《Athemasus》Chapter 2 Going Out


Zyca woke up the next day feeling refreshed and the first few things he do is checked on himself, looking at the coins and begin to count “and hundred nineteen and hundred twenty” this guy brutally economic. Seriously, this guy really strict on his coins, unfortunately for Zyca is that I am not.

He then perform an equipment check and found out a tear on his coat that is hard as chainmail, possibly because taking full brunt of the Basilisk attack the other day or...that I move too wild when I possess Zyca. Meh, Zyca still got to patch that up or the effect of almost complete elemental affinity will drop drastically which he won’t try to fight in because he likes to do his best and be in the best condition or he is just perfectionist guy who couldn’t look at that tear.

“Need some magic threads... might got them for ten coins, better if I can get some discount on it using my fame from slaying that Basilisk or maybe will it increase because they thought I have money?” Zyca being economic, it is too painful to watch

He tidy up his civilian clothes for a stroll while looking for the magic threads in the hustle and bustle of this small frontier city of Moore. Moore was at first was a settlement made of hunters near the Fer’heanel Forest then some merchant arrived then bought what the hunters brought and also settled making trading routes which attract passerby, settler and even monsters to come and soon they built the frontier city that Zyca and the people now stayed on.

Zyca greets the patrons and the barmaid in the interior of The Silver Streak which looks like a normal tavern, complete with a large central hearth, numerous tables and chairs, and a polished wood bar. The atmosphere is warm and friendly. The patrons all seem to be dressed and interacting like normal people, that is if normal people are mostly adventurers taking on dangerous if not life-threatening request for gold and fame.

There is a branching hallway which had some rooms for rent towards the back, as well as a stairway leading up to an upper level for those with extra coins wanting extra comfort like Zyca, who ‘need’ more comfy bed, personal bathroom and a separate storage chest for his belongings which were unused as he keep those in his own dimensional rift he got from once he advancing his class of Magister to Arch magus before.

“Sir Zyca...wait, don't go” the waitress girl and also the daughter of the innkeeper, Cassie Silver is the name of the gal with a tray holding some mug for the bar patron and put it down near the counter, she is now standing between Zyca and the entrance. “here, some of last night coins, it seemed they were holding back on your behalf” as she kindly give his change of fifteen coins, pretty generous of them to not take more and even give back the coins, not using some unscrupulous tax or other kind of those that I deem worth mentioning.


“Well...didn’t I told you before not to call me sir” as Zyca almost reach to take it, he stopped. Zyca had some unforeseen quality in him or...

“Keep it for now...” he closed her hands that holding the coin “we can use those coins to go shopping...how about tomorrow, you say?” she nodded, damn he is smooth or what.

“…tomorrow? It is free in the morning…I mean YES!”

“Then get ready for tomorrow, Casey” I am flipping table here if there is one I can flip. Zyca then goes out the Silver Streak inn to the plaza.

He had arrived at the magic clothing store, the store is different from other kinds of store even the magic Shoppe around the city gate that opened there for safety reasons but here at the plaza, the magic clothing store flaunted all its masterpieces in price that could...will make Zyca shiver in dread.

From utility in combat, use in everyday life or things people called style or fashion, a term I only heard now, are sold here. All of it are nice and good but Zyca’s equipment qualities were beyond those ‘masterpiece’ sold here as I, The Great Me was the one who enchant it, but no matter how excellent the enchantment is if the matter used as its base were weak or scrapped it can still be destroyed and it’s enchant become obsolete

Zyca’s armor ‘Fate Wayfarer’ was his late father old leather armor when the man was a young aspiring to be adventurer but have too much complications on his stead, now that armor was reinforced with many material that Zyca…really being picky “White thread is more resilient but red one seems more thinner but it hold more magic...the white or the red....” he is comparing quality of threads for the loving grace of economic life.

Finally, he bought the things like threads and some velvet cloths and even start sewing it on spot using the store tools and then proceed to create a perfect copy of the sewing tool in his spatial rift, the audacity of my boy are commendable.

The store keeper said to take some of the items in the guild warehouse by showing the guard the certificate of buying he give to Zyca now...uh oh the warehouse...well can’t be helped if he learn it this early.

