《When Idols became your family》New Beginning
"WHAT THE FUCK?BTS'S SUGA" i must be still dreaming, i pinched myself {ow it hurts} and looked at him again, oh he is still here , a smirk formed in his mouth and believe me it made me melt even in this situation {how can you be flirting in this situation hendy} stupid conscience can't you go to sleep for now
"Yeah, the one and only MIN YOONGI "
"Wh..a.at aa..mm I doing here?"
"Didn't i told you we will meet soon? yet even i, didn't thought it will be this fast" he smirked again but he had a confused look in his eyes, oh my god he is killing me, i am standing in front of my UB in this state and only god know what i did yesterday let's hope i didn't fuck up alot.
"Ahh..a.h and i didn't thought i will see you again.."i answered still shoked , i still can't cease the situation i put myself in but believe me i am thinking that i was blessed, after relizing that he was still grabbing my wrist and lifting my chain up, i pulled myself away taking a step back and i looking around me just to avoid his percent eyes " why am i here? How did i get here? did anything happen last night.."
"annyeong hyunnng" taetae come running towards suga and cutting me down but the second he saw me he stopped with a face as shoked as mine when i wake up "who is this girl?" aleardy forget me .. oh it's normal for him not to recognize me in this state, ME i wasn't anymore shoked about the fact that i am in bts's dorm cause something more shoking is in front of my eyes hell taetae was only wearing only a boxer { i may sound like a pervert but imagine seeing the cute taetae like that, my mind kept showing #SEXY#PERVERT HENDY},
"TaeTae, go wake naamjoon, someone need some explanation and i too lazy to talk" he runned back to his room trying to wear something while screaming everywhere and voices started to became louder around the dorm "Hendy just go take a shower or change because you really smell like shit ! "
"No thank you i am going home, i will just wait for rapmonster to explain or just him to call me, bye" i answered looking down starting to drag my feet out ,i really wanted to go home, because girl who want their favorite group to see them in such a state and let's not forget that i must caused a choas yesterday to end up like that. but i don't remember anything. why all that happen to me?
"RIGHT.NOW. TO . THE .SHOWER" his tone really scared me, i couldn't say anything back, I walked to the bathroom which was just behind me and directly under the water, after 5 minutes, i found myself more awaken, i warped a tool around me and looked at myself in the mirror, oh no i lost my lences, that's why suga seemed confused earlier, what should i do ? i will look strange like that ? {hendy BRAVO, you can create an earthquack with your stupid head} i will just avoid their eyes, and here i am standing with nothing to wear also, when shit happens it's really come together ...what a stupid girl how can you not ask for clothes, than a soft but very manly voice come from behind the door i knew who was the owner, {rapmonster of course} "i left some clothes in front of the door, you can wear them when you finish, don't worry they are clean"
"Thank you" i mumbled, after some minutes i opened the door, took the clothes and closed it back, i put one the very big sweater and a short who just hit my knee, i warped my hair in towel and got out, all of them were sitting in the couch expect of rapmon who i don't know where he's gone and they were looking at me without saying anything; it really made unconfortable until Suga gestured me with his head to come and sit down next to him, even though sometimes he is very straightforward and he is a little bit scary when angry but i felt really secure with him around, i just nodded and sit next to him looking at my feet, i can't look up first i am walking the road of shame, second my eyes ..
"So hendy, how came you're taking a shower in BTS dorm and still not fainting " said jungkook sarcastilly he sure is annoyed, and i knew he was just wondering what would a fan was doing in his home, i understand him if i was in his shoes i would have panicked more than that, "Kookie, leave her alone, i was the one who bringed her here," answered rapmon with his leading tone while sitting next to me, all boys were waiting for an explantion , expect Suga who i think aleardy know everything, but the truth i was also waiting to know because believe me it's as if my memory was erased from the moment i got a message from my ex to this morning i don't can't recall anything, { it's really not a time to be crying about your ex and your past hendy now } I was sitting between suga and rapmonster and next to him there is j hope and jin , and in front of us the is the maknae line, i was looking to my feet, i never thought that the floor can be so interesting, one thing for sure i lost all my confidence today.
