《Birthday》Chapter 4, A promise to a tree


I had moments like these. Mostly with stump. Those points in time which I could only dub as ‘awkward’.

I glanced around, it was awkward for two reasons. One, the two remarkably small women kept staring at me and two, they hadn’t complemented me once on my handsomeness. I would have expected a complement for my brilliance as well, but they hadn’t heard enough of me to realize it.

“Well” I started, still astounded by my eloquent voice, “If you aren’t going to compliment me. I best be off.”

The two flinched before I turned. Freedom at last! And what was this sensation? Walking! Incredible! I stumbled a bit on my third step and glanced at them quickly. Did gods blush? I hoped not.

“Wait!” cried violet eyes as I regained my composure, “You cannot leave!”

I rose one of my burled brows, “Why not? I have legs so I walk. Honestly you humans are as dull as the rocks you love” I turned again, now tired of their sight, raising my long arms to the side in gesture, “It astounds me.”

There was a stillness in the air I could not quite grasp. A quick silence that chilled my thistles. Her voice slithered like a snake. “Very well, if the binds of the ritual do not affect you.” Hushed violet eyes, I caught her at the edge of my eye, “I will consume the power instead.”

For a moment I couldn’t move, the sight of violet eyes mimicking her hands was all I saw. Then a small beige colored blur collided with her and once again I could move.

The small thud across the room was followed by a fit of yelps and screams. I tried to make sense of it. My carrier had tackled violet eyes in a most spectacular way. Now my carrier had the ‘witch’ on the ground, one hand pressing the former’s shoulders down.

“Get off of me, you wench!” cried the accented creature. My carrier- no Ersel, I suppose I should call her that, did not respond. Except with a fist, then another. My, how violent.

I started backing away. What was this sudden feeling? Fear? I could die! No, I was a god. A god of war no less. I approached the brawl and slowly picked up the ferocious girl with the back of her shirt. She was still swinging when I held her, “Carrier?” I started, “You seemed to have won already.”


Ersel stopped and I pointed a bony finger at violet eyes, her face slightly bloody, “She’s asleep now. If that was what you were after.”

Violet eye’s chest was beating still, and her eyes were rolled back, her mouth wide open. Ersel had unwittingly knocked the human out.

“Let go of me!” she screeched as she finally noticed her predicament.

I stared at her a little longer, “Funny, you were so big before.”

“Funny, you were just a piece of wood before.”

I found myself frowning as I let the girl go. The nerve! And after I had saved her! I thought back a second, my hand against my chin, was that how it went? I shook my head, of course that’s how it went.

“I’m a god. And as my divine right, I do not stand to be insulted. Indeed, I shall set out and let the world bask in my godliness! Yes, I shall see the world!” It was a peculiar thing to say, but I had the need to voice my ambitions. After all, other than myself, it was the most important thing here.

“Right, and does your holiness see anything of value in here?”

I shot a furious expression at Ersel and I found the girl glaring back at me. A moment later, she dismissed me and began searching the witch’s person, then bags, then cabinets.

I wondered why I was still there. It appeared my presence was no longer welcomed here, so I made for the door. It was faint then, but I felt the smallest itch urging me back. As if the very sap in my body was pulling me back. Odd. I ignored it and kept moving forwards.

Outside, I saw a forest. It was night and it was very dark, the only light from the hovel that I just left. Trees only a little higher than I, stood all around me. It was as if the world had shrunk. I was disappointed and by the time I had gotten a few steps away from the hut, I heard the girl spit, “The witch only had an Ir on her. That broke piece of-”

She stopped mid-sentence and curiously, I froze to listen.


“Wait!” she cried a few moments later. Strangely, her tone had completely shifted and her spotted face jutted outside the lighted hovel, “I need you.”

I tossed my brows up, “You insulted me.”

“I freed you.”

I pointed past her, “She saved me”

The girl sighed, “That witch? She was going to ‘consume you’. You heard her! Besides what will people think if they saw a walking tee?” She studied me as she paced out, “Perhaps you need me as well.”

I twirled again and started away from her, “Again with the insults! I swear, you humans were better at conversations when I was the only one talking.”

“Wait!” she called again, “You want to see the world don’t you? I’ll show you it!”

I stopped, “I’m listening.”

“We’ll make a promise. You and I. I’ll take you wherever you want, I’ll hide you so you don’t run into any trouble.”

Why would I run into trouble? I was loved by all! I was about to rebuttal when I realized that perhaps that was not quite true. The image of violet eyes and the shop owner struck me in tune “In return?” I said instead.

“First tell me what you are.”

“A god.” I said honestly.

She rolled her eyes, “You were an idol, a wood carving that resembled a god. What are you really?”

“A god.” I repeated. I thought an obvious answer would be all that was required. Yet this human was thick enough to miss it.

She stomped up to me and frowned at me heavily, her eyes thoroughly narrowed, “Ok.” She cooled, “Let’s say you’re a god. Why were you then stuck in that form for so long? Couldn’t you simply whisk your way out? Why did no one else take you when they had the chance? Surely, to steal a god would have been obvious. I mean imagine the power.”

I was just as baffled as she! Though that predicament reminded me of something one of the many story I had heard while I was and idol. Stories which I had not cared for, yet strangely remembered, “I suppose I am a hidden power. Somewhat similar to the djinn and the lamp. My idol form was my lamp.”

She quieted, somehow taken aback, “How did you know of that?”

I shrugged, “Humans have told stories around me for generations. But I never cared much for them.”

She stepped back, her head constantly tilted up towards me, “Just how many tales are you familiar with.”

I recounted the many fantasies I heard spoken around me. “A hundred and one.”

Her eyes went wide, her mouth soon a smile, “Any stories about treasures?”

“You mean yellow rocks and colored gems?”

“Yes!” she echoed.

Why was she interested in that? Stories about rocks were the worst. Long tiresome journeys, filled with hardship and loss for nothing, but some rocks in the end. Gah. I figured I had to respond since she seemed quite intent to hear the answer. “Most of them yes.”

Her eyes grew impossibly wider and her mouth closed into a larger smile. She stopped to look down, “Then I know what I want.” Silence, and her eyes met mine, “I’ll take you round the world and you tell me your stories. As long as you help me find the gold I need we’re even. Deal?”

So I talked and got to see the world. All she wanted was some yellow rocks. Easy. Yellow rocks were everywhere. Or at least from my experience. Regardless, this deal seemed more beneficial to me. Wow, for once a human who had logic! I decided to keep my cool. “I suppose so, yes.”

She jumped in glee and I cocked my head at her, “Where will you take me first?”

She smiled, I tried to mimic it, but failed, “Ever been to the capitol?”

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