《Eringer》Chapter 13
“I’m more of an improviser. There isn’t necessarily anything wrong with that, as it has its advantages. I just think I should spend more time emulating my master. Even surprises aren't surprising to him.” - Syntera Valen Rey
In her reading, Syntera found some very odd accounts of what had happened in the past through her studies. Illiar had been a democracy for a long time. It seemed like the form it took had changed over a few thousand years, but it was always centered around Mith-Fell since the city was reclaimed.
First, the Ancient Black Dragon Brius came from the north and took the city, enslaving the entire population. For nearly a quarter century, he ruled Mith-Fell. The rest of the nation collapsed, as their government and most of their military leaders perished in the initial conflict. All attempts to kill the dragon - direct assault, a siege, assassination - failed, often costing thousands of civilian lives. Those that fled were cut down by acid, if they managed to make it past magical barriers Brius had set up.
It took a group of extraordinarily powerful heroes to finally take down the dragon and free Mith-Fell. There were many accounts of the battle, which varied from overly descriptive and embellishing, to a few brief highlights. The abilities, magic, and items that the heroes utilized were of an unmatched caliber. If they were half as strong as the references claimed, they would still be far beyond anything she had ever heard of. The sole exception would be her Master, and based on the accounts, they may have been more powerful than him.
Second, and more curiously, was that after the heroes saved the city, they disappeared entirely. Not just from Mith-Fell, but there was not a single corroborated sighting of them ever again. Even more strange, all the people in the city vanished, too! She spent more time researching that than anything else for the night, finding nothing more on the subject.
Finally, she learned that in recent years, Illiar was quite powerful. Financially, they were the richest nation on the continent, possibly the world. They also had a strong military. Though the leadership was respectable, there were several contingencies of soldiers, as well as special units, that were incredibly effective. The generals knew how to employ them and they appeared to be instrumental in the success of both offensive and defensive campaigns.
Based on Illiar's situation, Syntera found it hard to see why they had not been aggressive toward other nations, especially her own. The Kingdom of Haren was extremely antagonistic, utilizing their superior mobility and generals to attack and expand whenever they could over the last couple decades. They also started their wars with well planned and overwhelming sneak attacks.
Syntera looked out her window, contemplating what she had been reading. She saw the light reflected on two other moons and realized dawn would be coming in a few hours. She resolved to ask Arinelle questions later as she laid down to sleep.
She woke up on her own accord, shortly before noon based on the position of the suns. "Ahhh crap. Grumpy mage is gonna be upset." Syntera hopped out of bed and quickly changed before heading outside. She skipped breakfast, but that was something she was used to.
She hustled up the path toward the lighthouse to find Arinelle. There was a piece of parchment stuck to the door that read, "Meeting place #7."
"Gah. So many different spots. Is that the stables or the botanist's shop?" Syntera thought for a few moments and decided to try the stables first. She grabbed the note before she left so no one else would see it.
She walked casually, but also checked to make sure she wasn't followed. The mage was so abundantly cautious that it sometimes drove her crazy. It made sense, mostly, but she knew he had spells that could accomplish subtly and subterfuge much more efficiently. He preached being able to accomplish things without magic when appropriate, though. "What was it he said? 'Magic leaves traces, young one.'' She imitated him again, though quietly, as she strutted down the streets. No one seemed to be paying attention to her in the slightest.
Syntera arrived at the stables and made her way to the back. There was a note on the door in the same handwriting, "Wrong spot."
How did he know she would go to the wrong place? She ripped the note off the door. "Bastard!." The young woman turned around and stomped off to the strange plant shop, mumbling to herself about the arrogant mage.
She entered through the front, finding no customers in the brightly lit shop. Though the ground level shades were drawn, the ceiling was mostly windows to let the sun shine down on the various plants. She wondered, briefly, how much it cost to construct it in such a way.
"Can I help you?" An elderly gnome asked as she came around her counter.
"Yes, I am here to inquire about some moon root."
