《Eternal Luck》Old Brother Northson


Universal Heart:

Inside a well-decorated governmental building and on the third floor’s main office sat a white-haired young man reading scroll after scroll of information. On this young man’s head were two small antlers. In front of the man’s desk, two familiar youths were seated obediently, excitement visible on their face. Whenever they looked at each other, they couldn’t help but smile wryly. Although their dreams were coming true, wasn’t this unfair to their best friend? (Lieutenant Colonel of the World Government's Brightfish Legion, Flash Northson.) ------- Flash's Heart:

Today I'm in a pretty good mood. Not only did I recruit a perfect disciple for myself, I even found a suitable junior apprentice brother. When I was first asked to come to New Origin City for recruitment, I was skeptical. As a soldier of the World Government, I possessed no prejudice against the humble. However, the odds of finding a suitable student in a humble city were unquestionably thin. I've traveled to countless cities in the Acadian Grand Empire, but rarely found any exceptional martial artists and warriors for the army, let alone a direct student. I couldn't believe my luck today.

According to my new student, he has a friend that's only more amazing than the two gems seated in front of my desk. After I finish my paperwork, I have every intention to investigate this youngster. But a sudden mental message caused me to raise my head from the scroll in my hands and glance at the door. "Do not, under any circumstances, offend the woman who will walk in your office." Before I could be shocked by my father's voice booming in my mind, I received another mental transmission. "That woman of yours has brought a woman and a youth to come to see you. If I’m not mistaken, it should be that youth the Education Bureau just upgraded to red level. According to her report…" Knock! Knock! 'These two…they both contact me at the same time, but they refuse to be in the same room.' I palmed my forehead in exasperation. As influential as both of my parents were, they were apart of two separate factions. As their son, I was forced into the position of intermediary whenever they weren't seeing eye to eye.

"Enter!" I called out, slightly amused. However, my face remained stern as I had quite the headache. My power base was still insufficient, and I didn’t have a strong enough soul to maintain two psychic channels. The strain of both voices in my head was nearly maddening. A young maidservant entered the room with three figures following behind. These three were none other than Supervisor Darkchild, Kiya Prozen, and Ryatt Drakel, as stated in the report my mother was currently narrating for me. Kiya’s excessive beauty and Ryatt’s big bright eyes that shined like stars in the night sky and his natural curiosity left a profound impact on me. Especially when I looked at the young boy, I even felt my divine power stir a bit. I frowned, immediately flabbergasted by this sensation. This was extremely unnatural, and my attention was now centered on the child. "Good evening, Mr. Northson," the maidservant curtsied gracefully. "Mistress Susan has requested your ear." Hearing the words 'Mistress Susan' made my fiance's cute face turn scarlet. "Mn, you are excused," I dismissively waved his hand at the servant, still staring at the young Ryatt. I thought inspecting him a little closer would help me understand this sensation, but I couldn't replicate the initial feeling. ------- Lucky's Heart:

At this point, Mr. Northson and I had already locked gazes. The moment our gazes locked, I felt something stir deep within my body. This sent chills down my spine, but it also felt warm and familiar somehow. What was happening? "Big brother Flash, this is Kiya Prozen and her son…" Supervisor Darkchild stepped forward to make an introduction, but her voice was quickly cut off by a raucous bout of laughter. "Aha, ahahaha! So it’s true! I actually did run into a treasure on this trip, after all, hahaha!" Mr. Northson laughed loudly, his words stunning both the boys in front of him as well as his new guests. "Axel? Mikey? What are you two doing here?" I, in particular, was completely dumbfounded when I noticed who these two youths were. "Huh?" Axel and Mikey both turned around at my words. Axel was just as stunned as myself, asking, "Luck? What are you doing with Ms. Susan?" "Northson…" my mother had a slightly dazed look in her eyes as she stared at this man. "You are a fey." I noticed that this wasn't a question my mother was asking, it was a statement. I looked at Mr. Northson again, curious about this so-called fey. It was only now that I noticed the two antlers protruding from his skull, something completely foreign to normal human genealogy. His hair was a striking white color and his teeth looked abnormally sharp when he spoke and especially when he laughed. So this is a fey? I couldn't help but be intrigued, my head cocking to the side.


