《The Empty Cultivator.》Prologue 0.20 : Something Is Wrong... (final version)
??? Pov.
"Senis. Move out the way."
"Com on. Just give me one date." Another fellow doctor stood of the rotating doors out of the hospital. It was dark outside. Her shift had ended a few minutes ago. She wanted to go home and play some video games but this fuck was still blocking her way. The man was looking up at her on his knees and pleading with clasped hands.
"You fucking stubborn you know that?"
"And that is why you like me?" He had mushroom-like hair and looked a bit anorexic. "Com on, you know you can't say no to this hair." He said a bit happy as he run his head through his curly hair as if thinking she would sit next to him and make out.
"No." She kicked him out of the way.
"Sue me and I will sue your ass back." She walked into the rotating door into the illuminated streets and behind her, her sister followed in tow.
"Please, Leyla come to my bed." He tried to stop her sister. She only heard as his body smacked the floor.
"Good job sis. Finally, putting to use the moves I tought you?"
"They are very nice... yes." She walked closer to her. She looked back at her sister and saw her walking with a lowered head. "You just got to fix that shyness of yours and you can go whenever you want."
"But I don't wana..." Her sister said as she held on to the side of her arm. "You say that but that never stays, I twll you. Want some ice cream.?
"Aye!" He sister responded enthusiastically. She raised her head and the veil of straight hair covering her face separated to reveal a childish face sprinkled with a few freckles.
She had a good feeling about today.
They had separarted to the way to the ice cream shop. She would bring the cones. Her sister would sit in one of the open air tables outside of a Beauty Parlor.
She was alfway there. Something glowing had appeared infront of her but she did't have time to read.
The two cones in her hands suddenly slipped out of her hands, as she hear a familliar voice scream in the distance.
She saw her sister on the floor. A man pushed people out of the way and sent them flying. Behind, a group of people followed him but kept a safe distance.
She followed behind.
A seething rage in her heart...
(...breathe in Cass…breathe out…)
Opening her eyes and finally calm. She walked inside a store. The store the people following the man had entered.
The first thought that crossed her mind as she entered was: (Don't they know how much these coats cost?!) They toppled over perfectly good coats to find a guy.
Presently, she was inside a common skyscraper with its gloor being a clothing store. A plate hanging on the ceiling announced to all that entered: |All coats on 50℅ discount|. Even at gorst glance you voukd notive the various weirdos of all kinds were in the middle of the small shop.
Much of what they screamed was nonsense to her
An obese man standing a few steps away on the other side of the door pointed aggressively at the group of people searching the middle of the clothing store. The obese man was tight-fitted in what appeared to be a blue toga spandex covering his whole body with verdant embers digitally entangling it.
"STOP THAT JOCK! WE CAN'T LET SOMEONE LIKE HIM BECOME THE MAIN CHARACTER." Each of the fat folds in his chin jiggled as he spoke.
She scratched her head in confusion, "the main character? THE FUCK IS YOU TALKING ABOOUT FAT BASTARD?"
"SHUT UP!" The pudgy man babbled. He turned towards her and squeezed the water bottle in his hands. With an ugly scowl smeared on his face. The long torrent of water sprayed out the water bottle. She twisted out of the way, but the childish attack still splashed on the floor next to her. Her pants alongside the lower part of her shirt underneath her new jacket was drenched with cold water.
(What the fuck is wrong with these shits? Are they fucking insane?) She screamed in her head and was about to run over to the fat bastard and knock him out cold until someone shook her out of it.
"IF YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOU, YOU WILL GET OUT OF THE WAY OF THE FUTURE RUL-" A teenager donning a mask that appeared to be a slab of purple snot covering his face and in a strap shirt like a detective, shouted for the whole room to hear.
From the teen's side, a large man, taller than a door suddenly tackled him to the ground.
....dressed like an edgy lad. Up in a drab leaden sweater that stretched on his wide back and proportional shoulder muscles. Black reflective markings filled every inch of the fabric. Speaking of ancient magics and too much tv.
It was a nice, old-timey contemporary piece seen in fantasy magazines. How did she know...? Cause she had one!
By the costumes, the teen and the man were probably one of those lads hired by the costume house a few blocks from this damned place. By that same standard...maybe all the people in the store...
"YOU THINK YOURSELF A RULER!? A RULER YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!?" The man howled in anger over the open-eyed teen.
The teen's mouth and nose began to scrunch up. "MOTHER FUCKER. FUCK OFF!" His windpipe was gripped tightly by the hands of the man on top of him. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" He roared and punched the man square in the mug. The man barely moved and then punched the kid's back, hitting his nose with a sickening crack.
