《BOOK 4: ESCAPE FROM PLANET OF ASMODEUS [ a PERTH'S ACCIDENTAL SUPERHEROES series ] VOL 1.4 PERTHLAND》Chapter 16: The Soulmates’ Dreamworld [Part 3]
AFTER A DISASTROUS GOOD FRIDAY, Paul went to sleep by putting away thoughts of the would-be crimes of the Hateful-8 – and thought of the positive, as Jane had wanted-him to do, in their video-call just now…
… he fantasized having a slow-dance, with Jane Wilson – in her new-spaghetti strapped black-dress, at the school-ball, in the centre of the gym-dancehall… everyone stopped to look at amazement at them… when he-and-Jane slowly floated off the floor, to rise above everyone – then all the students cheered… when they saw the couple kissing…
Paul then felt a ‘bump,’ and was out-of his reveries – he felt ‘light’ as in-floating… he did ‘not’ panic when he saw his host-teen body, who-was asleep on the bed…
… he was totally-calm, as he-went with the-flow… he went passing…
… through cosmos of clouds, that were colourful of neon-rainbows, and then soon descended – as the blue-glow…
… sat beside her, on Jane’s Queen-sized bed.
“Jane… wake-up…”
His-aura stirred her arm gently, for her to gain cognizance… Jane was surprised…
“Paul? You came…”
“Yes, I did…”
Both the teenagers hugged each-other, and kissed passionately – and they glowed bright…
“Come, Pauly – let’s go…” Said the golden-glowing Jane.
“Where?” Responded the blue-glow.
“To the Garden.”
She held his hand – and, they were no-longer teens…
… as they transformed to their ‘true-self’ – as…
… Jane used her 3rd-eye, and guided them…
… as they floated above to the night-skies, and into the heavens.
In the Garden-of-Eden, outside the pure-white Cube-of-Apollo – stood the AI-hologram of Shelley-Wilson and the Virgo-Dora… waiting for the arrival of the ’visitors,’ of the other-realm of Perthland…
Inside the transportation cube…
… was the depressed and sulking Red-demon sitting, on the white-couch… looking-out the 360-glassed interior, of the neon-lit Garden-of-Eden outside…
The Red-demon was disappointed that he was ‘duped’ by the All-Father Asmodeus – who had ‘hid’ an AVENGING-DEMON ‘INSIDE’ Peter… when they went to visit Solomon Walker in Svarga-Loka.
The Mother-of-Virgos came to him, and sat beside… and place her hand on the shoulder of the hulking one-armed demon… she spoke in their Roman-mother tongue…
“Don’t be hard on yourself, Mercury – just move-on...”
The demon thought-awhile… looking-up at the green-dim glowing ‘sphere’ that was levitating, and ‘meditating’ … across the cube-space, at the corner.
“How can I move-on, Veen…? I’ve made a grave mistake, that have CAUSED AN END OF A SOUL – even-though I’m enlightened… I WAS STUPID… of thinking I could pay-forward my karma, by doing good-and-noble deeds to mortals – and I could bring PETER TO-HIS ‘CLOSURE’… by taking him to his father…”
“Don’t beat yourself-up – those mistakes and poor-judgements were ‘done,’ in this false-reality... it is not’ your fault... you have to move-on.”
“But how…? The CURSED-TRIO ARE TRAPPED in this make-believe realm, and they need to make AN ULTIMATE SACRIFICE… if they ‘were’ to return to their-earth – but would they collectively agree???”
Venus sighed…
“This is yet to be seen.”
Meanwhile-outside, the tweens… Jane and Paul emerged-out, from the colourful maze-garden, of the deep rainforest. The teenaged Dora came-running to them…
… Paul saw the hologram from afar…
“Crickey-Jane… is your ‘MOTHER’ HERE too?”
“No – THAT IS MY-SIMY… she’d ‘evolve,’ it seems…” Jane laughed.
