《Descendants: Lost Auradonian Queen》Coronation Day


Today is the day, the day Princess Briar takes her rightful place as Queen of Auradon. The lost princess is finally home and she couldn't be happier. She knows the truth of what happened that terrible day when she was taken and her life couldn't be any more perfect, she's reunited with her family and finally truly happy. It's now her time to take her parent's place alongside her brother. All hail Queen Briar!


BRIAR'S POV: OUTFIT- pinterest.co.uk/phoebenock2/coronation-b/

I was so nervous about walking down the aisle of the grand hall of my parents' castle and becoming Queen of Auradon alongside my brother. I paced in my temporary room wringing my hands and muttering encouragement to myself, barely noticing when my boyfriend walked into the room.

"The carriage is waiting for you." He spoke making me jump and face him, relaxing when I recognized it was just Chad. "Wow, you look great, like a true queen." He complimented as he walked over and took my gloved hands.

I grinned. "I am the true Queen."

"R-Right, yes, of course." He stuttered, worrying he had offended me.

I giggled. "I'm only teasing." He relaxed and gave me a playful glare. "But thank you Chad." I looked at the clock on the wall and took a deep breath. "We best get going, they're probably waiting for us." He nodded and took my hand, leading me out to the carriages that awaited us. My brother stood beside them talking to Mal who looked nervous and held a small box in her hands, I smirked, knowing exactly what she was doing. She was going to remove his love potion because she felt bad, I'm happy to see she has finally come to her senses and realized he didn't deserve what she was doing to him.

They turned to us and my brother grinned. "Briar, you look gorgeous!" He exclaimed excitedly.

I returned his smile with one of my own, more nervous smiles. "Thank you, brother." I saw him falter slightly, he still hadn't gotten used to me calling him that but I could tell it made him very happy.

"No problem." He glanced around him at the people who were preparing the carriages. "I think we have a bit of time so I think we should talk, about what happened, Mal why did you hide such a huge secret?"

Mal's eyes widened and looked down guiltily. "M-my mother made me, she threatened Briar so I did as she asked." She looked into my eyes, tears swimming in her own. "I didn't want you to get hurt, you don't deserve to."

Ben smiled reassuringly and placed a hand on her back. "You did what you had to do, to protect the people you loved." He turned to me with a sad smile. "Briar, are you ever going to forgive Mal for what she did to you?" He asked hopefully.

I sighed. "I don't know, honestly, I understand why she did it and all but she still lied to me about who I really am our whole lives, so it's unclear," I answered as Chad took my hand. We were called to the carriages and I endured the next ten minutes of waving and smiling at our adoring public.



I glanced nervously at the street in front of our home, waiting for our children to turn the corner. I saw them and smiled, waving excitedly as my son waved back. Briar hadn't noticed us yet but I took note of the fact she seemed very nervous and her date, Prince Chad Charming, was consoling her. He had always been sweet to her since they were young children. I'm so happy that she finally has a good boyfriend. Someone who will protect her when we can't, I truly hope their relationship is strong enough to withstand everything they have ahead of them.

The carriages stopped and our children climbed out, Adam straightened beside me as the public's attention turned to us. "Hi, mom and dad." Ben and Briar said simultaneously, both of their dates bowing respectfully before being led away to the stands for the coronation. I noticed Chad giving Briar's hand a comforting squeeze before he left and my smile widened.

"My children." I pulled them both into a tight hug, holding Briar a bit longer as Ben pulled away. "I never thought I would see the day that both my children would be in front of me again about to be crowned King and Queen." I wiped away my happy tears as they hugged their dad.

"We're so proud of both of you." He said with a smile, patting Ben on the back in a fatherly way, my son jolting under his father's strength as Briar giggled.

"Thank you mother, father." Ben smiled and took his sister's arm as the trumpets sounded, telling us it was time for them to enter. I took my husband's arm and sent them a quick wave before we walked through the doors to be de-crowned and take our place at the side of the thrones.


Ben smiled down at me as I took a deep breath. "It's going to be okay, all we have to do is walk over there and say our vow, then it's all over." He reassured, giving my arm a comforting squeeze. It didn't help much but I smiled anyway as the doors opened for us.

We stepped through carefully and walked down the aisle to our parents and Fairy Godmother who smiled at us as everyone stood, out of respect. We had practiced the walk so many times I didn't even have to think about it. When we stopped in front of Fairy Godmother and bent to our knees onto the cushions placed for us so we don't damage or wrinkle our clothes, I glanced to the side to see Mal and Chad stood together. Chad smiling encouragingly to which I smiled back and Mal looked incredibly nervous. I watched her carefully for a few seconds as her eyes glanced wildly around the room before turning my attention back to Fairy Godmother.


