《Reality Reset》Chapter 2: Brothers


Charle Alewise - Level 2 Mind - 5 Force - 5 Agility - 5 Spirit - 10 5 remaining points to spend Skills (1) Skills? I have a skill? Also by being level two I have 5 points to spend again? I quicky tap on the skill button. Skills Spirit Jump - You can jump to an area fifty meters away What? That wasn't only in the Spirit Realm? I instantly close my eyes and put myself in the mindset I was before returning to the real world, I focus on a green zone fifty meters away and find myself connecting two green areas again, greenish starting to approach each other until they connect. Opening my eyes again I was in a different spot, looking back I saw the mother and her child at the same spot but fifty meters away. I can teleport. The realization was strange like I knew I can but at the same time, I hadn't realized it all this time. Hunger for more skill made me put point again but this time into mind. Charle Alewise - Level 2 Mind - 10 Force - 5 Agility - 5 Spirit - 10 Skills (1) I waited a few seconds before another window popped up. You have met the criteria to enter the Mind Realm. You need to wait 11 hours and 57 minute So there was a recharge time. It's understandable. "Where did you come from?" A man asked me, he seemed really surprised. "You just appear in front of me!" "I maxed out my Spirit and enter my Spirit Realm, now I can teleport" I explain as best as I could with a few words. "So what I need to spend all my point into something and I can teleport to ?" "I don't think it will do the same if you put in something other than Spirit" people had started to gather around me "What would Force do ?" someone asks "I didn't max anything I put a little bit in everything" another said, this was quickly tiring. "Look, I don't know much more than you, try to understand on your own, I need to find my family" I then proceed to Spirit Jump a few times away from everybody. Surprisingly I was exhausted, it seems that teleporting was somewhat consuming. I proceed to walk to where my apartment used to be, my two brothers are supposed to be there. I continue walking focusing on my destination, several people seem to have entered a Realm but I wasn't close enough to listen to what they were saying. I soon find myself in front of what was suppose to be the building where me and my brothers live, I quickly found them hugging each other, Arthur the oldest was emotional and James seems confused. "Hey guys what's going on" upon saying that Arthur turns toward me, he seems too happy, this morning he didn't seems to be in a great mood, what had happened? "Charles it's been too long! How are you?" he quickly came to me and pull me into a bear hug, now it was my turn being confused. "Too long what are you on about we saw each other this morning" "Maybe for you! It's been two years since I've seen anybody! I can't believe I finally manage to bend reality!" Two years? If I understood correctly Arthur has spent two years in his Realm? "What Realm was it ?" "Agility Realm, I spend all my point in agility and I spent two all years to escape! And when I return James told me no time has pass!" Two years without seeing anybody I understood why he was so happy to see me, he didn't seem to have change whatsoever in appearance but for him, it's been two years since he saw me and James... That must have been tough. "So you are telling me I should have spent my points on one thing only?" James asked "Don't worry you just need to level up to gain five more points" I said trying to reassure him "And how do you do that?" that was a good question, I leveled up because I completed the task in the Spirit Realm but I didn't know if you could level up outside a Realm. "I'm guessing by completing tasks in the real world" Arthur seems confident when he said that "Where did you put your point on Charles?" "All in Spirit, I was gone several hours in the Spirit Realm" I responded simply knowing what he was gonna say "A few hours?! Did you manage to bend reality in a few hours? How did you do that ?" "I sat down and breath" "Oh Spirit is way different than Agility then, I had to run fifty meters in one second" What? It's basically the same thing as Spirit Jump but by running? "And how did you manage to do that?" "Training. Watch." James and I paid close attention and in one second Arthur was fifty meters away, the only thing that I saw was a faint blur between where he was and where he is. I just laugh, he was so fast. "I want to do that as well," James said with his mind blow "I know a trick as well" I winked at him before Spirit Jump toward Arthur. "Wait what?" Arthur said when I appear next to him "Spirit Jump" I answer guessing what was on his mind "I get it now... I have Agility Jump, two years it took me and you manage to do basically the same in a few hours" "Don't worry it's just the start of this new world, I am guessing I'll be stuck two years on something other than you in a close future" "Yeah you are right" James join us annoyed at Arthur and I "How do I level up? I don't want to be left behind." he was worry "How do we level up in videogame usually?" I said forming a smirk "We're going hunting!" said Arthur Without a city the world was itself again, it seems that way from my perspective. People had already started to cut down trees in the order to build habitations, tools were being made and animals were roaming free, which was dangerous at the moment because no one was equipped to deal with them, I saw two people displaying either Spirit Jump or Agility Jump in order to kill pigs and cows and I witness what was probably a Force ability when someone put down a tree with his bare hands, most of the people was not possessing any abilities for the moment as they have put their points multiple category. "So how do we go about it ?" James inquire, he seem eager to level up "I'm guessing you need to bend reality in some way in order to level up" I said looking at Arthur "You are probably right, we don't know about the tasks in the Mind and Force Realm so we can't do that, I still need to wait eleven hours before entering another Realm, if you are willing to wait that long we could tell you their task" "You put your level two points on Force?" "Not yet but I'm considering it since you put yours in Mind" seems logical. I turn toward James "Agility Jump seem like it required a lot of practice before you can bend reality so I am gonna reproduce the task that made me escape my Spirit Realm for you" "I am all ears" James focuses on me with an intensity that I have never seen in him before. "Sit cross-legged and close your eyes" he did exactly that "Breath in and out until you reach a point where your mind is blank." I watched him concentrate on his breathing "I want you to picture a green square around one-meter diameter" I waited until what seems to be the right moment "Now I want you to picture another one fifty meters away, focus on the two green squares" "Is this really gonna work?" Arthur seems septic. "Shut up" I didn't want James to lose focus. "Now James I want you to connect the two green squares together, bend them together like they are meant to be one" Ten minutes pass as Arthur and I watched James focusing, when I was about to give him so more advice he disappear, I scanned the zone and saw him fifty meters to my right, I look at Arthur who had a wide smile on his face just before in a flash he was next to James with one hand on his shoulder, I Spirit Jump to them. "Now we hunt" I declare as James got back to his feet. "Wait until I spent my points, my Spirit Realm is level two by the way" with a smirk he tap in the space in front of him, and an instant later he said "And now I am level three" "Wait what? What is your stat right now?" Arthur asked confused before tapping the ring of James "Oh you can see the stats of someone else by taping their ring? Cool." I tap James ring as well. James Alewise - Level 3 Mind - 8 Force - 11 Agility - 6 Spirit - 10 5 remaining points to spend Skills (2) "So you gain the points necessary to evolve your Realm when you learn a Skill in the real world? that's dope!" I was amazed by that "What is your Force Skill?" "It's called Force Fist, here let me show you" with a big smirk James Spirit Jump close to a cow before slamming his fist to his head, the cow dropped without any blood out. I Spirit Jump toward the cow to check it, and it was dead. "You have to teach us that immediately!" Said Arthur after joining us. "Yes, definitely" I was convinced that we needed to push ourselves quickly.

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