《Wishing You A Lousy B-Day》Chapter 9—Wipe


By the time Heise awoken, the sky had already turned pitch black.

Blinking a few times, Heise tried to assess his surroundings before remembering that he was still in the guest room of the mansion, having fallen ill on the very morning of his departure.

After collecting his thoughts, Heise tried to get up. Instantly, a wave of nausea and dizziness swept over him. Unable to maintain his bearings, Heise’s head plop down on the soft pillow once again, his breathing ragged.

“You’re awake. You should lay still.” Alvy appeared behind the door, carrying with him a basin of water. Following him, a certain silver cat slipped silently into the room and sat down on a chair facing the bed. Alvy, however, sat down directly onto the side of the bed and stretched his hand to Heise’s forehead.

“En, the fever seemed to have broke. You’ll be fine.”

“…I see.” Heise was just about to let out a sigh of relief when his blanket was yanked open. “W-wha—?”

Alvy shuffled closer to the patient, his hands start pulling apart Heise’s pajamas. “However, it’s not good to let your body be covered in sweat. It’s unhygienic not to mention uncomfortable. How about letting me help you wipe it off?” Although Alvy asked a question, he seemed to neither want nor care for a response as his hands keep moving.

“…O-ok…” It was unclear whether Heise actually agreed, or if he just didn’t have the energy to disagreed, but, in the end, he laid there obediently as his clothes was peeled off.

Heise’s shirt, pants, and not even underwear were spared as they were sent flying out of the bed. Since Alvy just mindlessly threw them and Heise was too embarrassed to look, neither of them noticed that a particular piece of clothing had landed on top of an unfortunate silver cat.

Originally, Vali did not pay much attention to the busy nurse and his patient, staring, instead, at the small garden outside. However, as the clothes starts flying, his gaze was inadvertently attracted to the commotion. Vali manages to turn his head back just in time for his face to be met with a certain wet, musky, black cloth.


For a moment, not only did Vali’s view turns dark, but also his outlook on life.

Vali: ….

After removing the sticky clothes, Alvy reaches for the basin of water and a clean towel before turning back to the naked young man on the bed. Carefully, he begins wiping in a gentle circular motion, meticulous and diligent, leaving no spot untouched. Though he did not say much, Alvy worked at a leisure pace, almost as if he was enjoying the task.

On the other side, Heise felt a bizarre mixture of elation and apprehension.

Being a grown man, Heise was understandably uncomfortable with the idea of having someone else wipe down his body like a child, much less a person he’d only known for a few days. However, at the same time, his body, sore and aching all over, was particularly sensitive from laying down all day. Alvy’s touch was very comfortable and the way he wipes and kneads that flesh plump tender skin…

“Ah. Ngn! Mmn...” Soft whimpers escaped Heise’s pale lips.

Alvy’s hand pauses.

He bends his head and looked down at the young man below him.

Heise had closed his eyes. His long lashes quivers ever so lightly, brushed by the other man’s heavy breaths. Soft round cheeks, painted with a rosy glint, set a loveable liveliness to the handsome face. Blood-red lips, paled from the fever and wet from being wiped, now parts slightly open like delicate cherry blossoms, uttering the most indecent of sounds.

No longer feeling the pleasurable “wiping,” Heise’s body began squirming. Alvy could feel the soft silky skin, pure as snow and clear as jade, rubbed against his own. Under the strong hands of the man, the tender muscles and luscious flesh begins trembling, unconsciously fighting back, wanting to be release.

Alvy’s eyes turned dark.

Rinsing the towel, Alvy decided to pick up the pace, no longer enjoying the activity as he once had. The place where his fingers comes in contact with the young man’s skin seemed to burn, leaving a constant trail of fire from the tips of his fingers to the bottom of his heart.


Since he can’t stop half-way, Alvy could only grits his teeth and bears with it. His movements became increasingly rough as the fire inside him keeps growing bigger and bigger. From his eyes which had begin to grow red, a sliver of a savage rampaging beast can be seen.

Alvy felt both his throat and his pants getting tighter and tighter, becoming more and more painfully constricting.

It took nearly all of Alvy’s self-control to keep from losing what tiny bit of rationality he has left, especially when he touched those two cute little pink beans on Heise’s chest and other more “sensitive” areas.

Fifteen grueling minutes later, the cleaning was completed.

“Alright, we’re done.” Alvy’s bloodshot eyes turns away from the naked boy as he stood up. “I’ll help you put on new clothes. Now, where’s your suitcase?”

With some directions from Heise, Alvy manages to fish out a clean set of clothes and was about to walk forward to the bed when he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

“You, bring food. I’ll do it.” Vali snatched the clothes from Alvy’s hand before sitting down on the bed and begins to methodically dressed Heise.

Alvy give a stiff nod before quickly grabbing the basin and heading out. The tent in his pants was still huge and imposing, unable to calm down…

Seeing Alvy’s departing back, Heise was somewhat unhappy.

Ah, my hot guy. Tch, stupid old man. See how I’ll settle you.

“Thank you.” Flashing a small smile, Heise spat out some words.

“Hm.” Vali’s usual affirming sounds.

After a steamy bowl of porridge, of which Heise had some difficulty eating, it was getting late in the night.

“Well, we’ll leave you be. Rest and tomorrow you’ll feel better.” Alvy said as he wraps up the dirty dishes and was about to leave with Vali.

Just as the two had reached the door, Heise’s voice sounded out, “Wait. Actually, I have something to discuss.”

Sitting upright, Heise looked at the two faces with question marks over their head. “I hate to impose on you, but I’m feeling very bad right now. I honestly don’t know if I’ll be able to leave tomorrow. I was wondering if I could stay here for a few days.” Heise sniffled, his big red-rimmed eyes shone an adorable look.

Vali was silent.

After a few seconds of not receiving the answer, Heise directed his look at Alvy who immediately reply, “Of course you can. Take as much time as you want to recover. Your health is important.”

“Thank you!” Flowers seems to bloom behind Heise’s head as a dazzlingly bright smile appeared on his face.

Remaining silent with a contemplative look on his face, Vali exited the room.

Shortly after, Alvy follows.

Heise wouldn’t know, but tonight was deemed a restless night. An argument was brewing in the mansion’s study, three doors down.

Back in his room, Heise was once again alone.

When he no longer hears the footsteps of the mansion’s master, Heise climbs off the bed and opens his suitcase with surprising agility and finesse, completely unlike that of your average feeble patient. Searching for a while, Heise pulls out a clear glass bottle filled with blue pills.

I must say, these things worked better than expected. And here I thought I would have to doused myself in cold water to catch a cold. Keke.

Still, I wished the effects would last a little longer, half a day is way too short. Might not be convincing enough. There’s also that damn side-effect…

Oh well, it worked for now. Next time, I’ll think of something different.

Heise threw the bottle back into this suitcase before climbing back into bed and turning off the lights.

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