《The Interconnectedness of Knowledge》The Awareness [Part 2]


Emil suddenly felt that is something is fundamentally different to his immediate surroundings, his is still in his room, messy bed, unorganized objects that he uses to keep himself for being idle, and his other electronic devices he uses to zoning out his surroundings from the unpleasant noises that he hears. It's not like there is a immediate effect but slowly, he is becoming aware of the information that reality project to us. He realizes that there is a intrinsic connection to everything we see, touch, smell, hear, taste to our reality like there is no such things as accidents, sure we can say that from a certain standpoint that such event could dispel much to our knowledge. But think of it this way, no matter how small the event is, it will always affect it's immediate surroudings, which in turn leads to another reaction, through series of these events, it could influence a person's mindset to change for better or worse, it could lead to a global scaled event that could affect everybody including those in the future. Basically what emil is being aware of is that knowledge is accessable in such a way that potentially leading us to becoming omnisicient or something similiar. But it doesn't mean like a full on blast of receiving such information for every reality, time, space, etc. But it's more gradual awareness that we could possibly harness. Maybe it's like information may be taken or learn through dreams, because in that kind of world nothing makes sense, but our existence in there. Our through meditation, we could subtly vibrate our bodies through chants or any kind of vibrational exercise that could make us resonate with frequencies that could make us aware of knowledge that has long lost, but can be retrieve through resonance. Because by vibrating our bodies to certain frequencies, we can see,hear,taste,smell, or touch information that we are seeking that answers of.


That's why emil for him is a blessing, sure omniscience does have the answers to everything but as long as the knowledge help the person grow to become the better version of him or herself. That's why as he slowly become aware of it, he will isolate himself in a pocket dimension which time flows differently like 1 century equals to 1 year outside, but he can control to what extent of ratios that he approve to work with. After he sets up the pocket dimension, he will reconstruct his physical body to correct itself from it's flaws like his scoliosis, his muscle structure, his bone structure, his nerves to its optimal state then, he slowly evolve his body to it's peak evolutionary level, and then set up heart mind soul exercise to temper his shortcomings to confronting strong emotions, certain events that needs empathy, or to know himself truly without question regardless of people's opinion about him. Basically the exercise will let him experience emotions that he never encountered before, events that could impair his judgement, or even being subjucated to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual torment for him to grow stronger through each and every instance. The exercise itself will deem emil if he is ready to released from the instance. But it doesn't mean he will become a different person entirely, no, he will become a better version of himself the version that could make him face his problems without fear but with confidence, to completely understand every emotion that a human person could have and comprehend its purpose and its meaning to have such emotions. To be able to withstand unfathomable amount of stress, pain and cruelty but still have a strong heart,mind,soul and body could bear for his upcoming trials and tribulations for him to use his connection to omniscient knowledge to help others and himself in the process.


This is the begining of a reality to could very shape people's minds and heart for better or for worse.

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