《Conflicts of Eriador stories》House Tanocostar


Bregoldir Tanocostar

With Annúminas restored to its former glory, the walls of this great city have begun to flourish with life once more. Gone are the dark times that haunted House Tanocostar, as their Knights once again have donned their armour and stand vigil at the gates, for Lord Bregoldir has returned. The veteran ranger, who had in times past stubbornly refused his seat on the Council, has now resumed his rightful place as the Knight-Commander of the Knights of Arthedain. Despite his oaths as a Knight, he holds in his heart no love for battle and would not venture far from his native lands unless duty permitted him no other choice, instead preferring to safeguard the lives of his people.

He is a stalwart defender, an educated, noble man who has lead the members of House Tanocostar through many heroic, unsung victories in the wild, ever vigilant and protecting the innocent behind them with blade and shield in hand. This was before the great city was restored and now, with the smiths hammering away day and night and the horse breeders raising steeds of war, Lord Bregoldir has taken back to the saddle. He has donned his gleaming armour and patrols the city and its vicinity with sharp eyes, ever vigilant for Evil in all its forms. No Snaga, Orc, Goblin or traitorous Men can sneak past him or his retinue of stalwart defenders. For he is the armoured heart of Annúminas! And he shall never again permit darkness to fall over its lands.

As much as Lord Bregoldir prefers to remain in the city and apply his considerable intellect and wisdom into guiding it towards further prosperity, there are times when the armoured heart must become a mailed fist and while it is not in his character to seek war, neither does he shirk from it and when called to defend the ancient lands of Arnor, he does so with great skill. When Lord Bregoldir takes to the field, the creatures of Melkor shiver in fear as the retinue of House Tanocostar charges into their ranks, lances and naked blades glittering in the light of day, devotion in their hearts and Elendil's name on their lips. As kind and gentle as he is when amongst his kin, so full of fury he becomes when those he protects are threatened.


Yet, once the battle is done, he wastes little time and always seeks to return home as swift as his steed can carry him. For in Annúminas is where his heart lays and now that it is back in the hands of the Dúnedain, after generations of painful longing, he would gladly sacrifice his life to keep it safe, a trait shared amongst all members of House Tanocostar.

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