《Descendants: Lost Auradonian Queen》First day of school


THIRD PERSON'S POV: OUTFIT- https://pin.it/2iLebCH

"Morning sleepy head!" Audrey grinned as she stood over Briar's bed.

The young girl groaned and stretched as she sat up. "Morning." She smiled at her new friend who looked pristine as she looked down at her.

"Today is your first day of school in Auradon, how does it feel to be free?" Audrey asked as she walked over to her wardrobe and pulled out an outfit for Briar to wear.

"It feels great to be free from Maleficent, but I'm not completely free yet," Briar said as she pulled on the clothes handed to her. "Does this look okay?" She asked, feeling a little self-conscious.

"Yes, it looks a lot better than what you wore yesterday." Audrey complimented, in her own way.

"Thanks, Audrey." Briar smiled as she slipped her shoes on.


"Rise and shine Princess of Darkness!" Evie yelled as she shook Mal violently in an attempt to wake her.

"Well, not a good morning to you too Evie." She glared at her as she sat up. "And how did you sleep from last night's fail of stealing the wand?" She scoffed as she stood out of bed. "What are you looking at?" She grunted, noticing Evie still staring at her.

"Why are you not worrying about Briar finding out about her past? And what about Audrey? She will blab about the lost princess of Auradon and the Beast family as soon as she figures it out." Evie reminded, looking extremely anxious at the thought.

"Don't worry Evie, she wouldn't do that. Audrey wouldn't unless she wants herself killed." Mal smirked wickedly, reminding Evie of her mother.


"If somebody hands you a crying baby do you:

A) curse it

B) lock it in a tower

C) give it a bottle

or D) carve out its heart?" Fairy Godmother asked the 4 villain kids, and Briar, who was sitting in class. Jay and Carlos were sat together and Evie and Mal were sat in the row next to them as Briar kept as far away as possible. Evie's hand shot in the air. "Evie?" Fairy Godmother asked.


"What was the second one again?" Evie replied with a confused look which caused Mal to roll her eyes at her friend. She knew she was much smarter than she made out to be.

Fairy Godmother shook her head disappointingly. "Oh, okay, anyone else?" Noticing Briar's attention on other things she called out to her. "Briar?"

She snapped her head up from looking at her lap and answered. "C) give it a bottle".

"You are on fire girl!" Carlos remarked sassily.

"Just answer the one that doesn't seem fun for you guys, but for me it's just common sense." She muttered.

"Ohh!" The others said.

"That makes so much sense," Evie added. Causing Mal to sarcastically nod her head at them.

A girl wearing a light blue dress, with a short, choppy bob haircut walked into the room waving. She knew Briar, who had introduced herself to her when she saw her before class earlier, but squealed as she passed the villains. She walked to Fairy Godmother with a clipboard in her hands. "You need to sign off an early dismissal for the coronation."

"You all remember my daughter, Jane." Fairy Godmother said to the 5 of them.

"Mum, no!" Jane protested.

"It's okay, Jane, this is everyone." She pushed Jane towards the kids pushing her to say something.

"Hi, that's okay, don't mind me. As you were." She managed to get out in a shaky voice, quickly retreating from the room. She squealed again as she passed the villains.

"Bye Jane!" Briar called with a smile.

"Goodbye, Briar!" The girl replied in a cheerful voice.

"Let's continue." Fairy Godmother said in an overly enthusiastic manner.

"If you find a vial of poison do you:

A) put it in the king's wine

B) paint it on an apple" This one made Evie giggle a bit.

"or C) hand it over to the proper authorities?" Evie, Jay, and Carlos' hands shot up. Using his strength Jay pushed Carlos' hand down "Jay?" Fairy Godmother asked.

"C) hand it over to the proper authorities," Jay answered smugly.

"I was going to say that!" Carlos snapped.


"Oh, but I said it first." Jay mocked in a baby voice as he grabbed Carlos in a headlock and gave him a noogie. The girls, being used to it, ignored them. Evie went back to looking in the mirror, Mal continued drawing the Fairy Godmothers wand, and Briar went back to thinking about the royal family.

"Boys... BOYS!!" Fairy Godmother yelled out tapping her stick on the podium to get their attention. "I'm going to encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field."

"Oh no, whatever that is we'll pass." Carlos refused.



I stood in the corridors after class with Ben. "Come on! Those villain's kids are nothing but trouble, the only good one is Briar and that's because she doesn't belong with them. It's obvious!" He sighed as I tried to convince him. "Ben, I know your mom fell in love with the beast who turned out to be a prince. But with my mom, the evil fairy was just the evil fairy. Mal and, supposedly, Briar's mother!" He shook his head and went to speak but I cut him off. "And what if Briar isn't just named after your twin? She could ACTUALLY be your twin!"

"We don't know that Audrey until we do we have to be cautious." He ran a hand through his hair as he watched as what I knew to be his sister walked into the hall with the Evil Queen's daughter at her side.



Briar walked boredly to her friends' dorm room, slamming open the door and walking in with a grin. "Hey Evie!" she called, startling the two girls.

"Hey Briar" Evie responded, looking at Mal nervously.

"How is it going, Mal?" Her face turned from happy to suspicious. "I have a question for you, am I really your sister? Because all I get since I have arrived is 'you look like Queen Belle but younger'." Briar asked with a glare.

Both girls tensed when Briar asked that but luckily for them, there was a knock on the door. Mal opened it to reveal Ben. "Hey. I didn't see you guys today so I was wondering whether you had any questions or?" Ben asked, taking note of the tense atmosphere.

"Not that I know of," Mal answered glancing at her friends to double-check and shook her head.

"Okay then, I'll see you guys later then. If you need anything just... you know." He went to wave goodbye but stopped when Mal suddenly remembered something.

"Wait! Is it true that we get to go to your coronation?" Mal questioned with a forced smile.

"Yeah, the whole school goes" He replied facing them again.

"Wow, that is beyond exciting. Do you think we can be up in the front next to Fairy Godmother so we can... soak up all that goodness?" Mal faked interest, it wasn't hard since her mind was already wandering off to her mother.

"I'm sorry, I wish you could but it's only my family, me, Fairy Godmother, and my girlfriend upfront." He explained apologetically.

"And your girlfriend?" Mal repeated.

"Yeah," Ben confirmed.

Mal seemed to be deep in thought for a moment. "Okay thanks, bye!" Mal rushed to shut the door on a stuttering Ben then turned back to the two girls.

"I think it's time Benny-boo got himself a new girlfriend. And I need my spellbook." Mal grinned wickedly while catching her spellbook which Evie tossed in her direction.

"Well, on that note." Briar stood up. "I'm off, I'm not having any part in this." She walked to the door but stopped before Mal. "And I need my answer to those questions, soon, or I'm going to be doing some investigating myself." She left the room with a slam of the door.

Hey guys! I have another shout-out to Niyathi, she is so awesome! You should follow her and she will follow you back. Show her love and tell her that you know Ashley Keller. Tell her that I gave her a shout-out. I love you all because you are a part of the Keller army.

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