《The Empty Cultivator.》Ch 3: Fucking Hell!
He ran the right way.
The tireless horde pursued. From small knives to personal possessions they threw everything they had at him, and for the barrage of items they threw, it took them a few minutes to expend their arsenal. Most sharp objects like knives flew through the air and luckily grazed him.
The seconds ticked by, and the energy curling in his organs kept amassing dangerously. Invading his body with itches, as snippets of electricity twisted through his skin.
(Was he the fastoman? Had he been bestowed the fastoman source????) He joked around but he hoped it was that...because if it was something else...
All hope was banished out the imaginary window as his shoulder blade oozed thickening streams of blood from the pores. (SHIT! I'm not the fastoman, I'm dying!) He glanced around, looking for somewhere to stop and rest for a bit, but the more he ran, the more he found his surroundings odd.
(Where those broken buildings?)
Everything proceeded to dim at the rims and his vision began to swim in honey and pop.
He sprang lightly on his right leg, discerning if he could focus the electricity in his body into a big jump towards the wall of the nearby store. He hopped and the people behind practically yanked him down mid-jump.
"Aaagegehhh," he moaned dryly and ran a bit quicker. His gums began to bleed, as his upper back began to boil.
(He had to get rid of this electricity!!!!)
He was desperately looking around until he saw the orange van. But not any van, no. He was near one the most popular massive series of automobiles in the country. The electric BBZ1.05. The BBZ was not as large as the Monster BZK but boy was it huge. He could hitch a ride if he caught onto its sidebars.
(No! He could not involve others!)
His left shoulder blade popped open like a balloon, dyeing his clothing in crimson. The excruciating trauma was barely bearable and he barely caught himself from crashing on his skull. (He would explode!) If he ran for a few additional minutes he would die, and the tremendous lot of fuel in him would make him a bomb.
(Maybe he could make an exception for this time.)
Shifting directions towards the big van, he spotted the charger slot on its flank. He had no notion of how he would pass all his energy into the van's charger, but he knew that by his calculations the van would not blow up…(his calculations were shit but that was alright!)
He then recalled his co-worker's words:
("Take a chance, Eugine.")
(He would seize this chance by the balls!)
It was the year 3018 or 1.15LK like those hero fans called it. The nation had gone fucking insane. She had pursued the cunt who frightened the shit out of her sister. She had yelled at a mess of fantasy zealots who at the end could not follow the office zombie. At least, that is how she called it now.
The entire region had gone to shit and they were now murdering innocent people but worst of all...they had no internet!
She fucking hated herself.
(Could her day get possibly worse?)
(Her luck.) Of course, It just had. The damned office zombie was sprinting away from a crazed horde, not the other way around.
(Fools, fucking running towards their end!) If that zombie melted their brains it would be their end. The image of a bloated hand; drenched in coagulated blood with pieces of bone barely hanging by their ligaments was stll scorched into her mind.
(Go away! I don't want you in my dammed head!)
"Please, don't drive too fast sis," her sister said, as she gagged and almost barfed on her lap. " Hold your fucking self together Henny! Don't you want to......capture the...uuh...man that did this to you!?" She took a look at her sister and beeped for the people in the street to get the fuck out the way.
"What are you talkin-?" Her sister barely brought out, before she gagged again.
She decided it was better to just open the window. "Don't throw up on people Henny!" She told her but it was too late. She heard the disgusting quelch of vomit and a scream before she finished her sentence.
(By the sector! Could her sister listen to her for once and target where she vomited?) She could tell an old woman had just been drenched in the vomit of her sister. "Ugh…just toss yourself to the back seat, damn. We have to ge-." Her eyes opened in shock at the scene before her. One moment they were in the sector, and in the next, the whole sector was in ruins.
The milky bridges that had once seized the sky had collapsed on establishments, their pipes of gold shooting off in all directions; twisted like branches, and broken at places. Skyscrapers had collapsed under their own weight and were now burning with some portion of the streets sunken into great basins.
She knew they had not just been hauled to another planet because of one thing. In the distance; a thick column taller in size than the other scrapers; at the very tip, was a huge coin-shaped logo that could be seen all over the district. The large company logo of her company was something she could have identified anywhere.
Right now, the logo was on the left side of the broken pillar, dangling by a few cables over a small building. For some reason, the entire sector became rundown halfway in. She could say, a family of hurricanes had been silently destroying their city without alarming anyone and anyone would believe her at this point.
(When had this happened?)
She glanced back at the horde behind the toes of the zombie. (Wait...are they running towards her van?) She looked outside the window and saw a guilty-looking zombie bowing his head at her while it hung by the bars on the side of the van.
(Patetic piece of scum, shit, motherfucker fuck, zombie shit!)
The van was in sight. (He could do it! He would do it!)
He sprinted as quickly as he possibly could and leaped. It was a close one but he clasped the bars on the flank of the van.(FUCKING HELL! THAT WAS CLOSE!) At that moment, a head slipped out of the window and he instinctively bowed his head.
(I'm sorry.)
"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" The same gorgeous woman with the verdant eyes. The same gorgeous woman that had used his hiding place as a lance and nearly had him slaughtered...looked at him with a frown and an open mouth full of teeth brandished in anger.
