《Flaming Light》Chapter 3: Little Confrontations
"Wow!!! What an electrifying first round!!! A spectacular way to start the Glory games!!!" The commentators scream through their microphones.
"Now, time for a short break before the second event," he adds.
All the participants that have passed the first round gather together in a small building of two storeys, at point B.
"Kii Kii you passed," Serena says, congratulating Kiiara.
"Yup yup. You too, Serena," Kiiara replies.
"Of course," Serena says, as they give each other a high five.
"I'm a little surprised though Kiiara, nice one all the same," Dia says. She is standing beside Serena as they all meet in the hallway.
"Nice, you all made it," Dubnet says, clapping, as he walks towards the girls.
"Don't be so happy Falcon twins," a female voice says.
"Huh?" Serena and Kiiara turns to find out who it is. It is Alayna.
"Thank your stars that we're not allowed to fight in here if not you'd be minced meat by now," she says.
"Hoo, so you too can be afraid of authorities," Serena replies.
"Didn't know someone like you also had common sense," Kiiara says, complementing Serena's statement.
"What did you say?!" Alayna becomes furious. Purple bubbles start forming, slowly, around her.
"I'm going to kill you," she threatens.
"They said no fighting, stupid," a strong male voice speaks up.
Alayna, after hearing the voice, shivers, hisses and turns away.
"Kiiara!!! Long time!!!" A female voice says aloud. The male voice belongs to Damian and the female voice is his sister who is walking beside him.
"May!!!" Kiiara replies with a loud voice, as the two hug each other.
"Hey Damian," Kiiara says, extending her greetings to him.
"Hey Kiiara," he replies with a wave of his hand.
Serena stares at him for a while and he stares back. He puts his hands in pocket, saying,
"This is where I leave you sis."
He begins walking away when Serena says,
"See you in the final, Damian."
"Hmph!!!" He replies.
"I'm not the one you should be bothered with for now Serena," he says, smiling, as he walks away to chat a little with Dubnet.
"Hey that was a good fight back there," a female voice says. Serena feels a tap on her shoulder with the rest wondering when the female got there.
Damian is through with his chat with Dubnet; as he walks away, he pauses and turns the side of his face a bit.
"You," Serena says, facing the girl whose hand is on her shoulder.
It is the girl with two ponytails that attacked Serena on her way to point A1.
"Get your hands off me!" calmly but fiercely, Serena says.
The girl smiles and steps back some distance from Serena.
"Fine! You have peaked my interest. I have decided to go at you with full force when next we battle," she says.
"Peaked your interest?" Serena sarcastically asks.
"You were nothing but a grain of dust to me back there and you're here talking big," she adds.
"Ha ha ha," the girl laughs.
"Grain of dust you say," she says, with a grin.
Suddenly, the whole building starts vibrating violently and powerful red aura begins emanating from the girl with pony tails as her snake eyes radiate brightly. The wind pressure around her becomes quite vigorous as people begin stepping back while covering their eyes struggling to keep their vision and their breath. The very force proceeding from the girl and her ferocious eyes send shivers down Serena's and most participants' spines.
"Who the hell are you?" Serena stutters a bit.
The girl, still smiling, begins stepping forward.
"What? What did you say? I can't hear you. SPEAK UP!" she teases with each step she takes.
"Why doesn't anyone listen?" Damian asks rhetorically, with a sigh of tiredness, shaking his head.
"Fool, you'll wreck this building with your enormous aura," he says, addressing the girl with pony tails.
"Hey what's your problem? I thought you were leaving?" the girl replies in a softer tone than that used for Serena.
"Maka, Calm down. That's enough, Damian's right," Dayve says, strolling to Kiiara's location, with his hands in the pockets of his trousers.
"Tch!!!" Maka hisses as her aura dissipates and the violent shaking ceases.
"Maka?" Everyone around, whisper, watching what was happening.
"So that's the famous Maka, one of the prodigies of the new generation. Serena sure picked the wrong opponent to anger," they murmur.
"Since you're hardly ever around even during school hours, it's no surprise your appearance is not that known plus the fact that you've dyed your hair differently and changed your usual curly hairstyle," Dayve says.
"Maka Dusa," Serena says, glaring at Maka excitingly.
"Interesting," she adds.
"I guess this is my first time really meeting you in person. Now I look forward to our battle," Serena continues.
"The fool went and changed her hair," Damian comments.
"Hey!! Don't call me a fool!!!" Maka exclaims, facing Damian.
"Shut up, you're too loud as usual, attention seeker," Damian replies.
