《The Royal Mates》Chapter Fifteen
I woke up in a moving car. The bag was still over my face and my hands were tied behind my back. I lifted my head and noticed Zinniah was next to me.
"Z?" I whispered and she mumbled, notifying me she heard.
"Are you okay?" I needed to make sure she was okay due to my growing nerves.
"Yes. I think. My wrists hurt though and I have no clue as to where we are, but I'm fine." I sighed in relief as she told me this.
"Same here." The items holding our wrists together were very tight. I didn't like it one bit. I was worried as to where they were taking us. But one thing is for sure, I don't think they are taking us to Mordikai.
All of a sudden, the car stopped. I didn't know where we were but they took off the restraints and the bags on our hands and wrists. The moonlight making the palace we were in front of looks magnificent. It had a very large driveway, and the moonlight lit our way to the front door.
"Wow..." Zinniah mumbled as she looked around. We didn't have much more time to look as the people who took us pushed us along. As we made our way to the front doors I saw all kinds of flowers. They looked like they were wilting though. Zinniah saw then and frowned, hoping to help them. Maybe later she can help them. As we're led inside, there are guards everywhere. At least two per door. We then saw this big set of double doors, and there were four at this one. This room must be of high importance. The guards stepped aside and opened the door for us, everyone glaring at us as if we are trash. I frowned at the thought.
I couldn't help but admire the room we had entered. It was very large, it looked like a ballroom. I then looked to my right and there were four thrones. Two for the king and queen and two for the children. I turned my attention to the king and queen. The king looked terrifying. His face looked like it had a permanent scowl, and he was glaring at both of us. I then looked towards the queen and she was smiling slightly. They must know one of us is their son's mate.
Hopefully, they don't do anything terribly awful to us, we did technically trespass on everyone's land. Therefore it makes us criminals.
Oh dear.
I gulped as I looked down, ashamed and scared of what the consequences of our actions will be. Then he king started to talk and I looked up.
"You have trespassed onto our land, why?" He even sounded scary. I could tell Zinniah isn't going to talk, so I took the lead.
"We are looking for someone sir, actually your son, Mordikai." I'm not going to lie, I am terrified. The glare in his eyes, the scowl, it was all so intimidating. I gulped once again.
"Why? I'm sure neither of you has business with him." He said coldly. He was staring straight at me.
"Your highness, I am your son's mate. Princess Amorelli Agnelli and this is Zinniah Waters, princess of the Amazon. We were kidnapped as children and held hostage-"
" I do not care for your worthless back story. You're lying and you will be taken care of at once. Take them away!" He yells and I look at the queen and I see fear, but also happiness. Why is she happy? Is she not going to help her sons mate? She immediately turns towards him and starts talking. More like arguing. Zinniah and I are being dragged away when I spot a family portrait. I see a young girl. Long light brown hair, and dark green eyes. She looks very familiar and I can't shake the feeling that I know her from somewhere. I look over to Zinniah and saw her looking at the same picture. She sighs and I do not too long after. We both recognize her but we don't know where from.
This is going to bug me.
As we start reaching a dirty looking door, I remembered.
It's Samara.
One of the other sex slaves.
That's who the other chair is for.
Immediately, I tear out if he men's grasps and start running for the thrones. They have to know.
"Amorelli!" Zinniah screams for me but I don't turn back. I ran across the ballroom only to be grabbed from behind.
"You don't understand! I know where she is!" I tried saying but the man put his hand over my mouth, so it was somewhat muffled. I then think of what I can do with my powers. I get an idea. I kick him where the sun doesn't shine and he lets go. I run a couple of feet away and start making a huge ball of water. I then throw it at him once he got up and invaded him in it. The other man started running towards me but I put him inside as well.
"Your majesty-" I start out and the king looks like he's about to shift.
"I know where she is!" I yell and everyone stops, Zinniah managed to get over to me and take the guys out of the water and tie them up securely with thorny vines. I release the water over the guards and they are gasping for breath.
"You liar," the king yells and shifts, charging for Zinniah and I. I splash water on the floor and he slips and tumbles in front of us.
"Now Zinniah!" She places her hand on his face. Her eyes go blurry, as do his. The queen walks forward in confusion and fear. A moment later, Z takes her hands off the king and he shifts back and is brought pants. We looked away for a moment, and when we turned back around his eyes start to water.
"My Samara... What have you done to her!" He screams but he bursts into tears moments later.
"We haven't done anything. She was taken just like us."
