《Tales of Regventus Book Three: Raya》Chapter 23
Ansel walked into Keene Manor quickly. He had sent his guards to the meeting hall. He just needed to grab Max and go to meet Griffa and everyone else. He walked quickly into the parlor to find Max sitting with Maybelle and Issa. Issa looked shocked, and Maybelle looked like she had been crying.
“Ansel!” said Max jumping up. “Did you find Griffa? I need to speak to her and you.”
“Yes, I found her,” said Ansel looking over everyone in the room. “We will have to talk later. The Valley is in trouble. We have to go meet Griffa and the others by the meeting hall to travel, now.”
“What?” asked Max. “What’s happened?”
“I’m not sure, but Griffa’s bracelet was glowing so Talon must have activated it.”
“I’ll go get my staff,” said Max. He ran from the room quickly.
“Issa, you stay here. We will come back here when the danger has passed,” said Ansel looking at her.
She nodded with wide eyes.
“Ansel,” said Maybelle, hoarsely. “You will watch out for Griffa won’t you? I know you will, but will you promise to keep a close eye on her. Don’t let her do anything too dangerous.”
“I will look out for her, but you know as well as I do, I can’t stop her from doing anything she wants,” replied Ansel looking down at Maybelle.
“There are things you need to know. Things are different now,” said Maybelle as she broke down into sobs.
Ansel looked at Issa. “What is going on?”
Issa looked at him with her mouth opened. She looked like she was at a loss for words. Max ran into the room.
“I’m ready, let’s go,” said Max quickly. Issa jumped up and walked quickly to his side.
“Be careful,” she whispered.
“I will. We’ll be back soon. We all have much to talk about.”
Issa nodded. Max kissed her.
“Come on, Max,” said Ansel. “We need to go.”
They walked quickly out of Keene Manor and to the main path. They ran towards the meeting hall.
“Are you going to tell me what was going on in there?” asked Ansel breathing heavily.
“I will, but it will take some explaining,” said Max.
Ansel was curious to know more, but they were arriving at the meeting hall. They found Griffa standing in front of Ansel’s guards. She had gathered the Ring of Nine. Many young men and women of the town had gathered as well.
“Ansel,” said Griffa loudly, “Come over here.”
Ansel and Max walked to Griffa’s side.
“We have about 300 who can go now. We could probably gather more with time, but I think we need to go now. We will travel to the entrance of the mountain pass. Twelve of our youngest members will stay there. If we don’t contact them after an hour, they will come back here for help,” said Griffa looking around.
Ansel nodded. “Have you taken down the wards here?”
“I have. Madam Sidora will put them back up after we leave. We are ready,” said Griffa. She jumped up next to the statue of King Nathin and looked out at the crowd, with her staff in hand. She yelled to the crowd. “We are ready to leave. We aren’t sure of the situation, but you know what to do. We must protect our king at all cost as he will fight with us. Travel to the mountain pass entrance. Everyone, take care of each other.”
Griffa hopped down and looked at Ansel and Max. “Are you ready?” she asked holding out her hand.
“Yes, said Ansel. He took her hand and put his other hand on Max’s shoulder.
Ansel felt the familiar feeling of traveling. Soon he felt his feet hit the ground. Griffa let go of us hand and turned to Max.
“Stay close to Ansel at all times Max,” said Griffa sternly. “He should offer you some protection.”
“Griffa, there are things you have to know. You need to stay with us, too.”
“I will try to stay close by Max, don’t worry,” said Griffa as she turned and looked towards the Valley.
Ansel could hear screams coming from the town center. All around them people from Abscon appeared. His guards gathered behind them. Ansel looked at Griffa and she nodded. They all ran towards the town center.
As they ran to the marketplace, folk were running towards them. Many had children in their arms. Some were old and ran with the support of staffs and canes. None of them looked injured so Ansel kept going, following Griffa, making sure Max was close by.
They got to the edge of the town center. Ansel could see a group of about 30 Aurumist soldiers with their back to them. Before he could react, Griffa ran towards them. She slammed her staff into the ground and pushed out her hand. A ripple when through the ground and a strong wind pushed through the air. The soldiers were thrown into the air and slammed down onto the ground all round.