The electricity was beginning to curl itself around the bars. He stared at the flap covering the charger of the van, and then he looked back at the electricity worming its way toward the woman.
The horde struggled to grab onto the van but the bends of electricity blasted them off like sardines.
(Would putting his hand in the charger even work?) This electricity was definitely strange, and he wondered if everyone else had it. He looked back at the crowd but they were still running to him with greed in their eyes. (Well, it's not like I can do something about it.)
He decided to cram his hand inside the metallic void covered by the flap. For a moment, the energy threatened to blast him dead, but in the following seconds, he could not resist from giggling in glee.
His eyes lolled to the back of his head. He could feel himself floating through nirvana. (Isthishowsexytimefeelsliek????) He crammed his hand deeper inside that metallic void, and OH, the sweet sizzling of meat crawled to his nose and compelled him to cram his hand even deeper.
The royal blue wires running down the surface of the van, and defended by their protective crystal coating blossomed to life. The van began increasing velocity and leaving the fast-moving hoard in the dust.
"Arghgh barahbar aaarghgh!" (You hear that assholes!!?.) He screamed at the hoard as he flipped them the finger and humped the van in victory.
"WHAT IN THE REAPERS ARE YOU DOING TO MY VAN!" The woman said, as she swerved the automobile to the side to avoid a hoard of people trying to get in her way.
Right now they had gotten out of the square and were going down a double road separated by a stretch of grass with broken trees. There were ruined buildings on each side with a few mountains in view in the distance.
(Wait...was this how the outside looked like?)
"GET THE FUCK OFF MY VAN YOU FUCKING VAN FUCKER!" The woman squealed, and popped her head back inside the vehicle, as the van amassed momentum with the electricity in his core bringing its engine into overdrive. (He believed...who knows how fast cars go these days.)
"I. SAID. GET. THE. FUCK. OFF. MY VAN!" The woman's head popped out once again but this time with a few more things in hand.
She began her struggles towards the unfucking of her van.
"Arrghsgaj." He scrambled to say, as he heaved out his bloody mess for a limb out of the hole. His hand was just in time as it helped him block a hammer flying towards his forehead
"ARGGGHHH." He screamed and proceeded to ascend to the roof of the van. The woman threw all kinds of things; plates, forks, spoons, knives, and even a computer. The computer smashed into his forehead and made his body slide down a little but that didn't stop him.
"Asr Gshh!!!"
A few novels slammed into his legs on the way up before he was able to properly grip onto the longer bars on top of the van. He was safe from the angry horde and the malicious driver for now.
He really wanted to look around but the breeze took wandering pebbles from the street and whacked him in the face. He realized it was wiser to sit this one out and idle around till the van stopped before he did anything else.
The van drove for a time, and no one was trying to rip him to shreds as if he was a foreign critter. It was kind of peaceful.
The society he had grown around for most of his life was this wealthy culture, and he noticed that all that arrived in the sector had accomplished it with blood on their hands. His family and most of their pals were felons after all, and that made him decide his niece to be his true family.
She was the person he had chosen to share his wealth with after all.
He fell over and rolled over for a bit as he tasted his own blood. (What the fuck is going on?) The shattered slabs of pavement jabbed his sides as he passed over them.
He was sure the van had only been moving a bit ago. "Dammed bastard!" He heard the faint scream of a girl.
(When had the van stopped!?)
"Making me kick his ass off my damned roof." He began to raise his head but something heavy dropped on it. "Don't overdo it, Henny. You will get the jitters and that thing will bite your neck." (Bite her in the neck??? What did they think he was? A fucking vampire?)
"Just hurry up down! It creeps me out!"
(What!? What in the reaper's name did he do to this girl!)
"I will not fucking bite anyone! Get...please. Please get off me." They heard him, and for a while, there was not a sound but the engine of the car. "Yeah, I can see how this is a 'wolf.' " Lazy footsteps strode in his direction.
"Sorry for the stupid question but humor me for a bit. Are you some kind of 'wolf' in 'sheeps' clothing, or are you human?"
(Now he understood what this woman was saying. This girl assumed he was a bloody zombie.
"Fuck you!" He responded.
"Oh, wolfman." Her voice changed in tone to a more cocky one. The girl clicked her tongue and stopped right in front of him. "Answer the damned question." The weight on his head vanished, and he could raise his head to look at her.
The woman with the fresh eyes was standing in front of him. She had narrow lips gleaming in the sunlight and cute chubby cheeks with an almost fragile small upturned nose. Her skin was fair, and a bit blushed with cascading hazelnut hair on her shoulders.
She wore a black jacket with spikes at the shoulders over a black shirt that pronounced her carefully sculpted curves, black pants, and black boots. Her arms were crossed below her seizable but firm chest; looking like a classic punk girl.
His heart began to beat faster. (Had his choice been the wrong one?)
She looked down on him, with a rock in her hands; waiting patiently for the answer. Was she serious...What is this? A fucking movie? "I'm godoz damned human! Happy?" (Dammit! He wanted to die with dignity!)