"Ah, of course," Mr. Northson nodded at this gorgeous woman before appraising his new juniors carefully. "So this youngster is the friend you two kept going on and on about? The one more talented than both of you humble geniuses, eh? What is going on in New Origin City for them to produce such talent in one generation? To think you were all almost buried away in the humble school systems." "Hehe," Mikah’s face flushed as he had indeed said these words. He scratched his nose and shrugged as we exchanged a glance.

My heart felt warm knowing my friends had spoken on my behalf in my absence.

"Yes, senior brother, that’s him! He’s Ryatt Drakel; we all went to school together. He was the one who saved our friend from those gangsters that attacked us," Axel said smugly. He truly felt proud to have such a brave brother. For Axel, I was the goal that he was always chasing! Knowing this I reaffirmed my goal of gaining strength and influence. I had to be a proper goal by charging ahead fearlessly. I could tell Axel had already told the Lieutenant Colonel about all of those past issues. I couldn't help but wonder if someone would seek justice for us. "Senior brother?" I turned to this handsome white-haired man before me, unfamiliar with Axel’s choice of address. "Your good friend here will receive one of my two recommendations to enroll at Thoth Academy," Mr. Northson smiled warmly at me. "Only Axel?" I asked curiously. Wasn’t Mikey here as well? Didn't he receive the only other recommendation? "I’ve decided to finish humble school and then join the World Government!" Mikah said with a fiery passion in his eyes. "Teacher is going to help me reach the Hero Realm. If I can reach the Profound State as a magic refiner in less than ten years, I can join his legion in the military." "Wah…" I was dumbfounded once more. There were so many new and wondrous things happening today, wasn't this originally going to be a bad day? This was quite the turnaround. I soon figured it out. Why would Mikah choose the military over the academy? He definitely wanted to go to school with Axel! Seeing the smile on Mikah’s face, my heart turned sweet and sour. "Mikey…did you do this for me?" My friends didn’t know I was on the way. How could they? I only just found out when it happened. However, it seemed they had been trying to get the profounder to take a look at me on their own. "Hehe," Mikah scratched his nose innocently. "Maybe a little. But I also want to stay with teacher, and teacher isn’t returning to the academy anytime soon. By the time he does, maybe I’ll already be a profounder." "Teacher?" I was so confused. Axel called this man senior brother, yet Mikah was his student? Wasn’t this hierarchy a bit off? "You’re little friend, Mikah, has great resonance with the wind element," Mr. Northson laughed casually and said. "Elemental Resonance is the first step to becoming a hero. Now that he has achieved resonance, his path forward will be much simpler. I also train in the wind element. There are naturally strong karmic ties between us. Junior brother Axel may not have achieved elemental resonance, but my master has taken a fancy to him. He will accompany my master back to Nibiru City after the conference ends and join Thoth Academy under master’s tutelage. In fact, because of this I still have both of my recommendation spots." My eyes opened wide with shock. Joined the military? Accepted a master? Hadn’t it only been a single day? Less, a few hours? So many changes. "Thoth Academy, huh," my mother's sudden interjection captured everyone’s attention. Her voice was melodious and soothing, like soft bells ringing. It was mesmerizing. "Lieutenant Colonel Northson, I have a question. Your master…is he a human or a wondergod?" "He is a wondergod born at the profound level," although Mr. Northson felt slightly compelled to answer, he didn’t resist the urge. After all, this was public knowledge. "And please, fellow magus. You may call me Flash." "A pleasure to meet you, junior magus Northson," Kiya smiled radiantly, and any who saw felt like the room got a bit brighter. Merely, she casually ignored Flash's desire to be on a first name basis. While everyone was blinded by my mother's smile, I suddenly caught another chill. I had seen that smile before. In the next instant, my mom's smile melted into nihility. Her gaze turned cold, and her words were laced with frost, "Summon your father. Tell that little punk Northson that he owes me for not telling me the truth about that woman. I want to see him. Now. He can receive his new disciple early. Also, ask your mother to say hello to Magus Brightfish for me." ------- Flash's Heart:


