《Eringer》Chapter 12
"The obvious answer is usually the right one. There are times, however, when it cannot be further from the truth." - Toren Eringer
Neylene Silverwind stood before him, looking and sounding much more professional than when she had emerged from the closet an hour earlier. She was old, even by Elven standards. Members of the race often lived well into their fifth century, assuming they were not soldiers, adventurers, or had some other hazardous occupation. Neylene's own birth record stated she was 753, though there was some speculation to its veracity. Rumor was she was much older than that.
The Councilwoman was frequently observed denying reports of her supposed advanced age, as she was already old enough that it concerned the populace. Though she was elderly, she appeared to be as healthy as a fit middle-aged human. This was typical of aging elves, but those in their eighth century usually showed a little more wear and tear.
Now, Neylene was the last council member alive, standing in her own bedroom. There were dozens of guards scattered throughout and around the extensive home. This would ordinarily be a comfort, but considering all that Eringer had learned recently, he was more wary than ever. "Ma'am, we should talk." He looked around, then leaned in to whisper, "Privately."
The woman looked like she was about to shoo him away, but nodded instead. She addressed the guards in the room, "Excuse me, I think I'm quite well protected now, thank you. Please guard me from outside."
The highest ranking guard stared at her for a moment, then said, "As you wish, mylady." She snapped her gloved fingers and her subordinates exited the room with her.
Silverwind turned and eyed Eringer skeptically as the guard closed the door. "What is it you wish to discuss?"
"I believe there are guards on the payroll of whomever is behind the attack on you and the other council members."
"That's a serious allegation. I would hope you have proof of that, though I suspect you don't given the circumstances."
"I have only what I have witnessed myself, which is a considerable amount."
"Well then... Out with it. What do you know?"
"I have personally witnessed a female guard accepting coins from the establishment that sent out one of these... assassination teams. This was in the basement of one of several taverns where an organization meets up. I do not know who runs the group, but I can tell you that there are tunnels that connect several of these places."
"There are tunnels all over the city, what makes these special?"
"They were hidden. I found one behind a bookcase that I had to move."
"Some of this would be easily verifiable, but I'm afraid simply finding tunnels is not in and of itself, illegal."
"I believe there would be plenty of illegal activity unveiled by simply raiding the basements of these establishments."
Neylene was pacing slowly back and forth in front of the man that towered over her. She looked to be contemplating what to do.
"Ma'am, I cannot stress enough that time is of the essence. The longer we wait to do anything, the more likely it is that this organization cleans up after themselves. They must know the attempt on your life failed, as several got away."
"Yes, I understand. I believe I can trust you. When everyone else failed, you showed up to save me."
"Thank you, ma'am. Do you know of any guards you trust to investigate? I have not been here long enough to determine who may be relied on."
"I do. I will get a mage to send out the information, with your help. The infiltration will be conducted within an hour."
The only evidence seemingly left behind at any of the targeted council members' homes were the bodies of the assassins. One was found stomped to death, which was Sam's doing, while the others were from Eringer's rescue attempt. All of the corpses were stripped of anything linking them to an organization and they lacked identification of any kind. Weapons, armor, other gear.... Even some of their clothes had been taken. Whomever was behind everything was cleverly covering their tracks.
Then a report came back from another residence that was attacked. One of the guards that had perished in defense of a different council member was found with fabric clutched in their hand, presumably from one of the assailants. The piece of clothing had a small portion of a symbol embroidered into it, which was fairly easy to determine. After all, the banners had been present in the region for the last few years from war. It was the crest of Haren, the kingdom they had just brokered peace with.
Councilwoman Silverwind immediately ordered that the information be kept secret, but Eringer knew there was no chance of that happening. He was neither surprised by the news, nor sure that the inferred conclusions were entirely accurate. He already knew that members of the Haren army were supposed to be involved after the discussion he had under the Giggly Gargoyle.
The lead guard was talking with the Councilwoman about what to do. "My lady, this news fits with the reports we have had recently. Consider the trouble at the northern gate last week? That was a small contingent of Haren soldiers."
