《The Boss System》First Day PT-3


"Oh, there's a pretty cheap clothes store right there, but I should go to the Inn first, I don't want others to beat me in getting a room."

He looked at the names and decided on checking the Little Village Inn that Trey said was the cheapest one he knew about. He asked around some more and he was surprised to see that the number of normal citizens that actually replied increased tremendously. "Looks like it's true what they say in that one movie haha, the suit maketh the man, well, in this case, it's more of armor."

After a few minutes of walking, he reached the Inn, it was a two-story building that was pretty rundown. There were several areas where the plaster was gone revealing the mud bricks and wood. "No wonder Trey said it was the cheapest Inn he knew about, well better than nothing."

He entered and found a young boy at the reception desk, "Hi welcome to the Little Villag…...."

When he saw Jason's face the little kid nearly jumped from fright, Jason smiled and walked towards the boy, "Hi, I was wondering if you had any rooms available and how much it would cost me."

The kid looked at the sheet of paper and nodded, "Uhh, yeah there's still a 2 room with 2 beds, that would be 13 copper a night."

"Do you have one with one bed?"

The kid nodded, "We do but you are not allowed to bring anyone else with you, where is your father going to sleep?"

Jason scratched his head, "My father and mother are dead so it's just going to be me."

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to. It's just that...…"

"Don't worry about it, so how much for the room?"


"Oh, it's 9 copper per night, just know that we don't serve meals on this Inn. If you want to eat I would like to recommend the place beside us, they have cheap and delicious food."

Jason nodded and brought out 7 silvers, "Then I would like to get a room for 7 days. Hey before I forget to ask, do you have anywhere I might be able to clean myself or go to the bathroom?"

"Yeah there is a public bathhouse 2 blocks from here, they charge 3 copper for entry. My father also wakes up in the mornings and provides a bucket of water to the people who ask for one. Do you want one?"

'Public bath? What kind of weird people are in there? I also can't forget about germs.'

After thinking about it briefly he nodded, "yes I would like a bucket, thank you."

The kid nodded, handed him the keys and his change, "Just know that we don't provide any cloths. You have room number 24 on the second floor. Oh, and the bathrooms are at the end of the hall on each floor."

'There's at least 24 rooms? Doesn't that mean that they make at least 2 gold every day? That's not bad and they don't have to provide anything. Just how much are the Inns closer to the center making?'

"My name is Ron though everyone here calls me Ronny, it was nice to meet you."

Jason nodded and was about to walk away but he remembered something, "Ronny you said that I wasn't allowed to have anyone else in my room. The thing is that I was from the slums and I have 2 other friends that are about my age. Do you think you could ask your father or mother if I could bring them to my room? I would be willing to pay an extra 5 copper for the same room."


When Jason said mother the kid became sad but only for a slight second. "I'll ask father when he gets back from the Adventurer's Guild."

"Oh is he an adventurer?"

Ronny shook his head, "No he's a dismantler at the Adventurer's Guild. Adventurers sometimes sell the monster corpses to the guild and my father gets to butcher them. Are you an adventurer? You have armor and that odd weapon I've never seen before."

"Yeah, I actually registered today. I'm going to go the adventurer's guild early tomorrow and take my first request. For today I just want to get everything sorted out and have a nice rest in my room. I feel like it's been forever since the last time I slept in a bed."

"Oh, okay good luck and have a nice rest. I'll ask my father about your friends."

When he entered the room he was surprised at how small the room was, it was about a 9ft by 9ft.

After putting everything in his storage Jason went to one of the stores that Trey had recommended and he bought 3 changes of clothes for 9 silvers. Since the owner was being rude to him he decided to take an extra set of clothes and towels for him and one set for Tristian and Jack using his storage skill. He was already planning on making them his subjects so he had to make sure to take care of them. After all the reason they turned the way they were is because of their environment.

He bought a loaf of bread for 3 copper and ate half of it before he was full. Now that he had clothes and a full belly he decided to return to the guild and rest for the rest of the day.

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