《The Chronicles of Tyfoon, The Chosen One》Prologue


Ever since the first person breathed life, evil has existed in the universe. Many people like to believe that there is some good in everyone, but the reality is there are some people who are hell bent on destroying all that is good and have nothing but selfishness, greed, and hate in their heart. Evilness is like a plague, a cancer that infects others around it. It’s contagious. Persons with evil intentions that are left unchecked will spread evil and hate to others, and be so destructive that eventually all that is good and pure will be gone, and darkness will cover everything.

It is for this reason that government was created. With all the evil in the universe, there needed to be a governing authority that could set in place and maintain order amidst the chaos that continually reared its ugly head. Rules were set in place to keep people on a path of light, and discipline people on the path of darkness. Those who were good were rewarded and able to live a productive life and be active in society. Those who sought evil and destruction were dealt with harshly in hopes of deterring themselves and others from continuing a dark path. And so it has been ever since.

As time passed, those with extraordinary abilities began to surface. These gifted individuals were able to focus their ki, or energy, in ways that allowed them to do things that a normal person would never be able to be achieved. It took years of training to be able to use their ki for extraordinary purposes, and even with training, most people were unable to do so. Those that were able to control their ki found ways to tap into hidden ki that resides in every person, but normally lies dormant. Their bodies, strengthened by their ki, were able to withstand things that would normally kill a normal person. They were able to manipulate their ki into weapons and projectiles. They were able to achieve superhuman strength. The possibilities of what they could accomplish by manipulating their ki was endless, and after thousands of years, the limit of what one could achieve by mastering their ki had not been reached.


With power comes greed, and with greed comes destruction. The surface of these abilities was like a drug to those hungry for power and control. Many people who followed the path of darkness began to learn the art of using their ki, and their power and numbers grew immensely. It was not long before normal government became useless to control these gifted individuals, and chaos began to take many parts of the universe. Different galaxies began to seek ways to control these people.

One such galaxy created a council to manage these efforts, and to take an active role in monitoring and managing the most sensitive matters in the galaxy. They were known simply as “The Council”, and were made up of representatives from different sectors across the galaxy. They were in charge of ensuring “Peacekeepers” were placed in positions of authority in different sectors across the galaxy whose primary task was to monitor those with control of their ki and ensure they lived according to the laws in the lands in which they resided. When a powerful person would rise up to try and overthrow authority, cause destruction, destroy others, or anything else malicious and destructive, these peacemakers would detain them, using force when necessary, and ensure the threat was neutralized, most often by imprisoning them in a facility designed to hold powerful beings who were a threat to the galaxy.

Over time, The Council grew in influence and authority, and eventually became the most authoritative group in the entire galaxy. They allowed local governments to operate almost entirely without their interference, but when a matter came about that The Council needed to make a decision on, they had complete authority to make the decision. This power was something The Council had never abused, even in the thousands of years since it had formed. It was because of this fact that the governments across the galaxy were so willing to give the power and authority to The Council. The Council was a symbol of security and order among the people of the Galaxy.


After many years of The Council managing the affairs of the galaxy and keeping order, they saw a need for a single person to take a role in overseeing the Peacekeepers and to be the face for The Council to represent them in political affairs and interact with leaders across the galaxy. This person would also be responsible for being directly involved in matters that were severe enough to threaten the entire galaxy. Such matters were rare, but were too difficult for just the Peacekeepers to manage and required someone of even greater skill to tend to. This leader needed to be highly skilled in using their ki and had to be the strongest among all the Peacekeepers as to ensure their position could not be challenged or overthrown. The Council referred to this leader as “The Chosen One”.

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