The other woman nodded, "You can find some in the back." She returned to her spot behind the counter.
"Thank you." Syntera walked to the backdoor, opened it, and closed it behind her.
Arinelle was standing at a square table, with two of the people he had told her were "Informants." He nodded to her, "Welcome, apprentice. You may take a seat or stand as you prefer."
Syntera walked to the open side of the table and remained standing.
"There is a Ball going on tonight in Mith-Fell that I would like to attend. I would like for you to join me, if you are willing."
Though she knew the answer, she asked anyways, "That's... hundreds of miles away. How will we get there?"
“Now young one. If something were to happen to me, or should I direct you to do so, you must take this scroll and use it to return to my lighthouse.”
“I thought you weren’t concerned about this? At least not enough to be hurt or killed?”
“I am not. The chance of the first is less than one in ten and the latter less than one in a hundred thousand. Contingencies, my apprentice. I always have them and this is another. Just because it is unlikely to be necessary, does not mean that it is not important.”
“A one in ten chance to be injured? How would that happen?”
“Any number of ways. The event could be assaulted by mages using area spells, an assassin could be present that seeks my death, a fight could break out which could require intervention… The possibilities are practically endless. Regardless, I would have you promise that you will use this scroll should I ask you to, should you be injured, or should I be killed.”
“Umm... I suppose.”
“Promise me, please.”
“I promise.” Syntera reluctantly accepted the scroll, placing it in a concealed compartment in her outfit.
“Thank you. Observe. That is all I ask at the moment. There may come a time in which we need to take action, though it is not expected. Let me know if you see anything unusual. Despite our previous discussions, I would have you trust your instincts while there. We will study the necessary material to bring lessons out of the event when we return.” He pulled out his wand and performed quick somatic components of a complicated spell. “Hold still, please.” He murmured something in Draconic, which she had only begun to learn.
Then the world went black around her. The Arch Mage was still standing in the same position next to her. For a brief moment, Syntera saw stars all around, as if she were floating in space. It ended as quickly as it began and they were standing in the middle of a small, empty room.
The young woman found herself staring up at an old wooden ceiling. She looked around, noting that the walls were stone, along with the floor. The ground itself had an intricate pattern upon it that was glowing a pale blue. The light faded over the course of a few seconds.
“A Teleportation Circle. They are quite useful. This one I had constructed over the span of a year, some time ago…” He trailed off deep in thought. A few seconds passed before he seemed to come back from reliving a memory. “A story for another day. Let us head to this event.” Arinelle strode forward, to open the only door.
The hall behind was dimly lit, but Syntera had no difficulty seeing. At some point during her training with her master, she had developed some abilities. One of those allowed her to see in the dark perhaps twice as well as a dwarf or elf.
Something had changed in her, as if a part of her mind just snapped into place. Magic was starting to make sense. It felt like an intuitive knowledge. Arinelle had said some spells and abilities would come easy to her, but she would have to study nonetheless.
They entered a room where a young male human was shuffling about. He looked up, eyes wide. "Oh, sir. So good to see you! I have gathered what you asked! Here is a uniform for the young lady, I believe it should be a good fit. I would recommend heading over as soon as possible, much of the staff is already working!."
"Thank you. Do you know how many will be attending?"
The man handed Syntera the uniform. "Yes sir, there should be around one hundred and fifty people, plus staff and security. With them, probably around two hundred and fifty."
"Very well. We may be returning later. If you do not hear from us by dawn, you may head home."
"Yes sir, thank you sir." He bowed and retreated to a corner. "There is a room right here to change in, ma'am."
She nodded and entered the small room the man referenced. She changed quickly, making sure to keep the scroll in an accessible place. After a minute, she emerged wearing the clothing of the waiting staff.
"That should be a passable disguise, ma'am. You look just like the people there."
"We will be on our way now. Thank you for your assistance."
"Yes sir, anytime sir."
They walked up some stairs to another small room. Arinelle moved to the far wall, opened the only door and slid aside a bookshelf that faced the other way. They duo emerged into the back of a shop, then exited to the street after covering their tracks.