Fairy Godmother walked up towards Belle as she lifted the rose jar to reveal Fairy Godmother's wand. Mal smiled and looked at the others as Fairy Godmother took King Adam's crown from the cushion he held and placed it on Ben's head. "Do you solemnly swear to govern the people of Auradon with kindness and compassion as long as you shall reign?" Fairy Godmother asked with a smile.


"I do solemnly swear," Ben said loudly, so the whole room would hear his vow.

Queen Belle walked over to Fairy's godmother, her crown on a cushion which Fairy Godmother took and put on Briar's head carefully. She felt the heavy metal sit delicately within her curls and smiled, it felt perfect, like it was where it was supposed to be.

"Do you solemnly swear to govern the people of Auradon with kindness and compassion as long as you shall reign?" Fairy Godmother asked with an even bigger smile.

"I do solemnly swear," Briar replied with her own clear, loud voice.

"Then I am glad to announce you-" Fairy Godmother was cut short by Jane snatching her wand straight out of her hand.

"Child! What are you doing!?" Fairy Godmother exclaimed, worried for her daughter who shook violently under the power of the wand.

"If you won't make me beautiful I'll do it myself!" Jane cried, trying to control the sparks that flew everywhere, people tried to scream and tried to dodge it, Chad threw himself in front of his girlfriend to protect her, narrowly missing a beam which Jane accidentally shot out of the window beside them. What no one managed to notice in the panic was that the beam hit the barrier to the Isle of Lost, the barrier was broken and the villains were free. "Bibbity-bobbity-boo!" Jane tried to chant but the sparks wouldn't stop, Mal threw herself in front of everyone and had managed to fight Jane to the point she could get the wand out of her hands.

Everyone froze as she took a deep breath and suddenly became very still. "M-Mal?" Briar asked, stepping around Chad who reached out to pull her protectively to his side.

"Give me the wand," Ben said cautiously as he tried to approach her, only to jump back as she pointed the wand at him, Briar squealed in shock as everyone gasped.

"Stay back," Mal ordered, her voice shaky.

"Mal-" He was cut off before he could step closer to her.

"I said stand back!" Mal repeated. "I don't want to hurt you." She added softly, her eyes giving away her fear.

"I told you so! She's-" Audrey was silenced by Mal pointing the wand at her, she tumbled back in worry and fear to her grandmother who pulled her behind her as Briar glared at them.

"We have no choice! Our parents-" Mal tried to reason as the others ran down to join her, Briar looked at them all, hurt that they were all in on this, they all avoided her gaze.

"Your parents made their choice! Now it's time to make yours." Ben cut her off as he tried to approach again.

"I-I think I want to be good." Mal finally muttered lowering the wand slightly.

"You are good!" Ben exclaimed.

"How do you know that!?" Mal yelled, raising the wand again.

"Because... because I'm listening to my heart." He explained, placing his hand over his heart.

"I want to listen to my heart too." Mal lowered the wand completely as the other villain kids agreed with her. The ground began to shake violently, everyone screamed and grabbed onto each other as Briar fell to the ground, her heels not doing her much justice in this situation.

The room filled with green smoke as Briar felt her heart quicken to an alarming rate. It cleared revealing Maleficent, everyone froze in shock, gawking at her as she grinned.

"I'm baaccckkk!" She sang as though she enjoyed the situation, though, knowing her she probably did. Briar tried to hide behind Chad but her crown caught the light and glared in Maleficent's eyes, gaining her attention. She glared at the new queen as she eyed her dress and crown.

"Playing dress-up now, are we Briar?" She snapped, scowling. "Aren't you going to greet your mother? This certainly isn't the welcome I expected." She grinned as Belle tried to protest her words but was silenced by her husband.

"I see they figured it out." Maleficent glared at Mal. "I thought more of you, but you couldn't even do one simple thing." She sighed disappointedly. "Though I suppose you did one thing decently." She smirked.

"Go away, mother," Mal said with a scowl on her usually neutral face.

Maleficent just laughed at her daughter. "She's funny!" She exclaimed with a snort, she suddenly stopped laughing and grew serious. "Wand me, chop-chop!" she ordered clicking her fingers and spreading her arms out.

Mal went to give it to her before she quickly changed route and threw it to the Fairy Godmother who waved it in the air. "Bibbidy bobbidy-"

"Boo." Maleficent banged her sceptre on the floor freezing everyone except the villain kids.


The whole hall unfroze suddenly, Ben screamed loudly and ran forwards as though to attack someone who wasn't there. Briar giggled at her brother before being pulled into a warm hug by Chad. "Oh God, I was so worried something would happen to you and I wouldn't have been able to stop it again."

She noticed his rushed breaths and smiled, pulling away and placing her hands on his cheeks. "I'm okay, I'm here." She whispered, his breathing returning to normal as he smiled lovingly down at her. Placing his hand over one of her own on his cheek and placing his other on the back of her neck, pulling her into a sweet kiss full of relief and happiness.

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