《Wishing You A Lousy B-Day》Chapter 8–Up The Dosage


The door to the guest room slammed shut.

The moment the door closes, the expression on the young guest greatly changed. The timid look and sheepish gaze instantly evaporated, as if it was never there to begin with, and instead replaced with a sharp glint.

Heise sat down on the bed and pulled out his phone. After thinking for a minute, he decided to dial.

Not even until the second ring was the call picked up. “Hello? Sir, where are you?” A concerned voice anxiously sounded on the other end.

“I’m fine, Fed. How’s everything at home?” Heise let out a sigh of relief. Hearing the familiar voice, the bubbling emotions he felt these past two days were somewhat grounded.

“Sir, the planned projects are moving on scheduled. Z Enterprise have begun making their moves, but not outside of our expectations. Some proposal regarding this matter have been submitted, and, although I’ve looked through them, it would be best if, when you return—”

“No. I won’t be returning. At least, not yet.” Heise cuts in. “While I’m gone, I’ll leave it all to you, Fed.”

“But Sir! You can’t—”

“Enough. Prepare all the necessary materials, when I come back, we’ll begin our move. Also, since they already probably know I’m not there anymore, no doubt they’ll try take advantage of it. Remember to be vigilant.”

On the other side of the phone, a sigh sounded, “…Yes, understood. I’ll be sure to keep an eye on them. May I ask how long it will be until you get back?”

“Hm…” Heise mused, his eyes gloss over like a child examining his toys, “…until I’m bored.”

Fed: “….”

“Well, if that’s all then—”

“W-wait!” This time, it was Heise that was interrupted, “T-there’s something else! Um… about Madam….”

A dark glint flashed across Heise’s gaze; his expression twisted in a sullen aura. “What about her?”

“The Madam misses you. She…her temper has gotten worse without your presence. If you could come back a little sooner…”


Heise stood up, his voice turned several degrees colder, “Hire more people to attend to her. Don’t let her out of your sight. If she acts out again, up her dosage until I get back.”

Without waiting for the other side to response, Heise hang up the phone and threw it onto the bed.

Walking to the bathroom, Heise decided to push all that drivel to the back of his mind, and, instead, opted to have a long relaxing bath.

After all, he needed to be nice and clean for tonight’s dinner…

Once the phone was disconnected, gloom struck over Federik’s face.

Ever since his boss unexpectedly disappeared, his work was piling up at an alarming rate. For the past three nights, Federik had remained sleepless, diligently carrying out all manners of work. Countless times had he tried to contact that heartless boss of his, only to be met with that frustrating voicemail every time. Clearly, the boss did not want to be disturb.

Oh, but what can a poor secretary do? If not keep trudging onward until some miracle occurs.

Finally, after days of agonizing, the boss actually took the initiative to called him!

Dreaming about the liberation that was just at hand, Federik could felt his heart beats in fervent excitement as he picked up that called.

And yet, in the end…

Federik let out a sigh. Now with nothing more to show for than a set of deep black crows feet underneath his eyes, Federik had once again been entrusted with the weight of a mountain.

That’s it. Once he comes back, I’m definitely going to demand a rai—!


A loud sound interrupted Federik’s line of thoughts.

“Guyaaah….aaaah!!!….” A piercing growl rang out, deafening the mansion.

Breaking from his stupor, Federik immediately headed in the direction of the cry. Exiting the room, he walked down a long corridor, his expression tensed.

At the end of the corridor was a closed set of double doors leading to a bedroom. Although the doors are gilded in gold and ivory, the gloomy tension that hangs over them casts a dark and decrepit look. Gnashing his teeth, the almighty and capable secretary turned the doorknob and pushed it open.


Inside, two maids were hiding behind a sofa, when a teacup was thrown at them. Fortunately, the cup misses, shattering on a nearby wall. Unfortunately, the person who had thrown the teacup did not want to give up yet.

“Aaaahhh!” Another ear-piercing screech filled the room.

“Madam, please!” Pushing the two maids out of the way, Federik approach the screeching woman. “I know it’s a big adjustment, but these two ladies were only wanting to help you.”

Seeing Federik, the woman seemed to calm down, though the corner of her eyes were still red and trembling. “…”

Taking advantage of the temporary silence, Federik signaled to the maids who left for a bit before returning with a new tray of tea.

“Madam, it’s teatime. You like tea, right? Here’s some Da Hong Pao, one of your favorites, a gift just for you.” Like coaxing a child, Federik calmly poured the tea while approaching the staring woman, “Look, look. Come here and try some, I promise it’ll relaxes you.”

The woman, eyeing the teacup for half a day, finally held onto it before downing the whole thing in one gulp. After a few minutes, the woman let out a yawn, then blearily laid down on the bed and closed her eyes.

The night’s event drew to a closed, and Federik let out a sigh of relief. He leads the two maids out of the room before asking, “Now, about what I told you before…”

“Yes, sir” one of the maids answered, “We did as you told. We put in the same amount every time.”

“Good, the boss has given permission to increase the amount, so the next time this happens, I trust I don’t have to instruct you?” Federik’ sudden cold tone scared the two maids into silence. Dare not utter a sound, they nodded their heads rapidly before scurrying off.

Federik took one last glance at the set of double doors before heading out, his face exhausted.

Forget the raise, next time I’m definitely going to quit!

“Dinner was delicious.” Heise said while wiping his greasy mouth.

The trio had just completed their dinner, and Heise had no shortage of praise. Despite the chaotic incident in the morning, the rest of the day had ended on a rather pleasant note. In fact, their dinner just now was rather harmonious, like three old friends enjoying each other’s companies.

“I’m just glad everyone enjoyed their meal. For a cook, there’s no greater honor.” Alvy had a cheery smile spreading wide across his face. “Besides, this is your last night here. I want you to fully enjoy yourself.”

“Oh, I will.” A pleasing voice escaped Heise’s lips. “Thank you for all your wonderful hospitality.”

After a few more pleasantries, each person returns to their own rooms.

The night passed in peace.

The next morning, before the sun even rises pass the horizon, Heise was shaken awake by a familiar voice. “Wake up, hey, wake up. Are you alright?”

“A-Alvy?” Heise was unable to completely open his eyes, each eyelid felt like a million tons. “Wha…what happening…?”

Hearing the hoarse scratchy voice coming from the young man, Alvy felt his chest squeezed. Without saying anything further he pressed his forehead against Heise’s, his eyes closed. After a few minutes, a few eternities to Heise, Alvy raise his head and said softly, “You’re burning up, you have a fever. Rest.”

After hearing his diagnosis, Heise’s face revealed a mixture of confusion and irritation. However, delirious from the pain and sore all over, Heise could only utter an affirming sound before drifting back to sleep.

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