《Just a Lowly Monster》And So Canon Begins


–––– One Year Timeskip ––––

Our relationship started changing when we went on a medium boss raid.

Momonga had identified a World Item in a swamp not too far from Nazarick.

We had entered a thicket hidden inside of the toxic fumes, when a magic circle had suddenly appeared and teleported us to a black fortress.

Of course the fortress was full of demons. A flag with a pentagram symbol was flying above one of the towers and several flying demons were divebombing us from the red skies. After fighting our way through countless demonic monsters, we entered the dungeons and slaughtered the boss, a large spider-like monster.

While we were waiting for our loot to appear, Momonga started tapping the display he brought up.

Momonga had frowned saying that the announcement for a successful dungeon completion hadn't appeared.

Then his eyes widened when a mist encased the room.

It faded to reveal something Momonga had called a 'World Enemy.'


Ironic right.

I half expected Satan to pop out of there with her arms outstretched.

Unfortunately, this monster was nowhere near as cute or well-endowed as my demon lords.

It was a massive demon with a pointed skull and two curling draconic horns protruding. It had four arms and several appendages ending in sharp points coming out from its backside. It was easily over 6 meters tall.

(A.N. Basically Mephisto from Diablo)

Its lower half was little more than a flesh-colored torso that ended in a snake-like tail.

This was the first time I had seen Momonga acting nervous. He immediately tried to gate away and he looked crestfallen when he realized he couldn't just run. He depressingly told me that his magic was being inhibited. I only shook my head, "Just stay put," I had said and released the full extent of my aura.

A demon lord? Nothing but a mere ant in my eyes.

It crippled under the pressure of a peak god of death.

Its very form was breaking apart and it let out a horrible screech.

I was about to absorb the demon, but Momonga had regained his cool and stopped me.

Despite having empty sockets for eyes, I could practically see them sparkling. I swear I heard him mumble "Aniki" but I chose to pretend I didn't hear.

"Don't just absorb him! He might be able to escape through the world's NPC reincarnation system. If we kill him physically there's a high chance we'll get a really good item drop."

I frowned, telling him that my [Gluttony] could absorb any items he had on him as well.

But he insisted so strongly that I just sighed and relented.

We hit it with several super-tier magic spells and it did the rest of the job.

The demon crumbled away, but not before dropping an item.

Surprisingly, it turned out to be a World Item.

A dagger cloaked in darkness.

Momonga picked it up and I saw its stats appear from the party screen.

Momonga was practically whispering as he recognized the item.

"Holy fuck. This is the dagger of Hermmanschwer!"

Upon seeing my questioning gaze, he had clarified.

"A couple of years ago, one of the World Champions became a World Enemy after using a World Item. His tag was Hermmanschwer and he hasn't been seen since. I remember getting that notification in my messages then. A bunch of players had tried to band together and hunt him down but no one was able to find him. I didn't think we'd find him so close to Nazarick! I can't believe he was only a -"


Momonga coughed, realizing he was going on a rant.

I only laughed.

I expected him to try and bargain for the item, but he surprisingly just handed it to me.

"Here. If it wasn't for you, there's no way I would've been able to solo a World Enemy. His magical resistance is just way too fucking high."

I just accepted it. Not much to say.

This sparked our budding friendship.

If I was still a human maybe I would've cried from how touching it was after being recognized as a friend and not some stowaway.

Every time Momonga appeared he would have a new quest or a new dungeon for us to go off on. He even started letting me help him defend Nazarick from the occasional intruders.

By the end of the year, we had built quite the reputation. Momonga had shown me a news report talking about the mass reports of players being robbed and killed or the dungeons they were exploring having no loot. Plenty of them had pointed fingers at the two jackasses that had recently caused a storm after quite soundly obliterating the number one guild in YGGDRASIL. The amount of World Items Ainz Ooal Gown had increased from eleven to a whopping hundred. Of course there were quite a bit of complaints and outcries when that news became public.

It was around that time that I started noticing a foreign presence trying to influence me. It started off small, from random monster hordes spawning to teleportation problems with the gates Momonga always made.

