《elemental warrior》the end of my life the beginning of my infamy


why hello my name is zach and im am the so called "elemental warrior" , what do i mean by "elemental warrior" u ask well we'll get to that soon first u need to know why i got to that point why i am called by such a name. so this is my story:

so it was my birthday and i was now 15 i had my friends over for it i was a typical jock but i was nice to everyone no one said if your jock you have to be mean t o everyone that isnt one. my dad name is phil an my mothers name is sara. i am an only child and we live in phoenix arizona out in the suburbs so we had a large piece of land on the edge of it back to the main topic.

my parents are awesome on birthdays they throw the biggest party's in phoenix so when the party was done i was tired and heading into take seat on the couch when i heard my mother yell " RUN ZACH THE DEMONS ARE RIGHT BEHIND ME" so i twist around thinking she playing a joke when i see thousands and thousands of demons shrouded in a mist so black it looks like thousands of black holes i stare in horror.

WHY? how is this possible Demons don't exist is what i was thinking although they were staring me right in the face i couldn't move or speak i just sat there trying to rationalize what i saw in front of me then as they got closer and my Father started fighting along side my mother try to hold them back while yelling "RUN ZACH WE WILL HOLD THEM OFF RU---" those were his dad last words before he was stabbed by a demon with a blade for a hand through the torso


though what happen next zach couldnt believe his or believe of his dad I watched when he got stabbed his dad just glared up at his attacker then went on a rampage cutting the blade like hand at what could be called the wrist of the demon and beheaded it and went to the next one and beheaded it he was starting glow red and the deepness of that red was growing as he fought and at the end of my dads life he had killed 4000 demons before dying.

the scene before me was to much for my mother and she lept into the fighting she walked slowly held two katanas slightly glowing with her inner spirit element lept into the horde of demons and ran with feet glowing white as her swords were when she landed slashing and parrying slashing and beheading yelling for zach to run.

but i couldn't, i couldn't not watch the death of my parents and live with it so i ran to my room and pulled the katanas that i was given for my 15th birthday off my bed and ran out of the house releasing my inner spirit element to sheath my entire body and ran towards my mother i would rather die by there side then run away and leave the to die this was my ultimate thought at the moment.

so i cut and slashed and fought to my mothers side only to find that she was dead. she was being cut up into pieces along with my dads body when i saw this i felt a heat in my body and started to glow red. this red glow seemed to take my inner spirit element or what some people would my life force and turn it to speed strength and force of power in my arms and body seeing this happening i knew the longer i used this red glow ability the chance of me walking away alive was lowered


so i looked up into the demons eyes or what seemed to be eyes of the demon cutting up my parents and smiled cruelly and increased my speed to my maximum and shoped the demons head off and landed and sped to one after another watching and relishing in the fact the demons were dying but there was no end i decided i needed a better view adn ran bacl to my house and jumped on top of it and looked at the horde of demons there was no end they covered the horizon as far i could see attacking phoenix and there was no end to the death and destruction i saw. the number one question was WHY? WAS THIS HAPPENING WHY NOW WHY? while i was on my roof i saw my neighbors running from demons while hold a 3 year old that was their daughter. still glowing red like a blood covered knight.

i sped to there side as fast i could and tried to block the demon from hurting them i succeeded but when i turned around i saw demon attacking the mother of the three year old though i know it was pointless to try i saved her anyway and took a sword in the throat for my efforts i saved her but i was going black i was fighting demons as i was going black and finally fell into blackness. this where my rise to infamy on another planet started.

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