Griffa ran forward. Ansel and Max ran behind her. Ansel threw his hand to the side, tossing a soldier against a nearby wall. He saw Griffa crouch down and stick her leg and staff out. Two soldiers to the right spun in the air and hit the path with a crunch. Ansel was aware of Max sending a curse at someone to his left.
Griffa stopped and turned as she heard Talon yelling her name. Ansel looked over and saw Talon, Clara, and Cillian in between two buildings. Ansel’s guards caught up with him, Griffa, and Max as they paused and looked at Talon. The guards flung spells and curses all around them. They took down soldiers and threw others through the air. Griffa turned and walked quickly to Talon, looking all around.
Ansel grabbed Max and ran after her.
“Griffa, thank the gods you came,” said Talon.
“What is happening? How did all these Aurumist soldiers get into the Valley?” asked Griffa.
“I don’t know. They just showed up. I don’t know how they found us,” said Talon. “They came in and just started destroying things and hurting folk. I just managed to get most of our most vulnerable away from the town center. There are so many soldiers, and they just keep coming. We didn’t know what to do next.”
“I’m sorry it took so long for us to get here,” said Griffa breathing heavily. “We came as quick as we could.”
“Is all the fighting taking place here?” asked Ansel. “Where are all the soldiers coming from?”
“The main group seems to be here in the center. I think they stretch back to Wendell House and beyond. They just keep appearing. I’ve tried to put the wards back up, but they keep coming back down.”
“Does anyone but the council have ability to affect the wards?” asked Griffa.
“No, I’ve talked to everyone on the council. Devland said he thinks he knows what’s going on, but we were forced apart before he could tell me,” said Talon with agitation.
“Where is Devland now?” asked Ansel.
“Over on that side, between those two buildings,” replied Talon.
“Ansel, stay here with Max,” said Griffa. “Talon, come with me. We are going to get to the other side and see if we can talk to Devland. We need to close those wards if we want this to stop.”
Ansel sucked in a breath as Griffa turned to leave. He grabbed her hand. “Wait, I can go with you. Max can stay here with Clara and Cillian.” He had a feeling she shouldn’t leave her side. He couldn’t explain it, but he couldn’t bear to parted from her at the moment.
“No, you are the king’s Protector. You have to stay with Max. Your magic can protect him like no other,” replied Griffa. “We won’t be gone long.”
Ansel nodded and let go of her hand with reluctance.
“Griffa, you can’t go,” said Max desperately. “You have to stay here. You don’t understand.”
Griffa gave Max a concerned look. “I’ll be fine, Max. I’m just going to run over and speak with Devland. I’ll see if we can do something to get the wards back up.”
“No, Griffa,” said Max grabbing her arm. “You can’t. You have to listen first.”
Griffa wrenched her arm free. “It’s fine, Max. Stay here.” She ran out into the open with Talon following her.
“Ansel, go after her, now,” said Max urgently. “We can’t leave her. We can’t”
Ansel turned to Max to calm him down when he heard a loud noise. He looked up to see Talon flung against the statue of King Nathin. Griffa was thrown the other way. She quickly jumped up and spun around with her staff. Ansel saw two soldiers fly against a building. Griffa ran towards where Devland was located.
Ansel looked at Talon who was getting up slowly. Ansel could see a group of his guards fighting soldiers to the left of Talon. Others from Abscon were engaged in battle with soldiers to the right. There were folks on both sides laying in various areas on the ground. Some were obviously inured. Others didn’t move at all. Other groups of soldiers and Valley residents had entered the main area of the town. Spells, curses and bodies were flying everywhere.
Several soldiers spotted Talon. “Come on,” said Ansel. “We have to help. Max, stay close to me”
He ran out followed by Max, Clara, and Cillian. Ansel ran towards the five soldiers targeting Talon. He thrust out his hands and two soldiers went down. The other three looked up and saw Ansel and the others. Max threw out his staff, causing one solider to slip. Clara sent a spell of her own, throwing the solider to the side. Talon was up on his feet now. He threw out his hands and brought them back in. Large icicles from a nearby building flew and impaled a soldier close to him. Ansel closed his eyes for a moment as blood spurting from the soldier’s body as he fell to the ground.
Ansel with Max in tow reached Talon.
“Are you alright” asked Ansel.
