《The Royal Mates》Chapter Fourteen
When I woke up, all I felt was warmth and a bone-chilling breeze. I shivered. I got up and stretched for a minute or two. We didn't have that much more to go before we reached Russia. However, I don't really know where the kingdom is. It can't possibly be too far away from here, can it?
As I get up, I awaken Zinniah and she stretches. She yawns and looks at me with those big puppy eyes. Literally. Get it? Cause she's still in wolf form?
She shifts back to her human form, and that's when I realize something.
"God we are so stupid!" I scream. Zinniah look's at me worriedly. I then sigh and look at her.
"You can turn into a dragon. We could have made a god damn fire or something." I say and she just looks at me, realizing that we are the dumbest people on earth. She facepalms herself and I could tell she was thinking of a dragon. Next thing I know, she is a dragon.
Wow. I still underestimated their size.
I then ran off to at least gather some grass, anything we can light a fire with.
But Zinniah has other plans.
She followed me, made sure there were no cattle around, and she breathed flames in a circle around the both of us, but not before I made a perimeter around us so the fire wouldn't spread too far. And if it did I can always put it out. The flames were surprisingly lasting a while. I smiled and welcomed the warmth. She shifted back into human form and sighed in relief. We stayed here for a while in the cold weather, just enjoying the feeling that the heat was giving us. I felt the hunger in my stomach intensify though, and that meant we had to get food. We looked at each other and nodded, telling me to put out the fire. I did and we stayed for another ten minutes to make sure it didn't reignite. After the ten minutes, Zinniah shifted and I got on her back as we flew away. I was immediately frozen. The breeze was chilling to the bone. I have to power through this though.
When we are out of this situation, I will try to learn how to heat water. I'm pretty sure I can do that.
"Hey Zinniah, I don't know how well your hearing is at the moment, but maybe keep an ear out for, I don't know, food?" I asked her and she made some sort of screech in return. I chuckled and then relaxed. I clung to Zinniah's feathers, trying to regain some heat from her. Unfortunately, I got nothing. Little bits of heat here and there, but not a lot of it. I clung to her back for about an hour until we reached Beljasji, Russia. Finally. We're in Russia, but still no luck with where the kingdom is. For all we know, it could be all the way on the other side of Russia. Or we could be very close to it. I guess we will find out once we get to civilization.
"Hey Zinniah, I think we're close to a town, you should land and shift back," I told her and she nodded. Thankfully it wasn't too cold here, it felt like it was in the forties. Cold, but I know we will live.
We land near some trees and Zinniah shifts back.
"Jeez, you know how much it hurts when I change back? I think it's just because I've only started to change my body into other things. But really, I think I should lay off for a bit."
"That's alright, I hope you feel better Z. We're going to be getting closer to civilization, so I think you are better off staying in human form." Zinniah nodded in agreement and we started walking. We saw a river though and stopped by to drink some water. Rivers are freshwater so we don't have to boil it. We should boil it so it'll be clean, but we don't really have time for that.
We start making our way, how long we were walking for I don't know, but the sun was starting to set and we finally reached civilization. I looked around and saw we were in Katanda, Russia. I smiled as I saw an old cottage, with a swing chair on the porch, and the lights on, in what I assumed was the kitchen, living room, or dining room. Once I saw an older woman in the window, and her husband come up behind her, we raced to the front door and knocked. The woman came up to the door.
"Ya mogu vam chem-nibud' pomoch'?" (May I help you?)
"English?" I asked and she nodded.
"Sorry, my dear. How may I help you?" She had a thick Russian accent, which I found amazing. I loved accents, especially Russian ones. Some of the guards back in India had Russian accents and I always favored them over most.
"I need to know where the kingdom is. It's of dire importance." I said in a slight rush.
"Well, why would you want to go there?" She questioned. At this point, her husband came up beside her. I then looked at their necks and saw marks.
