《A New Dynasty (One Piece)》Chapter 6


The message spread quickly and everyone was in a mood for celebration. Just like Madara asked, they were preparing for a big celebration for this momentous occasion.

They all knew that the hero was also the Emperor under whom their leader operated. It was different and they didn't what to think about it at the moment.

But they trusted Gan Fall and Wyper so they didn't act out of line and decided to think positively as the man was even stronger than Enel, meaning a battle with him would be one sided slaughter if he wasn't lazy like Enel.


While the preparations were taking place, Madara was inside a hut with Enel and Konan. Konan had been impressed by his actions and was waiting to see how this played out.

She could see his determination and his passion that didn't discriminate.

Even her words didn't make him waver but his words ended up touching her heart.

She was already aware her way had been wrong but it had become a habit somewhere along the way. She wanted to believe in what Nagato saw but for that there needed to be proof.

She couldn't live on with just hope anymore.

She needed a visual proof of a better future.

For that she intended to follow him and safeguard the eyes until she approved of him.

"What do you want mongrel?" Enel spoke coldly, showing no fear in the face of his enemy.

Madara stared at him as he was still inside the wind cage so that he won't try to escape by becoming lightning.

It was a troublesome power but luckily, he could use wind to trap him.

"Are you going to get information from him?" Konan asked as she stood behind him.

"Yes, from what I see he isn't anything big. He is used to living so extravagantly that he shouldn't be used to pain, so I will be using some mental torture on him before getting what I want." Madara replied calmly as he looked at Enel like he was a dead man and gave him a smile.


Madara activated the jutsu while Enel was in his human form since it lost the affect when he turned into the elemental form.

Getting caught in the illusion, Madara decided to play with him and show him pain before he get sentence to death. Inside the illusion he extended his inside the cage and caught Enel as he tried to electrocute him with vengeance but the wind cancelled out his logia ability and he felt cuts everywhere on his body.

It was the first time he had gotten so hurt in his life and the pain was maddening. Enel screamed like he was being cooked alive.

"How was the taste? This is nothing compared to what you have done." Madara's cold tone made him look up after the torture stopped. His body was bleeding from everywhere and he was completely naked.

He was being humiliated by a mortal.

"Scum, I will kill you."

"Sad so sad, I don't like hurting people like this but you are forcing my hand. Give me the answers I want and I will stop this." Madara said but Enel decided to keep silent as an act of defiance. They needed him so he wasn't going to speak or they would end up killing him.

He was sure, he could see it. He could see his death approaching. It was terrifying. He, this immortal, was going to die.

What kind of monster had entered his domain?

What an abomination?!

Madara's expression was calm as he was used to breaking people. Connecting to him, Madara manipulated his mind to increase the pain levels and stop him from a collapsing.

Slowly the wind cut his body, cutting of his skin, slipping through him to the insides of his body while the pain level had been increased.

He was howling like a wild beast being slaughtered. He could see the monster flaying his skin, shaving his bones, giving phantom touches to his heart and vital organs.


The pain was too much. He couldn't take it.

"MAKE IT STOP, MAKE IT STOP. I WILL TALK. PLEASE FORGIVE ME. YOU Monster stop!" Enel continued to scream for mercy leaking tears, piss and shit until he was a broken mess.

But all that was just an illusion while in the real world Madara was sitting and Enel was out of the cage screaming silently from the pain in the fake world.

Without further delay, Madara got up and put his hand on Enel. Ripping out his soul, Madara got everything that Enel knew and left an empty husk that had no consciousness.

"How was it?" Konan asked as Madara let go of Enel after half an hour.

"Almost worthless, he was a fool with barely any knowledge of the world around him." Madara muttered in distaste and sat down on a chair while washing his hands with water formed from nature as his power over it was still activated.

"But what did you get?"

"From what I learned these powers aren't natural, he got them by eating a fruit and there are many of them but all of them have different abilities. There are also other special powers related to the spirit and will power of a person. This guy could predict things, makes sense as he did make me speed up to catch him. He could use it to sense things around him so it was like sage mode in a way but there are other abilities as well.

One that can enhance your durability and one that allows you to defeat people of weaker will without taking a step.

This thing didn't know much about the world so I am unsure how strong the world is but since this thing was isolated to this tiny island then it means there are many strong people outside.

There should be people close to my level or few levels below, so we will have to be careful with our movements as I do not wish to get swarmed by enemies." Madara took a moment to collect his mind before answering her question. It was a similar situation when he got separated from Hashirama. He couldn't take the world alone because people would swarm him.

He could take few strong people but once they went beyond certain numbers than they would overwhelm him especially in this world since it seems there are many strange abilities.

"It is within expectation, anything else?" Konan was slightly surprised by his words but had expected something like this though it was beyond it in a certain way.

'Is there someone on Madara's level? Is there someone on the level of the Sage of Six Paths?' Konan wondered and hoped they wouldn't have to face such obstacles in this world.

"I got some basic information about geography, their languages and some ancient history that has been forgotten, that's it."

"He was a useless man, indeed." Konan looked at him in disdain and it made Madara chuckle at her words.

It was the first time he was with someone like Konan, someone who only expressed a cold outlook, and it was nice seeing her express emotions.

"Okay, since we are done here let's take a rest." Madara stood up and covered up Enel while making sure the body kept operating for some time as it was dying without a soul.

He hoped the fruit wouldn't land far away from here as it could be used for his future subordinates.


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