《When Idols became your family》A prank and A job
"SO young lady, sit down and you too LEADER NIM" the tone in his voice was seriously calm which made me more unconfortable, {am i going to be yelled to? have i caused problem to the boys ? will they be reprimeneded because of me?} and before he can say any other word i stood up and talked,{ yeah sometimes i act without thinking,} i knew that hitman spoke really well in english and what i was about to say i didn't want the boys to understand because i knew they will blame their selfs and it will cause them a lot of problem but after all it will end up with a small yelling for me .
" Mr.Hitman, before you say anything can you hear me? please?" i bowed 90° and i saw that naamjoon too was shoked at my actions " first let me introduce myself, i am Hendy, 22 years old , i am in vacancy here for some says and i swear i am not a seasang nor a journalist and yes i am a fan and an ARMY but i didn't come here because i was stalking the boys i met them by pure coincidence and they became my friends before i knew their were BTS, I ate with them today and spend sometimes but please don't worry i am not the girlfriend of one of them nor i am in love with any of them. i promise you i didn't even take picture with them because it might cause controversy and that's the least i wish for, please don't yell at them, it's all because of me" naamjoon was about to cut me but i glared at him and he just put his head down, i took another breath and continued" I am really sorry for euh you know your head, i really didn't mean too, and i promise you i will not come back here and till the day i die also no one will know about the adress of the dorm or even about me being here" I looked at the boys who were shoked and looked really dumb it was a very funny scene to see " And what else to say, they really treated me well and i am thankful for you because you made such a great team and thank you for listening to me to the end" i inhaled a big sigh and bowed " He just nodded and then" why did you speak in english, i just heared you talk in korean and you're really good at it and also what do you do in life ?" he answered calmly but i didn't expect him to say that i was more waiting for a yelling or something like that.
"I just graduated from university, can i answer in different language?"
"you know the boys are really gentle so if they were to understand what i told you they will be blaming themself yet the truth is different, they didn't do anything wrong it's all my fault . but it's in their nature to protect ARMY so excuse me if you think i disrespected you speaking in english, i swear it wasn't the case, i just didn't want them to understand" he smiled maybe i will not get scolded
"Waw, you're really great in frensh too, what other language can you speak ?"
"Arabic, spanish, japanese and little bit of chinese, Why sir? " i asked confused
"Do you have a work ?"
"I just graduated from engineering school and i didn't get time to find or even search for a work yet" he shouted surprised and believe me , the boys turned blue from fear, oh they must really fear him to be so calm like that, they were sitting next to him and there was suga and rapmonster next to me who was looking at us very uneasy from the second we started talking in frensh "What !! You're an engineer and you speak 7 language aleardy, little girl would you like to work with me ?"
"OF COURSE, but Mr, I can't neither song nor dance i am really numb when it came to performing " i shouted happily
"It's my first time seeing someone accept a job without knowing what it is " i knew i am acting overexcited and i am getting red but that's me how can i refuse a job in Bighit and in korea, i must be crazy if i said no "Hahaah, the truth i've even postulated for a manager in your company but i didn't get an answer so i will be happy with any work you have to offer , i like learning new things so i will adapt to any work"
"I forget to ask you, where are you from?"
"Tunisia , you know it?"
"Yeah in north africa, if i am right?"
"yeah that's it, can i ask you what do you want me to do?"
"First we need an international representator for our company and you seem very fited for the job, i will give you later the contract to see it , but that's not all , i think the boys are very fond of you, looking at their face, their really about to cry and very scared and that's not because of me but they are worried for you, i konw them very well and i can tell that they like you a lot and i am sure they are the one who asked you to stay and bought you here, yeah sometimes they are reckless but that's what i like about them," he stated straightforwardly
"i am sorry for lying to you , i just wanted.." i looked down embarrassed
"yeah, for them and that's why i want to be with them, i think you can be a like a life coach i was aleardy searching for someone for them because you know how much trouble they pass by and also you will be a good friend willing to listen to them when no one can, and there is one more thing you can help them for chemical product that we use almost everyday"
"No no you must be joking around, No no i can't believe my ears, i must be dreaming, are you making those offer for me? " yaah yahh hendy filter your words, i am about to jump from happiness
"BUT you will have to move in with them, i hope it doesn't make any inconvienience for you" he must be kidding right, how can living with bts be an inconvinience !!
