《Beginning Of Reality》Chapter VII: Death Consumes All
Revian and Krium tore a large swath of destruction through the middle of the hordes of enemies. As they plowed their way through they reached out as Atlas had taught them, and they absorbed the power of the ephemeral beings. With each one they consumed their powers grew. The pain they felt soon faded as they became numb to it, used to it. They understood now why Atlas enjoyed doing this so much, it was addictive, it was easy.
Wrecker took a moment from spraying flames over the enemies before him and looked upon Revian and Krium. Wrecker saw only a force which He had seen something similar to before. He thought upon his Wyrms, two of which were identical twins. Their powers were equal, and together they were nigh unstoppable. His thoughts then swayed and drove deep within his mind reaching a place that he had not been in a very long time. All of his feelings from before He was the King of Wyrm's appeared before him, a distant memory from a past He did not want to remember. He began to grow in rage as he remembered how his Wyrm's were slaughtered, and he began to build up his power.
Wrecker was unnaware of what He was doing, Revian and Krium however noticed. Wrecker began to rise off of the ground and slowly a large sphere of fire began to make it's way from Wrecker, expanding outward. Everything this fire touched was consumed within him, a variation of the teachings of Atlas. Wrecker's mind was far too deep within his emotions that He could not control this, because He did not know. Revian and Krium began to move away from Wrecker and soon made it away from the battle and watched from afar, they wanted to see how this would end.
Wrecker continued to build up his power, the fire that enveloped his body began to swirl with lines of deep red. Suddenly the sphere shrank back down to where it only surrounded Wrecker's body. The sphere then conformed to his shape, enveloping him within even more flames. He slammed down to the ground, which was scorched beyond repair, kneeled down onto one knee and his head hung down. He looked up at Revian and Krium, then smiled. Revian and Krium looked at each other and were confused to what was happening and what Wrecker was planning.
Wrecker shot into the sky, sprouting massive wings of flame. He barreled into the sky and looked for one thing, The Forsaken Figure. Wrecker was not about to let Atlas face him alone. He soon reached a height suitable enough and He found Atlas slugging it out with The Forsaken Figure. He watched for only a moment seeing Atlas slam The Forsaken Figure through several mountains only to be thrown through a few himself. Wrecker closed his eyes, withdrew from his mind once again leaving his emotions where they belonged, in the past.
Wrecker hurtled himself towards the unsespecting foe. Revian and Krium could barely catch a glimpse of Wrecker as He was flying too fast for them to get a clear view. They saw where He was heading however and they too joined in racing towards that direction. They came around a finger of one of the mountains and watched as Wrecker bulleted into The Forsaken Figure. They began to sprint across the large open field that separated Wrecker and themselves. As they came closer they noticed Atlas and Wrecker were simultaneously attacking The Forsaken Figure.
Just like Revian and Krium it seemed that Wrecker and Atlas shared equal prowess in battle. They worked in perfect harmony, each one throwing a blow at the perfect time. Not wanting Wrecker and Atlas to have all the fun Revian and Krium soon joined in and followed the same rythmic advance on The Forsaken Figure. Blow after blow the Four landed, each one driving The Forsaken Figure further and further down into the ground. Soon after they began to create a crater, further plunging The Forsaken Figure down into the ground.
Reality watched as this all happened. His choice to remain out of the battle may come back to bite him but at the moment He was filled with pride. Pride that the beings, no, the weapons He created. They were doing exactly what they were meant to, shake the fabric of everything, and change the Universe. Was this for better or for worse who would know. Reality only hoped that the secrets He kept from the Four would not be released by The Forsaken Figure. Reality heard what The Forsaken Figure had said once Atlas rejoined the battle after He was launched over the mountains. "You have no idea what true power is. There is but one among you who does and it matters little, there is nothing you can do that will stop us."
Reality knew what The Forsaken Figure was talking about, rather who He was talking about. Reality thought back through his near infinite life to search for something, a piece of his past. A past shrouded in anger and intoxicated on the ideals of vengence. Reality remembered his true name, and his true purpose. This plane was indeed where He would stop his quest but it would seem The Old Gods would not have this realm be taken from them. Reality would unleash his warriors upon them, they each held the power of gods within them, and if any stood a chance above the rest it would be Atlas.
