《By Myself》Chapter 1 – Those who live in fear [Part 4]


The rules when patrolling on the walls at night was that they must at least be three guards at the same walking together. Three was a sort of golden number when fighting against monsters when defending a settlement: one fought at the front, the second supported the frontliner from the back while the third’s role was to run away in case the monster was stronger than expected and they needed a stronger force to deal with it. That was why two more guards went with David with both their weapon and their flask of water.

It may sounds insufficient against such threats, however, the fact remained that only younglings dared to approach humans’ agglomerations, the adults being fully aware of the retribution they would face if they dared to attract too much attention, and younglings were as hard as bears to deal with. Even monsters could learn lessons from History.

David found himself outside once more, having to face against the coldness of the night without the cozy warm of the pyre nor the comfort of others’ presence. The three hurried themselves with their task at hand, desiring nothing else but returning inside the watchtower once they were done with the report.

A strong wind passed by David, his comrade almost lost his cap because of the sudden gust. But he heard a dull sound behind him, the same sound a soft object would made when it was dropped on a solid floor. He looked behind him out of curiosity, only to notice the legs of his partner lying on the ground. The upper half was missing, somehow crudely ripped off by something. A monster, perhaps.

The thought froze both David and his colleague in fear, before the latter shook him violently.


The three-man formation was made in order to give time to the settlement to build enough force to repel the monster, however the two survivors were only listening to their fear which dictated they had to run for their life if they didn’t want to die tonight.

David ran with all his strength, still holding the fire-lance as a morale support against the nocturnal deathbringer. His colleague was sprinting in front of him, definitely not caring about maintaining the group cohesion or even the fire-lance he dropped before racing for the watchtower. It was when David saw it. A hand appearing from the darkness of the night, a silhouette drawn from the dark sky abruptly fell on the man in front of him, leading to a sudden death where blood splattered everywhere.

The inscrutable shape’s movements were blurred behind the obscurity, a black veil engulfed the victim’s body, hiding it from David’s line of view. But even though he couldn’t see it, he was still able to recognize the sound of the flesh being torn apart, his terrified mind picturing the corpse being eaten under his gaze.

Then, the darkness looked back at him. Two fiery eyes were piercing his soul, he felt drained just being stared by the unknown creature that was standing before him. In a last attempt, David pointed his fire-lance at the monster, the heated blade shining against the devouring darkness. A grave growling echoed from the abyssal night before the monster departed.


It was gone. Again. But where did it go? From where would it come? David was trying to look in every direction, but of course to no avail.

He finally pushed himself to run back to the eastern watchtower as it was closer from his position. Maybe. His mind wasn’t clear enough to remember how much he walked between the two towers. All he knew was that he was in a run-or-die situation. Could he outrun the creature?

He felt a strong wind was about to blow pass him again. He didn’t have time to think before he was grabbed, suddenly lifted from the wall he was standing on. He lost his fire-lance due to the shock, the weapon falling from the sky where he disappeared. From here, he could see the town in its entirety. “Just how high am I in the sky?” he wondered.

He firmly gripped the monster’s limbs, terrified at the idea the beast would drop him from a high altitude. He felt a constant gust pushing against his clothes, as if he was flying, as if he was a mouse caught by a bird of prey who was bringing him back to its nest as spare food.

As if to respond to his thought, David was suddenly released from the monster’s grip, falling on a floor made of solid branches under a litter of leaves to soften it. As soon as he could touch the ground, he readied himself to face the monster, not as an act of bravery, but because his instinct hurled him to do everything that was possible to not die here.

Then, his abductor appeared in front of him. He still couldn’t see it clearly, the shape only pictured a large, hard-to-describe beast coming from the shadows. David backed away while shouting at the monster, pleading for his life in the hope the monster would listen to him. But all it did was slowly approaching him, his pair of glowing eyes still clung to him. He suddenly stood up and ran somewhere, but the beast swiftly leapt at him, pouncing him against the ground. His struggle was easily suppressed by the monster’s natural might, an overwhelming difference in their strength weighed on David, restraining him under the creature’s gaze. That was when David could distinctly perceive it, the darkness no longer hiding the monster’s true form.

An elegant woman overlapped him, long purple feathers covered them both from the chill of the night, but her charming, snow white skin, alluring as it could be, was still drenched in his colleague’s blood. The creature licked its reddened lips with a smile, its eyes locked on David’s.

“A harpy!” The monster’s name appeared in his mind.

