《My Kingdom Was Transported To Another World》Chapter 11
Elf Kingdom...
Year 1,105 of the New Era...
Inside the elven palace and in her room was a woman of normal height with a beautiful body of white complexion.
She had long grayish-white or platinum hair.
The elf, was sitting on her bed looking up with her golden colored eyes.
As she looked up at the ceiling that looked like dark wood, which in reality was not, she shouted very angrily and puffed out her cheeks "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm bored!... Bored!...A...bu...bu...rri...da!.... Bored?."
"Waaaaaaaa!...Waaaaaaaa!. It's all so boring."
As she shouts that from her bed and with a very tender face she gets up and heads towards the large balcony that was in her room.
Once she gets close she opens the two windows in front of her and takes a step outside.
The strong sunlight shines on her for a few seconds.
Strong gusts of wind brush her face.
The transparent blouses she was wearing flutter back and forth due to the strong gusts of wind.
She takes four or five more steps forward and feels how the gusts of wind felt even stronger than before, but thanks to the sun those gusts were not cold at all.
In fact, they were relaxing and wonderful for a great nap.
These gusts were refreshing and warm at the same time.
The elf stretched her arms upward and shouted "This is beautiful!".
"The feeling is unique."
As she stretched her arms upward, her not so large breasts jiggled as her arms did.
She lets out a small yawn and continues walking towards where the end of the balcony was.
In doing so, the elf sees from above the great city that was before her eyes, not only that, but also manages to see the tall, large and wide walls of trees that surrounded the entire capital of his kingdom.
During his observation he sees how some elves walk calmly and very happy in the streets of the capital.
Seeing such joys in the elves below, the elf gets a little angry.
"How annoying."
《I hate to see them happy every day.》
《I admit it, I'm grumpy and get angry at anything, but what do you want me to do!!!》
《I spend all day locked up in this palace and only a few times a day I can go out into the city to see things since, the guards drive me crazy following me around.》
《You can't imagine how tedious it is to know, that there is always a group of soldiers following me on the sly. That makes me unable to enjoy my few moments of being out of the palace.》
My dream is to be able to discover new things.
《I want to get to know all the races of this continent. In addition, my main goal is to visit all the kingdoms of this world and by doing so learn about their cultures and traditions.》
《I am someone who likes to learn every day, but as you will see..... Even leaving my country I can't so, my dream is literally an impossible dream to achieve.》
《I will surely die in this kingdom and without having been able to know the other places in this wonderful world....How sad for me.... WHAT A SHIT LIFE!!!》
Instantly he gets angry, but with the seconds he calms down and continues to think while looking at the wonderful views of the city and the skyline.
《I wish my dream would come true and I could leave this country to venture out. However, the chances are nil. We are very closed to other countries in the world for many clear and scary reasons....》
《Not to mention that our relationship with humans is too difficult or at least that's what my father and brother have told me.》
《Although humans killed my mother many years ago, I cannot forgive them, but there are all kinds of humans, good and bad, or so I want to believe.》
《However, that is no personal reason that prevents me from wanting to visit the human realms.》
《I wish, my brother and father thought the same, to them all humans are evil, after all they killed mother, it is understandable that they feel that way. For that reason the chances of me leaving the country are very low.》
"At least I can appreciate this beautiful view that I never get tired of."
Seeing the royal capital of the elven kingdom from above is beautiful and very fantastic.
"Ahhhhh these views are beautiful, at least it's the one thing I can never get tired of appreciating in this country."
As she continued to think very angry and grumpy about a lot of things regarding the elven kingdom and her family she is surprised and pulled out of her thoughts by a voice coming from inside her room....
"Princess! Princess!"
These words sounded very altered.
The elf princess, who stood on the balcony gave her tone very little thought.
However, despite her little interest she decided to turn around and go back inside her room.
As she did so, the person who had caught her attention earlier shouted again....
"Princess, it's urgent, I need to speak to you now!".
Once inside, she shouts very annoyed and grumpy "Stop shouting Will!".
Following having said those words, he sees that Will was inside his room waiting for him.
It would be great if this person called "Will" was waiting for her inside her room at another time than just this one since, the princess at that moment had only transparent blouses on or in simple words, her pajamas.
Because of that, her whole body and figure was completely visible to these people.
The elf princess as soon as she saw him inside her room she blushed a lot and with that a deep anger arose....
"What the fuck are you doing inside my room when I just woke up! ."
Will had been completely transfixed and dumbfounded at the sight of the princess in just pajamas.