I had an idea of who was behind this and I personally gave them the largest fuck you I could think of. Since they weren't even present in this world, the best I could do was decimate the monster population of three worlds. Unfortunately, they were all too weak to contribute to my levels but at least I had a blast vaporizing all those poor souls. Any further manipulations stopped after that.

The number of players was steadily dropping. Thanks to me and Momonga's exploits, we now came across barely a tenth of the players we used to meet. Momonga had said that YGGDRASIL was in a slump and player rates had drastically gone down. Of course we weren't completely to blame. Things like "the game fell off" were common among the many forum topics Momonga had shown me.

I didn't really care as I didn't think there was much of a difference between the monsters and Players.

Anyways, during the time Momonga was absent, I got a lot closer with the rest of the residents of Nazarick. After Momonga had partied with me, any hostilities they had towards me had completely disappeared.

Whenever Momonga was present, they would always act robotic and never spoke, but when he left, they gave off a completely different impression.

I befriended all the maids, including the special squad that Yuri seemed to be a part of. The Pleciads or something?

A gray-haired butler, Sebas Tian, who always got on my nerves since he was so strict about keeping organized and tidy.

Cocytus, the ice insectoid had requested me to be his sparring partner. I agreed and we ended up dueling every night in the Sixth Floor's Arena. Most of the Nazarick residents would watch us and I had gained an unfortunate fanbase of skeleton knights who I last heard were selling merchandise to the other residents branded around me...

Anyways, there was also a man with pointy ears and a nice tailored suit who introduced himself as Demiurge. He had a habit of being a little too smart for his own good and he seemed to be frustrated with my lack of care for the current events of YGGDRASIL. He didn't like my attitude towards World Items and would always say that they were the blessings of the Creators themselves or some other bullshit. It was fun trolling him by pretending to eat one of the World Items I had in possession.


A pair of twins, one boy and one girl, became my pets? I found those "innocent" souls devastatingly cute. It was fascinating to see how they maintained their cuteness even while torturing the occasional unfortunate trespasser of Nazarick.

Then finally, there was a tall, beautiful woman with ample breasts and jet-black hair and a pair of wings around her waist. And yes, she acted or at least pretended to act like a big sister with me. She reminded me of Kampe and she had a habit of pressing my face against her breasts. I definitely didn't mind it and never resisted.

I also became, more or less, sex buddies with Shalltear. She had gotten addicted to my blood and would demand "passionate" meals at least once a week. Of course that involved my cock in her pussy but hey, I'm not complaining. And before you say anything, she might be a little on the small side but I checked with Momonga and he confirmed she's over two hundred years old. Fuck you. Anyways, she was the one who tried to seduce me first. I'm not a starving lust god or anything, but I'm not gonna say no to a pretty gir-woman's advances.

And that concludes the floor guardians and residents of Nazarick I had gotten closest to. The others remained as acquaintances and I never really made the effort to befriend them either.

And so the year passed.

–––– Scene Change (R-18) ––––


Shalltear's moaning into my shoulder with her fangs lodged directly inside me. She doesn't need to suck directly but she claims this is her favorite method. I don't bother questioning it.

I move my hips slightly and feel the walls of her tight pussy constrict even tighter.

We're both naked and pressed up against the wall. Her hardened nipples are tickling around my navel area and I respond by holding her thighs up. She moves away from my shoulder and starts licking my cheek.

One thing I've learned from our many nights is that she loves it when I get rough with her.

Thus our current position.

I keep moving in and out of her until I feel her squeeze my waist and let out the loudest moan yet.

She climaxes and I use that as an opportunity to move my dick out of her.

It's covered in her juices but she doesn't care and slowly gets on her knees.

I hold her head as she takes it in and starts sucking. Her cute little tongue is wrapping around my shaft and she starts bobbing her head back and forth, with a little guidance from my hands.

And then the door opens.

A mature-looking beauty walks in with a slightly flustered complexion as she coughs to announce her presence. Shalltear's eyes slightly narrow and she continues sucking. I caress the vampire's silver hair and turn to Albedo.

"What's up?"