“I am. Did Griffa make it to Devland?”
“I believe so. I can’t see her, but she was almost to the space between the buildings a few moments again,” answered Ansel.
“What should we do?” asked Talon
“We fight and hope Griffa and Devland can get those wards up. Help me keep Max safe.”
Talon nodded. The ran together in between crowds fighting. They stopped to send spells and curses as they worked towards the edge of the town center. Ansel didn’t really have a plan. He just was just trying to take out as many soldiers as he could while keeping Max safe.
Ansel sent out curses and spells constantly. He felt so agitated. His magic felt like it was flowing outside his body, searching for something. He thought it was probably trying to cover Max, but it felt like it was reaching beyond his small group. Ansel felt like his magic was frustrated. It felt as if it couldn’t do what it wanted.
They reached the edge of the marketplace, and they ducked behind a building to catch their breath.
“Ansel,” said Max gasping for air. “We have to find Griffa. You have to find her. She’s out there unprotected.”
“She can take care of herself, Max,” said Ansel. “She’s with Devland trying to fix the wards. She will be alright.” Ansel felt like he was talking to himself as much as Max.
“You don’t understand, Ansel. She’s the one you should be protecting, not me. Can’t you feel it?”
Ansel looked at Max about to ask him what he meant when he heard his name called. He looked up to see Desmona and her mother running towards Ansel, Max, and Talon.
“Ansel, what is going on?” asked Desmona as they ducked behind the building.
“We aren’t sure. The Valley’s wards seem to be down. Are either of you hurt?” asked Ansel. He kept his eyes on the battlefield before him, trying to see a glimpse of Griffa.
“No, we are fine,” said Desmona’s mother. “Is there a plan? What should we do?”
“Griffa and Devland are trying to fix the wards,” answered Talon. “We need to hold off the soldiers as well as we can.”
“There,” said Max excitedly. “There’s Griffa and Devland.”
Max pointed to the area to the left of the meeting hall. Ansel looked and saw Griffa running with Devland. They looked like they were trying to get to the meeting hall. Griffa was flinging curses and spells. Her hair spun all around her as she manipulated the magic inside her with her staff and hands. Soldiers were closing in all around her and Devland.
“Come on,” said Ansel motioning with his head. “We have to help them.”
They all ran out and moved towards the meeting hall. They took out soldiers and blocked curses as they all worked and moved forward together. Ansel caught a couple glimpses of Griffa, but soon he could see her no more. He hoped she had made it to the meeting hall.
They all kept fighting, trying to take out as many soldiers as they could. Ansel could see folks falling all round him on both sides. He saw blood on the ground at his feet at one point. He constantly checked to see if Max was safe next to him. Max continued to send curses and spells. Ansel tried to concentrate and use his magic to place a shield around Max, but his magic was so unsettled. It was on the surface of his skin, wanting to escape, to go somewhere.
Ansel sent a curse throwing down a soldier when he was knocked to his knees. It was no curse that took him down, it was something within him. He felt his magic cry out in him. It was deafening. He felt pain. The noise inside him filled his head. He dropped down to the ground and held his head in his hands. Max knelt down besides him as the others covered them.
“Are you hit, Ansel?” asked Max urgently. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know. I wasn’t hit. It’s something inside me. Something is wrong with my magic,” said Ansel with clenched teeth.
“Griffa,” whispered Max. “It’s Griffa, Ansel. Something is wrong, we have to find her.”
Ansel sat up taking deep breaths, trying to regain his breath. The sound in his head lessened a little.
“What are you talking about, Max?” asked Ansel.
Suddenly he noticed that everything around them had gone still. Ansel stood up slowly and looked around. He saw a group of his guards. He saw people form Abscon and the Valley looking around. What was left of the soldiers had retreated to the meeting hall. They stood n each side of the door with their hands up.
“What happened, asked Ansel.
“I think maybe Griffa and Devland got the wards up,” said Talon looking around.
Ansel looked around as well, trying to see what was going on. As he was turned looking at the temple, he heard Max gasp.
“No,” said Max. He sounded like he was in agony. “No, no.”
Ansel looked down at Max. “What’s wrong?”
Ansel heard Talon give an angry growl.