"Please. If you let us inside, I'm sure we both can explain. My name is Amorelli Agnelli, the lost princess of the seas. This is my best friend, Zinniah Waters, she is the lost princess of the Amazon. We know where all of the other royals are and we need to tell the king and queen. Plus, it's prophesied that I am mated to the soon-to-be-king of Russia, Mordikai York. Please." I was begging at this point. They both had wide eyes, and they immediately moved to let us in. I thanked them and embraced the heat their home gave us. I sighed in content and rubbed my arms, Zinniah doing the same.
"How do we know you both are not lying to us? This could all be a scam to kill us both."The man wasted no time accusing us of something that was not true. His eyes then looked like they glazed over, however, I didn't know why. Then the glaze was gone, and I was left with the question of what he just did. I turned around to his wife and frowned. Do they think we'd want to kill them?
"No, my god no. We have proof if you wouldn't mind us showing you." Zinniah said, walking up to them.
"Well? I don't have all damn day." The old man sounded and looked like a grouch. With a scar on his face running down his cheek. Zinniah lifted her hands to their cheeks, and I knew she was showing them where we were. Their eyes went wide and the old woman gasped, covering her mouth. She mumbled one word.
One name.
"Samara..." As Zinniah moved her hands the woman was in tears.
"You know Samara?" I questioned.
"She is my granddaughter!" The woman burst into tears and leaned into her mate, who was also crying.
"What did they do to her?" The old man questioned, trying to comfort his mate. I wonder how Mordikai will treat me.
"We were all slaves. However, she got one of the - worse trades..." I left it at that, hoping they would catch on. The old woman looked at me and cried out.
"They made my granddaughter into a sex slave?" She was bawling, her husband not even struggling to hold her up.
"Sadly yes. Zinniah and I were about to be turned into them as well, but a guard helped us escape and told us everything we needed to know so that when we left, we didn't have unanswered questions." I said then Zinniah cut in.
"Wait a second." We all looked to her, the old woman still continuing to cry.
"What?" I asked her.
"If Samara is the princess of Russia, and you two are her grandparents... That means, that you two are the parents of either the king or queen, former king and queen of Russia?" Zinniah went wide-eyed and I looked over to them, they proceeded to nod and at that moment I didn't know what to do. To be completely honest, I felt completely stupid. How did I not see it five minutes ago? I need to pay attention more.
"Yes. We were. And we are the king's parents. We taught him everything he needed to know. And then he found his queen. Oh, and Amorelli," The old man stopped talking to the both of us and focused on only me.
"Yes?" I looked him in the eye while we talked.
"If you are supposedly mated to Kai, and you're the princess of that seas... That makes you a," He paused and I sighed.
"Yes. I'm a mermaid. Or as Zinniah likes to call me, a fish." I sighed and Z giggled.
"Cause you are a fish."
"Hey, I'd rather be a fish than a weed." I retorted.
"Well at least I can turn into something pretty, you have to wait until after you meet Mordikai to go home to your family."
"Yeah? And I don't suppose you know where your family is, unlike me." I immediately stopped talking after I said that. I covered my hands with my mouth. She looked hurt and I saw the pain in her eyes.
"Z... I'm sorry. You know I love you." I walked over to her and hugged her. That was our first fight. Hopefully, there aren't anymore. It's at this time that I'm grateful that Zinniah is very forgiving. The other slaves would tease her, yet she would continue to be so kind to them. It made her look like the better person, especially since she was. She hugged back and mumbled her forgiveness. We looked back at the older couple and they just stared at us.
"So. What now?" The woman asked.
"Well, I'd like to not consider you two as the old couple we met at this cabin, could we get your names?" I asked politely. They both chuckled and we all sat down, they had prepared hot chocolate before we came, so they offered some and we took it gladly. I've never had hot chocolate before, but damn was it good.
"I am Edith York." The woman introduces herself. I smile at her.