"Sir i am ready to sleep in bighit if that's what it take for me to get this job"
"It will be a hard job, are you willing to take the challenge?"
" i am more than willing to take it" we were talking and talking and the boys where there listening and not understanding any single word they were really like fools with their moutth wide open. when i looked at them i wanted to tease them more so an idea pooped in my head, should i share it with the PD nim , ? i will try, after all who don't take risk don't get anything.
"Sir, what do you think if we pull a prank in the boys, they are really dumbfound now and it's the best if we make fun to ease the atmosphere and to tease them to hehe" a devilish look started to appear on my face and his too
"What do you proporse?"
"Are you in? sure? so you will start screaming at me in korean and ask me to leave and ask the manager to go with me to make sure nothing leak and because, i am good at acting so i will start crying, they are too scared to speak a word so i will go out and wait for you with manager to speak further about my work, but you have to promise me you will not tell them anything, until tomorrow or i don't know when i will start working"
"But they saw you're happy face when i told you about the work, let me think mmmm i will tell them that i told you i will not send you to jail that's why and by the way you start tomorrow at 5 am " oh my god even the PD nim like to tease the boy hehe, let's have some fun
" I can start even now if you ask me too but Mr , can you do it ? i am sure it will be so funny"
" you're really intersting little girl"
" and i know you love playing prank on them, Thank you very much for accepting my stupid request"
" it will be fun i am sure"
"Uncle you know you're really gentle, you're appearance and you're charisma scared me at first but it's far from being what i imagined and now let's the game begin" yes i talking nonsense here
Without warning, which even surprised me Mr hitman started screaming and he was saying very harsh word, i tried my best not to laugh and because i am really a cry baby i started tearing up, i knew it was an act but when i saw him acting, Hell this man can easily win an award naamjoon and suga were about to open their mouth when he glared at them "don't you dare open your fucking mouths , we will talk later and i will show you what you gain from to bring a girl home when you aleardy know the rules " I really pitied them { devils laughs }
Their were unable to react and for me i looked at the president and it was like our signal for m"to get me out," yah manager, take her out and make sure she don't open her mouth and YOU !(pointing at me) be glad i didn't send you to jail" tears where starting to fall i bowed " goodbye , sorry boys and thank you" taehyung stood up tring to come to me when a glare from naamjoon who was really worried stopped him, he knew it can will lead to the worst but the thing he was not aware of, is that all this were a prank i know they will kill me later but for now let's have fun, like that they will never bring a girl home again i left After looking one last time at their eyes, they were really sad, {Oh my god i am starting to regret that, they were so sincere and sad for me}
After closing the door the manager just took me to the car of the persident and asked me to wait and he was really gentle asking me if i was ok and telling me that everything will turn out for the best.
Meanwhile in the dorm there was 7 boys ready to get their part of the cake, the president started with a calm but a serious tone "Didn't i forbid you from bringing fan to home?
"Yes but.."the leader was about to continue but one more time got cut down {oh this president have to learn how to let them talk} ( joking joking it was his role right there and he had to appear angry)
"I will not waste my time to ask you why she was here or why she was wearing your clothes, sure enough she was a whore? right ?" The president continued
"NO NO" some of them at the same time, some others were just shaking their head in disbelief.
"Like i will believe you..!! Any way you have 30 minutes to be in the van, you have an interview, a photoshoot and then hours of practice Ok? ! Ah last but not least you will have a life coach who will be living with you for the time being .. i will make sure you pay a good price for bringing such a girl to the dorm without permission"
"What? Life coach why? we are old enough to coach our lifes" Yoongi who can t keep his mouth shut face to injustice
"You have a problem SUGA SSHI" but rapmonster whispred to him " please hyung shut up now i will talk to him later when he cool down please"
The president get up" i will be going now, see you later and don't bother speaking to me. by the way if i knew that anyone of you has contacted her, you will really regret it very much"
" taepiounim (president) just one thing can i ask you what did you talk about in frensh with her?" Jin asked after a lot of hesitation, yeah yeah jin good good, it's the time for your curioisity Holly shit...
"It s none of your business" the PDnim glared abd went out slamming the door behind him
Yeah the boys were troubled they didn't want a coach life and less someone new living with them but after they discover who it will be maybe they will change their point of view.
