《Tales of Regventus Book Three: Raya》Chapter 24
Max’s feet hit the ground hard. He opened his eyes to see a large brown field with patches of snow. It was surrounded by barren trees. In the distance he could see large buildings and houses. Above all he saw the large towers of the palace.
“Welcome to Aurumist, your highness,” said Philo sarcastically. “Come on.”
Philo pushed Max forward. Max looked behind him and saw Philo dragging Griffa by her arm. Griffa’s head was down and her hair hid most of her face. Max flexed his hands that were bound. His wrist burned and ached. He tried to feel the familiar pulse of his magic through his veins, but it was not there. It made him feel off balanced and empty.
“You said you would leave Gryphon alone if we took the king,” Max heard Devland say behind him. “You swore to me Philo that she would not be harmed.”
“She hasn’t been harmed much. She is needed in the palace. You will get everything else you asked for, so be happy and stay quiet,” said Philo vehemently.
Max walked straight through the field. A few soldiers were in front of him. Max followed them, trying to think of something he could do. He heard someone stumble behind him. He stopped and turned to see Griffa on the ground. Philo grabbed her roughly and pulled her upright. He threw her forward towards Max. Max used his bound hands to catch and steady her.
Griffa looked up at him. Her bottom lip was swollen. Dried blood streaked down her chin.
“Griffa,” Max said quietly. She shook her head. Philo pushed them both forward.
They walked out of the field onto a stone road. As they walked people stared and whispered. Those on horseback actually stopped and looked down at them. Max tried to keep his face forward and his eyes looking straight ahead. They entered a large gate. Max thought it must have been the entrance to the First Ring of Aurumist.
“You wait here, Devland. Someone will be along shortly to take you to your living quarters,” said Philo.
Max didn’t hear Devland say anything in reply.
They passed vast manors with large yards. Trees lined the street as they walked on. Max looked sideways at Griffa. She walked with her head straight and her eyes forward. Max could see tears coming out of her eyes, but she made no noise. They walked until they came to the biggest pair of gates Max had ever seen. They were wood and iron. The iron ran over the wood. Max could make out a sun, the symbol of Adalwen, in the middle of the gate. The gate was flagged by two towers on each side. The top of the towers was open to the surroundings. Max could see two soldiers in each.
“It is Philo. We are returning from the Valley with honored guest,” said Philo happily looking up at the right tower of the gate.
The gate opened slowly. Philo pushed them on. Max walked next to Griffa. He looked over and saw her wiggling her wrist slightly against the ropes. Max wondered what she was doing. It was agony to even have the ropes on. When they moved against his skin, he felt like his flesh was being melted off.
They walked to the large front doors of the palace. Philo knocked and after a few seconds, the doors opened. The soldiers in front of them came and stood behind Griffa and Max. They put their hands on their shoulders and pushed them forward through the front doors into the entry hall of the palace.
Max couldn’t help but look around. The entry hall was vast. There were two staircases leading up to a second floor. Max looked up and could see three more floors of landings. The ceiling was blue painted with stars and suns. Hanging from the ceiling was a huge chandelier. It held hundreds of candles. They were lit and wax dropped every so often onto the floor as it overflowed the candle holders.
“Move on through,” said Philo harshly. “Your reception awaits in the throne room.”
They were shoved to the left by the soldiers. Max and Griffa walked side by side. Max could still see Griffa slightly moving her ropes on her wrist out of the corner of his eyes. He could see her wrists were red. A trickle of blood ran down her arm.
They entered a vast room that Max recognized from his vision. It wasn’t as long as he remembered, but it was still the same as he had seen. He looked up and on the raised dais was an old man and two women. The women both finely dressed. One looked to be very round with child. On both sides of the dais were different aged folks all looking at Max and Griffa. Max and Griffa walked forward until they stood directly in front of the dais.
“Golnar, may I present to you Gryphon Keene, the leader of the Ring of Nine,” said Philo standing by Griffa. Griffa looked up at the man in front of her defiantly as he nodded at her.
“And this is Maxwell of the blood of Adalwen. The one called the young king,” said Philo walking to stand behind Max. Max just stared at the man.
“And who are we meeting?” asked Griffa sardonically. “You know our names. Now give us yours.”
Philo tugged her hair back causing her head to flip back. He said into her ear. “Your impertinent manners will do you no good here. Show some respect.”
“Release her, Philo. That is no way to treat the leader of a great people,” said Golnar. Philo let Griffa’s hair go. “I am Golnar, the advisor to our King Kedan. This is our Queen Teryn, and the mother of our king Camelia Belles.”
“And where is your king?” asked Griffa with a nasty smile. “Shouldn’t he receive us?”
“How dare you ask that!” said a man loudly to the left of the dais. “How dare you mock us. We know you have our king.”
Griffa snapped her head to look at the man. “I have no idea what you are talking about. I have never seen this Kedan you call a king. What use would we have for a false king?”
“How dare you,” said the man looking back at Griffa. “Who are you to speak to me like that?”
“Now, now, Till, play nice,” said Golnar. “Miss Keene, I would like your stay here in Aurumist to be comfortable and advantageous for both of us. If we can get a little cooperation, you will see we are very good hosts.”