"This way, young one."
She followed, silently, as she took in the city of Mith-Fell. It was the first time she had travelled anywhere other than a mile or two outside her own city. The people were mostly gathered in small groups, talking animatedly. Most looked concerned and fearful, which was understandable, considering what her Master had accomplished the previous evening.
Syntera found herself behind a large building with a dome in the center. There were people conversing on the other side, though she couldn't tell what they were saying.
“I will link our minds so that we may communicate with each other silently.” Arinelle flicked his wand once to the left, then back to its starting position.
The young woman felt an odd sensation, as if she had just had an epiphany.
We can talk to each other now, all you have to do is think toward me.
Can you hear me? Like this?
Yes. Watch the people closely. Tell me if you see anything suspicious. Speak to others only as much as necessary to avoid suspicion. The mage began walking and gestured to where several personnel were milling about, I believe they will let you in with the others. I will be able to hear you no matter the barriers and distance inside.
See you inside, Master. Looking at the staff, she felt confident her disguise was good enough. Now she just had to convince them with her acting. She strolled up and a man with a clipboard and fancy attire spotted her.
"You’re late! Hurry up, get inside and start serving the appetizers!"
Maybe she wouldn't have to do much acting after all, "Sorry, sir. Right away!"
The young woman slid inside the open door and followed the sounds of clinking dishes and voices to a lit room down the hall. As she expected, the kitchen was busy with people preparing food, taking it out, returning with empty trays, and cleaning dirty plates.
When Syntera was only a step into the room, a disheveled halfling shoved a tray into her hands. "Here, go distribute these!" The little chef vanished before she could even register what she had been given or think of a question to ask him.
Little pies covered the entire tray, with some overhanging the edge. The faux waiter's stomach growled as she picked up the smell. She caught a sweet, savory scent rising from the warm appetizers. They seemed to have tomato as one of the primary ingredients, since that was most apparent. She resolved to sneak one if she found a time when no one was looking as she made her way to the swinging double doors on the opposite side of the kitchen.
Similarly dressed personnel were streaming in and out, so Syntera fell in with the group exiting. Once through the doors, a large room with a high domed ceiling laid before her. There must have been over two hundred people spread out throughout the large chamber. Some, like her, were rushing about delivering drinks and appetizers. Others were dressed in various formal attire, mingling and accepting the food and liquor.
I’m in the main room, serving appetizers.
I will be in shortly. Look for Councilwoman Silverwind and anyone that seems to be lingering around her.
Syntera mirrored the other waiters, weaving around groups of the guests and allowing them to snag the pies. Though there were many different populations represented amongst the guests, humans were by far the largest group. One thing that they all seemed to have in common, however, was their wealth.
Though she was far from noble born, Syntera had seen high society. She learned to stay away from them and never stole from obviously wealthy people. They had a way of convincing authority to deal with the poor, whether they were guilty of a crime or not.
As she approached the far wall, she noticed individuals standing apart from the gathering. They were dressed in different armors, ranging from basic leathers, to full platemail sans helmet. A few were clad in robes, but could have been hiding things underneath them. Adventurers.
Oh? How many?
For a brief moment, she had forgotten about the mind link. She began counting as she continued to move through the crowd. Some were standing alone, while others in groups of three to five. There was a lone pair in the corner off to her right. There must be at least twenty five.
Interesting. Do not draw attention to yourself.
Why are they here?
Protection, I suspect. Watch what they pay attention to and where they position themselves. I believe some of the wealthiest guests have hired adventurers and other personal guards to make sure they stay safe. It would take quite a bit of coin to hire worthy bodyguards in such a short time, assuming the decision was made after last evening’s events.
Yes, Master Arinelle.
One of the groups, which consisted of four individuals, was moving around the perimeter slowly. The elf among them was in front, scanning the crowd. She looked quite odd, because she was holding a large tome in her left hand while the other was held out in front, yet close to her body. The fingers were flexed, palm down.