"I am well aware, thank you. Normally this would be cause for the Council to meet..."
"My lady, you are the Council now."
The elderly elf was pacing back and forth, much quicker than she had been earlier. "I don't see any way out of this. An attack of this magnitude? We just signed a peace treaty and this is in clear violation."
"Ma'am, I think a thorough investigation should be conducted. I am not sure everything that has unfolded is as clear cut as it appears."
"How is it not? The war ends, disguised Haren soldiers arrive here when they should have gone home, then a week later an attempt to kill the whole Council!"
"Be quiet, both of you! I am aware of the facts and inferences. This is not containable, at least not for long. The Illiaran people will expect a response. We will have surrounding nations on our side, that is no doubt."
Eringer groaned reflexively, loud enough for both women to hear.
"I am as reluctant as you to go back to war, perhaps even more so. We will investigate all angles of this as quickly and thoroughly as possible before any decision is made. The teams should be arriving to enter the locations you have provided at any moment, Captain Eringer."
The guard looked back and forth between the other two. "My lady, what are you talking about?"
Neylene nodded to Eringer.
"Lieutenant, I have reason to believe there is an organization within the city that is cooperating with the teams that attacked the Council members."
"Organization? What kind of organization?"
"I am not entirely certain. I have had several encounters with individuals working on some sort of covert activity. These people had intended to meet the enemy. I was the one that tracked the Haren contingency to Mith-Fell and made that connection."
The Lieutenant's jaw clenched. She took a step toward the veteran and raised an index finger to point at him. "You got two of my friends killed at the gate last week due to your reckless actions." Her words were bitter.
"I am sorry for your loss. If it were not for the guards, Haren soldiers would have entered the city then and possibly caused much more trouble. They all performed their duties admirably."
"Save your sorrow. You got several good men and women killed." She turned back toward the Councilwoman. "My lady, how can you blindly trust this man after he got guards killed?"
"Firstly, everything that has been verifiable that he has told me has been. We will know shortly how the organization the Captain has mentioned fits in to all this. Secondly, he saved my life tonight when our intelligence and my protection failed. I have no doubt there is something larger at play here. How could Haren soldiers get into the city and set up an elaborate assassination plot in less than a week? Particularly after the guards fought them off at the gate."
The Lieutenant lowered her arms and blinked several times, cocking her head slightly. "I see. My lady, I would be happy to help in any way I can."
"Thank you. Let us wait for word of the raids to discuss this further. Please, both of you, I need a moment alone."
Eringer gave a slight bow while the Lieutenant saluted, then they both left the room.
"I'm sorry I lost my temper there. I'm sure you were only doing what you could at the gate."
"Think nothing of it, Lieutenant." Eringer had detected no deception in anything she had done over the last hour, but was hesitant to trust any guard at the moment.
They waited for several minutes in silence before a messenger came up the stairs. “I have information for Councilwoman Silverwind, is she here?”
The guard stepped out of the way, gesturing to the door. “In this room.” She knocked three times. “My lady? A messenger is here for you.”
After only a few moments, the door opened. “Yes?”
“I have a message for you, Councilwoman Silverwind.” The young messenger eyed both Eringer and the guard.
“Come on in, then. Lieutenant. Captain. Please come in for this, as well.”
The four moved into the room and closed the door.
Silverwind looked expectantly at the messenger. “Well? What have you to say?”
“Ehm. Councilwoman Silverwind, Captain, Lieutenant. A successful raid was conducted on three establishments. Two were completely empty and nothing was found. The third, the Giggly Gargoyle, there were a few people inside. Some were already injured, and all but one put up resistance. The one that didn’t fight was killed by her own people, and the rest fought to their own demise. The team took no casualties, but they could not capture anyone alive.
“There were a number of documents left behind, which are currently being analyzed. They were written in some sort of code. The people themselves have yet to be identified, but they were carrying some Haren coins. This is not unheard of, as some of those coins are in circulation here in Illiar, but it was close to 1,000 gold pieces total.”