"Why would I be?" She scoffed. "You fucking dogs should look at the ground when we are talking to you! Don't you fucking look at me with those eyes...know your dammed place." Her nose wrinkled and he tried to stand up in anger. Something heavy spread over his body, and he could barely move but his head was all right.
(SUPREMACIST SCUM!) He screamed in his head.
"Or else what? You are going to jail me and have me killed? Are you going to call the government and the disciplinary counsel? Or are you gonna kill me here like a damned animal?" He enticed her.
She scratched her head in frustration, before she picked up a pebble from the ground and threw it at his face.
(She fucking threw a pebble at his face!)
"Shut the fuck up, will you? Don't you get high and mighty with me. You are hardly a human and you harmed. My! Sister!"
(WHAT!? She was the one that almost got him killed!)
"Fuck you! I did nothing to your sister!"
"Yeah yo-" the woman tried to say but she was interrupted.
The girl with the sundress clenched her hands and she looked down at the floor. He couldn't help but look in her direction. The girl had begun sobbing uncontrollably while they were fighting, but now she was between them.
"Please, stop fighting...please. I'm sorry mister." She kneeled on the ground and bowed her head. "I'm sorry! I was scared. I thought you were going to kill me, and I couldn't run away! I'm sorry."
She looked with reddened eyes at the punk-like woman. "Please, sis, stop. He is innocent. He did nothing." She pleaded.
"...you…" her the woman blew out between clenched teeth, slowly and closed her eyes.
"You know. One day your stupid ass is going to end us up in a ditch." The woman shook her head and gave her sister the stink eye, as she tapped him lightly on the shoulder with her shoe.
"Get up." She said and walked towards her van.
He began to get up but his abdomen gave out and instead he rolled on his side. As much as he hated it...he was at their mercy.
"I can't get up." He said. The woman stared back at him, walked back, and lowered herself next to him. Her hands began touching his ribs after pulling him into a sitting position. "Hey, sis! Grab his arm, he has a few broken ribs."
"Yes, sis." Her sister complied without any hesitation. Enthusiastic to help him.
They gently lifted him and dragged him to the huge van. They put him down gently on the entrance and pulled him to the living room. (Wow, it's bigger on the inside)
The woman began touching around and feeling his bones. "Are you a medic?" He couldn't help but ask. "Yes. Yes, and I'm a very good one at that. I need to access your situation." She kept touching his ribs, and the more she touched, the more it felt like she wanted to break some herself.
He wanted to swear at her but he knew he was at their mercy now. Cursing or arguing further would probably not end well. "Are you. AGH! S-sure?" He began coughing uncontrollably, and he tried to cover his mouth but every motion pained him to the point he wanted to vomit.
The woman quit touching him, and looked at his eyes with an even gaze."Stop asking me. I already told you."
"My injuries are getting worse." He began to breathe shallowly. "Touching my broken bones like that to access my situation hurts. I can feel your hands making the AAAGHH!! M-making the dam- aack, aack…," he began coughing again but was able to control himself this time. "Making the shards of bone cut into my muscles or even worse...my lungs."
He looked at his hand and saw blood running down his palm. (Oh, no. He had not only broken ribs but the ribs had punctured his lungs)
"I'm bleeding...I need to go to the hospital." His breath began to quicken and his eyes began to blur slightly.
The woman began touching his ribs again as if he had just spouted nonsense. Her poker face kept itself trained on his face, as she pulled and pinched the ribs.
"But...I am a doctor. I remember you...ughhh. You…" her hands retreated to her lap as her frown lessened. "I-I can't remember…" she trailed off and looked at her palms in shock.
"Sis, help me. What do I do here?" She begged her sister, but her sister looked at her with the same complicated expression. "I can't explain it well," her sister mumbled, "but it feels like we never did surgery...like a dream; all foggy and stuff."
Well, he was going to die. Why did this have to happen to him? Why? He just wanted to be free! What was wrong with that!?
"I'm going to die...ain't I?" He looked at them both.
Not a response was needed. The punkish woman stood up and closed the van's door. "You are internally bleeding...at least I remember that. Can you take a glass of water or anything?" The woman's voice was a soft low. She stood up, and hugged her stomach, as her eyes closed slightly, and she looked at the floor in shame.
"A glass...a glass of water please." He replied, and the girl that had taken him through a roller coaster of hope, rage, and fear...ended the journey with sadness. She walked to the front of the van.
He heard a sniffle and turned his head to see the girl in the sundress. Her eyes were still red, with tears dripping down her cheeks, as she cried silently; looking at his spreading injury expand.
How did this happen? Just before he was sure they would kill but now...they were sad for him.
He could probably…
Acute pain on his side erupted in fervor. "Now what?" He said exasperated. Weakness spread into his body, as the adrenaline rush in his veins was finally fading.
He touched the side of his hip. His eyes kept blurring and clearing, and he could feel a sticky, wet feeling. He passed his finger through the cloth of his shirt, and then skin until he felt a hard piece of wood, and then skin again. His head began pounding
"Ummmm...girl." He mumbled. "Can you come here?" He pointed towards his side.
"What do you need?" She said, still sniffling, as he lifted his shirt so she could see.
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