HENDY pov back in the car--
I was playing with my phone impatient to know what happened there, when the door of the car opened and the president get in "Annyeong uncle, now we can speak in korean and i am ready to impress you but before please tell me how was it?" being the talkative girl i've always been, i couldn't even let him breath.
"Hahahahahahah you can't believe their facesn it was the most hilarious scene i saw they were terrified but normal it s my first time being like that hahaahah, i've almost laughed there, i want to thank you i am paying them some of the stress and trouble they made me pass by aahh" he was laughing and laughing, {good job hendy at least you'e good at something :making mistakes and pranks}
" so hendy here is the contract read it and sign here, you will get 2000000₩ salary and live with the boys your expense fees are in our care and for your salary its for your personal use"
"2000000₩ ??!!!!!
"It s a little ?"
"No no man it s so so much, i was ready to work for free, yo just have to feed me"
" you have to do a good job then"
"You don't need to worry, i swear i will not disppoint you, but i just have one problem , i am from Tunisia and i don't have a long time stay visa yet can you help me with this ?"
" ah i know i know about that and you don't need to worry about anything related to papers i will deal with it.Ok""
"Thaaank youuu and here i aleardy sign it, My dream job" i gave him the contrat smiling, i can feel my jaw hurting.
"You're really something else, i am waiting for your achievement, and now where do you need to go because i have a meeting in an hour"
" ah i am sorry for keeping you, just pull off here i am going to the guest house to prepare my things and then go to buy some clothes for work and you said that i start working tomorrow at 5am right? so i will meet you in bighit at that time"
"Pro girl like it !!,but meet me in big hit at 8 pm tonight and get your luggage with you, a car will be waiting for you in front of your guest house, the boys need a reward after what we've done to them"
"Do you have an idea?"
"I will tell you later"
Skip time to 8 am
A car was waiting for me, a handsome man come up to me and helped me put on my luggage in the trunk of the car and then he opened the door it was really awkward so i asked if i could get in the passenger sit and he said ok, it will be easier and much more confortable like that and i will be making one new friend, the trip to bighit was exciting we talked a little be, and i couldn't stop smiling by myself all day, because of what happened, { as they say you never know what life has in box for you }
"Here we are and you can leave your lugguage i will be waiting for you here" the man whose name was yoosung, exclaimed "thank you but do i have another destination, " when a sudden voice from behind surpriesed me "little lady, yeah we are going to the dorm you will make dinner for us tonight, i would like try you're tunisian food and make it up for the boys who were really stressed today they barely made it to now" the president just opened the door and get on the van while, i get on next to him this time.
" where are they by the way ?" Curious as usual
"In the practice room as always, they will be home in 2 or 3 hours so we better hurry up"
"Mmm Ok, by the way, uncle can we pull off next to a grocery shopping, i need some things for dinner"
"As you wish little lady". {he always call me like that and i got used to it}
Time skip**
We were at the dorm, i was cooking and uncle was watching the Tv, it felt as if i was with my real uncle, it was not awkward nor difficult, he was really taking care of me as member of his family and it was really easy to talk to him.
The boys will be here, anytime soon, {and if you ask how i knew the manager called the president to inform him, since he got aleardy informed by the prank and he even wished he was there to see them} , the table and food were ready i cooked some pasta and i added multiple salad and some side dishes.
I took a quick shower and put on this outfit
I needed to look good in a casual way, it's a family dinner more than a professional one, i was looking at myself in the mirror, {oh i still have the lences yoongi gave me, but wait if i have to live with them, they will discover it sooner or later, Hendy do you think it's time to think about that? .. huh no} when i heared the door open and the boys where entering the house, they were so noisy as always but then it's dead silence so i assumed it was either because of seeing the dinner or the president:"hello mr, we didn t know you will be here is everything ok?" And then jin added to what suga was saying "and who made us this table ? It smell nice, you re no longer angry with us?"
The boys were pouring questions and questions " Guys can you calm down !! i am here to introduce your life coach" and then added "Little girl come in" i come out from behind them and when they turned and saw me their jaw almost dropped, no one can utter a single word.
Some where surprised and other were just annoyed or may be angry, let's hope this night end for the best ...Let's hope it end up for the best
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