He could easily see the excellent figure that his princess had, not only that, but he saw everything.
In spite of having seen such a great figure, he was not surprised by it, what caused him surprise was just the simple fact that she was naked.
That caused him a lot of embarrassment, but no sexual or carnal sense was activated in the elf.
In that second the embarrassment had completely consumed him.
"You call yourself my personal guard but all I see is a pervert!".
The elf tries to contradict the words of his mistress, but he is contradicted by all these shouts "Come out! Come out! Come out! Come out!".
The princess covered herself with her hands, but to be honest it didn't do much good.
Will quickly left the room and stood outside for a while as he waited for his mistress to change.
"What are you supposed to be doing in here, Will!!!"
She shouted very angrily so that her words could be heard all the way outside the doors of her giant room.
Will, very sorry for what happened replies from outside the princess's room "Sorry, as you always ask me to come in and not knock I thought this would be no exception so, I just came in and waited for you. I never thought she would still be in her pajamas at this time of day."
From inside the room you hear "On top of you seeing me naked, you call me a sleepyhead. From now on, take care of yourself, will you!...Take care of yourself!...Because if you see me naked again, I will roast you with the power of Prussia, understood?
The poor soldier nods very frightened from where he was because he had heard his mistress say those words in a very angry and sinister tone.
After that shouting dialogue, he changed and put on a rather close-fitting garment. You could say it was a gym outfit but it wasn't really.
The color was green and it had some decorations like flowers and leaves.
Come on, there's not much to imagine, it's a simple elf outfit...Although, with that outfit you could appreciate several unique and beautiful features.
A clear example of this were her thighs and her not so big and small breasts.
After she finished changing she left her room.
On one side of the doors was will sitting and a bit depressed with what had happened.
"...It's okay, it's okay, I forgive you will. Now tell me why you came into my room."
This elf was glad to hear that his mistress had forgiven him, but when he saw that angry and devilish face he couldn't help but think the following words in a very frightened and upset manner 《Ohhh!...She definitely hasn't forgiven me.》
Followed by that, she remembered the reason why she had come and drastically changed to a very serious face and tone.
"Princess, his majesty sends for you to be summoned to the throne room."
Hearing that she asks him "What does father want?"
Will shakes his head and answers very worried "I don't know, but I'm sure something big is happening, in the throne room is your father, brother and the governors."
When he heard those words from Will he got a little upset and worries flooded all his thoughts.
《Definitely something big is happening. The two rulers usually meet only in times of very serious crises, because since we are very closed-minded, we never have big problems, but if what Will just said is true, then something very bad is happening or about to happen.》
"Will, we're leaving!"."
"We have to hurry to the throne room and find out what is supposed to be going on for the two rulers to have come and for father to have called me." Said the princess very seriously as she made her way to the throne room through the corridors of the palace and with many doubts.
At the same time, will followed behind her.
Princess Lisa of the Elf kingdom:
Lisa is a very beautiful elf girl who always likes to learn new things. She usually has a rather grumpy personality and gets annoyed with everything, but in reality she is very kind and cares a lot for her peers around her. She has 220
Abilities: [Unidentified at the moment]
Inside the throne room, as Will had said, were the two governors, the prince and the king.
The atmosphere was very tense and serious.
No one was talking and all was a great overwhelming silence in the room.
In fact, they were not talking about the important information because they were waiting for the missing elven royal family to come.
They could talk about other things among themselves while they were waiting for the princess, but in spite of that there was no talk at all and that showed how serious the atmosphere was.
The two rulers, who asked for a meeting with the king, said nothing, the only thing that could be noticed in them was a great seriousness and the reason was puzzling and worrying for the King. However, he could do nothing until the princess came.
After some minutes passed, the doors opened and princess Lisa and her guard entered the throne room in an imposing way and showing a great seriousness.
The first thing that Lisa does when she enters the throne room is to go and sit next to her brother and father.
The elf king was in his throne, while his two sons were in the seats that were on the side.
When Lisa sat down in her place next to her older brother, Will settled down and stood firmly to the side of his mistress's seat.
In this way he stayed still waiting for Lisa's next orders.
Seconds after he sat down, his older brother, the heir to the elven throne, peeked his head to the side and murmured in his ear the following words "Lisa! Be attentive to everything that is said in this conversation, things may get too serious and tense."
She doesn't keep her worries to herself and asks her brother in the same way he did "Brother Alen, what's going on, since, if there are the rulers gathered together it means something big is going to happen or is happening."