"This…ah…" I was stunned for a moment, but I quickly recovered. How was this woman aware of my parents? This wasn't exactly a secret, but no one outside of the factions involved should be aware. Before I could refuse, I received a mental message from my father and then my mother. Obviously, they were observing this engagement through their own methods. I swallowed hard and then said, "He is…on his way. My mother sends her greetings to you exalted fairy. We did not realize you were active. She will deliver your message immediately." I had my suspicions when I sensed the divine fluctuations hidden deep within this woman’s son. Those fluctuations were just too pure. They made even me feel a strong sense of reverence and fealty. This was only logical in one scenario that I knew. However, my mother’s message had just confirmed it. "She is the exalted one!" my mother’s voice sounded frantic in my mind. "She is also our business partner's asset in normal times. This is unbelievable. Fate truly will have its way, and the admin is truly divine. Secure that child’s entry into the academy no matter what, and cut all communication with me for the next three hours. I will create an alibi, handle everything in secret." Swoosh! A tall and majestic-looking mountain of a man suddenly stood in the middle of the room. The man stood over five meters tall, and his skin was teal. His thick muscles gleamed like heavy steel. Two enormous antlers protruded from the left and right sides of his skull, when two smaller appendages identical to my own protruded from the top. The giant immediately fell on one knee, and the entire room shook a bit. Ryatt was visibly startled by the man’s massive form.. (Thoth Academy Vice-dean, Wondergod Northson. What a guy.)

------- Universal Heart:

When his mighty and booming voice came out, it was in a language that none present could understand save for Kiya and her son. Even Ryatt could only understand this creature partially. The loud power fluctuations made the words hard to make out. "Divine Creature Northson greets the exalted goddess. Exalted Goddess Winter Fairy, we have long awaited your arrival," Divine Creature Northson kneeled and bowed his head in sincere respect as he spoke. "It has been many months now. It is good to see that the young master is in good health." "Are you here to tell me that your master has arranged for Ryatt to be at Thoth Academy?" Kiya asked plainly, unimpressed by the divine creature’s display. "Thoth Academy was founded for the sake of the young master," Divine Creature Northson casually presented some news that would shake the entire world if it was confirmed. He didn’t dare to lie to the woman in front of him. His master had told them long ago that seeing this woman was the same as seeing him. Not even Majestic Nature had this honor! Thus, Divine Creature Northson couldn’t be careless when speaking to Kiya, "For the sake of encountering the young master, we allowed fate to lead us to Acadia. His destiny is already growing. I can not see it, but I’m sure you’ve noticed his outrageous amount of karmic luck. I am sensitive to both karmic merit and sin through my receivers." Divine Creature Northson motioned towards his antlers as he spoke. "Around your son is neither the aura of merit nor sin. Instead, it’s a pure and magical aura I’ve never sensed clearly until entering this room today," Divine Creature Northson looked Kiya in her eyes. When she saw the fierce look had now become one of tender concern for her child, he finally relaxed. They were on the same side, after all. "This sensation can only be karmic luck. This means our sun is both a source of fortune and a beacon for calamity. Our guru has ordered us to seek out fortune’s sun. Today, I am here to ask you for custody of the young master, exalted mistress." Kiya Prozen was quiet for several breaths.

She glanced at her son, whose little brows were furrowed as if he were trying to understand something. Kiya sighed in her heart, knowing she couldn’t protect Ryatt on her own. The more talent he showed, the more danger he would face by her side. Marc had already started to plot on her son from the shadows. This couldn’t be allowed to continue. However, it seemed the arrangements had arrived at the perfect moment. She had never imagined that the mighty Thoth Academy, a school which had long since become a staple of Disaster County, long before they even arrived on this world, was actually created solely for one day protecting her son. "You’ve got it all figured out. Don’t you, Meno?" Kiya mused to herself. She looked at the eagerly awaiting wondergod and the perplexed people in the room. She spoke once more in that ancient tongue, "Do not ask me. You must ask him." She would let her son decide his own fate. Would he stay by her side or venture out to find his own way as his elder sister had done? In her heart, Kiya knew the answer. "Yes," Divine Creature Northson stood up once more as his gaze descended onto Riot. His voice finally boomed out in the world tongue, "Ryatt Shreya Drakel, first of your name and third of your line. Are you willing to follow this old brother and attend Thoth Academy?"

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