《Conflicts of Eriador stories》House Oiomiril (WIP)


Bartherdir Oiomiril

With the lands of Barketta restored to their former glory and once again flying the banners of House Oiomiril proudly, Lord Bartherdir Oiomiril has returned to the forefront of the realm of the Dúnedain. While their strength has waned since their glory days from ages past, they are nevertheless still a force to behold, even if they seem to lack the discipline of House Emeryar or the gleaming armour of House Tanocostar, foregoing the tactical finesse of the shield wall or the heavy armour of the knights. Instead they chose to focus, as they always have, on the ways of the mace and the crushing power of this weapon.

From a young age, as befits the future Lord of House Oiomiril, Lord Bartherdir has trained aggressively with this weapon. Before he assumed the mantle of Lord, when his father still lived, he often travelled the North Downs and made excursions as far north as the cold lands of the Angmarrim. Not one to shirk from battle and often all too eager to join the fray, his slight lack of tactical acumen and patience does not diminish his capabilities as a leader of Men, for he makes more than up for that with the skill to inspire the men under his command as heavily armoured Angmarrim, tall Orcs or savage Wargs all fall under his fell blows. A giant of a man whose body is covered in scars, he bears a silent grudge against the terrors of the North that once ransacked the Kingdom of Arnor and is quick to rush to the frontline whenever the forces of Angmar are near.

Lord Bartherdir is not a subtle man and prefers a direct approach over everything else. He will not mince words under any circumstances and while this may make him not suited for any situation where diplomacy is required, it does make him beloved by the local populace, who see him as an inspiring hero, a man of the people, who will not stand before any injustice, no matter how small. He is at heart, however, not suited to sit in a palace, for he will quickly grow restless unless he is taking the fight to the ancient enemy. While he has no love lost for the Orcs of the Misty Mountains, it is on the field of battle against the Angmarrim that his rage burns truly brightly, lighting a fire in the hearts off all those near to him as he and his retinue drive a deep wedge into enemy lines, time and time and again, shrugging off wounds that would fell lesser men, their maces reaping a deadly toll amidst their foes.


Only when the fortress of Carn Dûm is razed to the ground, when the last banner of Angmar has gone up in flames and when the Witch King is well and truly dead will House Oiomiril cease their unrelenting offensive against the North, for they have sworn to not dwell in the lands of their forefathers until justice, the one truth this noble House upholds before all others, has been served to the Evil from the North.

So have sworn the ancient lords of House Oiomiril. So has sworn Lord Bartherdir.

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