《Beginning Of Reality》Chapter VI: A New War Begins


The Five strategized what they were going to do about 'That Robed Douche'. Reality asked many times for Atlas to stop calling him that and call him by his true name but it was a lost cause. Atlas started this debate of strategy by saying about what He always said, " I will go in first and talk, then you can come in after me. Then we beat the shit out of him and take his power for ourselves." Wrecker said, "If only it was that easy Atlas." Atlas laughed and said, "It is that easy though, the plan, not the actual thing. This will be a pretty tough fight but I made short work of Shunnereth, and when I went to their plane I did some real damage."

Reality said, "Take this more seriously Atlas, this will not be an easy fight for any of us. If we are to beat Him then we must work together. There was a point at each of your lives where you fought side by side with allies, you must look back on those moments and draw upon them. We will need all of us to do what we do best." Atlas said, "It has been ages since I have fought against a single thing with a good team to back me up, I guess this time I can take it more serious." Wrecker said, "I have many times been in war with fellow warriors, it should be no problem for me." Revian and Krium both agreed as they fought alongside each other in large wars many times and against each other.

Reality said once they all agreed to attack as one cohesive unit, "We will go with what Atlas said. He will go in and distract The Forsaken Figure. Revian and Krium you will go around behind him and wait for myself and Wrecker to reach Atlas then you two will begin the battle. Once it starts you all will need to loose your power, unhinge it but keep a firm grasp on it, you have not used your full potential yet and you may not be ready for it. Is everyone happy with that plan?" The Four nodded in agreement and they went to their positions.

Atlas walked towards The Forsaken Figure and when He was noticed Atlas stopped moving forward and began to shout towards Him, "Hey robed guy. Neither you or your friends can stop us you know, its a losing battle so why don't you just surrender." The Forsaken Figure said back to Atlas, "Your allies have not the strength to resist us, but you. You have a strength that we have not seen from your kind." Atlas said back, "I am not of this place, I am a product of an eons long plan that ended in this ones destruction and rebuilding. We were almost done when you ass hats showed up and ruined our plans."

The Forsaken Figure asked, "You were here to destroy and rebuild this place? How can you when you do not know why it was built in the first place?" Once He finished the sentence Reality and Wrecker walked to Atlas and stood on either side of Him. The Forsaken Figure said, "There is but one from here left it would seem. He is essential, or was rather, to your plan?" Reality said, "I was banished from this plane to a lesser, or so thought one. I spent countless millenia creating and perfecting it. These warriors are the result of my plan, and they are very good at what they do. I wanted revenge on my peoples for betraying me and causing you all to arrive." The Forsaken Figure asked, "What do you mean by that?"


Reality said, "I mean simply, I knew this planes purpose. I figured it out long ago and it was this same concept by which I structured my Universe. I created the most powerful beings save your fellow gods to ever step foot within this Realm. We will not stand by while you delete this realm. We came to take it and make it our own, and that is what we will do." The Forsaken Figure laughed and asked, "How might you do that now? With the two behind me? Or how about your power? You said it yourself, I am a god to your people. Now do what your people have done since we first created them. Bow before one of your gods and pledge yourselves to us, otherwise, you will all die."

Reality was taken back by The Forsaken Figure knowing Revian and Krium were behind him but Reality realized how stupid he was to think that one of the creators of this plane would not be able to know. Reality told Atlas and Wrecker to draw their weapons and said, "We will not bow, never again. I have spent too long a prisoner to a fate set by others, and I'm sure these warriors are tired of it as well. We will fight until we cannot anymore, we will destroy you, and by doing that, we will come for you brethren. You underestimate these men, they have done things you could not dream of, even when faced with impossible odds. Atlas is a testament to that."

The Forsaken Figure laughed and said, "You have chosen death then. Now see the power of a true god." He stretched out his arms and an unsettling green energy began to pour out. The energy traveled down to the ground, shortly after the ground began to shake under them and crack. The cracks glowed with the same green energy and out of the cracks poured horrific beasts. Atlas laughed at this and said, "Your peons are no match for us you robed douche. You cannot stop what is inevitable." After Atlas said that a terrible quake hit them. A mountain far off in the distance rumbled and began to crumble.

Once the mountain crumbled far enough a massive seething lizardlike beast nearly the size of the mountain erupted from where the mountain once stood. Atlas saw this beast and said, "I've killed this before, and I will do it again." Wrecker said to Atlas, "Keep your mouth shut Atlas, save your words for if we beat him." Atlas turned to Wrecker and said, "When we beat him." They both returned their focus to The Forsaken Figure and readied in their positions for a fight.

The ground began to shake even more but when the Three noticed The Forsaken Figure had stopped pouring energy into the ground they noticed two hulking masses of red and blue energy come into view behind their great enemy. Reality said to Atlas and Wrecker, "Use your power now, before it is too late." Without hesitation Atlas and Wrecker transformed themselves into their most powerful forms and they too began to charge forward. Reality took several steps back from the battle, letting the Four take on The Forsaken Figure.