He walks out the store with his civilian clothes stored in his personal rift and goes out in his Fate Wayfarer armor to make publicity as he walks by.


As he goes to the warehouse, he is tapped on the shoulder by a hand wearing a gauntlet. He turn back to see the female knight from before. “You, we got to talk” she said as she pulling the back of his cloth neck towards a corner


“Am I in trouble?” Zyca asked while some beads of sweat come pouring down from his forehead as he brought to a damp dark corner waiting for the female knight to talk. After looking at her for a while, she really does look like the gal but with more mature air from her look of shorter hair that’s braided and tied up combined with her straight posture and gaze.

“What is so wrong about me that become so much trouble to you...?” Zyca haven’t finish talking when the female knight brought her sword upon Zyca’s neck

The trouble being you getting near my sister and…” she looked at him dead in the eye“…You made her cry” she stated as the sword closing in to his face

Huh…isn’t the reason of her crying was being glad about Zyca wellbeing.

Misunderstanding about that might be her reason on doing this but didn’t the gal already explained it before when Zyca was down.

“She cried because she was glad about my survival. We are glad about that” as Zyca said that...the sword had already moved directly on his eye level

“Yeah, she did say that but I didn’t buy it” she tilt her head to closes on Zyca “more importantly who are you? Some boy with unknown equipment and prodigy as title appeared out of nowhere just few weeks ago without news or tale on him then joined the adventurer guild and strike up a team with veterans who lost most of its team members and had setbacks some time before he arrived and achieved what others couldn’t even dream of by killing a dangerous red greater basilisk and survived” she laid out the fact as seen by outsiders and hit the mark, yet that is what I wanted.

“I am just that as you describe...I don’t have anything else to say. I am just capable of that and I don’t really know how or by what my old man calling me as ‘a bag of wondrous talents’ as I remember” he feigned without any proper base to support words he himself said

“You can still talk like that with sword pointed to you” she sheathed her sword “well I suppose a sword wasn’t enough to intimidate someone who fight toe-to-toe with a Greater Basilisk” she gave up on trying getting some dirt on Zyca

“well if there is nothing more, how about we look around town, I might can get us some lunch and we can talk more about…” he try to coax the female knight to soften up on him by asking her out

“Nice try but seeing from my sister, I’ll pass. I don’t want being a bad part in her love life” she leaves, waving her hand. Smart and sensible woman if not a bit nosy

As the distraction leave, Zyca continue his way to...city plaza. Seems like his path now deviate from how he thought at first. He went and do another shopping...window shopping to be precise to calm his nerve.


And after uneventful hours of window shopping and info gathering, currently Zyca knows about the murder and maybe thinking about helping out the case.

“Sensational, isn’t it?” A voice from the back of the alley exclaim, Zyca look at the source of the voice to find his ‘friend’, Draken, a veteran adventurer.

“Hey, Drak. How is it going, senior?” Zyca offer a half-hearted salute to her

“That’s embarrassing, stop it. Don’t make me remember that" the girl hold her head while squatting down, she must be remembering about that time.

“Hahaha...but, seriously how is it going?” he repeated the question after a small laugh while putting his hand on her shoulder consoling her though he already laugh beforehand

“uh...I just got back from outside of Icanorty Valley when I heard news of you got wounded fighting a Greater Basilisk so I rushed back to see...” she stopped while looking at Zyca more thoroughly “but, it seemed you are fine to me?”

“Got some good blessing with dedicated healer for few days and all pain go away” he answered thumping his chest “say...Icanorty Valley, right? Did you find something interesting there?” my boy start to dig for some information

They talked and talked, apparently there were some rumor regarding an enormous beast there as some of the place apex predator are found dead.

“But, there aren’t any indication of more stronger or larger beasts trail that killed them at best all that’s left were their bones, but only to leave behind the bone of the Great Fire Soul Ape…” Dark making a gesture on how big its bones was with her hands which about the size of her whole arm “Interesting isn’t?” Her eyes somehow seemed to sparkle, probably from excitement.

For some more minutes all they do are just uttering some kind words and small talk until Zyca end it “...well seems like it’s getting dark. Got to go, senior” Zyca then waved at her as she seems accepting the senior nickname...for now


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