After a long pause, the Lieutenant was the first to speak. “My lady, what would you like to do with this information?”
“I need to meet with General Grauther. I think the obvious conclusion is that the Kingdom of Haren is culpable, though to what extent is unknown. I need as much information about a potential conflict with them, regardless of what is found.”
“That is wise, my lady.”
“Agreed, Councilwoman Silverwind.”
All eyes turned to Eringer. “Ma’am, that is sound reasoning. I believe that would be the best course of action.
“Please wake the General if he is not up already. Bring him here as soon as he is able.”
“Yes, Councilwoman Silverwind.” The messenger gave a deep bow and retreated from the room.
“Lieutenant, I need some legal advice about how to proceed. Could you send word to get an Advisor here, as well?”
“Of course, my lady.” She saluted once again and left.
“Captain Eringer. I know you have been holding back your thoughts. I’d have you share them, if you’re willing.”
Eringer took a deep breath, then exhaled. “Ma’am, I am not entirely sure what is going on. I do not believe that King Reysear would go to such lengths to get Illiar to declare war so soon after the peace treaty was signed. There would be some advantages to that, if his people thought it was our fault. I think the potential risks far outweighed the reward for such actions.”
“It would seem that way, yes.”
“I have further concerns because this mysterious organization has ties to both Haren and the town guard. I do not understand what they are doing or why a Mith-Fell guard would knowingly associate with Haren in an endeavor like this past night. Coin is a powerful motivator, but I would like to believe the guards of this city have pride enough to turn offers like that down and report them. Come to think of it, we should ask if there were any formal reports of bribe offers.”
“A good idea. Would you be comfortable sitting in on this meeting with the General? Your military experience on top of your knowledge of what is happening will be quite helpful.”
“Absolutely, ma’am.”
The Councilwoman met with two advisors that had been summoned. This meeting she had alone, with no input or observation from anyone else. Eringer was wary of leaving her with anyone when he was not supervising, but did not put up a fight since he remained outside the room.
Despite his exhaustion, the veteran was vigilant. Going without sleep on occasion was typical during his tenure as an officer. There were times when planning would start in the afternoon and go all the way to the following dawn.
A cleric was brought to fully heal Eringer’s remaining injuries. The staff that had shown up also served him some food that was prepared in the kitchen downstairs. He had bread rolls, seasoned pork, and potatoes, all of which were delicious.
General Grauther arrived an hour after Neylene had started her meeting with the advisors. Not wanting the man to wait, the guards interrupted the conversation to inform the Councilwoman. The trio wrapped it up quickly and the General was invited to the study that was converted to a conference room.
Eringer and the Lieutenant escorted Councilwoman Silverwind into the room for the private meeting between the four of them.
The General was standing, ready to greet them as they entered. “Councilwoman Silverwind, it is wonderful to see you unharmed after the attempt on your life.” He bowed then returned to parade rest. The man had a well groomed beard with flecks of grey, with short brown hair to match his occupation. He nodded to the guard and then turned to Eringer.
The veteran saluted out of respect, though it was not required since he was retired. General Grauther returned the salute. The man only came up to Eringer’s chest, but had a powerful build.
“General, thank you for coming on such short notice.”
“Not a problem at all, Councilwoman Silverwind.”
“Neylene is fine, General.”
He nodded, but said nothing.
“I trust it you have been filled in on the events of this past evening?”
“Yes, Neylene. It is a tragedy.”
“Indeed. A tragedy that will require a response, though to what degree? In what manner? These questions must be considered. I have called you here to ask your thoughts on the matter, as well as get your expert opinion on what another conflict with the Kingdom of Haren would look like.”
“There are many factors to consider. The war just ended a few weeks ago and it was a struggle for the entirety of the two years. We’d just begun to rout their progress and mount counter-offensives, which is one of the main reasons peace was possible. Councilwom - Neylene. A war would be taxing, but I would say as close to a sure victory as one could in such times. It would be long and costly, but we have the numbers and resources.”