Alen turns his face away from his younger sister and looks straight ahead with a very serious face as he says this "Don't worry, after all you are going to find out everything right now."
Once everyone is gathered in the throne room, the king and the rulers believe it is time to start the meeting that caused so many concerns and doubts in the royal family.
The first to take the floor in that atmosphere of great silence and tension is the elf king himself "First of all...Welcome to the capital!".
"It is clear to me that it is something very urgent that you have to tell me since, Governor Mara before coming announced that both governors would be coming to the capital, but I am completely unaware of the reason for the meeting. However, I can see in their faces a lot of concern, besides, it is already quite serious that the three of us are gathered in the throne room".
These were the opening words from King Luprel of the elven kingdom to his governors.
Luprel's appearance was not at all imposing or submissive, rather, it was that of a calm and intelligent person.
He had a young and very handsome appearance.
His long blond hair spilled over the sides of his shoulder and his green eyes, like his face, gave a great sense of tranquility and warmth.
The governors nod with a smile and much happiness at the words of their king.
The first thing these two governors do after nodding at his majesty's words is to look at each other and give a small nod of their heads up and down and then vice versa. The two were simply nodding to each other.
Followed by that, one of the governors speaks, this one who had started to speak had a dark complexion and short white hair like clouds and his height was normal.
The only thing that looked out of place on this governor was all the green clothes that covered every part of her body. The clothing was green just like all the clothing that elves wore, only most clothing that elves wear show many parts of the body.
"Your Majesty, lately, in the villages outside of the city I rule, Arkan, there have been many rapes, looting and massacres of village after village by humans to our brethren have been happening. I no longer know what to do to stop this, there seems to be a rather large group behind this as, the city of Lefus, Faustan, is also going through the same thing."
"It is for that reason that both of us governors agreed to come and ask for some kind of help to stop the damn human mercenaries that are attacking our towns."
The king maintains his calm and says to the Arkan ruler "I see, Mara. Something Alen had mentioned to me regarding that."
Mara, very uneasy and uneasy says "What can we do to stop this your majesty?".
While she was asking that to her majesty, Lisa sees how her brother sighs and stands up aggressively while fluttering his long golden hair.
"Regarding that subject I have a lot of information about the reason for the last events that happened outside your two cities."
"Allow me to speak, Padr.... Your majesty."
The king with his hand nods to his son's request.
"According to my organization's spies, who are currently in the Leville Empire, it seems that they are preparing for war with our elven kingdom."
Once everyone heard that they were surprised and shocked in a bad way.
Lefus, who had been calm so far, now falls down from surprise upon hearing that.
His legs give out and he is simply left kneeling. Just like his brother, King Luprel, he had blond but short hair and despite being similar between him and the king, this one had a completely different personality than the calm king.
On the other hand, Lisa was very surprised and Mara was very angry with the humans of the Leville Empire.
While King Luprel had left aside his complete tranquility, to put on a face of great bewilderment.
The whole room was filled with strong worries and hatred towards the humans.
"Damn humans, always wanting to hurt us when we never do anything to them. They just want to grab us and sell us as sex commodities to other countries." Mara said as she clenched her fists in anger.
Faulus doesn't hold back either and exclaims with much fear and anger "An invasion of the Leville Empire will be difficult to stop, not to say almost impossible!".
Between those moments of anger and bewilderment the only ones who kept even a little bit of their sanity to be able to think or speak important things were the king's children, Alen and Lisa.
Lisa closes herself and ignores completely the surroundings while she mumbles her thoughts that in reality she was divulging them in a strong and unconscious tone "It can't be a coincidence that the sieges to the towns of our country happen in the exact moment in which the Leville empire plans to declare war on us. Something is wrong and I believe the empire was planning this for a long time."
Those unconscious words were heard all over the throne room and when they do, these fill even more with worry the two governors who were like mad with fury for the humans.
Meanwhile, Alen smiles at his sister in congratulation for deducing something great.
She was a little embarrassed, but returned the smile that her brother had given her.
Lefus very angry and with a serious voice asks Alen "What do you think, nephew? The empire will attack the Faustan city that allows both humans and elves to live together or they won't bother to pass us over."
"Sorry uncle, I wouldn't know how to answer that with certainty, but if I had to give you an option then I would say yes since, as Lisa said a few seconds ago, the most probable thing is that the empire has sent mercenaries or they themselves dressed in another way to be able to clean the surroundings of the two cities and be able to proceed with the invasion in a fast and perfect way. If it is like what I just said, it is most likely that they are in a hurry to invade us, the need they present to finish with our settlements that are outside the two cities is a great sign that they want to finish as quickly as possible with their invasion of our country. Besides, I think I know what their intentions are..."