"Let me see my baby." The queen asks and Zinniah grabs her hands and looks into her eyes. The queen starts crying as well and joins her husband. I feel terrible but relieved. They know she is alive, however, she is not safe.
The king then looks up once more.
"Kill them."
"What?" We both ask astonished. The guards shift into their massive wolves and the kind and queen go back to their thrones.
"We're the only ones who know where Samara is! If you kill us you'll never get her back." I scream at him.
"That whore is not my daughter!" He screams back and I lost my breath. How could you say that about your own daughter? Your only daughter. I felt anger inside of me.
The guards were snapping their jaws at us, nipping us in the process. Zinniah and I were back to back.
"Ready?" I asked silently, knowing they could hear us.
I then started throwing my boiling water at them. She then shifted into a wolf. She wasn't as large as them, but now she had a little advantage. She was like them. I on the other hand once again had guards in a ball of water. The queen gasped.
Zinniah then shifted into a dragon after a few minutes. I was still doing other things, like drowning the guards, throwing them against walls, creating tidal waves at guards, and burning them with boiling water. I turn around to take more guards out but see Zinniah has done just that. She became a poisonous flower, spitting darts at people. I then grew curious. I started throwing water at her stem, and she began to grow larger and larger. Perfect. Then all of a sudden, my heart started racing. The door had slammed open and six people were at the door. The one in front is unbelievably handsome. His dark black hair and dark blue eyes, his sun-kissed skin looked amazing in the light, and the way he looked at me, I saw pride, love, and happiness. Zinniah then shifted back into her human form and the newly entered people gasped. I got rid of the tidal wave and balls of water.
What he said next, I was not expecting but was hoping he would say it, and it would be my Mordikai.
"Mate." He growled and started walking towards me. My breath caught in my throat and he was at my side at lightning speed. He held me, breathed in my scent, and growled in what only I can assume is approval.
"What happened?" He growled at me and I flinched. His eyes were black with anger, and he didn't sound happy like he did one minute ago. I felt like I had to become obedient so this wouldn't happen again.
"Your father ordered to have us killed," I whispered quietly, my gaze not leaving his. Sparks were left all across my skin, and I wanted nothing more for him to hold me forever, never letting go.
And then he growled. It shook the entire room. I gasped and pulled out of his grasp slightly. This was my mate? A very angry man? I saw a flash of hurt in his eyes when I backed away, but then anger consumed them again, and he went to confront his father.
"How dare you try and order the death of my mate!" He roars and I scream slightly and go over to Zinniah. I was terrified. No way was he my mate.
"She is a fish! We need a pure werewolf bloodline! Not some half-breeds every now and then!" He roars and I realize why he hates me. He wants a pure bloodline. Like I get that, but he won't even give me a chance.
"She is my mate! How would you feel if mother was ordered to be killed? Huh!" He is shaking and he looks like he's starting to shift. I have the sudden urge to try and calm him down, but what if he hits me? I'm very scared of that outcome.
"You will mate with the beta's daughter and that's final!" His father roars back and now the queen is stepping in. She grabbed a hold on her mate's arm. I think that is what I should do.
I start walking over to him, he's taking deep breaths to calm himself down. As I reach him he turns around and I stop for a second. His fangs are out and his eyes are blacker than space. I slowly approach him and place my hand on his chest. Right above his heart. He closes his eyes and breathes in deeply before pulling me towards him, the familiar sparks engulfing me. I wrap my arms around him and let him sit there.
"Are you alright, Mordikai?" I ask quietly and he freezes. Shit. Should I have not said his name? Oh god, he's going to hurt me.
"I like the way my name sounds from your mouth, Amorelli." I shiver when he says my name. I look back at him and see the beautiful dark blue eyes I'm already falling in love with. He brushed his nose along my neck, and that didn't help the shivers I already had from him holding me and saying my name.
"Amorelli is my mate. I will mate with her and we will have pups. That's final." He glared at his father as he said this. It made my heart speed up, knowing that he wanted me. His mate, not some random girl. I smiled lightly at the thought. We then started making our way out the throne room, when his mother spoke up.
"They know where Samara is." Mordikai and his friends all stopped in their tracks and looked at us. I looked at my mate and saw his eyes fill with sadness and hope.
"You know where she is?" He whispers, tears forming in his eyes. I couldn't speak. I did not trust my voice, because seeing him like this was affecting me as well. I nodded.
"Prove it." His voice was hard as stone and that was all I needed to bring me out of my trance. I looked over to Zinniah and she placed her hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes. He started shaking in anger. I placed my hand on his arm, but it didn't help. He pushed me off of him and stepped away from Zinniah.