Neylene Silverwind remained in place, hands behind her back. She nodded as the General talked. “Thank you. What of the soldiers? How would they be, mentally, turning around so quickly after returning home?”
“Many didn’t see battle and were eager for it. Not ideal, I’ll admit, but good for morale. I could have the army mobilized for an offensive within two weeks, and fully mobilized in less than a month.”
“This is good news, but no decision has been made. I want to make sure we’ll be ready if that is the will of the people and the evidence against Haren is verified. How do you feel, personally, about another war?”
“To be candid, I didn’t think we should have settled for peace. As I noted previously, we were gaining momentum. Quickly. Above all, I’m concerned for what happens ten years from now… or even two! We thought there’d be peace after the first war, but there wasn’t. I don’t see why this would be any different.”
“A sentiment shared by many.”
“If you have evidence, Neylene, it would be all that is necessary to launch a just campaign against Haren. If we can defeat them, once and for all, future generations will not have to worry about being stabbed in the back at every turn.”
Eringer listened intently to the conversation. He agreed with much, if not all, of what they were saying… But the motivations of Haren behind this attack were virtually nonexistent. It simply did not make sense and was counterintuitive to any plan he could think they would be employing. He decided to speak up. “Who would gain from another war between Illiar and Haren?”
The General and Councilwoman seemed to realize once again that there were two others in the room. They both looked at the veteran, pondering his question.
“An excellent question, Captain Eringer, though not one I’ve yet to consider. General? Lieutenant? Could anyone think who that might be?”
“My lady, there are any number of people, countries, organizations… The list is long. There are organizations here in Mith-Fell that would be for another war.”
“Perhaps I should rephrase the initial inquiry - Who would want war between us and be able to pull off what seems like a practically flawless plan to assassinate the Council?”
All four leaned back, contemplating the question.
After a minute, General Grauther was the first to speak. “Captain, though I think that is important to ask, I think it is irrelevant at the moment. The evidence points to Haren and they need to be dealt with. Other nations will support us, and it will be best for the region.”
“Forgive me, General, but would it not be wrong to start a war on false information? What if this evidence turns out to be planted or fabricated?”
“Thank you both for your opinions.” Neylene Silverwind looked troubled by the implications of what they were discussing. “I fear the likelihood of not only determining who has the means, but also proving it, seems incredibly low. I will pursue answers to all these questions. In the end, I will act on the best knowledge we have available.”
Eringer felt like there was nothing else to say. The Councilwoman seemed genuine about how she would act and the General had shared important speculations about how a war would play out. He would have to find information proving Haren had nothing to do with the attack by himself, but that seemed impossible. By all accounts, they were supposed to participate in the assassinations even if they did not actually do anything.
“I appreciate the guidance you all have given me. I need to get some sleep before I address the people later today. General Grauther, thank you again for meeting with me. Lieutenant, Captain, thank you for your support and protection. I’ll take my leave.”
“Neylene, one more question.”
“Yes, General?”
“What of the Ball this evening? I’d assume it has been cancelled?”
“No. It’s still on. I need to put the people at ease, and the best way to do so would be to continue with my regular schedule.” She turned to the other two, “I’ll see to it that both of you are on the guest list. I don’t expect another attack so soon, but would be negligent if I didn’t have security ready nonetheless.” She walked to the door and opened it, pausing with one hand on the trim of the frame. “See you all tonight.”
Eringer rested in the Councilwoman’s home, in the next bedroom over from her own. Though he was still nervous to do so, he passed out almost immediately upon laying down. He woke up almost six hours later to knocking at the door.
“Excuse me? Captain Eringer? Councilwoman Silverwind is looking for you!”
He bolted upright and was instantly fully alert. Another byproduct of military life. “Yes, ma’am. I will be out in a few minutes.”
“Thank you!”
Eringer got up and donned his armor once again. It was not the most restful sleep, but he felt great considering everything that had happened the previous evening. While he was dressing, he could hear the hustle of people both in and out of the house. From the noise, there seemed to be a lot of people talking just off the property.
