《The Royal Mates》Chapter Seventeen
Diesel was right. I made a big mistake. Why would I do this? I've probably lost all of her trust and love. Alana has been all over me after what happened this morning, and I didn't know how to make it stop. Both of our fathers were approving of the contact but I hated it. I felt this awful burning throughout my whole body whenever she was near or touched me. I felt disgusted, and she was revolting. I need to fix things between Amorelli and me, and I need to get rid of Alana as soon as possible.
I walked down to the dining room for breakfast and sat in my seat at the end of the table. Then I see Alana and her bimbo friends come in. Instead of walking to her own seat next to her father, she kept walking to mine. I gave her a look of anger, already knowing what she was about to do.
She was going to sit in the spot that the Luna sits in.
That is for Amorelli.
She was getting ready to sit down but I pushed her away from the chair.
"This chair is reserved fo-"
"What mate?" She proceeded to pull the chair out. I once again pushed her away.
"This seat is reserved for your Luna Am-"
"What Luna?" And with that, she pulled the chair out again and sat in it. I stood up and growled at her. How dare she disrespect her Alpha and Luna like that?
"Get out of that chair Future Beta Female." I was infuriated. Everyone knew that if I used your title and not your name I was going to kill you.
"But, Mor-"
"You will not use my first name. You will address me as Alpha or Alpha York. Do I make myself clear?" I felt my wolf starting to surface. Good to hear he hates her as much as I do.
"Yes, Alpha." She said it seductively. I grabbed her arm and pulled her ass out of that chair and threw her to the floor. I then sat in my chair waiting for my beautiful mate. Just to piss her off, I sent a mind link to everyone, showing everyone what I was thinking about. It was of Amorelli in that chair, sitting next to me as we held hands and acted like a couple. Whilst doing so, I let my guard down.
And the person on top of me was not Amorelli.
It was Alana.
She was kissing me.
Then I heard the door opened and smelled her.
Oh hell no, she planned this and I'm not letting her get away with it. I heard her small gasp and I felt my heartbreaking. I let out an Earth-shattering growl and that had everyone up against the wall. I then threw Alana off of me and she hit the wall and fell to the floor in pain. I'm pretty sure she broke her back but I couldn't give any fucks about her.
"How dare you! I will not allow you to do that to me or your future Luna! I love her and always will. She will be my beautiful queen, she will be my mate, she will bear my children, and she will be your Luna. And if you think you are going to get in the way you are dead ass wrong!" At this point, Comrade had surfaced once again and he was enraged. Alana was on the ground terrified, and that made me happy. I loved seeing people like this.
Scared Shitless.
She nodded, still terrified and now crying. Good. She disrespected me and her Luna by her actions. She deserves this.
"Get out. Dimitri-" My personal guard came forward, who just so happened to be my best friend.
"Yes, Alpha?"
"Take her to the dungeon. Her punishment will come in due time while she waits in Solitary confinement." She gasped and Dimitry took her away with a curt nod. She gave a death glare to my beautiful mate, who is still standing by the door, and walked away. My beautiful mate then looked at me and I could see the happiness in her eyes, but also the fear.
She was scared of me.
She was scared of what I am capable of.
I didn't like that.
I started to walk towards her, but she was getting terrified. I realized Comrade was still out. He wanted to hold her. Before I knew it Comrade had run over to her and held her. She screeched and tried pulling away but Comrade held her tight.
"No, mate needs to stay with Comrade." He said simply and she stopped moving so much.
"I'm sorry Comrade. I'm so sorry." She started to cry silently. He stroked her hair and kept kissing her head.
"Comrade forgives mate. Comrade enjoyed himself. Did mate enjoy herself?" Comrade looked her in the eyes and she nodded and smiled softly, wiping her tears. We looked her in the eyes, and we could tell she enjoyed her time with Comrade a lot. She probably wants more, considering she was stuck there for all those years. Just now learning that activities like that with your mate exist makes you just want more. I chuckled to myself.
"Come, mate. Breakfast is ready." He held out his hand and she took it slowly, starting to walk with Comrade.
That should be me.
I then took back control of my body and started walking with her. Everyone took their seats again and we all began to eat breakfast. Amorelli sat next to me with happiness. She looked and felt like she belonged here next to me. As my Luna and Queen.
I calmed down a lot after he put Alana in her place, but I was still scared of him. My heart fluttered when he was calling me his queen, mate and practically yelling how he loves me. It made me feel emotions I've never felt before. While Comrade was holding me I truly felt bad for how I used him. I didn't mean to but I knew he'd tell me more than Mordikai would. I figured after what he told me that Mordikai has been with several women. I can't blame him, he was probably looking for his mate. But now I'm here and all the girls need to fuck off.
