《And Then You Left》8.


A scream rang through her ears and she froze, her makeshift weapon falling from her hands and clattering to the floor. She couldn't believe it. It was impossible and yet she didn't doubt herself for a moment. She had heard that scream so many times before, but she'd never heard it mixed with so much terror. It was Blake, and he was in some serious trouble.

She raced towards where the sound had come from. The only question lingering in her mind was Why is he here? None of the sectors could possibly be stupid enough to waste mission operatives by sending them to a death trap. Unless… unless he had figured it out. She didn't know why she hadn't thought of that sooner. Blake was smart, one of the smartest people she had known. Of course he and been able to figure it out. And now he had come for her.

She found herself running even faster, calling out his name over and over. She couldn't seem to find a worry in the World, not even as she started to dart through a large forest. She knew exactly how dangerous forests could be, especially one so close to the enemy's home base, but all she could think about was Blake.

She ran into a clearing, and there, right in front of her, was the one person who had come for her. The one person who cared enough to find her. And he was laying on the ground struggling to keep the razor sharp teeth of an enemy away from his neck. The enemy was crouched over Blake, mouth wide open as it tried to pull Blake towards itself. Neither friend nor foe had noticed her, both too focused on their fight.

She raised her hand automatically before realising that she had left her weapon on the ground when she had carelessly rushed off to find Blake. She silently cursed her idiocy as she did the only thing she could think off. She bent down without looking away from the fight going on in front of her felt along the ground until her hand landed on a large rock. She threw herself at the enemy pushing it off of Blake and rolling on top of it. Holding the rock in her right hand, she delivered blow after blow to the enemy, not stopping until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She spun around, dropping the rock and wrapping Blake in a tight hug but he didn’t give the reaction she had been expecting. Instead, he pushed her off, his mouth moving wordlessly. At last, with a shaky voice, Blake managed to force out a word.



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