“I have no use for comfort,” said Griffa harshly. “I want none of your hospitality or your lies.”
Golnar turned to Max. “What about you, young king? Are you willing to listen and see if we can find a peace?”
“I am only willing to do what is best for the kingdom,” said Max.
“An interesting answer,” said Golnar. “That phrase can mean so many things. I think both of our guest need to rest. We need to find them some appropriate chambers. Philo come here a moment.”
Philo walked past Griffa to the dais. What happened next was so quick, Max couldn’t believe it. The ropes fell from Griffa’s wrist and she quickly stretched and slipped the one off of her waist. Griffa pushed out her hands, and Philo was thrown in into the dais. She then turned to the left and swept her hand. The line of folk by the dais was thrown sideways. She turned to the right and did the same to the folk on the right.
Two soldiers grabbed Griffa and she threw her arms back. The soldiers flew back slamming into the rear wall crumpling down in lifeless forms. She pointed her hands at Golnar. Ten soldiers came into the room from the back door. They stalled at the ready, looking at Griffa. She looked at Golnar with a small smile.
“Release Max, or I will kill you. I don’t care what happens to me. You can call your soldiers over, but I will kill you before they even come close to me.”
“No, Griffa,” said Max. “Please, stop.”
“You are very impressive, Miss Keene,” said Golnar laughing. He grabbed the woman with child and placed her by his side. He moved slightly behind her. “I have no doubt you would kill me quickly, but would you risk hurting this woman who is with child?”
“Golnar!” said Camelia. “What are you doing?”
Max saw Griffa’s eyes go wide. Her hand started to shake.
“An innocent child, could you do it?” asked Golnar with sneer.
Griffa let her hand and head drop with a sigh. Soldiers ran to her and held her arms. One had more rope. He bound her wrist tightly. He wrapped rope several times around her waist. Philo got up and walked over to her.
“How dare you,” said Philo. He threw his hand down and Griffa crumpled to her knees. “I should have you killed now and be done with it.”
“Philo, you will do no such thing,” said Golnar loudly.
Max could see most of the folk on each side of dais start to sit and stand up. Some rubbed their heads or backs. Philo waved his hand and Griffa crashed back into the ground hard.
“Griffa,” said Max angrily. “You swore you wouldn’t hurt her.”
“I swore I wouldn’t kill her. I told you if you cooperated, I wouldn’t let anyone else kill her. So, do what you are told,” said Philo turning to Max.
“Have Miss Keene brought to my tower. I want to chat with her. I also have something that will help her sleep. Take the young king to a chamber to rest. Make sure his bonds are tight and there are soldiers at his door at all times. I will visit him later.”
Philo waved his hand upwards and Griffa was lifted to her feet. She swayed slightly, but stayed upright. He looked at three of his soldiers. “Take the young king to his chambers. All three of you stay outside his door. I will come visit after I taken Miss Keene down below after her visit in the tower.”
The soldiers nodded. Two took a hold of Max and started dragging him out of the room. Max turned to look at Griffa who was staring back at him. She gave him a small smile. Max was led out of the throne room and through a hall. He was taken up a flight of stairs and down another hall until they came to a door at the end. The soldiers opened the door and pushed Max inside. One soldier tightened the rope on Max’s hands. The tightened rope sent a burning sensation up his whole arm. The soldier then tightened the rope around Max’s stomach. Max felt his breath hitch. The soldier pushed him to the bed and sat him down.
“Stay here, don’t try anything,” said one of the soldiers. The walked out and closed the door.
Max looked around the room. It wasn’t very large, but was serviceable as a bedroom. Besides the large bed he sat on, there was a wardrobe and a vanity. There was a fireplace by the door with two large chairs. There was a small door that Max assumed led to a washroom.
Max looked down at his hands. He wiggled his wrist and his whole arm ached. It felt like fire was running up his forearms. He tried to wiggle some room from the rope on his stomach, but the more he moved, the harder it was to breath. Max finally fell back on the bed and lay still.
He wondered what was happening to Griffa. He tried to think how he could help her. They needed to get out of here, but how would they do it. Ansel would have a plan eventually. He would come for them, but would it be soon enough? Griffa was going to get herself killed. Max had to find a way to tell her who she really was.
Max felt hopeless. He laid on the bed and closed his eyes. He tried to think of things to take his mind off his pain. He thought of happy days with Griffa and Ansel, dueling on the back lawn of Keene Manor. He though of working with Danin in the stables. He thought of Nora’s warm bread and her comforting hugs.
He thought mostly of Issa. He thought of how much he loved her. He missed her already. He worried how she would react when she found out where he was. She was strong. She would cry, but then she would try to think of ways to help. Max smiled as he imagined her finding books on Aurumist and the palace. She would pester Ansel with her ideas. Max felt drowsy. He didn't fight the sleep that overcame him.
He had a vision. He was in Keene Manor. He was in the parlor on the floor with three other folk. It was very dimly lit. It was so dark; Max could only just make out the three others who sat with him. He recognized Ansel. His face looked determined. He saw Griffa who was staring at Ansel. The third person, Max couldn’t recognize. He couldn’t even determine his features.