"That's it, I'll–," she says but Damian quickly interrupts.
"Huh? Want to have a go at it?" Damian asks, with a grin of excitement.
"Tch!!!" Maka hisses and turns to walk away.
"You!!! Princess!!!" she shouts, pointing at Serena.
"I hope to see you in the Battle Royale tournament. So don't lose till we meet in battle," she says.
"Yeah and hope you become even stronger by then so you'll be enough entertainment," she adds with a smile and walks away.
"Well, that was interesting," Dubnet says, after a yawn.
"What a hassle," he adds.
"Already making friends eh?" Dayve sarcastically says, looking at Serena.
"Well what can I say, I'm that awesome," she replies, smiling in such a way that her teeth shows.
"What's up Kiiara?" Dayve asks, turning to Kiiara.
"Hanging on," She replies with a faint blush.
"Dayve!!!" May screams as she runs and hugs him.
"Pfft! Two friends tripping for the same guy," Dia whispers to Serena.
"Well, they'll have to sort it out some day," Serena whispers back and shrugs.
"I'll catch up with you Dayve, I have to go to the infirmary," Kiiara waves as she runs off.
At the Infirmary.
"Heeeyyy," Kiiara greets, entering the room where Erraz is resting.
Erraz is lying on a bed close to the window, sitting up on the bed and enjoying the serene view outside.
"Peaceful isn't it? The way the world is now, no major threats...yet that is," he says and turns to face Kiiara.
"Hey there my lady," he greets.
"My lady?" Kiiara responds, raising her right eye brow.
"Anyway before you begin spouting nonsense, how are you feeling?" she asks.
"A bit better. I'll survive," he answers, moving his hands about.
"Good," Kiiara replies.
"So care to share what exactly happened?" she inquires.
"Well, I had an unexpected battle with Damian," he answers.
"Oh my and you lost? Just how strong is he? What exactly is his style?" she questions.
"You mean you don't know?" he replies.
"Well, don't let me spoil the fun. It'll be nice when you see it in battle. All I can say is that he uses Quake Style."
"Huh? Quake style?" Kiiara ponders.
"Don't think too much, once you see it you will understand," Erraz says.
"By the way, why exactly did you help me?" he asks.
"Hmm, umm," Kiiara says, putting her hand on her chin.
"I guess it's because we seem to have the same hand band type and I think it'll be of use in the second event," she answers.
"Oh!! I see, not quite what I was thinking," he replies, laughing and scratching the back of his head.
"Huh?" Kiiara says, with an unamused face and sighs, shaking her head.
"Anyway, for you to have been beaten this badly, that's quite troubling," she says.
Erraz gazes at her for a moment and says, "You're aiming for the top right? Well I won't say it's impossible but all I can say for now, that's quite a difficult dream."
"If it were so easy, where's the fun in that?" Kiiara replies, with a soft smile.
"ALL PARTICIPANTS, PLEASE REPORT TO THE GENERAL HALL IMMEDIATELY. THANK YOU. I REPEAT ALL PARTICIPANTS, PLEASE REPORT TO THE GENERAL HALL IMMEDIATELY. THANK YOU," an announcement is made, echoing through the speakers which are connected to all the rooms of the building.
"Well, guess it's go time once again," Kiiara says as she takes her leave.
"By the way, what were you thinking at that time I aided you?" she inquires.
"Well...you know...I thought it was because you liked–," Erraz stammers a bit but is interrupted by a sudden burst of laughter from Kiiara.
"Ha Ha Ha," she laughs out loud, holding her stomach as she exits the room.
"What's her problem?" Erraz murmurs.
At the general hall, the successful participants gather and are chatting with each other. Suddenly, the place becomes quiet as the coordinator of the event, stands on the podium in front of everyone. It is the same female that coordinated the first event.
"First off, congratulations to the successful one hundred and twenty candidates that have passed the first stage however, don't rejoice too soon yet. The Glory games is just beginning," she announces, with every participant having their attention fixed on her.
"Now for the second event, some of you must have already noticed the hand bands you have on, all have different colors. There are five color classes in total being used for this event and each of these color classes have eight letters assigned to them. For example, for color red we have letters A to H, same for all other colors. Each letter can only have three members. Now there is a large screen to your right where you have been grouped into your color class and assigned a letter. Look around for your team members with similar letters and get together," she instructs.
"You have ten minutes to do so and once this is done, the massive door to your left will open up and you are to march out immediately, there I will announce the next event and the rules. Thank you," she adds and walks out the room through an exit door behind her.
