《His Adventure In The Soul World》Chapter 7 : (Arc - Eternal Love) High Jump


Along the way, we introduced each other properly.

Me (Cank) : 19 years old, acquired Yellow monkey-mok soul

Brick : 17 years old, acquired Yellow monkey-mok soul

Rey : 15 years old, acquired Yellow monkey-mok soul

The way Rey killed the yellow monkey-mok was quite unique. He and his mom also use a vine to tie a sleeping yellow monkey mok. They hide with it in a cave for 2 whole days and Rey tickle the monkey whenever he can. The monkey can’t stop laughing although its mouth is filled with small stones and leaves. They just have to rub around the belly button of the monkey to tickle it. After two days, the monkey dies and that monkey gave Rey the soul. In a way, he is quite lucky that he got his soul after his first kill.

He said he got that idea because one of his friends can’t stop laughing whenever he tickle him. And his friend becomes so tired after being tickled for some time. His friend always say “Don’t tickle me. When I die of exhaustion because of laughing, you will be the murderer”. Well, he is sort of a genius.

He was also surprised when we told him how we managed to kill many yellow monkeys. I think we become friendlier to each other.

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When we reach the village that I saw the last time, it is already dawn. The houses here are really tall. And all of them are one-storey houses. The tallest house is about 6 meters tall. It is a new experience to us.

We checked in an inn and then, we try to collect information. The local people of this soul world are humans just like us. But they don’t use the language we use one earth. They use the universal language of this soul world called sould. To communicate with them, we, the travelers have to learn their language. My mom has taught me sould for the last year. So, I am okay with everyday words. Brick also seems okay. Only Rey finds it a little bit difficult to communicate with the local.


I could collect some information. The name of the village is called HighJump. The people of this village are mostly, from the HighJump tribe. This soul world has this one strange naming system. The local have their last name such as HighJump, RunFast, NoBreathe, etc…. The reason is that many generations of their ancestors did what their last name suggested in the hope of gaining that ability. In the case of HighJump, they try to jump high every day. They hoped that the change in their genes will bring about those ability. And what is surprising is that it really works. It is the reason why the houses of this village are so tall. Houses need to be tall enough to let the villagers accidently or habitually jump without touching the roofs. I wonder if this habitual thing will work with us, the people of the earth. I’ve heard that it has not been too long since adult’s body has evolved to be able to drink milk. Only children could drink milk before.

I also asked why they do it when they can fuse with a soul which can jump really high. The answer I got was that the locals are not sure too. May be, it is a decree their ancestors got from the emperor. May be, they needed the ability all the time so that they can’t wait for the soul fusion.

The HighJump are mainly farmers. They usually harvest their crops twice a year and sell them in a big city. And what I get to know more surprise me. Travelers can’t eat the crops and fruits of this world. It’s not that they are toxic. Just that, at the very least, the stomach will be upset for a day. In extreme cases, he who has eaten the crop or what is made of crop would be weak for about a week. I thought I was lucky enough to not find the mangoes in the mango park. Until now, I was wondering why I didn’t find anything made from their crop like bread, salad in safe zone, but only cooked meat.


If my grandpa could tell me those, how nice would it be. It can’t be helped. After all, on the earth, if you are not a soul master, it is a taboo to know about the things in the soul world. Only the language, sould is officially permitted to learn. May be there are more reasons why the qualified soul master don’t talk about the soul world. Anyway, I would know them before I return. When I first entered the safe zone, the authorities said that I would be qualify to take their test when I become first class soul master. But they didn’t talk about what the first class means. They said I have to find it myself.

And as for earning money here, we would have to go the house of the headman of this HighJump village. There we would find a board with requested jobs. The local call them quest. After looking at the job description, if you think you are capable within the given time limit, you may apply for the job at the reception near the board. They will register the job as taken. And the others won’t be able to take that job for a given time frame.

But if the person or the group that has taken the job couldn’t finish it in time, they have to give a proper report. Without proper report, they would be punished. Money or jail, according to the extent of the difficulty of the quest. And the person or is not found after the given time, it is regarded them as dead or have difficulty to show up. So, that person or group would not be punished. But they will be banned for a time if they reappear.

The quest are also ranked. It’s 1 star, 2 star, 5 star and so on where 1 star is the easiest. The higher the number of the stars reach, the more difficult the quest becomes. The people from the village doesn’t know the upper limit of the star. We have to go to the cities to learn about them.

But before doing anything, we take a nap. For the last few days, we have been sleeping in the day time and work at night. I think we need to readjust our bio clock.

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When we wake up, it is already afternoon. Washing our bodies and having lunch took about half and hour. And now after registering a room for a day and having lunch, we only have left with a single silver coin. I find a need to do some quests to earn for our living.

We changed clothes and came out of the inn. Our destination is the house of the headman. Along the way, I see almost all villagers wear brown clothes. So, I ask one of them and found out what I have wanted to know from the day I first entered the portal. I completely forgot to ask Shin about it. May be she also asked the others or a shopkeeper told her.

The man I asked answer, “There is no brown light of fusion in this soul world. All the moks know that in their genes. When they see a human in other color than brown, they think he is emitting the light of fusion. They feel threatened. And also hatred for killing moks. That’s why we wear only brown clothes.”

So, this is the reason. I am glad that I was not killed for my ignorance.

After a few minutes of walk, we have finally reached the headman’s house.

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