I think one of the adventurers is concentrating on a spell.
Where are they? I am inside now.
East wall, heading south. She wanted to look for Arinelle, but doing so would mean she could miss something that they did.
Ah, yes. Nothing you need to worry about. The amature wizard is looking for sources of magic. Thank you for the warning. I will keep an eye on that quartet.
Syntera looked down to find a practically empty tray, so she changed course to move toward the kitchen. She always liked having an exit plan, so she looked for ways to hastily leave the building. From the ballroom, there were five doorways. One led out to the front since that was where people were coming in from. There were doorways in the center of the other three walls, as well. They all had two or three guards posted at them. The final set of doors was to the kitchen, which was opposite the entrance.
So the kitchen would be the best path out. Fortunately, that suited her disguise. She got back to the banging of dishes with no appetizers left to snag one. She saw another waitress swipe a pastry off her own tray and shove it into her mouth.
The woman then held up her finger to her nose and smirked. She held out her tray slightly to offer Syntera one, as well. The aspiring mage delicately plucked one and looked for a place to eat it without the management or cooks seeing. Syntera nodded to the other woman in appreciation.
She set her tray down with the other used ones then found a door attached to the kitchen she hadn't noticed before, since no one seemed to be using it. She opened it up as she brought the appetizer to her mouth.
It was a pitch black room, save for the light spilling in behind her. Her magically enhanced eyes were able to see a lot of eyes looking back at her. Sitting around in a large circle were several dozen armored guards, eyes trained on her.
"Oh. Wrong room. Sorry!" She backed out quickly. The guards stared as she left. Master Arinelle, there is a room attached to the kitchen filled with guards.
How many?
At least thirty.
Do not go back in there. If you can, make your way back out to the main room and stay. Spend as little time in the kitchen as possible.
It seemed like that wouldn't be a problem, seeing as all the waiters were constantly flowing out to serve the guests.
"Hey! What are you doing standing around? And why do you have a pastry? No food for the staff until all the guests have been served!" The same manager from earlier was storming toward her from the back of the kitchen.
"Oh, sorry! I'll get right back to work!"
"What is your name, miss? I'll have to report this!"
Before he could reach her, Syntera snagged another tray of small pies and fell back in with the rest of the wait staff.
"Hey! Get back here!"
She got rid of the pastry by consuming it as fast as she could. She was chewing the last bits as she crossed the threshold back to the ballroom. It was great, though it would have been a lot better if she could've savored it. The man was still calling for her to come back, but had ceased his pursuit. She decided it would be best to stay out of the kitchen for the rest of the event.
Again, she maneuvered through the crowd, but in a different direction than the last time. Every few steps she would pause to let guests take the food so she could use the opportunity to scan about. She was just tall enough to see over some of the people and catch a rather large grouping on the north side of the room. She altered her course to take her there.
The congregation was obvious and many of the people around were not subtle about listening in and watching. It had to be where the Councilwoman was, considering the way people were acting.
Syntera skirted the outside, listening to conversations and looking for any oddities amongst the gathering. There was too much noise to hear what was happening at the center of the circle, but she caught a glimpse of an elegantly dressed female elf. I think I have found her in the center of a large grouping, north side.
Yes, I see her, as well.
Eyes wandered, often lingering on the woman at the center of attention. Syntera was looking around for anything out of place. The problem was, she wasn’t familiar with the people or the atmosphere.
After one loop around, she had nothing to show for her efforts with the exception of a mostly empty tray. She spotted Arinelle conversing with an older gentleman, but looked away quickly. Everyone looked the same and seemed to be equally interested in the last remaining Council member. There were adventurers ten paces away on the wall, but again, they looked like the others of the same occupation. I don’t see anything unusual for this event.
There may not be anything to worry about. Just keep up your observations, it has only been a few minutes around this group.
Syntera slowed her pace. She continued to nod and answer with the occasional, “You’re welcome” at the rare word of thanks for the food.