Paul had ‘NOT’ SEEN the AI as a ‘hologram’ before, but ‘only’ as a headset – that Blind-Jane had UTILIZED IN SCHOOL – to study and navigate without her guide-dog – but SIMY had come-once IN HIS ‘DREAMS,’ as a yellow-glowing orb, to ‘alert’ him that, Samuel… her baby-brother – WAS ‘TAKEN’…
… Dora came-rushing… hugged and kissed Jane…
“I’m so happy to see you, ‘my’ sister…”
Blind-Jane was overwhelmed and cried, and hugged her tight…
“I still am sad, that ‘our’ sisters… Mira and Reena are-dead…”
“Don’t cry-dear… my-sisters were-there to serve the Mother-of-Virgo… their deaths were a noble sacrifice, of our-service-for mankind…”
“I’m deeply gratefully for their-protection, thank-you Dora … or-else, I would have been dead too, in the Evil-One’s captivity…”
They both hugged again, and kissed – the taller Dora cheered her…
“You have gone ‘younger,’ since we last met.”
Jane giggled… wiping her tears…
“I’m still a 12-year-old… but in my heart, I’m dying to grow-up to-be a teenager ‘organically,’ like you.”
Both the girls laughed… Jane introduced her to Paul…
“G’day…” he shook her hand.
“O-the ‘Good-one’ – Mercury had spoken, highly of you… I’m honoured to meet you.”
“Like-wise…” Paul nodded and responded sheepishly.
The girls walked hand-in-hand, while the crippled-Paul ethereally followed them, from-behind to the cube… and the ‘hologram,’ in Shelley Wilson’s likeness-spoke…
“Hello, daughter.”
“Hi there-SIMY, how are you? How is your ‘own’ daughter?”
“She is fine, Jane – somewhere safe-and-sound, in the ‘clouds’ of your-earth…”
The AI then acknowledged, the levitating Paul…
“Paul Walker, how are you?”
“G’ day… I’m fine… err, Mrs Wilson…”
Everyone entered the cube… Venus hugged Blind-Jane.
“O-Good-one… glad you came…”
Paul ran up to the horned demon, and hugged him tight… even Mercury was awed of the affection, the mortal had of him as – A SURROGATED-FATHER – as he patted his back, with his single arm…
“Merc, why is Peter ‘still’ possessed – Jane the other-night encountered my-twin, as an incubus…? I thought the battle-of-Egypt had ‘exorcized’ him – as we sure-did win that-one, and managed to destroy the blood-vial and… free his soul… wasn’t that it?” The cripple-one asked.
Mercury sighed in disappointment, and then scoffed…
“The evil-All Father is always a few steps ahead of the Cursed-trio – that incubus you faced, was THE SON-OF-BAAL… ISKUR recedes in Peter, and Asmodeus had put him there – it’s impossible to exorcize the demon-out… with the ‘only’ option, is to kill-Peter himself…”
“Come on, there must be other ways… other than resort to Plan-B… to kill?”
“Sorry O-Good-one, I don’t know how to exorcise a formidable and cunning demon – that is a spawn of a superior demon himself… as in Baal-his-father, is the God-of the Phoenicians…”
Jane suddenly responded…
“So… Peter ‘must’ die?”
“I’m afraid-so, O-Blind-one… the demon-Iskur, as he is known would run-amok… just like he ‘did,’ when I mistakenly brought Peter-yesterday to the Hindu’s afterlife realm… and IT KILLED your ‘father’s-soul.’”
Paul was confused – he thought the Red-demon was referencing to Solomon-Walker of Perthland… where the twins had visited ‘this’ version-of their-father, on the day they ‘arrived,’ in this reversed-realm.
“What? Is Solomon Walker… my divorced-father dead too?”
“‘Not’ him, but your ‘REAL-FATHER’… that Son-of-Baal had-killed his soul.”
Mercury narrated to Paul, of the episode of that – with the aid of the Hindu elephant-god, they had gone to the Himalayas to the yogi-paradise, to see his dead-by-car-crash ‘father’s soul’ – where the ‘killing’ then-had occurred…
… while-that was going on, Venus and Jane had a ‘private’ conversation…
“I have been ‘wrong,’ my-daughter – judging by your feelings-for Peter that, was in its-peak, at the ‘time’ of the conquest-of-Egypt, where you made self-sacrifice of obliterating the Blood-of-Peter – to free his-soul from the Evil-one –TO-THAT I HAD INTERFERED – and, I regretted it-since, that was the ‘wrong’ preference.”
The Mother-of-Virgos had earlier detected-mentally, of the Blind-one had wanting to ‘ask’ her, to ‘not’ interfere with her love life… AND CHOICES – but Jane had refrained in doing so, ever-since, the-moment she stepped into the Cube-of-Apollo…
“I’m grateful, you had made a ‘right’ choice-now – as a suitable- alternate of ‘soulmate’ – for Paul Walker is also a Gemini – and-he’s the Good-one.”
