《Just a Lowly Monster》Side Story I: Beelzebub and the Titans


While Reiko is battling away in YGGDRASIL, things weren't going so smoothly back home.

He had been in YGGDRASIL for around a year, but it was nearly half a decade in his current world.


Beelzebub loved and adored her master.

But she couldn't help but curse him.

"Master you bastard! How could you not take responsibility and properly rule over this world instead of going on vacation?"

Beelzebub had finished assimilating the Hunters of Artemis into her ranks several months ago.

Artemis had been successfully "brainwashed" and was now the vice-captain of her squadron.

Athena had yet to convert.

Beelzebub was rushing down the hall.

Now of all times!

She had just finished stopping a civil war in the Underworld. but now there were reports of some titan named Kronus wreaking havoc in the surface?

After her master had left, she and her sisters were forced to bear the burden of ruling the world, now that the Olympians had died.

Of course, that power gap didn't go unnoticed.

The first to react were the Titans.

After Olympus had been thrown down, their leader had somehow resurrected himself from Tartarus by using one of the children from that demigod camp master had spared. Camp Half-Blood was it?

Several of the Hunters in her group had reported mass gatherings of monsters and demigods and Mammon had tasked her and Satan to deal with it.

Right now, they were supposed to be in a meeting but Satan was nowhere to be found!

That battle-crazy demon would never miss out on a fight! So where in Master's name was she?

Beelzebub left the meeting room in a huff, followed by her vice-captains Artemis and another demon named Isabella Osa (A.N. My Wife is a Demon Queen).

She slammed the door to Satan's chambers open and recoiled at the sight.

In the middle of a scarlet bed was the demon lord in question.

Spooning a pillow with a picture of master's face on it.

Her fingers were plunged deep in her nether regions.

She turned around, her tongue still lolling out, and her eyes widened.


She dove under the covers, though her bare butt was still sticking out.

Artemis and Isabella looked uncomfortable.

Beelzebub was already slapping her hand to her face.

"Really Satan? We're supposed to be briefing right now!"

"I-i-i'm sorry! I got caught up on some things..."

She rolled her eyes at the pitiful demon.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Be at the meeting room in five or I'll have Mammon cleanse your room of all of master's pictures."


Beelzebub leaves her behind and slams the door to the room shut on her way out.

After Satan gets herself presentable, Beelzebub started the briefing session.

Kronos was last spotted in a forest in a place called New Jersey and she was given the authority to assemble a squad of a hundred of her hunters along with both of her vice-captains, Satan, and herself.

Though it didn't seem like much, her hunters were easily comparable to several thousand monsters from Tartarus.

She dismissed the others from the room and walked over to hand select her squadron.


She arrived at the training hall Master had built for them before leaving. In it, she could see hundreds of demons and women dressed in hunting outfits sparring.

Upon her entrance, all of them immediately stopped their training and stood at attention.

She nodded, satisfied with their efforts.

"I need a hundred of you to join me in the next campaign. Our mission is to subjugate the Titan Kronos's rebellion."

Several of them, mainly Artemis's hunters, were looking at each other while whispering.

One of them, a tall, graceful and beautiful girl with brown eyes and tanned skin, visibly darkened.

This was one of her top hunters, Zoë Nightshade.

She was one of the most ferocious hunters she had seen in action and had quickly risen the ranks.

"I've already selected the participants. Those whose names are read aloud, prepare your weapons, we're heading out in twelve hours."

She read a hundred names and they saluted and ran off to sharpen their weapons or whatever.

The rest continued sparring.

Within the past five years, her little squadron of demons had grown to be the strongest, most feared military unit in the Underworld. For them, a trip in Tartarus was nothing more than a vacation.


A young sandy blonde-haired boy stands with his hands behind his back while watching the stars.

He would seem like any other normal teenager if it wasn't for the six-foot-long scythe floating next to him.

An impossibly large man was standing respectfully off to the side. He had a brutal face with dark slicked-back hair and grey eyes similar to stone.

The young man's eyes glowed an unnatural golden color as he turned to the man.

"Say Atlas, what do you think of the stars?"

The man answers in a voice that shakes the ground beneath his impressive visage.

"That was the abode of our late father, brother. I have no thoughts whatsoever of it."

The young man smiles.

"Haaah. I suppose so. While I was in slumber, I sensed a very, very powerful presence leave this world. Where do you think he went? That only motivated me to set my plans in motion a little sooner than I expected. Though I've taken over a new form, I have yet to rebuild my majestic army. What do you think we should do about this?"

"I've sent the Gorgons to negotiate with Typhon and Echidna. They'll certainly help if we promise them the demigods."

The young man's grin only widens at his words.


It was time.

Her group left the Underworld using a teleportation spell that Asmodeus had created.

They appeared in the midst of a thick forest.

Luckily, the majority of the hundred were Artemis's prized hunters who treated the forest like a second home.

Before long they got close to the location of the enemy camp.

Motioning for the others to spread out, Beelzebub and Satan walked towards the powerful energy source they could sense. Isabella and Artemis were following close behind.