Mordikai held my hand the entire time while we were eating breakfast, and it was the best feeling in the world. I loved the feeling I got when he was close, when I thought of him, and when we touched. I didn't want this feeling to ever stop.
After breakfast, Mordikai and I went up to his room. He held my hand softly, and my body close to his. I loved this feeling of being protected. And I loved even more how it was him protecting me. He then led me to his bed and laid me down, then laid down beside me and we cuddled for a long time. He would stroke my hair, kiss my forehead and run his fingers across my skin.
Along the walls, I saw several pictures of Mordikai and his family.
I saw his parents when they actually looked happy.
Then I saw a little girl.
"Kai, we never did have that meeting..." I brought it up slowly and that's when he jolted upwards.
"Shit. Come on let's go." He said in a very stern tone.
"Alright." I got up quickly, and we made our way out to the hallway. I saw Zinniah and motioned her to come along.
"What is it?"
"Meeting," Kai says before I can get it out. Her eyes bulge and she starts trying to keep her pace with us.
After about a minute of Zinniah and I speed walking trying to keep up with Mordikai, we finally came to a set of gigantic oak doors. They looked beautiful, and the inside was even more so. Beautiful carpets, furniture, paintings of old alphas, everything was just extraordinary. I was in awe for so long I didn't hear Mordikai's father try talking to me.
"Hey, fish. It's time for the meeting. You will tell me where my whore of a daughter is and then we can go on from there." He growled and sat down. I didn't appreciate his rude talk, so I planned on telling the Queen and Mordikai everything we knew.
"Alright dears," The Queen started. "Where is my baby." She then became stern. I knew she was upset that her child was being used as a sex slave, and she didn't even get the opportunity to watch her baby grow up, but it isn't her fault this all happened.
"Well, your highness,"
"No. No formalities. You are my son's mate. We are equal. Please, call me Alyx." I didn't expect that.
"Of course, Alyx. The thing is, we do not know what part of India she is in. All we know is that there is an invisible barrier that keeps others from knowing the location. Also, inside this barrier, our powers and abilities are useless. It restricts us. Therefore no one can turn into a werewolf, or use magic powers. We're useless." I said quietly and Mordikai rubbed my back. His father growled and hit his fist on the desk.
"No, we will find a way in. We will find a way to bring down the barrier. Was there anyone else in there?" He was glaring at me, daring me to tell him something he didn't wanna hear. Zinniah and I looked at one another and shuddered.
"Everyone is there... The king of Spain's child. China's daughter. Every royal child is held there. Hell, I'm sure they have everyone at this point." I became quieter at the end of my sentence. The King looked furious. If looks could kill, he'd kill everyone in the room.
"That's no help to us. How the hell do you manage to allow your child to get kidnapped, especially at such an age! It's disgusting!" He went on a rampage after his wife spoke up.
"If it's so disgusting why would you allow it to happen to my baby girl?" He roared and I screamed. Mordikai grabbed me close, but had his guard up, prepared for anything.
"How dare you! You think I wanted my daughter to turn into a whore! I would have killed her myself if she ever turned out like this, kidnapped or not. You have no reason to speak to your King like that!" He screamed at her.
Big mistake.
"We are equals! We share the same ranks, as mates and as rulers! How dare you talk to your wife like that!" She was enraged. I was terrified.
"Meeting is over for now," Mordikai stated and we get out of there before his father has anything to say against it.
"I'm scared, Kai," I said to him, tears welling in my eyes.
"I know. Come on, let's explore the grounds alright? There's a beautiful garden. Almost as beautiful as you." I blushed and hid from him. He chuckled and led both Zinniah and me outside. And there they were. Hundreds of beautiful flowers. They looked so magnificent. All the beautiful colors and scents coming through. The buzzing of the bees and the colors of the butterflies and the birds. But also the tree line. There was a single path leading into the forest. Everything was so beautiful. The deer you could see in the back. The squirrels climbing up everything, it was all so majestic.
And Zinniah has never been happier.
She ran into the field giggling and laughing. She then turned into the largest oak tree I've ever seen and spread her roots all around the garden. I giggled and leaned back into Mordikai. He held me protectively as if someone was going to take me away right then and there. I turned my head to look at him, and all I saw in his eyes was love and happiness. It made me sigh in content and brush my nose against his neck. He growled and pulled me even closer and gently took my earlobe between his teeth and pulled on it, making me gasp from the pleasure it had given me. He seemed to like the effect it had on me, and rubbed his hands up and down my sides, gripping my waist every so often. After a few moments of doing so, he finally just wrapped his arms back around me and pressed small kisses on my neck, which left me wondering why my knees haven't buckled yet.
After about ten more minutes, Zinniah had shifted back into her human form and laid in the grass.
Why am I just now noticing this?
Outside in the front, it's cold as all hell.
Outside in the back, it like a tropical heatwave with a nice constant, cool breeze.