The yellow-glowing, blind-girl grinned-wide, and nodded-back...
“Thank-you… for approving Paul, Mother…”
Then… a mystical occurrence happened, in the cube’s space… that unravelled everyone…
… the meditating GREEN-SPHERE – had spiritually chanted Buddhism-scriptures, that echoed in-the surrounding… and the cosmic-energy was morphing, to take-shape…
The Red-demon kneeled-down, and bowed to the entity…
A green-tall figure emerged-in-height, and beheld everyone present…
… Paul had ‘SEEN-IT’ BEFORE, as the hologram of Ms King’s contact-lenses’ projection – during the counselling of post-Treeton, that gave the first-wave warning of the Sakhr…
“Greetings-everyone… I’m SeeIn, the recordkeeper of future realms of humanity… I had come to urge that – the Cursed-trio to ‘return-back,’ as their earth is in the verge-of peril, by BlackStar…”
Everyone saw the-bold Blind-Jane stepping forward…
“SeeIn, what of Peter…?”
“The Evil-one is ‘altering’ the Cursed-one right-now – in this teenaged-simulation realm, to get back-at you-all – as you had succeeded-lately… in foiling-Him in Egypt… denying His 2nd coming.”
The blue-glowing Paul levitated to Jane’s side… and held her hand…
“… but my twin is possessed, DESPITE WE ‘HAD’ won at Egypt – how do we ‘cure’ him?”
“I don’t know what the Evil-one’s plans are – but as the faithful recordkeeper of the future-past… this-much I can say, of Asmodeus’ motives – where He would-have control of the Cursed-one’s body, and would-continue to rage-havoc, in Perth on the ‘other side’…”
“How do we do it, SeeIn – how do we ‘escape’ from-here? Is there a ‘chant’ to say, or something…?”
“Be clear, Cursed-trio – THIS IS ‘NOT’ YOUR WORLD – and to escape-this-prison… you have to ‘sacrifice’ yourselves…
“…from Death comes Rebirth…
“… in order for the ‘curse’ to be broken – all 3 of you, MUST DIE…”
Everyone present gasped – Jane and Paul were TERRIFIED OF THE REVELATION…
“… BE FAST WITH YOUR-DECISIONS – or-else, there would be nothing to go back to… as Perth… would be annihilated by Blackstar’s brims of firestones of natural disasters…
“… Perth will then be a WASTELAND, IN THE END-TIMES… with nuclear-destructions that follows!”
SeeIn faded into-thin-air, after delivering the grave ‘message’ of the parallel-earth – Mercury saw a glimpse of the late-old-monk of Kampuchea, who had ‘enlightened him – when the demon embraced the Buddhism faith, back then, under his guidance.
He chanted-to himself…
“… Namo Amitabha Buddha – I entrust my-life to the ‘Awakened-one,’ who has infinite-light and infinite-life…”
Both the tweens were distressed – learning that THEY HAVE TO KILL-THEMSELVES, in order to get back to their-Perth. Jane broke-down and cried… Venus hugged and pacified her…
“… I won’t do it… I won’t do it… I won’t kill myself…”
Paul felt-sick… rushed outside the Cube-of-Apollo – and puked and retched his guts out… the one-armed Mercury came-up from behind, and rubbed his back. The 12-year-old wept aloud…
“Why-Mercury…? Why…?”
The Red-demon placed his hand, on the boy’s shoulder… and looked into his eyes…
“You DON’T HAVE TO DO IT, O-Good-one – I understand the VALUE OF THE HUMAN-LIFE, as I was once a Soul-Carrier before, of gods-and-men… where souls would cry-and-plead with me, that THEY DON’T WANT TO CROSS-OVER…”
… Paul nodded, AND FELT BETTER – and followed the Red-demon back into the cube…
… everyone was quiet… as THE ‘MESSAGE’ was spoken…
Jane broke the silence…
“Pauly, I want to go home…”
They said their goodbyes to their trustful-allies – then, flew away, from the Garden-of-Eden. Paul consoled her…
“Jane don’t distress yourself – WE DON’T HAVE TO DO-IT IF WE DON’T WANT IT… Mercury said that so-to me…”
… Jane did ‘not’ respond-back, nor-she made eye-contact with him… and, they-both flew into a cosmic-vortex, back home to Perthland.
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