“Do you really want this?” asked Griffa quietly.
“Yes,” said Ansel.
“I could stop you,” said Griffa.
“You won’t. It’s what I want. I choose you.”
Griffa smiled slightly. She turned to Max and nodded.
Max looked down. He had a knife in his hand.
“Go on, Max,” said Ansel. “I’m ready.” Ansel held out his hand to him.
Max raised his knife. He slashed down. Max eyes opened suddenly. He looked up and realized he was in the bed in the palace. It was dark. The sun had set outside the window. Max heard the door opening. He sat up quickly, wincing against the pain. Philo Quick and the man called Golnar walked in.
“Good evening,” said Golnar. “May we come in for a chat?”
The two men walked in and sat in chairs by the fireplace. They turned to look at Max.
“You will be here for some time, young king,” said Golnar. “I think we should get to know one another. I don’t want to hurt you.”
Max said nothing, he just stared at Golnar.
“Would you like some food? We can have some brought up. What do you like to eat?” asked Golnar.
Max was still silent.
“Is this room to your liking? We have others. Tell us what you would like.”
“I want to see Griffa,” said Max. “What have you done with her?”
“Miss Keene is sleeping right now. She will probably be sleeping for some time. You can visit her later,” said Golnar. “Now tell me about yourself. You grew up in Clarton is that correct?”
“I want to see Griffa. I won’t speak to you until I see that she is safe.”
“Come now, can’t you take my word for it? I will not harm Miss Keene, not permanently. She did misbehave. She killed some of our soldiers. She injured half of the Ancient Council. That can’t go unpunished. She will not suffer long term injuries. I give you my word,” said Golnar.
“I’d rather see for myself,” said Max. “I will talk to you after I’ve talked to Griffa. I will tell you whatever it is you want to know about me, but only after I see that Griffa is alive.”
Golnar stood up. “Very well. This isn’t a good beginning. I hope we can learn to trust one another. Philo, take the young king to Miss Keene. Let him spend some time with her.”
Philo nodded and smiled. “It would be my pleasure.” Philo stood and walked over. He grabbed Max and stood him up. Max took deep breaths to manage the pain of the ropes. Philo walked him through the door of the room with Golnar behind him.
“I hope you have a pleasant evening, young king,” said Golnar. “Philo, come see me once he is secure.”
Philo led Max down the hall to the stairs. They walked down to the level of the throne room. They went the opposite director of the throne room until they came to a door at the end of a hall. Philo placed his hand on it and then opened it. It opened to a spiral staircase going down. They walked down the staircase. It was long and kept spiraling around. Max began to wonder if it would ever end.
Eventually they came to the end of the staircase. Max felt like they were probably underground. It was dark and it felt moist. They walked down a stone hallway until they came to another door. Philo put his hand on the door and opened it like the one before. He pushed Max inside. Max could see iron bars all along the room. He saw the iron bars made small rooms that contained no furniture. Max realized they were to hold prisoners. They were cells. He had seen them in books. Philo walked Max down to the end, to the last set of iron bars.
Max looked in and saw Griffa lying on the floor. She was lying on her stomach with her face turned to the side. Her hair was tangled behind her. He black cloak covered her body. Her hands were out close to her face. They were still bound tightly with rope.
“Griffa” said Max desperately. “Griffa are you alright?”
“She won’t answer you. At least not for a while. We couldn’t have her pulling what she did again. We gave her a little something to calm her down. I imagine she will be asleep for several hours. She is alive though. You can see her breathing,” said Philo looking at Griffa.
Max looked closely and could see Griffa’s back rise up and down slightly with her breath. He felt relief. At least she was alive.
“Now come on, you wanted to be with her so here you go.”
Philo pulled Max to the cell next to Griffa’s. He placed his hand on the bars and a small section swung open. He pushed Max inside. Max slipped and fell onto his side.
“Good night, your majesty. I will probably see you in a few days. Enjoy your stay,” said Philo in a mocking tone. He closed the bars, turned and left back up the hallway.
Max scooted over close to Griffa. He reached through the cell bars, but he couldn’t quite touch her. He watched her sleep for a bit. He thought back to the incident in the throne room. He had never seen anything like that display of magic. He knew Griffa was a powerful magic user, but what he had just witness her do, was beyond powerful.
She had released herself from the ropes that blocked magic. The ropes were painful to just have on. Max couldn’t imagine being able to wiggle them free. She had taken out Philo and a large group of people with a flick of her hand. He had no doubt she would have killed Golnar if he had not shielded himself with a woman with child.
Max did not blame Griffa for relenting. He was relieved she had. She would have been killed immediately. Max knew he had one mission during his time in Aurumist. He had to keep Griffa alive. He had to convince her to cooperate somehow. Max closed his eyes and said a prayer to the gods that they would be rescued soon. Max had hope that Ansel would come. Ansel would come for his queen.
“Griffa, hold on. Don’t give up,” said Max quietly. “We will get through this.” Max curled up on his side and watched Griffa. Eventually he fell asleep.
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