The hall becomes rowdy again as people search for their teams and members.
"Yes!!!" Dia screams, running to meet Dubnet though she forces herself not to blush.
"Don't blush. Don't blush," she thinks to herself.
"Seems we're on the same team, Dubnet," she says, smiling with her arms behind her.
Dubnet looks at her with his calm, unbothered face and his hands in his pockets.
"Seems so," he replies.
"Hey, seems I'm in your team too," a male voice says.
"Kalium. Nice. At least no weaklings here," Dia replies.
"That makes us three, so we're complete," Dubnet says.
"Can we go now?" he suggests.
"Sure," Kalium and Dia reply.
"Hoo, that's an interesting team you have there Serena," Kiiara says, standing beside Serena as they both look at the screen.
"Yours isn't bad either," Serena replies.
"No way, not fair. How can two special class geniuses and a prodigy be in one team?" some of the participants murmur.
"That's a very formidable team. Serena, Tesla and Kevine in the same team, tch!!" they complain the more.
"Sereeennnaaa!!!" screams a girl with long curly silver hair, running towards Serena.
"Hey Hey Princess," the girl greets.
"Hey Tesla," Serena lazily greets back.
"Yayy we're on the same team. Don't worry I'll take care of you as long as you give a good recommendation of me to Gerrar," Tesla says with a smile.
"I can take care of myself. Stop using me to win the love of my cousin. Why not just tell him?" Serena replies, slightly frowning.
"Tch!!!" She hisses.
"Why are you like this? But you know I'm shy," Tesla sobs.
"Ha," Serena sighs with a tired face.
"Your abilities and the way your personality switches once Gerrar is involved, I just cannot understand," she adds with a palm to her face.
"There you girls are, let's get going already," a boy says. He has short hair and his hands are in his pocket as he walks past Serena and Tesla.
"Bossy as always, Kevine," Serena replies, following after him.
"Hey hey, as the prodigy here, I'm meant to be the leader you know," Tesla says, running after them.
"Yo!! Seems we're meant for each other," Erraz says, walking up to Kiiara.
"We're in the same team just like you said," he adds.
"Seems like so," Kiiara replies, with a smile.
"Kii!!! We're on the same team," May says, walking up to Kiiara and Erraz.
"May Ignition, what a coincidence that we're on the same team," Erraz says with his hands bandaged from his elbows down to his wrists and in his pockets.
"Erraz what happened to your hands?" she asks.
"Long story short, I met your brother," he gives a quick answer.
"I see," she replies with her eyes down a bit.
"Don't worry yourself too much, you two will just have to hold on in whatever event we may encounter till I recover some of my elemental energy because for now, I can hardly amass any," Erraz says.
As Erraz completes his speech, Dayve walks by with his team members. Kiiara quickly turns and smiles, watching him pass by; May does same.
"Great, two friends who have the same crush," he whispers with a sigh.
"How are you two even friends?" he asks, confused.
"Well just because we like the same guy doesn't mean we should be enemies, right?" Kiiara replies.
"Besides we've decided that when the time comes, we'll play it fair and respect whatever decision is made," May adds.
"Good grief," Erraz says with a sigh.
"Anyway let's get going. We better not be late," he adds.
"Shall we?" he suggests.
The participants exit the hall through the now open massive door, leading to an open area of vast land with a very huge mountain in front.
"Everyone!!! Listen up!!!" the coordinator shouts, getting everyone's attention fixed on her.
"I'm sure by now you all have met your team members. Now then, this second event is based on the theme 'Capture the flag' however, unlike the usual capture the flag where you have a base station and have to protect your station while capturing another team's flag, in this type here you will have to be on the move avoiding and overcoming different obstacles while battling other teams, capturing their flags and also getting your team flags which are scattered across. For a team to go through to the next stage you must at least have your own team flag and have captured the flag of another team however, you can capture as much flags as you can. Asides the flags of teams, there are several precious stones scattered around randomly and for a team to advance you must also have at least a precious stone with you. Finally after getting these two items, you must also finish the course in time in order to be considered fully successful," she announces.
"Also to add, the amount of flags and precious stones you have will become points for each team member and these points can be of advantage to you in the next event," she adds with an evil grin.
"So first of you will start by climbing this mountain," the coordinator continues, pointing to the huge mountain just behind her.
"Then from there you'll proceed to the mole valley, where once you fall from the cliff into the water below, you are out. After there, you'll proceed down the hill and cross the vast body of water to get to the finish line," she adds.
"Now then, Shall we begin?!"
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