"We will talk more about this later. It is late, and we all need rest. First thing tomorrow morning, you both will meet me in my office to talk about where it is and how to get there." He then started to walk away.
"Where are Zinniah and I going to sleep?" I questioned him and that didn't help the situation.
"With me. Now move. Zinniah will be right down the hall from us." His voice was as cold as ice. His stare was the same. It chilled me to the bone and I nodded quickly, so he knew I understood and didn't become angry that I wasn't responding. He started walking away again and we all followed him. His friends made their way to their rooms, which happened to be in the same hallway as Mordikai's. He then showed Zinniah her room and then walked away. I turned to Zinniah and hugged her, said goodnight, and started to follow Mordikai. He walked in first and left the door open for me. I walked into the room and immediately fell in love with it. There was a king-sized bed on one side of the room, a very large flat screen on the other side, a walk-in closet, and then another door which I assumed was the bathroom. There were couches and a mini-fridge right next to them, and two beautiful glass doors that lead out to the balcony. I shut the large double doors and walked towards the bed. The sheets were made of silk and that was all it took for me to jump onto the bed and lay face-first into the pillows. I sighed in content at the softness engulfing me. This was way better than the ground and the bunks we had back in India. I then felt the bed dip, and I looked over to Mordikai. He was in a pair of sweats, and nothing else. I looked at his chest and saw the eight pack that looked like it was carved by the gods itself. I blushed as I thought this and looked back up at him. His eyes held adoration and happiness.
"I've finally found you." He whispers, tucking hair behind my ear. The action sent tingles throughout my whole body. I sighed quietly in content and he proceeded to lay down next to me.
"My beautiful mate. My beautiful Amorelli." He whispered and he pulled me close. I wrapped my arms around him as he placed kisses in my hair. I sighed louder this time and kissed his collar bone gently. This caused him to growl slightly, causing me to look up. Did I do something wrong? I frowned slightly and started to become frightened. I hope he doesn't hurt me.
"Did I do something wrong?"
"No, darling. Why would you ask that?" He started playing with my hair, I'm guessing in an attempt to calm me down.
"You growled..." I looked away from him, embarrassed about my assumption. He put his hand under my chin and lifted my head so I was looking at him.
"No, my beloved. That growl was from pleasure." My eyes widened and I blushed. I tucked my head into his chest, only to hear his deep chuckle. He started to rub my back when I looked up at him.
"I need pajamas, Mordikai," I stated softly. He nodded and got up and went to the closet. I immediately missed his warm presence. He came back moments later with a pair of his boxers and one of his shirts. He smirked at me, apparently enjoying the fact that I'll be wearing his clothes.
"The bathroom is that door next to the closet." He pointed out the door and I nodded, taking the clothes from him. I walked into the bathroom and I gasped. I couldn't believe the beautiful sight I was seeing.
Marble. Everything was marble. The floor, the walls, the sink, the tub, however, was porcelain, as well as the toilet. The shower was the whole length of one wall and pure glass, the tub on the other side. The tub was very large and round, and I could see the ports for the jets. This is without a doubt my favorite room yet. There was a wall mirror above the sink.
Come to think about it, I haven't seen what I looked like in a while.
I walked over to the sink and looked in the mirror.
I screamed.
All of a sudden the door bursts open and Mordikai looks like he could kill someone.
"What happened?" He looks around the room and once he comes to terms that there was no one else here he started to calm down.
"I look disgusting," I said it like was the most normal thing in the world. Mordikai growled and with his super-speed, he pinned me against the wall.
"You are fucking beautiful. Don't you dare tell me otherwise." He kissed my neck lightly, leaving me in euphoria. It was amazing. He stopped after a few kisses and looked me in the eyes, and I saw the love swirling in his eyes, and it made me melt. I hugged him.
"I'm going to take a shower, is that okay?" I asked quietly, shy after what had just happened.
"Of course my love. You don't need to ask to take a shower in our room." He said gently and kissed my forehead softly. I sighed in happiness and he left the room to give me privacy. I went over to the shower and turned it on and let it heat up. Fortunately, this didn't take long and I stepped in and felt a sensation of bliss. I realized I had no shampoo or conditioner, so I had to use his. I looked around and found all of his products neatly put away on a rack. However, he owned Axe products. Whatever that is.
