《My Kingdom Was Transported To Another World》Chapter 12
There were no more surprises, after all with what Alen said the invasion of the empire to the elven kingdom was already well known.
The only thing left for everyone to do was to put on a mournful face and mope from where they were.
Luprel did not hesitate to get up from his throne and communicate the following orders to everyone in the room "We will defend ourselves from the humans and we will die because it is better to die, than to suffer being their slaves and toys for their amusement."
All very politely and without any complaint nodded to the orders of their king.
"I thank you for not refusing one of my last orders."
The king's next words are interrupted a second later by a new messenger, who came through the open throne room door and communicated the following "Your majesty a giant object is flying above our kingdom!"
Everyone is surprised by this and Luprel says very puzzled "What do you mean something is flying over our kingdom?!".
The messenger seems to doubt his own words and blurts out the following very confused....
"It may sound strange, but outside there is a giant weird shaped ship flying above us."
Three days earlier...
After having left the Orbis kingdom to explore the surroundings of the kingdom, Yossu, Izet and company were heading north, while the other Orbis generals were moving west, east and south.
Yossu was inside the command bridge of the battleship Bismarck and like all command bridges, it had a lot of gadgets and screens to control it.
The technology was advanced inside and Yossu seeing that couldn't help but think....
《How can it have such technology on the inside and on the outside only have cannons of a simple destroyer, not to mention that they don't fire bullets and they do fire magic.》
《I wish they would shoot cannonballs the guns, but when everything was a game the battleships in our kingdom were nerfed, as they were too broken for a medieval and magic world, plus, they lowered other stats and stuff.》
《You know, the usual thing with the creators of a game. When you find something you fall in love with and love, they go and nerf it for you. Those guys sure are a pain in the ass.》
Yossu continued on the control bridge for a long while.
Since they departed from the capital an hours ago he was inside the control bridge watching and observing every single thing inside.
During his observations, Yossu managed to highlight two things that amazed him inside the bridge.
First, this command bridge had the great similarities of a real battleship from his previous world and he loved it.
Secondly, it was simple but quite splendid and unique. Yossu was quite attracted to the large windows in the room, through them he could see the forward stern from the great height he was standing at and not only that, but he could also see what was in front and below the battleship.
Most of the areas they flew over were large expanses of green plains with some forests, mountains and rivers.
However, what most caught Yossu's attention with respect to the geography of the world in which he found himself was that as soon as they set sail through the air, all those on the battleship could see with great splendor and wonder some giant mountain ranges that rose much higher than the clouds to the east of their position, which was supposed to be the place where the fifth general of Orbis Faulus was headed.
Those mountain ranges seemed to have no end and as Yossu, Izet and the soldiers headed north the mountain ranges continued northward as if they had no end.
They were already giants in height, but it seemed that they extended to great lengths throughout the territory.
Those were their first impressions since they left the Orbis kingdom.
After a few hours observing the entire command bridge from above and from the windows he could see his daughter giving orders to the soldiers at the front of the battleship.
That causes some smiles and laughter to come out of his mouth.
"WoW! She's completely different than when she's with me." Yossu says with a little shout that surprises those around him working to coordinate, control and manage the battleship from their seats and touch screens.
Oh, I would say that I am drawing more attention to myself with those words of surprise, but leaving that aside, my daughter is different with others. Whenever she is with me she is always seen very cheerful and with a smile that always brightens me up, even she is usually seen very blushing, embarrassed and nervous when she is with me, however, now that I see my daughter with other individuals, she is quite serious and grumpy.》
Yossu lets out a couple of small laughs again as she watches her daughter scold some soldiers and then sigh exhaustedly as she brings her hand to her head.
《She's definitely quite different from when she's with me, but I'm glad to see her that with me she gets nervous and stuff, since those expressions she makes when we're both alone or with the other generals show how well we get along as father and daughter.》
《Mmmm...If I look closely my daughter is quite cute when she opens her mouth and lets her cute big fangs show.》
《Ja, I can't believe I have a daughter and how easy it seems to me now to call her that.》
《For some reason I like the idea of being a father and it makes me very happy and proud. Since I came into this world me and my daughter have been very close sentimentally and the only thing that bothers me or causes me sadness is that my classmates couldn't have also been here and with their children. That would have been a lot of fun, especially to see Faulus and Blofebus fight together with their parents, after all their personalities are quite inherited from my friends.》
Once he finished looking at that he again observes the landscapes in front and over which the Battleship was flying.
After taking the occasional glance he turns around and heads for the exit of the Battleship's command bridge.
His goal was to get off and head towards the front of the ship to talk and spend some time with his beloved daughter.
After a few minutes he managed to get out of the inner part of the battleship.
It cost him a bit, but he made it.