“Ansel,” said Desmona breathlessly. She placed her hand on Ansel’s upper arm. Ansel turned to look at her to see her staring straight ahead.
Ansel turned to look at what she was seeing. Philo Quick was walking out of the meeting hall. He was dragging Griffa out by the back of her head. Griffa’s hands were bound with some sort of rope. The rope circled around her middle. Philo stopped just outside the door. He pulled Griffa back by her hair and held her head up.
Ansel felt like he couldn’t breathe. He wasn’t sure he could move. He found himself moving towards Griffa and Philo, but he wasn’t sure he was moving his feet. He could hear others following behind him. He got within fifteen feet of Philo when Philo raised his hand.
“Stop there, Ansel, if you don’t want me to kill her right in front of you,” said Philo with a smile.
“What are you doing, Philo? Let her go,” said Ansel angrily.
“Why should I? I could kill her right now and be done with her. What’s she worth to you, Ansel?”
Ansel liked his dry lips, “Everything, my own life. Take me, you can kill me, but let her go.”
“I might like that, but it’s not what I want. Is she worth a king?” asked Philo. He pulled Griffa’s hair dragging her closer to him.
Ansel looked at Griffa. He could see her breathing hard. She was trying to keep a straight face, but Ansel could see the pain in her eyes. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. Ansel realized he couldn’t feel her magic.
“What have you done to her?” asked Ansel. His magic was swirling all around him like it didn’t know where to go. It felt angry and lost.
“Nothing, really, not yet. I tried her up with this special rope. It bocks her magic, but it’s not permanent. Now, I’ll ask again. Is she worth a king?”
“Ansel,” said Max from just behind Ansel. “I’ll go. Let them have me. You can’t let them hurt her.”
Ansel turned slightly, putting his arm up, blocking Max. “Stay there, don’t move.”
Ansel looked at Philo and saw someone walk out of the building and stand next to him.
“Devland!” yelled Talon. “Did you do this? Did you give him Griffa?”
“We can’t win this war, Talon. We can’t. We will be destroyed. I did the only thing I could to assure the safety of my family and this village.”
“Safety?” asked Talon incredulously. “Look around you. Our village is half destroyed. Several of our folk are dead. Is this safety?”
“We will rebuild. If we submit to the powers in Aurumist, we can survive as we have.”
Talon shook his head. “You are a traitor. You have no place here anymore. I should kill you where you stand.” Talon held out his hands.
“I wouldn’t if I were you,” said Philo. He put his face by Griffa’s ear. “We wouldn’t want Gryphon to get caught in the middle, would we?”
“What do we do, Ansel?” asked Talon quietly. “We can’t let him hurt her.”
“I don’t know,” answered Ansel. “I don’t know.” Ansel stared at Griffa. She shook her head at him. He knew what she was trying to say. She wouldn’t want Max traded for herself.
“You are almost out of time, Ansel,” said Philo. “A king for your love here. It’s not a bad deal is it?”
“Ansel, I have to go,” said Max.
“No,” said Ansel firmly. “Wait.” Ansel looked at Philo.
“Father! Let he go, please,” said Marcus Quick coming up to stand beside Talon. “Don’t do this. You’ve done enough.”
“Marcus, what are you doing here? I’ve looked everywhere for you,” said Philo looking at his son.
“I’m fighting for my folk. What are you doing here? Why have you chosen to do this? I don’t understand.”
“Of course, you don’t because you are a weak fool. Come up here and you will go back to Aurumist with me after we are done here. You can have a nice simple life, being the lazy, idiot you are.”
“No,” said Marcus firmly. “Now, let Griffa go. What you are doing is wrong.”
“What I’m doing is the only way. We are creating a new kingdom where those with magic have power and privilege. Why are we fighting this?”
“Because what you are doing is wrong,” said Griffa adamantly. “What you are doing goes against the gods and everything that is good. You are evil, Philo.”
Philo threw his hand back and snacked Griffa across the face hard. She fell to the ground. She sat up quickly, wiping blood from her mouth. She looked up at Philo with defiance. He grabbed her by her hair and hauled Griffa to her feet.
