《Naja And The Mysterious Watch》The Key


Naja's room became way better than before, now its kinda full.

There is a small stove, a heater, and old small refrigerator, plus curtains.

She bought all the necessary things for winter, of course she needed way more than just those, but its what she can afford for now.

As for work, some housemaids started trying to tease her, because they were jealous of how Mrs. Richmen treated her.

But Naja didn't care much about that, actually she doesn't care much about anything or anyone now, she lost her curiosity, and she feels kinda depressed and lonely.

But life is full of surprises, a new events started on a day like any other, just the usual, so many orders from Mrs. Richmen.

Before the works end by 1 hour, Mrs.Richmen asked Naja to pickup a bag from the train station locker.

She told her that she and her husband went to visit her sister in law, he took something with him, which Mrs.Richmen didn't want him to take, and she only knew about it after they reached the train station, so they rented a locker for 3 days, and today was the last day.

She gave her the locker key, and told her to return the key, after she gets the bag, and get a receipt that she returned the key.

Naja put the key in her keychain along with the rest of the keys.

She thought that it's easy to lose one key, but a keychain would be much better.

At the train station Naja asked the employee about Mrs. Richmen locker and after he checked that it's already been paid for, he showed her the locker room.

She took the key out from the Keychain and tried to open the locker which had the number that Mrs. Richmen told her about, but it didn't work.

The key did enter the lock but it wont move, so she asked for help.

The employee took the key out, checked it, then said: this key is not for this locker, its for another locker, seems you mixed up the keys.

He showed her the key and said: look the numbers are written on the key, this one's locker in another room.

She took out her keychain again, there was three keys in it, she checked the keys again, and found the key with same number that match Mrs. Richmen locker.

All the keys looked similar, Naja marked her apartment key and Mrs. Richmen office key with nail polish, but she never marked the key she found in the passage, that's why it got mixed with the other key.


She never thought that the key she found would be for a locker in train station, she assumed that it might be for another house.

After she took the bag, she asked the employee to help her find the other locker.

He asked her: what is the name of this locker owner?.

It wasn't just to check the system, but it was also to make sure that the key weren't stolen or just found by random person.

Naja said the only name she knew, which is related to the key: Mr. Lumar.

The employee checked the name and it turned out to be correct, but he told her that the subscription is already expired 4 months ago, so she have to pay 120 if she wants to open the locker.

Naja's salary is 200, so to pay 120 was alot for her, does it worth it?, she asked herself, of course not, she really needs the money for the winter.

But her curiosity won over logic, she was possessed again, and really wanted to know what Mr. Lumar hid in the locker.

She told the employee that she doesn't have enough money to pay today, so she will come back tomorrow.

Next day she returned to the station after her works hours ended.

She was very excited to know what was hidden in the locker, thats because the shop Mr. Lumar used to buy his gardening equipment from was next to this train station, which means he used to come here regularly, and whatever in the locker, he didn't want to keep it in his house, because he didn't want anyone to find it, which means something important.

The employee showed here the locker and left her alone, she opened the locker and found a leather bag.

She opened the bag, and there was nothing in it, it was empty.

She went back home, locked the door, closed the curtains, even though there was no other apartments or studios other than hers in the roof.

Knowing Mr. Lumar habits of hiding things, she knew that whatever it is, it must be hidden in the bag.

She kept searching throughly, until she felt something round under the fabric, it was really well hidden.

She cut it and took out the round thing.

It was an old golden pocketwatch, but it looked kinda weird for Naja, it had no numbers, it wasnt working, there wasn't any kind of chains connected to it, nor button to fix the time, not even protection glass on the surface, or cover, like other pocketwatch she usually see.


It only had the clock hands, and there was a golden gear under the hands, and in the middle a big diamond.

She tried removing the diamond but it didn't move, yet she was able to rotate it, same with golden gear, but not the hands, the hands didn't move no matter what.

She kept rotating the diamond and gear randomly, trying to open it, to check if it needed a battery, because there wasn't any place that you could open it from.

It didn't open, but the diamond started shining, there was a white light coming from the inside of the clock.

It lasted for seconds, after that nothing happened, seems its broken or need a new battery.

She knew Mr. Lumar collected watches, but why this one was hidden? Is it because the diamond is real and its pure gold, if this is true then it worth alot.

The next day was the weekend, she opened the leather bag, put the clock and the gun inside it, its time to return the gun to Mr. Darsen and to give him the pocketwatch she found.

She was nervous because of the expensive pocketwatch, fearing it might get stolen so she decided not to walk, and took a taxi.

When Mr. Darsen opened the door and saw Naja, he didn't bother to hide how annoyed he was.

Oh, hello Naja, what brought you here?.

Hello, I came here to return your gun, and give you the watch. Said Naja.

After what happened with the Passage few months ago, Naja returned to talk about a gun now, which is a disaster for Mr. Darsen, now people will be sure this building isn't safe anymore, his face turned to red from anger and said:

What gun? I don't understand what are you talking about?, don't say such nonsense to anyone they will think that this place is dangerous, its bad enough already after the Passage, anyway Im very busy now, so whatever it is, consider it a gift from me to you, so you don't have to return anything, don't bother to come back to this building ever again.

Then he went inside his apartment and slammed his door in Naja's face.

He didn't want to hear what she wants to say, and he doesn't care, all what he wanted is for Naja to stay away from him.

She took the gun and pocketwatch out, put it in her bag, which felt alot safer because its a cross body, not like the leather bag she found which she only can carry by grabbing its hand, so anyone can steal it.

Naja was sad because of Mr. Darsen behavior, but she cant blame him after what happened.

Naja thought if he really didn't know anything about the gun, then how she founded there easily in a drawer?.

Mr. Barz saw her coming out and waved, she went to his shop to buy cake, and to thank him for his kindness, she didn't thank him before leaving last time.

Hello Miss, hope you are doing well. Said Mr. Barz smiling.

Im fine, what about you? Asked Naja

Im good, happy to see you safe, did something happened to you in the new apartment? You came to ask Mr. Darsen for help? I can help you if you need anything. Said Mr. Barz

All good, thank you for worrying about me. Said Naja while looking in her bag for the purse, when suddenly she noticed a green light coming out from the diamond of the pocketwatch.

She grabbed the pocketwatch and started checking it, why it was glowing green now?

When Mr. Barz saw the pocketwatch, his face turned yellow, like it had no blood at all.

He said to her: What a beautiful watch, it looks expensive, put it back into the bag.

Naja felt something wrong with the way he said put it back, it was like a hidden serious warning, his voice changed a little bit when he said so.

She put it back right away, as for Mr. Barz, he told Naja he doesn't feel well, closed the shop, and went away after he told her to go back home as fast as possible, and not to carry such expensive things so casually like that again.

Naja kept looking at him going away, the way he looked terrified ever since he saw the watch, made her feel anxious.

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