I picked up the shampoo and lathered it into my hair, and same for conditioner. I looked around for a bar of soap and used that once I found it. Once I was done, I turned off the shower and stepped out. I wrapped a towel around my body and started to dry off. I picked up the clothes that Mordikai had given me and put them on. The shirt went all the way to mid-thigh on me, and the boxers were surprisingly comfortable. I towel dried my hair and exited the room. The sight that had me in shock wasn't that Mordikai was in his boxers.
No, it was the girl that was on top of him, trying to suck his face off.
Who the fuck does she think she is?
All of a sudden he pushes her to the wall, growling in anger.
"I should have you killed for this Alana! How dare you enter my room and try to seduce me when the whole palace knows I have a mate!" He growled in anger. Now I like this view much better.
"But, your father-" This Alana girl was acting all innocent, like the victim in all of this.
"I do not give two flying fucks about what my father says or does. I do not want you. I will never want you. The only person I will ever desire to have or want or need is my mate, Amorelli!" My heart flutters at what he's saying, but this side of him terrifies me. Should I go up to him to try and calm him?
"We are meant to be together!" And with that, she kisses him. I see he is shocked and he's about to rip her off, but I step in first. I yank Alana by her hair and pull her off of him. I felt Mordikai's eyes on me but I do not care. I then encase her in a box made of water. She gets up and starts banging on the sides of the box but I don't let up. Mordikai sighs then put his hand on my shoulder in an attempt to get my attention.
"Please, my father will kill you if you don't let her go." I nodded silently and started to reverse what I had done. I removed her from the box and traveled into the bathroom and put the water into the tub so it would drain properly. I then reentered the room to see her gasping for air. She looks at me in disgust.
"I suggest you leave. And if you ever touch what is mine again, I will kill you." I cut her off, and by the look on my face, she knew I was not joking. She got up and ran out of Mordikai's bedroom. I huffed and looked over to him, to see his eyes filled with pride and adoration, and when I took in his full appearance, saw his not-so-little friend come and join us. I blushed and looked away while clearing my throat.
"I had to use your shampoo and conditioner since I do not have my own," I stated and he started walking over towards me, his eyes black. I started backing up, however, I hit a wall and couldn't go any farther. He had me cornered and I couldn't escape. He put his hands on either side of my head and breathed in my scent.
"I know. I love how you smell when you wear my clothes. You smell like your mine." I gasped slightly and he peppered light kisses along my neck and jaw. I had to hold onto his shoulders when he kissed a certain spot on my neck that made my knees go weak.
"Right here, is where I will mark you one day." He sucked gently on the area, which had me gasping for air. He had pressed his body completely against mine, making me aware that his friend wasn't going away so easily. He pulled away and his eyes were still black, but if anything they look like they have gotten darker. He brushed his lips against mine and put his hands on my hips and pressed his member into me.
At that point my knees truly did buckle.
I gasped as he caught me, but his hands weren't on my sides anymore.
They were on my ass.
I gasped from the contact and he cursed under his breath and picked me up, placed me on the bed, and ran to the bathroom all within three seconds. I was trying to regain control over my breathing as the events that just occurred have left me winded.
What just happened? Why did it happen? Will it happen again?
When Mordikai came out of the bathroom he was wet and no longer had his friend saying hello. He then went over to the other side of the bed and pulled me closer to him. He turned off the light and kissed my head lightly. Mumbling some things I couldn't quite understand, but I believe I heard him right. And to say it made my heart flutter is an understatement.
"I love you, Amorelli. You will make the most perfect queen of all. My perfect queen."
And with that I fell into the best sleep I have ever had yet.
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Falling under the Heavenly Tribulation, Ascending Celestial Oalur Kang finds that he's back in the past. Watch him pursue the Heavenly Path of Formations and rise to the peak of the Immortal Path! . . . . . . . . . Hello, this is F-Rank! This is my take on writing cultivation stories. Though I'm sure nobody cares, the intent behind this story was focused on creating a more or less logical cultivation system. I read several stories where the mc transmigrated to a cultivation world (not calling names to avoid unnecessary angst) and was able to completely break the cultivation system and the logic of the world because they had the power of science on their side and were able to think more logically than everybody else. Despite the fact that some characters in those stories were older than the scientific method of thinking and even the human civilization as we know it and the whole society was older than our human race. So I decided to write a story where things about cultivation make sense (as far as a magical world full of super magical people can make sense), so here we are. I don't know if I will be able to fulfil this purpose but I hope that the story will end up enjoyable. Can also be considered a prequel for my other story "Wasn’t my new life in a magical world supposed to be easy?" but has very little overlapping content and can be read as a stand alone story. Also available on Scribble Hub.
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