"I am Yuri." The man says in return and I smile at him. I was sipping on my hot chocolate, enjoying the taste when all of a sudden five men came into the house. They looked around until they saw the four of us on the couches. Edith and Yuri looked at them calmly, whereas Z and I spilled hot chocolate all over the floor.
"Kto oni?" One man asked. Great. More Russian I can not understand. (Who are they?)
"Oni druz'ya. Ne prichinyayte im vreda. Oni znayut, gde Samara.." (They are friends. Do not harm them. They know where Samara is.)
"Otkuda nam eto znat'? Ona propala bez vesti vosemnadtsat' let. My znayem, chto oni mogut lgat'." (How do we know this? She has been missing for eighteen years. For all we know they could be lying.)
"Oni pokazali nam dokazatel'stva. Oni pribyli iz Samary. Otnesite ikh korolyu i koroleve, no ne dostavlyayte im nikakogo vreda." (They showed us proof. They came from where Samara is being held. Take them to the King and Queen, but make sure no harm comes to them.) The way Yuri sounded, he sounded like he had a lot of power in his voice. Like he commanded them to do something. But what?
"These guards are of the King and Queen. They are here to take you to them. I've already told them no harm comes to either of you. Just try not to annoy them and you will be fine." Yuri told us with a smile. Zinniah and I arose from our seats, thanked them for the hot chocolate, and were on our way. However, before I could take one step, Edith was out of her seat and engulfed me into a hug. I was shocked at first but hugged her back a moment later.
"You will make a great mate for my grandson." She smiled and I looked at her in surprise. I didn't expect to hear that come out of her mouth. I'm just grateful she isn't upset with me for the fact that I'm a fish.
"Thank you, Edith." I smile at her and made my way with Z and the guards. However, when we got outside, they cuffed us, put bags over our heads, and knocked us out. Before everything went dark, I heard a ground-shaking growl, I believe it came out of Yuri, but I was shoved in what I believe the back of a car before I could find out, and a second later I was out like a light.
We were all on our way. We had just made it to Xinjiang, China. I then pulled out my cell and called the Emperor's landline.
It rang for literally three seconds before it picked up.
"Nǐ hǎo?" (Hello?) I heard the Emperor ask.
"Hello, this is Mordikai York. It has come to my attention that you have my mate." I didn't let the authority in my voice waver. It was strong. I was excited to meet my mate, but as soon as I get her, she is never leaving me. No matter how hard she tries.
"Mr. York! My, she has already left with her friend to see you. She should be in Russia now." I can hear the enthusiasm in his voice. However, this makes me growl.
"My father doesn't wish for her to be my mate because she is a mermaid. If he finds her before I do, then all hell will break loose. Thank you for your time." I hung up as he was about to speak. I know what he wants, he wants a treaty, so if he goes to war with my allies, he gets my help, and I'll be going against the treaties my family has withheld for hundreds of years. I wasn't about to break them.
"Yo, Kai, you alright bro?" Mac asks, they all cowered away from me, noticing my rage.
"She's already in Russia. If my father gets to her before I do, then I'll have to kill him." All I saw was red. But then I thought of Amorelli, and her beautiful hair and melodic laugh from my dream. I started to calm down.
"Mordikai!" It was my grandmother, Edith.
"Grandma? What's wrong! Are you in danger?" I asked worriedly.
"No, but Amorelli and Zinniah are. Your father's men just took them away. Honey, they know where Samara is!" As she yelled I let out the most guttural growl and shifted immediately. All I saw was red. If my father touches the smallest hair on her body, I'll kill him.
"Kai? What's wrong!" Emily asks through our link.
"My father is about to have my mate and her friend. If he even breathes upon her I will kill him!" I yelled and they all whimpered.
I'm coming, Amorelli. I'm coming.
"Carlisle? Darling, what has gotten you so angry? The last time I saw you this angry was when the children broke the family heirloom." I walked over to him and started to rub my hand up and down his back. I could tell his wolf was in control.