Atlas was the first to meet The Forsaken Figure, and they met each other head on. Atlas slammed into him with all of his strength and for the first time Atlas was stopped dead in his tracks. The Forsaken Figure placed both of his hands on either side of Atlas's head and he began to pulse green energy into Atlas. The other Three stopped for only a split second, fearful of what was to come next. The Forsaken Figure soon stopped pouring energy into Atlas then threw him far off into the distance.


Atlas stood and regained his bearing, itching to get back in the fight when all around him appeared these mangled and beastly figures. Atlas looked at all of the things that were materializing around him and he recognized them. These things were an otherworldy ephemeral vision of what they once were. Atlas knew them, because he killed them. He saw all of their faces, just as he had when he took their lives. He stood his ground and began to laugh. Atlas said, "You think the ghosts of my past will haunt me you robed douche? I killed them before with no mercy and I will do so again."

When Atlas finished his sentence five beings in the crowd stood out from the rest of them, it was these same five whom decided his destiny, and controlled him for so many long years. Atlas drew his sword and went to face them once more. He charged the seemingly endless ranks of ephemeral beasts and men. As he charged forward however he came upon a thought, one that just might win this battle for sure. He stopped running towards the oncoming hoarde and began to concentrate.

Atlas rose off of the ground and began to swirl in deep red energy. He lashed out at every face, once more feeling their pain. The only difference now however is, he learned to enjoy it. He opened his eyes and watched as by the tens of thousands the ranks of ghosts fell. He left only five of them alive however. These five were in fact The Five. Realities creations in which Atlas killed in order to find himself in the position he was currently in. He said to them, "I have done things you five would never be capable of or could dream of. You controlled my life for too long, no longer. Once I help Reality secure his realm I will come for those who created him, and I will show them just how much power I have."

Atlas swiftly consumed The Five once again, feeling all of their pain and anguish, feeling as though it was the first time he had done it. He started to make his way back towards the battle when the ground began to shake. Suddenly a mountain sized lizard salmmed down in front of where Atlas was still levitating. Atlas laughed out and said, "I killed you once before you puny reptile, and that was before I even had my real powers, you were weak then, I can only imagine jsut how weak you are now."

Atlas raced towards the lizard charging his fists with red energy. As Atlas slammed into the massive body of the lizard he took its essence and power. Atlas slammed down into the ground, trying to regain his bearing as the impact had jarred him a little. He looked out over the vast field where he saw Krium, Revian, and Wrecker slugging it out with the robed douche. There was one he did not see however. Where was Reality? He soon shook of the question and began to hurtle himself towards the battle to join it once more.

Once he became close enough he jumped and transformed himself into his pure form. He noticed however that this time he had a swirling ribbon of mass circling his body. This mass was a deep red, and Atlas knew what it was time for. He slammed into the back of The Forsaken Figure, slowly raised him up and then drove him down into the ground. Atlas got up and assumed a fighting stance and said, "Don't think for one second that your cheap parlor tricks can save you. You have never faced anything like us before and you will learn just how strong we are."

The Forsaken Figure slowly clambered to his feet and said, "You will crumble beneath our might. You think you know power? You have no idea what true power is. There is but one among you who does and it matters little, there is nothing you can do that will stop us." He began to rise off of the ground and envelope himself in green energy. As he did so the ground around the Four began to wither away and turn black. The Forsaken Figure said, "I will show you what true power looks like, and you will all die." The Forsaken Figure shot a massive pillar of energy into the sky and out of it poured many things.

Each of the Four saw these things and each of them began to recognize the forms that they took. Millions of ephemeral beings poured out of the beam, and as Atlas had just experienced, they were indeed near identical copies to those that the Four had killed in the past. The Forsaken figure said, "Death is more than just collecting the essence of beings past, it is to control them and contort them to do your bidding. A master of Death is not only one who can prevent their own, but command Death itself." The beam of energy stopped and completely surrounding the Four were apparitions from their pasts.

Atlas said, "You three deal with our new friends, I will show this robed douche what we are capable of." Atlas raced towards The Forsaken Figure, slammed into him and carried him far off into the distance and began a grueling fight. Wrecker, Revian, and Krium were left to deal with a seemingly endless swarm of enemies to deal with. Wrecker said, "Well, we killed them all before, we can kill them all again. You two might want to try letting your power out now, it seems as good a time as any." Wrecker took on his empowered form and began to utterly annihalte a path through the expansive wave of enemies.

Revian and Krium stood back to back, Revian said, "Well, here goes nothing." Krium said back, "Lets have some fun brother." Revian and Krium let their power grow and soon they each became their true forms. They each grew taller, taller than the mountains that were far off in the distance. Revian's body glowed with an immense blue light and once His growth reached the apex He burst into crackling electricity. Revian's form was like an immense and terrible thunderstorm. Bolts of lighting covered His now massive body, and each gave off a boom as they shot out from Him randomly.

Krium grew much the same but upon reaching the top of His growth He exploded in an inferno of fire and magma. These two were polar opposites of each other, but their powers were equal. They each began to blast away the legions of enemies that fearlessly threw themselves towards Revian and Krium. The Three would have these pawns easily dealt with, as it was Atlas who had a real fight on his hands.

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