"I KNEW IT. YOU ARE A VILLAIN! FUCKING, NERD FUCK!" The man howled, yanking the teen's mask off.
All of them froze in place as the man in the leaden sweater smashed the kid against the ground. With loud cracks, the man broke the teen's skull. It only took a few seconds before blood dribbled out the back of the teen's skull.
From her position. She could see the clenched hands of the dying boy slowly unfold.
The pool soon expanded to color the ground crimson. The smell of metal soon followed, alongside the odor of ass and hits of ammonia twirling on each other and producing the smell of death.
She was ready to jump on the unprotected back of the fuck. But then the dick head moaned to the top of his lungs. Took out a small pocket-ass knife and screamed, "LISTEN UP NUMBSKULLS! I WILL KILL HIM! WHOEVER DOES NOT LIKE THAT, I WILL RIP THEIR HEADS OFF AND STUFF IT IN THEIR ASS! YOU HEAR ME!?"
(Fucking, screaming, little, shitty cunt!) She eyed the silvery pocket knife in the stupid man's right hand and picked up the beeping scanner next to her.
*Beep, beep, beeep, beep*
"Drop the damned knife insane scum!" She slammed the heavy scanner against the wooden wall.
Startled by her sudden action. The roughly 20 people in the store twisted around. Unexpectedly, each of their faces of surprise twisted into a horrified grimace. All took a step back. Half of them covered their mouths with their hands. A few tripled over the fallen racks in the ground. One scratched his back.
None moved a muscle.
She looked at the man in the middle of the room. Stepping on the teen's broken skull with a petrified expression between fear and anger as he looked at her.
She swung the scanner to startle him but the one startled was her, as everyone in the store stumbled back like terrified chickens. It was at that moment she realized she was not the object of their horrified stares at all. Everyone was looking below her arm.
Her body stiffened and slowly turned around. She took slow steps back as she glanced down at her side. With wide eyes, her body completely froze midstep, as she finally realized what was next to her. Quick like a rabbit, she recoiled back like a spring.
In the corner. Sitting calmly. Clothed in a black leather jacket over what seemed to be an office shirt with an indigo tie was...a man. Above his head, a little screen sat. It said: | Fox lvl8 |
She held back her breath, afraid of even making a noise. Just gazing at him made her want to fall to the floor, and cuddle into a ball.
The man...or rather the thing that strange screen depicted a fox ate in silence. What caught her attention the most was his hand. It was at least twice as large as a typical one with long crimson claws, and a complex network of veins stretching out through. The veins glowed under his cotton shirt.
The horrible scene before her was too much for one woman in the back. The poor Asian woman in a red sexy devil costume vomited. The awful odor of her vomit brought out a few gags from everyone.
"Holy shit!" The man with the leaden sweater turned his head away from the thing in the corner. Still sitting. Still eating. And she could not say otherwise, after all…she was next to the thing. The man they were all looking for...the monster that was now slowly eating the side of his hand.
Each bite took chunks of muscle and bone, along with rubbery veins pulled out of his skin in repulsing squelches. His gaze was entirely bloodshot as he gawked at them. There was nothing but wrath in those eyes. The thing rose and emptied its maw. Pieces of flesh tumbled to the floor to reveal pointed teeth. Its silhouette hunched menacingly.
Surprisingly the thing seized the chance to flee and slipped just below her arm.
He jumped out the wooden doors behind her. Like a turret, she turned to the doors, and with the swift motion, her arms swung. The momentum dragged the scanner along and slammed the bleeding monster in the rear. The thing didn't stumble as it jumped down the stairs but rather borrowed the hit of the blow. He landed on his toes and rotated his direction to the left.
The people inside the building didn't see him land and pushed her out of the way as they tried to pursue him again. "DON'T LET THAT MONSTER GET AWAY. THE LIVES OF THE SECTOR DEPEND ON US!" They failed to discern the direction the creature had fled. Because of the number of people filling the streets.
She knew better than to follow the thing.
Her eyes had been straying to a rack next to the entrance full of spiked jackets. She discreetly grabbed a black one off the rack and put it on.
Silent as a cat, she out of the store and down the adorned stone steps. Not a soul noticed her as she fled the chaotic streets to where to the last place she had seen her sister.
The group that did follow the monster stormed the throng of oblivious folk lining the square.
The man in the leaden sweater pulled out his hood to reveal a flowing tail of golden hair. "TOWARDS THE HORIZON!" He announced candidly and rode in the front as the commander of the muck. She facepalmed out of embarrassment when his words reached her ears.
"Cringy bastards."
Eugenie's pov.
Apparently, the fact that a woman found him first convinced everyone else not to straight-up cut him like a pig the second they found him. The rest was history.
