
‘you this little shit! know when you are overstepping your bounds, you still have a chance to come back into the tribe, just admit your wrongs and if you want you could even join my sector, just think carefully’ Mak said in a low growling voice, as he tried his best to conceal his anger since Lark was undoubtably his best student and was going to succeed him as great elder when they had won the coup. His hand tightly gripped the sword in its sheathe on his back as the veins on his hand literally looked like they were about to pop.

‘really? is that any way to start a negotiation?’ Tor responded nonchalantly as his leg smashed through Lark’s head just like that, he did not even give the fifty year old successor a chance to scream or feel fear because he thought his master would protect him. ‘ah my leg just moved on its own, this happens when i feel threatened’ Tor said with clearly feigned surprise and regret blaming Mak for his actions. ‘you little bastard i offered a toast but u decided to drink the poison of forfeit, i will show you what i your papa am capable of’ Mak was now as livid as a raging bull.

The spatial lights began to whirl in his eyes, while Tor had a snare on his face and was wondering if he should attack since he had been on the defensive throughout this ‘argument’.

In the next split second, Tor caught sight of sword light mixed with the spatial mantle cutting through space as it came closer and Mak’s figure appeared to his flank, in reaction he tipped his sword out of the scabbard blocking the slash from behind but the force blew him backwards summersaulting at the end, he changed direction in the air avoiding Mak’s earlier slash from the front. Tors sword was also sent flying right behind him and before he landed completely he already caught it by the hilt and started bolting in Mak’s direction with what seemed like excitement.


‘No wonder you wanted to connive for the great elder’s seat, you do have quite a bit of power, at least far more than your dumb lackeys but to match the great elders power, it is far far far too lacking’ Tor responded as he casually parried Maks attacks from the flanks and the more Mak kept increasing his power, the more excited Tor looked. Each and every action from Mak caused regions of the spatial mountain to collapse because he tried to destroy the region which tor was in since he had no luck with frontal approaches. He built up his spatial mantle twisting the space in the region and grinding everything in sight to dust and even some of his men and bystanders around who were too slow to flee got torn up, in the region only Mak, an unperturbed Tor and the great elder of course who was now gleefully watching the show because the other spectators were too busy fleeing for their lives. ‘hey oga elder, is this all you’ve got?’ Tor asked Mak in a mocking tone looking truly disappointed ‘ if so, you should have called me daddy from the start and we could’ve worked out an alternative.’ Tor continued as he had his cynical smile on, but when Mak saw this he felt a sense of foreboding and cut off his spatial disseminators, which was the skill he had used to destroy regions of the super hard ‘Black Mountain’.

Mak’s leather armour began to be covered by strange metal which glowed a faint red but was black in colour, ‘i was saving this to deal with the great elder but you should be thankful i have deemed you worthy to die by my hands and after i have carried out lark’s threats on you i will kill the great elder like a pig since he dared to raise a demon like you.’ Mak screamed in pure rage as a maniacal light shone within his eyes. The next second his phantom releasing a low reddish aura appeared to the left of Tors front without making a sound and Tor did not sense any spatial ripples, it punched with a low uppercut trying to connect Tor’s jaw but Tor reacted by blocking with his left hand which held his sword as a loud ‘peng’ sound broke out and Tor's sword broke, ignoring that Tor punched out with his right arm as it was so fast most of the high-level elders left couldn’t see it, it caved the chest plate of Mak’s armour in but at the moment he was about to pull his hand back, Mak’s armour popped out directing the force back at Tor sending ground shattering force back at him, which made him teleport away as the ground caved in but Mak’s landed safely at the edge of the crater with no injuries and merged with him, whilst Tor appeared on the other end calmly rolling up the sleeves of his hoodie exposing two silver bracelets as the tune changed on his headphones which showed that he had only been fighting for about three minutes, the tune ‘ready to die’ came on. ‘you can never hurt me and you will soon slow down, you have no hope against the hybrid of mantle and technology, give up and just accept your fate, I will make your death slow and painful to satisfy those you have killed here today.’ Mak said in a sinister and overconfident tone.


‘Mak do you have no shame using tainted technology? how many sacrifices?!’ the great lord asked enraged and disgusted, his eyes swirling with spatial lights amid the chaos of the battle that was ongoing but made no moves to attack since he was assured that Mak would not live past the next minute. ‘so what you self righteous bastard Ter, just sit quietly I will deal with you once I’m done with this little rat’ Mak said which made the Great Elder think surely he had already lost his mind to the phantoms in the ‘Blood Armour’. ‘you talk too much.’ tor sighed as he increased the volume on his headphones, then he threw the hilt of the broken sword away and in that split second he vanished appearing behind mak his fists coated in spatial energy which twisted the surroundings, causing distortions and ripples. This made him to feel a sense of foreboding and as he was about to teleport he heard Tors sarcastic voice from behind, ‘too slow.’ There was the slight shudder trained eyes would see before Mak felt the left side of his lower back get pierced through by a drill tearing straight through the lower back and to the front it took a big chunk of meat and left a gaping hole in his side, in reaction to the pain Mak gathered spatial energy in his left hand in that split second and swung at Tor, Tor simply grabbed the fist and used spatial energy to penetrate through Mak’s Armour and severed his shoulder. ‘argh!!!’ mak shouted, or more like howled as he teleported out of Tor’s grip, his one good hand trying to feed energy to the gaping hole in his left side in order to seal the wound and stop the constantly increasing bleeding. ‘you little fuck you deceived us. i will take you down with me even if it is the last thing I do’ Mak screamed as his eyes shone an unnatural crimson colour. ’who has the time to deceive you when you’re too busy doing that yourself? how could you expect to beat the great elder with such meagre power? come let me see how you wish to commit double suicide with an unwilling participant’ Tor said in anticipation as mak began charging towards him.

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