《I've seen a lot about battleships and things like that but never in my life and never in the game did I go inside one. Recently when I went inside it was easy for me to get to the bridge and that was due to the help of some individuals and Izet, however, now that I had to get out without someone directing me it was difficult and exhausting.》
《Inside it is a complete labyrinth, I even got lost a few times.》
Yossu walked out from inside the battleship to the outside and visible part of the battleship.
He was currently standing at the forward stern.
On my way out I encountered a lot of movement of individuals.
Soldiers were passing back and forth.
Angels and demons were moving proudly around the stern of the ship as their wings fluttered a bit from the gusts of wind.
The Arachne walked at great speeds all over the battleship with their eight legs and fully human encephalic parts.
You could say they were very free of themselves.
Some were hanging all over the ship with their spider webs, some were moving along the floor of the battleship and some for some reason were hanging and dangling off the ship and down the ship.
It was a pretty weird thing that I would have liked to try. I mean, I think they were having fun, so I think I would like to try it.
I'm in a fantasy world, so anything weird seems fun to me.
What struck me about all of them, I say them because that's what they all really are, that is, women, is that their lower spidery bodies are gigantic and of different colors. To this I add that their human parts are beautiful.
Also, some of them had armor and other normal clothes along with their weapons in hand.
It's like I said: they are quite free, each one does what it wants but in a good way.
Not only do I observe these beings, but there are many Goblins, Driads, Orcs, giant wolves to ride, Werewolves like Faulus, Undead of all kinds, Slimes and endless fantasy creatures.
Any normal person would be terrified to see such distorted beings from the real world. That is, Demi-humans, beasts and heteromorphic beings or beings with non-specific shapes.
Unlike a normal human, I feel very comfortable, after all these are my people, my family. I feel more comfortable here than at the university I used to go to.
You could say that habit got the better of me.
I don't think a normal human could stand face to face with an Arachne.
Even though their lower parts are horrible and their upper parts are tender and beautiful, I can't look at them with horror, despair or fear. So far they seem normal and commonplace to me as if I always see it but not really.
Since I arrived, things have not always impressed me, in fact, I felt accustomed and familiar with the whole kingdom and the creatures that inhabited it.
I'm sure it's because I've spent so many years playing Stelaris, that it doesn't even seem strange to me that this has become my reality.
Maybe inside I think this is a game, but outside I am aware that it is a reality.
Well, since a while ago I was talking about humans, I hope to find some in this world....
That would be too much to ask for, I am clear that we are in another world, but I hope there are other living beings at least. It would be a very bad thing if it's just us in this world.
Those words that I said to myself caused a lot of depression in me.
I would say that more than depression it was fear, fear of being the only ones in this world.
That would be horrible and scary but it would be an option, since we could have been sent to this world to populate it.
I don't want something like that!
If I come to a fantasy world, I want to know kingdoms, cities, creatures, stories and a lot of other things, besides, being alone would be very sad and boring.
If it were the case, and I hope it is not, I swear I would look for who brought me to this place and kill him.
The possibility of a god is the most certain thing and there was a fact that confirmed it to me.
When the barrier I placed in Orbis collapsed by itself, which I don't think it collapsed by itself, I realized after I started to think reasonably about what had happened that the barrier was actually destroyed and there are only two ways it could have been destroyed.
First, near our realm there might be some object that destroys magics and this must be a high level one to be able to dull the great barrier I cast, so I think it was a world or Star level object.
Second, a god broke my barrier or some being that was close to our realm.
Well, actually that would be three, but that's what it is.
While Yossu was meditating very calmly with his life to the point where he was completely unaware of his surroundings and had forgotten that he was going to see his daughter he is surprised and pulled out of his thoughts with the following words....
"Hello your majesty. Sorry to bother you, but do you remember us?" Says someone in an embarrassed female voice.
"Also, we would like to ask you some other questions." Mentions someone with a masculine voice and not as embarrassed as the female voice from a while ago.
Those words brought him out of his thoughts and as soon as he looked at who had spoken to him he got a surprise.
It was the angel and the demon he saved that time three months ago when he came to this world.
"Ah! How are you?"
He is very abruptly interrupted by the long-haired angel, who wore a very excited and joyful face to the point where her eyes were shining as she looked at him.
"Your majesty you are Zero!!!!"
Those words caused even more surprise in Yossu and followed by that a smile escaped him.
Before that, the dark-haired demon tries to calm her down from the emotion and to reassure her so that she won't continue to bother his majesty.
He also apologizes to his majesty on behalf of his girlfriend, since she had interrupted him in a way that a normal person could not do that to his king and when Ela realizes what happened she surrenders in shame and begins to ask for forgiveness very scared.
Yossu can't help but let out a light laugh.
Both Ela and Kuro were scared of that little laugh as all they were thinking about was that they were going to be punished.
"Why those dead faces!!!. Stop worrying, I'm not going to punish you and nothing like that."