The beast’s eyes were still glued to David’s frightened glare, a joyful expression drawn on its face as it approached its canines to the man’s throat. He was about to be butchered like a cow brought to a slaughterhouse… But all he felt was a tongue leisurely licking his sweating skin. It was a little painful, fearful, but David understood the monster wasn’t trying to taste him. It was leaving a kissmark on his neck, it was rubbing its naked body against his, a solitary moan resonating from the darkness reached David’s ears as he felt his heart beating faster.


It was… Certainly alluring. But it was still the beast who killed two of his colleagues in one sweep. He shouldn’t be feeling safe in its embrace, he shouldn’t be feeling this way. Maybe the monster sensed his confusion, it retreated slowly, its eyes glowing like pure ambers in the dark of the night. The picture inspired fear in his mind, but also… Attraction. The jewels gazed back at him with a comely shine, a pretty sight which slowly but surely appeased him, soothing his nervous thoughts for as long as he could contemplate them.

Then, the creature reduced the distance which separated their face to kiss him, tasting his dry lips now covered in a thin layer of saliva, smoothing even more their intertwined mouth. Feeling audacious, David timidly extended his hands to touch the monster’s skin. When his cold fingers grazed it, it reacted with a little surprised startle, but quickly let itself be savoured by the man’s curious desire to feel its form.

The moving hips were large enough for him to be easily circled by its legs, the tender touch allowed his fingers to gently plunge themselves in its warm and round derriere he could press against him. He felt his temperature rising due to the excitement, but his body was already sending him the urge to relieve himself with the monster that laid on him. The burning desire to indulge himself cured him from his fear. To hell with decency, he wanted to do it with her.

David slipped his hands between their stomach, breaking their kiss and allowing himself to find his belt to try unbuttoning it as fast as he could. The cold metal clang when he unfastened the link, he could finally take off his pants and start enjoying the harpy’s body, his was already big enough, ready to penetrate inside the monster’s womb. He thought he heard the harpy quietly laugh while feeling him against her, a sign they both understood each other. He helped himself with a free hand, moving on his own to insert the first part before the harpy let herself take the rest by herself, grinning with a cute moan to prove the pleasure she was inflicted by the man.

She started with slow movements to ease herself, but the man was already impatient and went to grab her hips before thrusting vigorously against the monster. It was no different from the time he did it with his wife, yet the sentiment was even more exotic because that wasn’t his wife nor was it a human. The monster crisped at first, but quickly released its built-up tension to let the man enjoy himself and her while they were at it. David wondered if the monster had no experience in this field as it seemed more passive than what he first expected, driving him madder with the belief he could have a taste of a monster’s first time.

Short and rapid moans echoed inside the room, a feminine and seducing tone rang in his ears, an exciting song chirped by the harpy sitting on top of David. Pushed by his desires, the man rolled on himself to corner the monster against the ground. Finding himself above a blushing beauty strengthened his resolve to be harsher with her. Her feathery touch was tickling when you only grazed it, but provided a silken feeling when the wings embraced his sweating body. The sweet sheet warmed him, caressed him at each of his movements, everytime his everything went in and out he would feel the feathers fondling him from his back to his ankles. The charnel pleasure was unparalleled, in addition to the awareness of being above of a monster, being in a position of superiority over a creature which defied humanity instilled him with a sparkling force, a drive to harness her, to make her his own.

His mind went momentarily blank just before we was about impregnate her, maddened by the lustiness of embracing the harpy with his whole body. He felt himself being emptied deep inside her, his arms tightening against the monster’s hourglass shape to prevent anything from separating them until he was done. David let himself soak in the harpy’s body, both were gasping for air after the intense act and the mind-numbing pleasure of enjoying themselves. He couldn’t clearly feel the monster’s chest against his because of the armour he was still wearing. Judging it was utterly foolish to keep such bothersome clothes on him, he quickly undid the many clips before throwing the garment away.

From there, he could have a clear sight of the monster’s wellbeing. With her legs and wings spread on the ground, her rapidly rising breast and her flushed cheeks, she filled him with a sentiment of dominance, a desire to still keep at it. It was a shame the woman-part of her body displayed such a light bosom, but the two shining ambers were still looking at him, untired, burning with an ever-lasting will to welcome him again in her embrace. The sight was enough to encourage David for a second round.

He let himself lie against the harpy, their body glued to each other while he started pounding against her hips once more. Happily or painfully moaning, the harpy enlaced David with her grands wings, keeping him warm while he indulged himself in the monster’s drenched flesh. They both kept each other close, the man toying with the monster’s offered body until he was finished again, but pursued this game as he guessed he would probably not have another chance in his life to mount a monster.

The night was young, and David came inside her five times before falling asleep in her cuddle.

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