(Fucking coward.) A foreign voice made a home in his head. Giving him a huge headache as it mined a hole through his brain.
He jogged right down narrower streets filled with paint of all kinds over the metallic walls. Out on the square his work was located at and going in the direction of the housing district.
Right now he was in a calmer sector. People were walking but not killing or trying their hand at vandalizing the place. It was like the massacres and the defacement of the sector had not happened. He didn't know what had transpired or if these people were completely oblivious to the destruction that had happened in the main square of sector 1 but suddenly everything was peaceful.
He didn't hear screams in the distance or explosions, but what he found more concerning than the peace was that every person he passed was tapping the air.
He thought back to the strange screen that had materialized in front of him a while ago. (Are they tapping screens? Must be aliens...uugh!)
When the people noticed his presence they began acting weirder and eyed him in obvious awe. Honestly, this kinda irked him. Something was not right here.
He decided it was safer to take the long route. He turned down an alleyway on the side of the paved streets, hoping to reach the housing district before its drawbridge was crowded.
As he jogged down the streets. The more he noticed how the skyscrapers were starting to get smaller. Less numerous in numbers. The shops in between were beginning to be replaced by older versions. Less floating advertisements of old people trying on clothes and more smart TVs displaying ads of all kinds. On the positive side, houses were beginning to appear and there were fewer people.
A board hanging on a pole in the middle of a widening street said in big bold letters: |Benvers Fest|
Nice. He finally reached the housing part of district 1, due south of his old job. He was a few miles from the main bridge between sectors 1 and 2 and where beaches became the main attraction.
If he kept going at this pace he would find sanctuary in the Heroes Medley. Located in the middle of the bridge.
The heroes medley was one of those neutral underground centers located in the world. Sanctuary in a place like that was a risky bet but one he would have to make. The world had already fought aliens before. Why not hide behind the superhuman guard that promised to defend humanity in the absence of the heroes?
He hid his hideous hand in his pocket and within a moment, he was indistinguishable from nervous people walking the street.
He finally entered a new square. It was the art center of the housing district. There were art shops everywhere and the hanging fluorescent lightbulbs for the new year's eve that had been out up.
Acting more nervous than he already was, he seriously made an effort to fit in. Still, even the new throngs of people walking in this artist's square kept furrowing their eyes as their eyes fell on him.
He couldn't help but look at himself. There was honestly nothing odd about him. His hand was inside his pouch, even if it had ballooned up to the volume of a ball…
What do people think it is? A bowling ball?
(Perhaps, a gun.) The voice in his head responded and it was actually helpful. (Well, there goes my sanity...)
Like a water dam breaking and releasing the combined weight of a river into a tsunami-like force, cries of seer horror gushed out in every direction. The throngs of people that walked by him withdrew. Wonder and fear scribbled all over their faces.
"Fox?" A girl in the distance mumbled
"He is not an animal..." A man whispered. The voices kept getting louder in their chattering. Even in fear, the crowd had not fled but instead encircled him. Trapping his movements from a safe distance.
Something was definitely not right here. He could even see a guard taking out his baton and waiting for him to make a move. "What's wrong!?" He asked. Whoever he reached for scurried off into the safety of the herd.
It was like that for a few moments until somebody shrieked. "OH, FOR GODOZ! KILL THAT MONSTER ALREADY!"
"Huh?" (Oh, not again)
"My 15 exp!" He heard beside him. From within the folds of the crowd, a man clenching a stone in hand swooped in and swung the rock overhead. He skillfully leaned below the swing before the man scurried back in the crowd. The failed attack of the crazy holigoon encouraged a few more people to run at him from the crowd and try to tackle him to the ground.
He dodged a few before he jumped over one and ran into the crowd. Preferring to dive into the mass of people trapping him than to deal with these pricks. (These bastards!)
"AAAAAHHHHHHHH!" A group of school girls wailed in fear with their arms put up in protecting their faces as he ran through them. "HOLD ONTO THAT ALIEN! DON'T LET IT SCAPE! The crazy hooligan with the rock shouted and people began throwing themselves at him like suicide bombers. Even as the crowd was riled up to action they struggled to work jointly. No one could wrestle him to the ground. Some tried to whack him on the head but scrambled away with blood in their hands. Others fought amongst themselves to the right to bring him down.
"STOP!" An old man running towards him cried out and pounced on the patrol officer behind him. A few others tried to help the old man and fought his aggressors away. But it was only with pure grit that he slipped his way through the horde.
His pursuers still practically stepped on his heels. His legs could merely carry him any faster. But the further he ran, the more his body felt trickles of static electricity. In a way...he strangely found more energy in himself. It was like he was a human battery being charged full. He could feel a cloud he didn't even know existed retrieve from his eyes and ears. It was like he was dreaming and he just now woke up.