After all it was indeed Atlas that held his power the longest, and knew more than the rest. Atlas was also who Reality put more effort into, more time, more power. Atlas was the shining centerpiece of His master plan, His plan for revenge. Would His true name remain hidden from them, or would The Forsaken Figure tell the Four. Reality started to make His way towards the now massive crater in which the Four were still mercilessly beating into The Forsaken Figure. He must keep His past a secret at all costs, at least until the time was right.
Reality finally reached the rim of the crater and watched them fight. Reality noticed what Revian and Krium both did. He saw the Four working together in perfect harmony and His thoughts went back to His grand plan. He thought of how well His plan had worked so far. He then thought of what the Four would do should his true self be revealed to the warriors. They currently are beating the absolute fuck out of The Forsaken Figure.
Reality said to the Four, "That is enough for now, we will now make him pay for trying to get in our way." The Four stopped their merciless beating and took a few steps back. They looked down on the nearly dead 'God of Death' and the thought on all their minds were the same. Who was to absorb the essence and power from the god. Atlas said, "I told you earlier, you should have just left it alone. Now you truly see what we are capable of. I would send you back to your plane but then your lesson would not be learned..."
Atlas continued, "... You now know what true power feels like. You said only one of us knows true power but you were sadly mistaken. Fellow warriors, let us share this power, it will be the most any of us have absorbed, including myself." The other Four nodded in agreement and each stretched out a hand. A famiar deep red energy rapidly tore through the air from each of the Four's hands as they all enveloped The Forsaken Figure in the energy, taking his power and life.
The Forsaken said through the agonizing pain, "You do not know what forces you are messing with you puny beings. The Old Gods will come, and when they do they will obliterate all of you. You may take my life and my power but you will never know the true power of being born a god." Atlas said in response, "We did even better. We were mortals who became gods by killing them. Do not think for a second that you can say we have never known true power. We are power, we are gods."
The Forsaken Figure began to laugh. He laughed until Wrecker asked, "What is so funny about your death?" The Forsaken Figure said, "There is only one who knows true power, but He is lost. What He once was is nothing to what He is now." Atlas asked, "Who?" The Forsaken Figure laughed again and said, "Carnatus of course. Carnatus the Deciever. He is one of the Old Gods but due to His fascination to this plane we banished Him to it. It is no matter now however. He will never be what He was. He will never see His home again, and that, that is what is funny."
Atlas became enraged and sent such an immense beam of red energy into The Forsaken Figure the ground around them began to splinter and crumble. In an immense flash of green light The Forsaken Figure was no more, and The Four felt the rush of an immense power. A power none of them had felt before. Revian, Krium, and Wrecker dropped to their knees, trying to get used to the new power surging through them. Atlas, the only one left standing save Reality, said to Reality, "Who is Carnatus?"
Reality was filled with a fear, a fear that His secret would be revealed. After a moment of hesitation Reality said back, "He is one of the Old Gods. I was not aware that He was banished to this plane. It seems that He may have had a hand in creating the technology that I used to create you four. When I first came upon the discovery of the machine I had made, I was given the final piece of information from a very shady man. I saw him in an alley, and He approached me. He did not tell me His name but I felt a certain unease about His appearence. I could not see his face, but I knew he was something more. It must have been Carnatus, but the stories I had heard said otherwise."
Atlas asked, "What do you mean other stories?" Reality continued, "The stories of The Old Gods is one with many twists and turns. Things we have found from previous beings that inhabited this plane can be found, there are ruins within the deepest parts of the ground beneath us. They tell of millenia long past, and they tell us of a great war. A war in which one of the Old Gods betrayed the rest. He did this in an effort to stop the cycle." Wrecker who had been the first to rise to His feet alongside Atlas and Reality said, "What cycle might that be?"