After brushing away several branches, they came across a small building in a clearing. The clearing was full of statues that were incredibly lifelike. Being demons, they could sense that these statues were actually real bodies. They could even see the trapped souls within the stone encasings.


But they weren't here to liberate a few souls.

They stepped their way around the strange garden and came to a patio where a young man with blonde hair was sitting, with a red basket filled with fries and a cheeseburger.

He casually took a bite out of the burger and sipped from the cup beside it.


The food had barely entered his mouth when he spat it out of his mouth.

"YAAAARGH. THAT SHIT IS NASTY. As I expected mortal food bites!"

Beelzebub's eyebrows were twitching.

She looked over warily at Satan who wasn't doing much better.

"I presume you're Kronos?"

The blonde-haired man snorted.

"I'm guessing you're not here to pledge your allegiance. What gives you the courage to speak my name so lightly?"

The man's eyes glowed and his aura filled the forest.

Of course, none of her entourage was fazed.

Heck, they had faced worse from Mammon's grueling criticisms!

Beelzebub frowned and pointed a finger at the titan.

"Go call your army. I would rather train than have to be on trash duty so let's hurry this up."

"They're already here, fighting your little group. Pffft haha! Did you really think a hundred little huntresses and ghouls could even harm my army?"

Sure enough, they started hearing the opening noises of a battle.

"Now kneel on the floor and beg me for mercy! I can tell you're strong so I'll consider giving you a good position in my army!"

Beelzebub and Satan looked at each other before bursting into laughter.

"You! How arrogant can you be to think you're even worthy of being in the presence of my master?"

Satan wiped the tears from her eyes.

Beelzebub nodded and turned to her vice-captains. "Though I doubt they need it, go help the hunters. Satan you go with them too. I'll deal with this scum alone."

She took out a glowing black katana.

Satan, Artemis, and Isabella nodded and left to join the fray.

Kronos stared at the blade with curiosity before summoning his scythe.

Beelzebub could sense the same energy coming from the curved blade that she felt when she was around her master of Nyx.

"I'll give you one free hit. I'm interested in what a weapon made by the so-called Earth primordial can do."

Kronos only gritted his teeth.

"You'll regret this!"

He slashed the scythe connecting it with Beelzebub's chest.

Though it left a cut, no blood came out.

"Did you seriously think that low of a level of soul enchant would affect me?"

She had sensed a foreign presence trying to invade her soul.

It was crushed before it even began its assault.

Kronos stepped back in shock.

His scythe was supposed to reap the souls of anyone it touched.

Even the slightest graze would permanently erase a being's presence in this world!

He fell back feeling fear for the first time.

Beelzebub didn't even give him time to plead for his life.

"Your free hit is over."

She sliced her katana in the air and the head of the titan fell off with a thud.

She felt the essence of the titan enter the blade, though it was still conscious and trying to escape, her lesser form of [Gluttony] she had copied from her master, was still able to suppress and completely absorb it.

She stepped out of the building and began looking around at the mostly one-sided fight around her.

On one side, she saw one of her favorite fighters, Zoë, slicing a giant man into ribbons. He was yelling in pain as golden blood sloshed out of his many wounds. Though he kept trying to regenerate, unfortunately, the brown-haired hunter's attacks were faster than his healing.

Before long he was nothing more than a bloody stump with a large pool of ichor accumulating at what was remaining of his feet.

Satan was bullying another Titan who was ten feet tall and wearing black armor with star symbols. He was weeping as she kept bashing his ram-head helmet with her battle axe. He collapsed on the ground and curled into a ball while Satan was heaping attacks and insults onto him.

Artemis and Isabella were tag-teaming a trio of Titans. One of them was covered in glowing skin and fire with a long golden sword. He was roaring at Artemis who kept dashing away from his strikes and sinking ground-shaking arrows into his eyes, chest, legs, arms, or feet. Isabella was fighting the other two on her own with a unique spell she called boundary force. The two Titans were trapped under her pressure and she was raining blows with a massive black sword on them.

The battle was practically over.

All of the monsters had been eradicated and the Titans were either captured or destroyed.

Beelzebub contacted Mammon reporting the success of the mission.

"Eliminate all Titans you don't consider useful."

One of the Titans that was still alive, turned out to be Zoë's father, Atlas.

Beelzebub decided to leave him to the girl's decision.

Before she had even walked away, she heard a scream of pain and the blinding flash of light signifying a Titan's death.

The beauty was shaking her sword free of the golden blood and bowed solemnly to her.

"I would like to request permission to inform the rest of my sisters of my father's death."

Beelzebub saw no reason not to grant her request.

"Permission granted."

The hunter bowed, turned, and shifted away.


She had Asmodeus set up another portal and they began transporting the armor and weapons of the fallen army into the vast treasury of the Castle.

Her work was over for now and she could only pray nothing more would happen.

She desperately wanted to work her way to her master's level and that wouldn't happen if she kept getting sent to clean up some trash!


A.N. These side stories will pop up every now and then for new enemies or stories in his current world. Though there will only be one more until mc returns to percy jackson world.

thanks for reading

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