《elemental warrior》reincarnation council


when i slowly woke up i found myself in a room that was pure white the only things that were in the room were a table made of simple wood in moon crescent shape and 5 chairs with 5 white hood figures. i look at them and they look back and i realize i can't see inside their hoods it's just pure black.

so i stand there and simply wait for them to talk assuming they can talk. this is something most 15 year olds probably couldn't do lack of patience is normal for my age group but i was raised as a warrior and i understand they are probably testing me. so about an hour goes by and the one on the far right of the 5 chuckles and says "good patience in someone so young is rare especially where u came from young one" the hooded figure next to him says" yes, he is tempered to be a warrior and shows it, we have picked wisely i think" the middle one nods and says " but he is to choose if he will fight or not we will not force this task on him"

at that point i interrupt them and ask "fight? fight the demons?" they all chuckle and the middle one that seems to be the leader says " yes, you were quick on the uptake those demons have not only come to your planet they have destroyed hundreds and what we want u to do is destroy the the power behind the demons by destroying the demon seed they will cease to exist everywhere thing it as a link to the demons existence but we are not all powerful. we can only control so much and we have plenty of time and yet not much. the demons will not willingly destroy the humans on their home planet right away it will wait for 40-50 years but it will happen by that time humans wont exist in any galaxy so we are hoping you will help the human race of every galaxy and let us reincarnate you on the demons home planet in the human's area as a human with affinity to magic."


as i listen to this and understand their point i only ask one question "why me?"

they outright laugh at this and the middle one says " well it is your character that mostly swayed us you have both dark and light in you, you can kill but care for others still you do no steep yourself in blood to the point that you are addicted or revel in it and because you are they type of person ask "why me?" instead of asking for abilities or powers like a normal 15 would. you are mature beyond your years and we only have the ability to do so much when reincarnating someone."

i think this over and say " thank you" and then say "when u say affinity to magic does that mean all of them or just ones in the blood line i'm reborn into" the middle person's head snaps up with what i would guess a surprised reaction" that is.... your accepting?" i say " yes , i am" then cough lightly and say " i want to avenge my father and mother and from what i saw of the demons they are pure evil they slaughtered and tried to slaughter children in my last world i died protecting one though i know it was useless i just couldn't stand and watch a child die so i stood there till and fought till i died. " the middle nods and says " and this is why we chose u would rather choose to let one live a little longer and fight to the death then watch a younger one then yourself be killed we know you are not a coward but u have compassion also that ultimately what we gods looked for"

i was thinking about what they said until that point until the word "gods" was said then it made sense that they would have the power to do this to pull me to them. so i asked " ok since your are gods this would make this your planet then and i assume the other planets helped u with giving you power to summon me here?" the middle nods then something that amazes even me the voice changes from the monotone i've been hearing all this time for the five, the one in the middle put down the hood and i see a very beautiful woman with red hair and pointy ears and she says " you are wiser than most 15 year olds and yes we did get help this is for the sake of the humans under our protection and rule." the other four take off their hoods and i'm surprised that all of them but one are female the one that isn't is a muscular guy that screams god of war and other three women are i assume the middles one's relatives or sisters because they have red hair and pointy ears and they all bow to me and say " thank you" in unison even the god of war guy which surprises me. the middle woman god says one last thing then i start falling asleep " we will not interfere when you on the planet but we will indirectly help we wish u a good life and we hope you will help us oh and to answer your question about affinities u have the ability to access all of them" and then the my vision goes black.

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