"so hendy you should really want to know what happened yesterday, should i tell you this embarassing story in front of everyone or should we speak alone but you will have to tell me something about some EX BOY... "before he can finish i put my hand in front of his mouth and i looked at him with pleading eyes, "let's speak alone please, i ve aleardy humilated myself enough in front of you guys so please, naamjoon aah " i whinned.
"Okay, but first can i ask you why do you have different color in your eyes.." Oh i forget about that i facepalmed in my head "Ah, it's lences, i lost one maybe" i tried to seem as much confident as i can.
" Mmm if you say so.., Listen let me explain how you landed here,because i have to satisfy their curiosity,and of course i will leave some parts out for us to talk about it after,ok? " he didn't seem to believe my lie and i eyed him hoping he don't say any wrong information to them, i was really nervous and in other hand there is suga smirking as if he knew everything i wished they don't , this little jerk was really enjoyed seeing me like that, i really wanted to hit him but i restrained myself from moving { good not only you create a choas , now you want to assualt a star. sometimes i wish i am not you} my conscience seem to talk a lot today.
"hendy, you remeber the boys you meet the other day, the ones who saved you?"
"yeah but how do you know about this incident, have you meet with them yesterday? i remember planning to see them but...euuhhh they were with me? " curious faces where seen all over the living room including me too.
"it's yoongi hyung and me"
"FUUCKK ?? WHAT ??? Stop kidding me, i've had enough surprise for one morning, stop jocking around "
"HENDY .. " Jin said with a serious tone and i knew it was because i cursed
"Sorry" I mumbled, sometimes i can't control what i say, and i say some big words, { continue embarassing yourself, good girl hendy .. note my sarcasm}
"I swear it was us but it's not my fault if you couldn't recognize us" he said smiling simply.
"How can i ? when you were all covered and also why didn't you say anything in the fanmeeting*?" i answered back i felt like they cheated on me.
"it's you who even after hearing our voices a lot you couldn't know us, we were really disppointed" responded suga back. how can i think that some celebrity are walking in an empty ally, saving their fan and by i don't know which miracle it's me. i didn't even dreamt of that.
"You must be crazy to think that in such situation i will be able to concentrate on any voices, but ..eeuuh .. so yesterday we meet up together ? and i landed here?"i asked suga trying to change the subject because you can see the dippointement in his look all along i was avoiding any eye contact.
http://dnatesting.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/two-eye-color-1000x557.jpg (my eye color and i hate it )
"Not exactly like that but now you know why you're in our dorm" naamjoon answered for him
"Hyung care to explain more about the fact that you meet her before?"
"Yoongi hyung will do it for me, i have to speak with this kid who don't know how to take care of herself"
"Yaaah , Naamjoon i am too lazy to explain anything and beside i want to sleep" the grumpy boy shouted
"Hyung please i have to clear everything before the manager come so help me with this one"
"Aish okay okay, go on" he smiled at him and took my wirst dragging me to the room in whish i found myself sleeping in this morning, "Take of your sweater!" he ordered
"Huuuh?? What why?" shocked, maybe i didn't hear it right
"Look at it and you will know why, since you're so careful when you took a shower you forget about your cut and her you're staining another shirt with blood, so will you take it now or do you want me to do it for you ? " he seem angry,
"What?! oh no no, i am sorry" looking at my hand and the shirt was really stained with blood, i took it off and fortuantly i was wearing a small crop top under it not just only my bra oh , he started cleaning the cut and putting on the bandage, he was really gentle and when he finished , he turned my face to look at him because i was staring at the bed all the time. {, i was really blushing, first sleeping here, second being a nuisance, third an idol is cleaning my cut, and importantly i am a troublemaker }and asked the one question i wished he will not ask "can you explain what happened before you call me yesterday? who is your ex? and what happened to you before you came here? what was the decision you took to make him break up with you ? Sorry but yesterday you said alot of bullshit so enlighten me."
I was really shoked by all his question but how can he know so much about my story, when i don't recall one single thing, shiiit i swear i will never drink one drop of alcool anymore {waawww hendy how will you explain to him, he didn't even leave me a chance to lie} "Hum.. "I took a deep breath and started summoning everything from the day i decided to come to the message when i finished i felt like a big pain was removed from my heart, yet he didn't say a word he was just nodding and looking at me with such a reconforting eyes, i didn't know i was crying until he putted his hand on my cheeks and gently wiping my tears from my cheek, His stage name was RAPMONSTER but right now he was THE MOST GENTELMAN i"ve ever seen.