Reality said, "This cycle is what I based your plane on, the same one in which each of you, save Revian and Krium, are from different iterations of the cycle. It told us that the Old Gods were experimenting with something, but what that is I could not tell you. It is said that Carnatus willinigly came into this realm and revealed the secrets of the Old Gods. What came after was a great war between Carnatus and the Old Gods. This story ends with Carnatus losing, and the cycle happening sooner than the Old Gods wanted. I am a product of that cycle, the one before my peoples was the last true cycle. This is why they are back I believe, to reset their progress, and begin again in the way they originally wanted."
Revian and Krium clambered to their feet. Revian chimed in, "So we are just here at a perfect time then?" Reality said, "No, not a perfect time. This is the worst time we could have shown up in fact." Krium asked, "Why though? If they are preparing to restart the cycle would they not go in themselves and reset it?" Reality said, "No. They would first send their pawns, like Shunnereth, to secure an easy transition. They would then send in The Forsaken Figure, in order to raise an army of all those killed. Then, with that army, they would completely destroy the world, and terraform its surface and begin new life."
Atlas asked, "So it is like what I was doing then?" Reality said, "Yes, except what you were doing was changing just the surface. If they did it like you, then there would be no records of them. They simply built over what was already there, further increasing the size of this realm. We did not delve too deep into the ground however because it was extremely dangerous. We got as much information as we could but then my theories proved to much for the poeple to handle, and I was banished from this realm."
Atlas said, "This makes our jobs here much easier however. They destroyed this place, and now we will take it, and make it our own. We will use their power agaisnt them, and they will not be able to stop us. By the way, who are the other gods?" Reality paused for a moment, thinking back on to what their names were. Reality said, "The one you met, his true name Deitus. Another would be Balitus, He was the embodiment of power. Then there comes Ethecist, He was force incarnate. Lastly came Atrius the Creator, He was the one who designed this plane and all of its iterations during the cycles. They each played a part in maintaining the balance of this place."
Wrecker said, "Until Carnatus decided He wanted different." Reality said, "Yes. We do not have much on Carnatus as all we found was that He had been killed in battle, but what we do have is that He deeply loved this realm. It was very important to Him. For what reason I cannot tell you, but He gave his life to try and save it. This would all explain a great deal however. It seems that perhaps we are what Carnatus planned on creating. One that would have the strength enough to challenge the Old Gods with gods of his own."
Revian said, "Perhaps we are meant to replace the Old Gods in a way." Krium said, "Or maybe we are just another pawn in a game that we cannot see." While Reality, Revian, Krium, and Wrecker debated over the many different reasons why they were here Atlas walked to the rim of the crater. He looked out over the vast landscape before Him deep in thought. Atlas had a feeling hanging over Him, one He had felt before. The same feeling He had before He first met Reality. A feeling that His destiny was not under His control.
Atlas thought that once more, as Krium had proposed, that He was merely just a pawn in a much larger game again. This angered Him. Atlas thought back to what The Forsaken One, or Deitus had said. Only one among you know what true power is. Atlas thought Deitus was reffering to Him but now that He began to deliberate on the matter His point of view changed. Atlas turned and looked down at the other Four and watched. His gaze came upon Reality and He began to connect the dots. Atlas was beginning to think that Reality was not telling them the truth, but why would Reality place so much power within Himself and the other three.
Surely Reality would not place those around Him with infinite potential in power unless it was just a lie. Could they simply be a way for Reality to gain the power necessary to go back to His true home and take His revenge? This made Atlas both angry and wary of Reality, and now that He thought about it, Reality has never really truly showed His power in battle. Reality was not even helping to fight Deitus. Atlas made a choice to keep a closer eye on Reality, but He would not bring up His suspicions just yet.
Reality took a break from deliberating with Revian, Wrecker, and Krium. He looked around the crater that they all, save Atlas was standing in and noticed that Atlas was not there. He searched around for Atlas and saw Him standing up on the rim of the crater, staring at Him. Reality knew that Atlas was capable of putting the pieces together, as all the others were. Atlas was the only one of them, as brash and unpredictable as He was, that would surely be suspicious. Reality took this as a fact, it would seem that using Atlas as a pawn before made Atlas more aware of that lifestyle. Reality knew that from this point on He would need to be more careful, at least until the time was right for Him to reveal the truth.
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