HUD on as well.Maybe it will show me like HP bar and Stuff Like that.Wait a minute it actually says HIID.Is there a typo on this thing? I wonder what kind of person made this system.It is usually some kind of godlike being.I used to read a lot of WNs and stuff when I was a NEET.But it seems like the guy who made this system is an Idiot”

You are the Idiot,Allen.HIID is Heads-In Information Delivery,It makes you possible to know what your status is just by thinking about it.And it is also makes transfers all of data directly to your brain.I guess it is kinda useful.

Allen touches the HIID button on the menu and it changes to ON.He doesn’t notice any changes in his vision.He has a disappointing look on his face.

“But, Did I really just got transported into an another world?And looking at my status and skills it seems like I will be pretty OP from the get go.Does that mean I can be a hero in this world and possibly even get myself a harem? ”

Of course, he wants to make a harem.It would be a troublesome if he didn’t.It was troublesome collecting all the candidates.

“No,wait a minute.No matter how I look at this status it feels like something which should belong to a last boss not the protagonist.Am I gonna be the Last Boss of this world.I really wanna level up and become a great Last Boss or Demon King or what ever.It is not like I really care.Either way I never expected to have a second life after that first life full of twists and turns.Hopefully at least my isekai life would be less chaotic compared to my past life.”

LOL….You want your life to be less chaotic.I don’t think you deserve to make that wish,Allen.You of all the people doesn’t deserve that wish.You can’t run away from your fate after all.

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