"So do you feel any better now ? " that's all he said, no comment no judgement nothing only only that and i was really glad , "yeah, naamjoon, Thank you for everything and i am sorry for this mess in front of you" i said pointing to myself and trying to chuckle, at that moment he pulled me towards him whispering in ear" come here, you're not a mess you're just a little baby kid" He hugged me really tightly and i really felt the warmth he was giving out, we pulled back when we heared the door knocking, "Thank you very much" I smiled and he smiled back while standing up to open the door.
"You didn't finish yet? " Taetae pouting and he was really happy to see me looking at him and smiling and behind him there was j-hope standing .
"Yeah but you two, better don't disturb her and hendy take of your contact lences it looks strange" rapmonster passed him going to the living room {didn't i told you it was strange to have two different color, he may not mean to hurt me but i knew it}
"It's okay it's okay" i stood up "i am about to leave, so thank you guys for everything thank you and i am very sorry, " 90° bow was really needed at the moment.
"no no no you can't leave , i didn't play with you and only hyung got the chance to speak with you the most nooooo" taetae was really all over the place which made me smile, aish this kid he surely know how to lift my mood,
"Taetae maybe next time if we got the chance to meet again, i don't want to disturb you guys more, and i swear i have to go and your manager will be here soon" i have really an apologitic look but what can i do , as much as i wanted to stay i really needed to go , i don't want to cause any more problem to any of them and i knew my presence can cause a big one.
"No, you're staying and you're eating with us, the food is aleardy on the table , and don't think about saying anything, we don't let our guest go home without eating" bursted jin from the kitchen to the room .
"Yeah, you have to at least eat" they all said in union expect from jimin and jungkook they were just looking at me with a disgusted look or a haeful one i don't know really, yet nothing can change the mind of the others. i started walking out of the room when suga gave me a small box, i looked at the box in my hand it was an eye lences box, oh he knew i was lying , this observer boy when i glance at him he just put on his warmest smile how can i resist anymore , when the cold boy smile you can't look away. he is my UB after all. { hendy you d'better be ready to stand up for you're words.. what the hell, don't blame me if you cause a problem} my consience agaiinn
"Okay okay, but if you got problem , it's not me " i warned them joking, they chuckled and sat around the table as for me i walked to the bathroom putting on the lences i just got, they were brown, it fits well by good luck and then i joined them and, we started eating and i enjoyed hearing them talking about everthing and anything, it was really fun being around them, yes a cup full of happiness is filling me from head to toes, i i even forget that i am around idols, because up close their only humans, only boys who are enjoying a family dinner with a friend, yeah i was treated like a friend not a girl or a fan , just a friend ! ' i even forget about the incident of this morning'
" Hendy, why are you only laughing , speak we need to here your voice and sorry, i know we are very noisy " jin exclaimed like a child
"No no , you're reaally funny, i am really having a good time, hell it's been a long time since i had such a great laugh, thank you guys " i looked at the time it was 3 pm aleardy" Shiiiiiitt, oupps !! :p guys i need to go my shift start at 4 pm and this time i am sure if i don't be in time the ahjumma of the guest house will kick me out" i hurridly stand up taking my clothes , and hasting all over, " Goodbyes guys thank youu for everything" i didn't even let them respond and runned to the door putting my shoes yet when i opened the door someone from the other side got hit by it, " shit, one more mistake in less than a day good girl " i mumbled to myself
"I am sorry ahjussi, oh are you ok ? do you want me to take you to the hospital? yaa naamjoon, yoongi aah anyone inside come help me" the man was in pain but he was looking at me with a surprised face when i yelled the boys names and just when naamjoon got out " PD-nim!!! "he screamed "What? where? Who? when ?" i almost choked " oh my god, i am so sorry, " i stood up helping him and bowing a hundred times he just got up and walked in saying in angry serious tone ,something i wished he wouldn't say "YOU, come with me"
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