After mentioning those last words regarding having some knowledge about the reason for their invasion, he stands there thinking for a few seconds until he comes to a point where it all ties together.
Everyone was waiting to hear what Alen was going to say, even Luprel was very tense and worried to hear the answer. However, they all shuddered when they heard Alen shout these words very angrily "Shit! The damn humans are planning to take over the power of the mother root. If they manage to get hold of the core of our great forest, which protects us from the humans, then our entire forest will perish and with it our race will become extinct. Not to mention that our entire race will be enslaved by the Leville empire and that would make the power of that empire increase greatly, especially economically."
"Although their main objective is most likely to be to get the core of our forest, they do not know that the core may not be of any use to them because the core is the heart or source of power that our great god Apotros left us to live, so it is much power for a simple human to endure..."
Finishing those somewhat cheerful words, Alen now becomes depressed in a big way to the point where his legs start shaking.
Everyone in the room noticed that and Lisa who was sitting next to him notices that and with altered cries asks him "Brother, Brother, are you all right?!"
"What's wrong with you?!"
Alen no longer had the depressed face of a few seconds ago, but had a smile of not believing what he was thinking....
"It may not work, but if the Leville Empire plans to divide the power of the core into several people, then that way it would be quite possible to use the power that our god Apotros left us to protect us from the corrupt humans."
Those words did not surprise anyone in the room, they only caused the whole room to remain in a silence of terror....But all that Silence was actually due to the fact that the surprise had been so much, that they did not even react.
It may seem impossible to believe but at that moment, including the quiet King Luprel were in the same way.
The terrifying silence continued in the room.
Alen with his thoughts of everything that was happening and could happen was going a little crazy because of the minimal chances that the poor elven kingdom has against the gigantic and powerful Leville Empire.
Luprel was stunned by the events.
He literally could not find an exact way of how to react to all this.
His brother Lefus, on the other hand, was terrified by what had happened.
Mara was emanating pure fury and anger, her lips were bleeding and her fists were tearing from the sheer force that was being imposed on her body.
Lisa, the youngest of all in the room had a scared and terrified face, and in her head she imagined all that landscape that she used to see from the balcony of her room full of fire and with people screaming from below. Just thinking about it made her want to scream in terror in the middle of the throne room.... But just as she was about to do so, everyone in the room was brought back to normal by the interruption of loud Knock! Knock! from outside the room.
At the loud knocking on the door Luprel gives permission for the person to enter.
Once the door opens, this elf enters very upset and terrified.
"Your majesty, your majesty! The Leville Empire has just declared war on us and says that if we give them the core there will be no invasion and we will become a vassal state."
This did not surprise anyone already inside the room.
There were no more surprises, after all with what Alen said the invasion of the empire to the elven kingdom was already well known. The only thing left for everyone to do was to put on a mournful face and mope from where they were. Luprel did not hesitate to get up from his throne and communicate the following orders to everyone in the room "We will defend ourselves from the humans and we will die because it is better to die, than to suffer being their slaves and toys for their amusement." All very politely and without any complaint nodded to the orders of their king. "I thank you for not refusing one of my last orders." The king's next words are interrupted a second later by a new messenger, who came through the open throne room door and communicated the following "Your majesty a giant object is flying above our kingdom!" Everyone is surprised by this and Luprel says very puzzled "What do you mean something is flying over our kingdom?!". The messenger seems to doubt his own words and blurts out the following very confused.... "It may sound strange, but outside there is a giant weird shaped ship flying above us."
Crown Prince Alen: He is a calm, cheerful, intellectual and very calculating person when the time calls for it. He has a very good relationship with his father and sister, he often receives reproaches from his father because he lets his older sister escape into the city on purpose. This elf is the leader of a secret organization composed only by elves. He is 240 years old.
Abilities: [Unidentified at the moment.]
King Luprel of the Elven kingdom: He is a kind and calm person. He loves his children and his people so much that when these two are put in danger, he gets very angry and always tries to find peaceful ways to solve the confrontations. Luprel is four hundred years old and two hundred years ago he lost his wife to humans, which is why he is so protective of his daughter that he keeps her locked up in his room and away from the world. He feels that humans are evil but at the same time that not all of them are so, if he has the opportunity to talk to one in a friendly way he would not hesitate to do so, but he completely refuses to interact with the outside world and to put his family and citizens at risk.
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