It's cute how hard she's trying to maintain her calm visage.

"*ahem* We've received a notice that Herohero-sama will be arriving shortly. He stated the "closing of YGGDRASIL" as the reason for coming. He's not ordering our presence but we still need to be in our usual positions. I came to get Shalltear..."

Ah. The closing. The last time Momonga had come, he was acting rather depressed. After a little bit of prodding, he opened up and said that he had received the official announcement that the YGGDRASIL servers would be closed in a few days.

"Herohero...Is he one of the Supreme Beings?"

Albedo nods. "Yes, he's the creator of Solution and the Homonculus Maids. A founding member."

"I see."

"Momonga-sama might want you to meet Herohero-sama."


I sigh. "Very well. I'll humor him. When did you say he's coming?"

Albedo gives a faint smile. "In thirty minutes."

She turns to the room and wrinkles her nose at the smell of sex. She walks over to us, careful to avoid any uhm white marks on the floor and grabs Shalltear's ear. She makes a noise and clamps her mouth around my cock.

"Ah Shalltear! The fuck!"

Thankfully she's not biting but it still hurts.

She reluctantly lets go and lets herself get dragged off, but not before making me promise to continue our session later.

After they disappear from view, I clean myself and get dressed.

I don't bother hiding my wings or ears, as Albedo had advised me earlier that the tomb despises humans.

I make my way to the general meeting room and find Momonga and a blue slime already present.

They're speaking and I can hear their voices through the door.

"I didn't think that you'd come, Herohero-san. It's been about two years, hasn't it?"

"It's been that long? This is bad. I've been doing so much overtime lately that my concept of time is messed up."

They continue speaking and I decide to just enter.

They both turn to me.

"Momonga-san? Whose this?"

"Ah, this is Reiko-san. We met a year ago on a raid. I've been maintaining Nazarick with him since. I was gonna ask for approval to add him as a guild member but no one had logged in for so long..."

"That's fine none of us would mind."

The slime turns? towards me.

"Thank you for keeping Momonga-san company. I feel pretty bad knowing he was busy keeping the guild in shape for so long alone. I'm glad he at least seemed to have a pleasant final year."

The slime looks at something far away and sighs.

"As much as I'd like to catch up with you guys, I'm way too sleepy. I have to go soon."

Momonga looks a little disappointed. After hanging around him for a year I've somehow managed to deduce his emotions even with that expressionless skull of a face.

"Oh. Please rest well."

The slime laughs sheepishly. "I'm really sorry about this. I hope we meet again somewhere."

The slime disappears from his seat and Momonga raises his hands in a farewell.

I stay silent and let him think.

He finally turns towards me and gets up. "Well, what should we do for the last few minutes before the server closes? There's not enough time to go on a raid..."

"Let's just go to the throne room. It'll be a nice way to end things off."

I'm not sure what'll happen to me once the "servers close." Will I be forcibly transported to my own world?

I'm still conflicted about whether I want to take the NPCs with me as I'm not sure of their fates either.

As I ponder, we make our way to the throne room and Momonga silently sits on his throne.

He summons the Pleiades and Sebas.

They appear and kneel before Momonga.

Albedo's also present next to the throne. I give her a wink which she pointedly ignores.

I just stand silently with my arms behind my back as I can practically hear Momonga counting the seconds down under his breath.

He gets to zero and stops.

The tiny flame in his eyes flickers out and he places his hands against the armrests.

Then I sense something strange.

I widen my eyes.

We just went through dimensional travel!

And it was the whole fucking tomb!

Momonga's breath quickens and I see the flames come back.

He stares at me and I only stare back at him in surprise.

Then I warily extend my senses and realize we've moved from the icy tundra to a large field.

"Ahhhhhhhhh. That feels better to stretch. I'll never get used to not talking for such a long period of time."

I turn at the sudden noise.

Dumbass he hasn't left yet!

Lupusregina Beta, a red-haired wolfgirl stretches and yawns.

In front of Momonga.



Sooooo I was originally gonna have this big fight with the Devourer of the Nine Worlds before they went to the New World but I'm saving it for later instead.

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