"Ardagh hggg," only a groan exited his lips, as the closest people behind him caught up to his jacket and leaped on his back. More than a few people managed to latch on his back. (This was bad! This was really bad!!!) "Aaaarrgh!" With a huff, he jostled the dozen people off of him and began running in earnest.
Just a few meters from his position, a thick V-shaped brick apartment building dividing the road into 2 was almost upon him.
He would rush the hell out of here towards the bridge connecting the two districts on the right road and... He looked at his hand. A bloody mess of a hand half-eaten and fingers held loosely by bone. He had to look away before he vomited. The veins were glowing now and the sharp nails had gotten even longer. The superhumans in the Heroes Medley might just kill him on the spot if they saw him like this.
On the other hand...the rail tracks running low on the left would instantly help him lose the mob. It would also not put him in the jaws of the most powerful organization on the planet...
Right...or left?
The Last Watcher
The Abyss Watchers. Once fully dedicated to hunting the Abyss, now cursed to fight their own members forever. One day though, while they are attacked by a mysterious warrior, a single Abyss Watcher is suddenly pulled through a tear in reality, transported to a new world. A world with a strange thing called a leveling system. Current update schedule: Tuesday 10:00 PM NZT Idea I had of an Abyss Watcher from Dark Souls 3 being transported into a LitRPG world. You don't have to know any of the lore from Dark Souls to understand this, however if you want to know more about the lore just google it or something, I can't stop you But it's not like it will be very useful in this story as I plan to not be focused on Dark Souls Lore. As a side note for those reading this while it is ongoing, I will occasionally go back to previous chapters and sometimes add certain elements to the skills and leveling. Not to worry though as I will tell you as to what I have edited in the authors notes, so be sure to pay attention to those when they appear as they may contain information required for continued understanding. Also, if you decide to drop this book then please leave a comment on the chapter you stopped on and tell me what made you stop.
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Useless Strength In The Modern World
Zhuge Lian, modern genius, just got rejected from all of his favourite dream colleges. Driven by depression and anger, he jumps from the balcony of his apartment in Guangzhou. However, as his nose hits the pavement, everything turns white. The Modern Strength System has arrived in his life, and after failing, Zhuge Lian will rise up once again! update schedule is 5-7/week 1k-2k word chapters
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Stardust Universe
Set in an alternative world where magic and modern soceity coexist. Infinitum Energy became the main source of energy to most things in this world. This energy can be found anywhere but especially on many of these people. They call these people, wizards. Besides having the basics of magic, each wizard also has their own unique ability which differs from others. Some may inherit from their family, and some may also inherit from an ancient race way before the dawn of wizards. Several months have passed since the end of his magic high school and Cyclone White, one of the few young wizards that has inherited the unique ability of a dragon after some slight setbacks now faces a brand new challenge in the form of university life. Enrolling into Infinity Academy leads to him encountering a whole different set of new friends, foes and even in between. How will the extroverted introvert overcome all of these new challenges? Join White as he uncovers the many mysteries of the world filled with Infinitum Energy.
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Fun in Other Worlds
Tain, have been sick all this life till the day he die and get his personal heaven where he get to go to his favorit anime. cover picture not mine. First story ever, sorry if there bad grammar. I dont own anything in the story.
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The War of Spirits
He is known by a few names, the shadow of the moon in the north, and is the west Nukpana. But Nashoba was once just a child in swept up in the throws of beings far more powerful than himself. Follow him on his adventure from hunter, to theif, to assasin, to warrior. He has born many names, but the last may be the death of him.
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Invader Zim >> Not Just a Defect <<
First of all, this is my first Invader Zim story. Second of all, I never even watched the show when it first came out, considering I thought I was too old to be watching a Nickelodeon TV show. It wasn't until a couple weeks ago when one of my favorite YouTubers, Saberspark, did a review on the new Invader Zim movie. He said a lot of good stuff about the show, and how much he love jt, so I decided to give it a try. I immediately started loving the show after watching the movie first (should have started with the TV show, but I wasn't thinking at the time and wanted to see ehh Saberspark liked it so much (>w>)) Anyway, this story will be taking place AFTER the movie, Invader Zim Enter the Florpus. It will be taking place a couple weeks, maybe a month, after the Florpus incident, so not much would have changed. Again, if you know the artist of the Cover Art used for this story, please tell me so I could credit them properly. Anyway, I hope you'll all enjoy this story as much a I will enjoy writing it (^v^/) (Don't worry I ask permission to post and share it's book it belongs to Veronika1930) https://www.wattpad.com/story/199046111-invader-zim-%E3%80%8Bnot-just-a-defect-%E3%80%8A
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