“I’m done waiting. Ansel, do we have a deal?” asked Philo
Ansel didn’t know what to do. He looked to his left to see Talon breathing heavily and looking up at Griffa and Philo. He looked to his right to see Max just behind him, He couldn’t give them Max, but could he really let Philo kill Griffa? What would stop him from killing her anyway if Ansel did give Philo Max?
“I’m taking your silence as a no,” said Philo. He raised his hand lowed it. Griffa was thrown down to her knees. He raised his hand, ready to deliver a killing curse. “Last chance, Ansel.”
Griffa looked up at Ansel. Tears were falling from her eyes. “I love you,” she said softly. She then closed her eyes and held her head up.
“No,” said Max loudly. He pushed in front of Ansel. “No, you will not do this. I will come with you.”
Philo smiled and lowered his hand a little. Ansel grabbed Max. “You can’t go, Max. You can’t turn yourself over.”
“I have to, Ansel,” said Max whispering. “Can’t you understand what is going on? Haven’t you figured it out yet. Your magic hasn’t been trying to protect me. It’s been trying to protect Griffa. It’s why you can’t stand to be away from her. Why you react so harshly when she’s in danger. It’s not me. It’s her. You are her protector.”
“Max what are you saying?” asked Ansel. He was so confused and terrified.
“Let me go, Ansel, now. I know what I’m doing,” said Max firmly.
Max put his hand up and pushed Ansel back with a powerful spell. Ansel fell backwards to the ground. Max walked quickly closer to Philo.
“If I go with you, do you promise not to hurt her?” asked Max. “I want a magical oath.”
Philo put his hand down and smiled. He held his hand out to Max. “I swear I will not kill Gryphon Keene if you come with me to Aurumist.”
“Max, don’t do it,” yelled Ansel. He hopped to his feet.
Max looked at Griffa on the ground and then turned to look at Ansel. He then walked forward and took Philo’s hand.
“Good,” said Philo. He waved two soldiers over. “Bind him with the rope.”
Ansel watched as they tied up Max’s hands and wrapped the rope around him.
“Now, let Griffa go,” said Max once he was bound.
“No, I don’t think so,” said Philo. He reached down and grabbed Griffa making her stand. He kept his hand on her arm. “You will want a friend in Aurumist. Gryphon will come with us. I will keep my word; I won’t kill her. If you do as our told, I will make sure no one else does either.”
Philo grabbed Max’s arm with his other arm. “Would you like to say goodbye, Ansel? It might be a while before you see them again.”
Ansel walked forward. “It will be sooner than you think, Philo.” Ansel looked at Griffa. His magic reached for her. “I won’t leave either of you. I promise. I love you, Griffa.”
“Keep building our forces. I will take care of Max. I’ll get us out of this,” said Griffa struggling against Philo.
“It’s time to go. I trust you both remember that field you sent me and my soldiers too last summer. I’m going to take you there, so I suggest you start thinking about it unless you want to get lost in travel limbo,” said Philo. “Marcus when you come to your senses, contact me. Ansel, I expect I’ll see you again sometime.” With that, Philo disappeared with Griffa and Max. Devland and the soldiers followed after.
Ansel felt like his heart stopped. His magic swirled frantically all around him. He turned and sat down on the ground. He tried to still his breathing. He tried to calm his magic to bring it back inside him. What was it Max had said? It wasn’t Max; it was Griffa. His magic was protecting Griffa. He was Griffa’s protector. Max was right. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t recognized it before. He didn’t understand it, but he knew what Max said was true. Max wasn’t his king. Griffa was his queen.
“Ansel,” said Talon kneeling by him. “Are you, well I know you aren’t alright, but are you able to go on?”
Ansel took a deep breath. His magic rested inside him. It was angry. It was determined. Ansel knew who he was. He knew what he had to do. He stood up.
“I am able to go on. I have things to do,” said Ansel. “I have to get back to Abscon. The Ring needs to get back to Abscon. Talon, you should come as soon as you can. There are things we need to discuss, quickly. I will leave most of my guards here to help with cleaning and tending to the injured.”
“We can’t leave them in Aurumist, Ansel. What are we going to do?” asked Talon. “Where do we even start?”
“We start with doing what Griffa told us to do. We continue to build our forces. We are going to save both of them. We are going to save Max and our queen.”
Talon looked at him, startled. Ansel only responded with a grim smile.
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