He walked out into the hallway as people rushed around him. One of the men stopped, “Good afternoon, Captain. The Councilwoman is downstairs about to address the people outside. She requested you be present.”
“Yes sir, I will head down now.” He went to the foyer and saw that she was surrounded by people. They looked to be trying to give her advice.
Eringer descended to ground level, where Neylene spotted him. “Ah, Captain. Thank you for coming down. I wish you to come with me outside while I address the people.”
The veteran had a funny feeling about this, but nodded. “Yes, ma’am. Whatever you wish.”
In what seemed like no time at all, Eringer was on the porch standing slightly behind and next to the Councilwoman as she stood behind a podium that had been set up. There were hundreds of people in the street that crowded up nearly to the front steps of her home. The dozens closest to her had parchment and quills at the ready.
The crowd was yelling out, asking questions, and talking amongst themselves. Neylene Silverwind raised her hands up, and over the next half minute, everyone fell silent.
She had a commanding presence that drew the attention of all that could see her. “Thank you for your concern and condolences. It is with deep regret that I have to report to all of you the events of the prior evening. Five separate groups of people infiltrated all five Councilmember’s homes and attempted to assassinate each one of us.”
It was now that Eringer began to realize what was about to happen. It was not something he wanted, and though he understood it, he probably would not have agreed. Perhaps that was why she ambushed him with it.
“I have the unfortunate obligation to say that I was the only survivor of such an attack. If it were not for the heroic efforts of the man to my right, Captain Eringer, I would not be standing before you now!”
She paused, and there was a round of applause from the crowd.
“He witnessed a covert group walking in the street, and on a whim decided to follow. Once he had seen them attacking those protecting my home, he jumped into action and saved my life. Because of his actions, he will be awarded with the Illiarin Hero’s Medal!”
There were cheers from the crowd. A young woman brought forth the medal and handed it to the Councilwoman. She performed the standard ceremony of placing it over his head and then returned to the podium.
“There is an active investigation as to the people behind this heinous act. I assure you that I will continue to pursue answers, and inform you when I have credible information on these murders! I will not be taking questions at this time, but will entertain them at a later date. Thank you for your time, and may the Gods bless Illiar and our wonderful city!”
The crowd grew loud once again, even more so than earlier. Questions were launched at both Eringer and Neylene, but she turned and gestured for him to follow her inside.
“I thought you’d decline, so I decided to surprise you. I’m sorry if that is upsetting.”
“You are right, I would have refused. It will be difficult to continue to protect you if I am the target of inquiry. I expect I will be questioned non stop whenever I am seen.”
“I thought of that, yes. We can attempt to disguise you for the Ball, I’ve already requested an expert.”
“I think that would be wise.”
“Excellent. She should be here shortly. I will have her sent to your temporary room when she arrives. In the meantime, please eat as you’d like and stay in my house. You shouldn’t be bothered much, I’ve instructed people to not ask you questions unless you engage them.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
The disguise expert was disappointing to Eringer. She had talent, that was irrefutable, but her skill was entirely non magical. He decided to augment her disguise with his own ability, which he had to admit turned out excellently.
He met with Neylene briefly beforehand, to make sure she knew his disguise and persona. She agreed that it would be incredibly difficult to make him out, even after the event from earlier in front of hundreds of people. She then had someone coach him for an hour on proper etiquette for the occasion.
Eringer arrived a few minutes early and was one of the first guests. He casually partook in drinks, but very slowly. He talked momentarily with a number of people to keep up appearances, but was focused on learning about everyone there. He started a mental list of potential threats that grew as people arrived.
Though he was able to eliminate some through observation or direct conversation, there were more than a handful of guests that seemed out of place. None concerned him more, however, than the smartly dressed, thin and gangly gentleman.
Every time he looked at him, the veteran had an eerie feeling. There was something off, something that kept prickling his mind.
He was not the only one that was suspicious.
The word was not his own, but he knew it was true. Krealyn was paying attention, too.
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