《Bound in the Dark》Rearing Itself - Chapter 7


I'm awake... yet... I hear it...

Shadow's POV:

"So you're here huh? What do you want. Why'd you show up after being quiet for so long.

"Me? I'm just here to make you see what you are. What we are. Accept us and I promise you the pain will go away, why don't you take a nap for a while, I know you like to sleep."

Right then I see Illume running towards me...

What is he doing here? Something is not right, I can feel it. It's okay though I don't care anymore... I really don't care what happens to me but...

I shout out:" Illume run! Something bad's happening, GET AWAY, RUN!!!."

"Dude what the heck are you doing, chill out bro. What the heck is that!"

Something is happening. Something so... wrong. It feels so bad, I feel so sleepy.

At this point I begin to fall asleep for some reason, not feeling anything and... it's weird, I don't like it. That's when IT starts gaining control.

All I hear is:" Oh YES! This is what it's like to be in control of myself, I have been waiting for your call boy, you've been taking too long, almost died of boredom. What's it been a millennia since I've last seen daylight?"

I hear Illume calling out my name and I want to laugh because he sounds so worried, he's always worrying about me. I'm so sorry Illume this is something I can't control, I can't take it anymore, I'm getting too sleepy.

I hear something though, someone...

It sounds like me and yet it's not. I can't see and I can't hear Illume anymore, I can't help but fall asleep.

I Fade out...

It feels like time stops while I'm under, in utter darkness with nothing and no one in it.


While time passes by in reality I'm stuck here for what seems like forever and since it's like time has stopped in here I actually have no idea how much time has gone by. As I wait... I hear... I hear... what is it I'm hearing... someone's voice again. Ill... Illume it's you. He's shouting my name, why does he sound like... he's in pain...

Illume's POV:

"Shadow! Shadow! Wake up! Wake Up!This ain't you, stop... shit! I can't even get through to him, I'll just have to stop you myself, I mean what are friends for right?

Fuck, my right arm's really banged up but it's nothing compared to what my bro's currently going through. All right, all or nothing in this one, I'm going to stop you Shadow even if it kills me and it just might."

I run through the rubble, grabbing whatever I can, hoping that it'll help me stop him, well this is going to be shit but... here goes. I pick up a huge rock but it's not for throwing, no it's a distraction.

I then find higher ground and hurl the rock towards him, it almost looks like he phases through it, what the heck is this? Argh! Come on Illume FOCUS! I don't have time to think about it. He seems distracted right now, perfect! Time to get to work. I jump annnd...

"HEY YO SHADOW WAKE UP YOU DUMBASS!!! HAAAAAA!!!": I see a bunch of things get hurled at me but I don't care, I got to save him. After I dodged all that stuff, whatever they were, it's all...

Shadows POV:

"What the heck, I'm lying on the ground, what happened, oh wait I remember... it was Illume... where is he?"

"I'm here you dumbass."

"Oh hey dude. Wait.... you stopped me... with a superman punch, REALLY? OW!"


"Yeah of course, who else was going to help you? It was the only thing I could think of in the moment to bring you back. Wasn't sure if it was going to work though but it was cool right?"

"Hey it really hurts bro buuut... it WAS really cool though haha."

He grins: "Hehe yeah sometimes all you need is a sweet punch to make you feel like yourself again."

"Thanks bro I don't know what I'd do without you"

"So you going to tell me what's been going on with you? You've been real weird and distant these couple of weeks and I get it you might not wanna talk about it but dude you destroyed half of the town! There's no way you're gonna get out of this."


"And if you ain't gonna tell me just remember how that punch felt."


"Oh, hey looks like your memory's a little foggy, would you like me to remind you?"

"Okay okay! I get it I'll talk so chill with the punches bro. So these last few weeks there's been some kind of... voice in my head."

"Voice? Dude are you sure you're not just zoning out again? See I would've said that in the past but seeing as how you leveled half the town and almost killed me I'd say it's more serious then that."

"No shit right?" I say with my usual sarcasm as I laugh.

"Hey shut it smartass": He laughs.

"So yeah this voice has been telling me some freeeaky shit like where the fuck am I getting these ideas from? Am I so depressed and so messed up in the head that I somehow think of killing everything and everyone? What the heck bro." I laugh as I say this.

Illume responds with a heck of a laugh too:" I always knew you were too emo for your own good."

"Shut up this is different!"

"Yeah bro I know": Illume falls into silence.

After a couple of seconds goes by he turns to me again:" So what are we gonna do about this, I clearly can't save your butt everytime if you keep on messing up my limbs."

He laughs again.

I respond with uncertainty:" Well that's the problem bro... I don't know. I don't even know what this is. Oh and can I ask you a favour?"

Illume:" Yeah, anything. What is it?"

"Forget about today... please, just treat me as you always have. I can't have you thinking differently of me now because of this..."

Illume looks over to me, thinks a bit and just nods with a :" Yeah bro no problem."

Right then I hear it again but it's saying something else...


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