"Hey, Mordikai-" I paused, waiting for a response.
"Yes my beautiful mate?" He kissed my temple and I sighed in content.
"Why is it so warm back here but so cold out front?" He chuckled, resting his chin on top of my head.
"There is a magic spell around the entire backyard. It's invisible, but my mother really wanted her garden to thrive all year round. So when winter comes around, her garden and beautiful colors will not be gone. You see that small white gazebo over there?" He pointed to a gazebo that was a white stone structure. It was simple but nonetheless beautiful.
"Yes, it's beautiful." I admired it once more before turning around in Mordikai's arms to look at him.
"My parent's got married under that gazebo, on a December night." My mouth fell slightly.
"Really?" I let out an 'awe' and my gaze wandered towards it once more. Thinking about if Mordikai and I would marry under there, just like his parents did.
"Yes. From the outside of the barrier, it looks like the regular backyard, and we can not be seen, but we can see everything going on from this side." I nodded, looked out past the barrier.
Seeing red eyes.
My eyes went wide.
"So we can't be seen?" I felt him hum his response.
"Even from them?" He made a questioning hum in response and I pointed towards the red eyes in the background. It didn't take him long to see the twenty pairs of red, glowing eyes. He growled and out of nowhere twice as many guards came out and everyone rushed inside.
"Amorelli, Zinniah, get inside now. Rouges are here." I was about to run after my nod in response when I heard my name.
"Amorelli, huh? So that's your name." Him again.
"Maverick." I glared at him and he just smirked, his friends all in wolf form, growling at me.
"You guys have met before?" Mordikai growled in anger.
"When we escaped, I ran into him, asking for directions. Zinniah may or may not have burnt his village in dragon form." I said bluntly and our guards were looking at Zinniah in shock. All she did was smile widely. I stifled my laugh the best I could.
"After that, we have been tracking you all the way back here. After all, you did tell me where you were going, princess." I again glared at him and Mordikai growled.
"No one calls my mate that but me." He then bared his fangs and it was at this point in time where I was terrified.
"Whatever you say, your highness." Maverick bowed in a mocking way, which only infuriated Mordikai more.
"Girls. Get inside. Now. My mother will be waiting for you as soon as you enter. She will lead you both to safety.
"Yes, Mordikai." I squeezed his hand once and started to walk away.
"Awe, someone doesn't want to see his little mate get hurt, does he. It would be a shame if he came back and took both of them back to where they belong, now wouldn't it?" Maverick chuckled darkly.
"What is he on about?" I asked quietly, knowing Mordikai heard me.
"Nothing. Go inside. Now!" He yelled and I ran inside the house. As he said, his mother was there waiting for us.
"Come on girls, to the royal safe room."
"Royal?" I questioned as we walked.
"There are two safe rooms, one for normal pack members and the other for the royals." We nodded as we approached a secret passageway.
She put her hand up against the wall and an elevator showed up. We walked in and she again put her hand up against the wall. The doors shut and she said something in Russian.
"Bezopasnaya komnata. Ruzhi podoshli." (Safe room. Rouges have approached.)
The elevator then dropped. Zinniah and I screamed for a second, but as soon as it dropped that's when it stopped. The doors then flew open, and we rushed out. The doors shut and a wall was placed in front of the elevator. As we were walking I saw most of the females down here with children of their own.
I'm guessing they do not allow females with children to fight.
"I'm guessing you do not permit females with young children to fight?" I questioned.
"No, we do not. The risk of the baby losing a parent, and the risk of a male or female losing their mate, we can't risk either.
"But you allow men to fight. The risk is equally the same."
"We know, but we just can't lose women with young children. We allow females to train with us so they are not at a disadvantage, but if they are pregnant and or have young children under the age of eight, they do not fight." I understand that. It makes a lot of sense. We waited in the Alpha and Luna area for about twenty minutes, when most of the females ran out towards the elevator.
"What is going on?" I asked worriedly. The queen was holding her chest as if she was in pain.
"Maverick, he didn't kill any of our men, he severely wounded them. Including Mordikai and Carlisle." After I heard Mordikai's name I ran for the elevator as well.
"Amorelli!" I heard Zinniah call after me and continuously waited for the elevator. When it came back down I ran on, the queen and Zinniah joining me. It went up just as quick as it went down.
When we got up there nurses were everywhere. Most were women from downstairs. I gasped at the sight of all of the wounded warriors. Did Maverick and his people really do that much damage?
I then felt a pain in my chest. It was so strong I ended up screaming in pain. It felt like I lost a piece of myself. Like I didn't know my place in the world. I felt my heart break into a million pieces. Something was obviously wrong. I ended up falling to the ground from the pain. I got back up and staggered a bit. I looked around and saw what I was looking for.
My dead mate.
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