"...And it looks like they found me out. That time it was me who saved them."
Both of their fear was completely gone and they were filled with a thrilling and grateful surprise.
Instantly, the couple bends down and begin to thank him for what he had done for them.
"Stop thanking me, I only did what a king should do."
"Hahahaha thanks to you I feel like new and I think I'll never get sick." [Ela]
Those words came out very cheerfully and confidently from her.
Kuro, who was nervous and uneasy about something seems to have made up his mind.
He drops to the ground and kneels down to say these words in a low tone so as not to attract attention "Majesty would you like to come to our wedding, it would be an honor to have you witness our union."
"Thanks to you several people support our wedding and have decided to attend."
[Yossu] "It would be great to attend, so count me in."
"By the way, when is the wedding."
Kuro is filled with emotions and happiness upon hearing that he was going to attend and shouts to her between smiles "The wedding will be one day after we return from the expedition."
"Your visit to our wedding will be a story that will happen among our whole branch family."
[Yossu] "Heh, heh, heh, heh, all right, all right, I will attend that day."
《She's very excited for me to come to her wedding.》
《What's that!!!》
I feel an overwhelming power to the northwest.》
Is it a someone or a something?
《Wow, it looks like something suddenly good is going to happen.》 》
While Yossu was meditating on that, Izet comes up to him and says in surprise "Do you feel that your majesty!!!."
susplit "What do we do, your majesty? What are your orders?" Izet asks much calmer, but very excited.
They all turn their heads and set their eyes on the grouping of three people that were around her majesty.
They were all paying attention to what her majesty would answer.
"Is it really necessary to ask what my order is."
Izet puts on a serious and excited smile.
Everyone in the forward stern of the battleship make the same smile.
A giant excitement welled up in all of them.
The Orbis kingdom is a kingdom that fears nothing and throws itself into battles without hesitation, so those words of his majesty excited those present.
All the individuals of different races were equally excited.
"We'll head to the place where that great power comes from, so let's get moving!".
《This could be our first contact with beings from this world.》
Everyone lets out shouts of excitement at that order and starts preparing for any possible situation.
While they were heading to the Northwest, Ela and Kuro were about to say something to his majesty and at the moment they were about to speak to him, Izet jumps into the conversation and shouts at him very angrily.
"How dare they speak that way to his majesty."
"Don't you see that you are in front of a god."
[Yossu] "Don't worry, Daughter."
"Next time you two respect etiquette, understood."
Both the angel and the demon nod to that very apologetically and apologize at the same time to Izet.
During those moments Izet was very blushing and embarrassed to hear what her father had called her, moreover, she had a lot of emotion inside.
"Why are you making that kind of face, Izet."
She was even more embarrassed and didn't know what to answer.
She was trying to hide her face from Yossu's gaze, so that he wouldn't see her in that state.
Izet, she was very cute blushing and her vampire fangs outward made her even cuter.
"I was surprised that you called me daughter in front of many people."
[Yossu] "That doesn't matter, I believe you and you are my only daughter, so I'm going to call you that way because you really are and you call me "Daddy". I would like that very much."
《I love calling her daughter and her calling me father, but I prefer "Daddy", it's more affectionate and familiar.》
[Izet] "It's okay, Daddy."
While me and my daughter were talking very happily and calmly about some things as a family, a demon in shiny dark armor approaches us a bit upset and between ragged breaths kneels on the ground and says "Your Majesty and General, it seems we just spotted a city in the distance in the direction we are headed."
Inwardly I shout "Bingo", but outwardly I reply "Good, I'll go watch now.
Both Izet and I look out the front end of the ship and when I see that big city shrouded in giant trees, I can't help but be surprised.
"So that's where that great power comes from."
I raise my voice so that everyone behind could hear me "Don't activate the battleship's invisibility field and also don't activate the weapons or anything that shows signs of aggression."
" Let's go in peace and if they attack us, we will open fire, understood."
The soldiers let out a loud cry of acceptance regarding what I told him.
They are motivated, but I hope I don't have to use that motivation to fight now.
At the moment I'm just looking to get to know the surroundings of where we are and look for some information about the place we were transported to nothing more.
The place has a wall of giant trees surrounding it and in the center of the whole city there is a palace.
Inside the city there are also big and giant trees.
In addition, I can notice that there are houses in them.
The place is completely full of houses that are related and intertwined with nature.
There is only one type of Fantastic race that lives this way, the "Elves".
"Have the ship land above the palace that is located in that city!"
I said in a very loud tone so that those on the bridge could hear me.
Izet: She is the second strongest general of the Orbis kingdom and has a very good relationship with those she usually relates and talks to, but she does not like to meet new people and even less to relate with them or to be interrupted from what she is doing.
She is a very closed woman and has a closed personality just like Aki in her world.
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