"She's here. They are here." The way he sounded, it sounded as though he was going to kill.
"Who my love?" Now I was worried. This is definitely not like the time the kids broke the heirloom.
"That damned fish! Amorelli. And her idiotic friend Zinniah. When they get here I'm going to kill them both in front of Mordikai and force him to mate with the beta's girl." I gasped and walked away from him. This wasn't my mate. Hell, this wasn't my husband. I knocked into the chair with a bang and that was enough to make him come out of his trance.
"Carlisle if you loved him then you will allow him to be with his mate. And if you as much try and harm either of them in any way, I will leave you." The tone in my voice made him know that I was not joking.
"You wouldn't leave me. You can't. We're already mated, we have two beautiful children. Well, had." I heard his growl of anger.
"I don't care. I could still reject you. You know how our rules work." I pushed him away from me, not knowing while we were talking that he had me against a wall. He looked stunned and growled in annoyance. I growled back in anger.
"If you do anything that will harm my baby boy, I will kill you. Even if it kills me." With that, I left the room. I walked over to Miss Olivia's room and knocked.
"Come in, my dear." I walked in immediately and she knew what had happened.
"If he touches Amorelli, I will kill him myself," I say.
"I know. The girls just left Edith's and Yuri's house. They should be here soon. Within two and a half hours." Miss Olivia seemed grim and I intend on knowing why.
"Let me show you, my dear, what is to happen when they get here." She holds my hand and puts them on the ball. It shows two girls, one with a large ball of water around the guards that I'm assuming took her. The other girl was shapeshifting into, I believe, anything she could think of. First, she's a wolf. Then a dragon. Then a poisonous flower that shoots out poisonous darts. I gasped at everything. She then shows me where I am during all of this, and it looks to be that I am strapped to the bed, with wolfsbane in my system. No doubt Carlisle put it there. I growled deeply at the thought. She then went back to the girls. It looks like two days from when they get here, that they will be in the dungeons and will be tortured. I then see my beautiful Kai walk into the room, and then it all goes blank. I look up and all I can feel is an utter rage. I get up, thank Miss Olivia, and walk to the garden in attempts to calm myself down. If he thinks he's getting away with strapping me to the bed and injecting me with wolfsbane he's dead wrong.
I was with the boss at the moment. He was currently having me stand naked while his hands roamed my body. I felt disgusted. Dirty. I felt as though my dignity was long gone. I silently cried but wiped them away, knowing I'd get beat for crying.
"Samara, you always were my favorite." He then takes one of my breasts in his mouth and I internally shutter at the feeling. I hate him. And when I get out of here as Amorelli and Zinniah did, I'll kill him. We were all here for a reason, however, I sadly didn't know my reason. I don't even know who my family is.
He then laid me down on an empty desk. One he had prepared before I came in. He entered me forcefully and it took everything in me not to cry out in both pain and sadness. I hate it here. I just want to go back home.
If I even have a home.
After about ten minutes of agonizing pain, he finally exited my body and shoved me out of his room. I cried on the way back to my room. When I got there I collapsed and started bawling. The one friend I have made here came rushing to me and helped me up into my bed. She grabbed tissues and gave them to me, she kept a few, however, to wipe my tears and I blew my nose.
"Samara... I'm so sorry." I knew she meant it. But I hated hearing that from her and all the other girls around here.
"Tala, I know you're sorry. But please, I'm tired of hearing those three words." I cried into her shoulder and I felt her nod and rub my back. We laid in my bed for about an hour until I stopped crying. I then got up and went to get food after I put on my nightclothes. I sighed as I grabbed the melted chocolate that the girls made. I loved chocolate. It made me happy.
"I just want to get out of here," I mumbled, loud enough for Tala to hear me. She nodded and squeezed my knee comfortingly.
One day, I'll get out of here and save us all.
One day.
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