The minutes passed by and her tray eventually emptied. Moments later, a guest put their used glass on it. The young woman felt she would be able to maintain this position in the room for a while, but now she had the added difficulty of not dropping glasses as she patrolled.
Some of the guests were striking up conversations with the adventurers along the wall. While most were turned away, she saw the quartet from earlier speaking with a young noble. The conversation intrigued her because all involved were leaning in, seemingly whispering. By the time she was close enough to get a better look, it seemed finished, as the guest was bidding them a good evening.
The man was walking toward Syntera on his way back to the other guests. She caught the slightest shimmer around his face. It was barely noticeable, so she did a quick double-take, looking over her shoulder as he went by. She couldn’t see anything from behind, but she knew what she saw. It was the same sensation she got when she looked at Arinelle. I think one of the nobles is disguised. He may not be a noble at all.
Which one?
Young man, human, just left a discussion with the quartet you were keeping an eye on.
I know of whom you speak. Give me a moment.
Syntera continued to watch the man as he fell in with a group of three nobles talking. He was scanning the crowd, much like she was. Before his gaze fell upon her, she looked away and continued moving.
The man has concealed his appearance with a spell. It was expertly done. I would not have noticed without the use of magic. Well done, my apprentice.
The young woman looked back at the man, who seemed transfixed on something. She normally would have felt proud of herself, but something was still off. Should we do anything about it?
No, do not approach that man. He has a powerful artifact on him. It is part of the disguise and I cannot determine its properties without examining it directly.
Syntera followed his gaze. Though it was difficult to determine from the angle, it looked like he was staring right at Arinelle. Umm, Master. I think he’s looking at you.
Indeed. I think he is aware I do not belong here, either.
The young man started walking toward Arinelle. His right hand was clutching something near his waist, but it was too obscured by people in between them for her to tell what it was. The look on his face was that of focus and determination.
He is heading your way.
After a few moments passed, the shroud that covered his body dissipated. His appearance changed, though not by much. He was still a fairly young human. The most noticeable difference was that he was in armor, with a sword in a scabbard attached to his right hip. The man didn’t seem to notice his disguise had fallen, at first. People around him began to give him a wide berth.
He looked down for a moment, then waved his left hand. The disguise was back up in an instant, but that just caused the people nearby to step back even more. One woman started yelling. “Guards! An armed man in disguise! Right here!” She continued to retreat as she pointed him out.
Get out of here! Find a safe place and use the scroll. If you cannot, you can risk using it in front of people!
But I’m in no danger, the man isn’t even near me!
A fight is about to break out, I do not care that you feel safe. Stay clear and get out of here! Fulfill your promise!
Alright, I’m leaving.
Syntera began moving back toward the kitchen, fuming that she had to leave when nothing had even happened, yet. More shouts began to fill the large room as guards and adventurers converged on the commotion.
I’m almost out. What’s happening?
I had to conceal myself. I suspect those guards you spoke of will be coming out any moment.
Right as she was reaching the swinging doors, they burst open and guards flowed into the ballroom.
Though she had a moment to prepare, thanks to Arinelle’s warning, she still jumped. She lost her balance of the tray, causing it to topple to the ground and the glasses to shatter. Fortunately, it drew practically no attention, as everyone was watching the guards.
She waited for them to pass by, then rushed into the kitchen with a score of other waiters.
The manager was in the back, yelling. “Can someone tell me what in the moons is going on!?” There was no response. “Anyone?”
Syntera stayed as far from him as possible. None of the other waiters seemed keen on answering him, either, as they all rushed to the back door.
“If you leave now, you get no payment!”
That caused a few people to stop, but many others, including Syntera, continued out the back of the building.
I am out behind the building. What is happening?
Something unexpected, but welcome, I think. Return to where we arrived. I do not think the scroll will be necessary now. If you feel threatened for some reason, use it.
Yes, Master Arinelle.
She walked down the street, back to the shop from which they emerged, wishing she could have stayed. Whatever was happening sounded exciting and Syntera was sad she was missing it.
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