IT DINNER TIME AT THE WILSONS TABLE, that Friday night. And, Shelley was swanking of her daughter’s beauty when they ate, with dinner-table stories of the salespeople, during their shopping-bout – who had complimented Jane’s gorgeousness as a model…
… Jane sat there bashful, eating her Caesars-salad, absorbing the positive verbal praises…
… earlier when her father came home, her mother forced Jane to put-on her $700 black dress, for Anthony to compliment. Obediently-she-did, with her facial cosmetic-makeup of afternoon still-on, wearing the Zara’s latest season’s collection of black-mini camisole-dress, with sexy spaghetti-strap with decorative-beads… as-her father told she looked-radiant, 'like' a young blonde-celebrity Nicole Kidman…
… Samuel took lots of photos of his-Sis with the parents… where Shelley had put the photos of her young-woman-daughter on Facebook, for her circle-of-friends to praise-and-admire…
… Jane also-sent her STAND-ALONE PHOTO TO PAUL WALKER’S iPhone, of her would-wear sexy-dress that tomorrow-evening… when he was away to-his church…
… before she took a shower – cleaning-off the glamourous makeup in her face, to become a regular 16-year-old girl.
After dinner, it was movie-night at the Wilsons… it would be the first movie for Jane – in her life, after REGAINING HER EYESIGHT… 3 days-ago…
… in her world, she had ‘watched’ some rom-com with her BFF Alicia before… but she had problems in suspending-her-disbelief while being blind – and that was why she disliked the pleasure of escapism, by watching TV-and-movie…
… so-much-so, PETER TOLD HER-OFF that, ‘blind-girls don’t watch Netflix…’
Her life took a-180 ‘turn’ when she was CURSED BY ASMODEUS IN TREETON FARM, with her gained-superpowers, then engaging in ‘save her Perth-City missions’ – where she faced bizarre supernatural-beings and entities … where some-who were friendly, and other ‘not’ – that-which were beyond… scientific explanations and comprehension…
… and presently… she was TRAPPED IN THIS PERTHLAND-REALM… by-gaining her eyesight BUT LOSING HER SUPERPOWERS… coming down to be someone ‘normal,’ and she was-now enjoying her-everyday teenaged life, with her supportive-and-loving ‘foster-family’…
… while being-trapped in a teenager’s body… who was suffering from depression.
She knew the attention the family was ‘showering’ her – was so that their teen-daughter wouldn’t go-down, into her serious illness-path. Jane knew her teen-host’s acute medical conditions – and WOULD COOPERATE with her-family, to make their rebel-daughter better.
Her reverie of her assessing of her duel-life was ‘busted’… when her Samsung rang, in the middle-of her dinner-time, with her family. It was Douglas Zimmerman…
“… I’m sorry… it’s Dougie…”
Jane apologized – and went to stand away from the table… with the family-members smiling in their approval, and eavesdropping… heard, her ‘not’ say much, with softly saying-okay…
“I’m having dinner – call me later…”
… Jane ended the phone-call, and returned to the table, and continue eating her salad, with the family anticipating ‘what’ was the call all-about… Shelley initiated…
“Jane-love, what did Douglas say?”
“… err, he is coming to pick-me-up tomorrow, for the evening ball…”
“That’s splendid, dear.”
Samuel excitedly intervened…
“Whoa, Mummy – Dougie’s dad bought him a new sportscar…”
“Wow… now-my little-girl would be arriving in-class, to her evening-dance… why didn’t you tell him just now, that you bought your beautiful dress?”
Jane humourlessly scoffed…
“Yes-Mummy, your-beautiful dress, for him to ogle – by showing-off my ta-tas, right?”
Shelley and Anthony were dumbfounded, while her Black-brother Samuel laughed hysterically – even the serious-face Jane was amused… joined him and chuckled.
After dinner, the family gathered in the living room, with microwaved caramel popcorns. Jane sat in-between her parents on the couch, holding both of their hands – as a tacit-apology, of the crude ‘bosoms’ statement she had blustered, at the table.
It was Samuel’s turn to pick a movie for the week – he chose ‘The Planet of the Apes’ in the Netflix, in the menu-selection… which bemused Anthony…
“What an appropriate movie, for the Good Friday.”
It was the revamp-version of the franchise of the movie – and the movie-buff Anthony told his son of the original movie, and its sequels back from 60’s where he had watched in VHS, during his college days, back in the ’80s.
… The sighted Jane sat in awe of the spectacle on the large screen, of various species of apes…
… when she was a blind-girl, a monkey was perceived as furry animal like a koala, but with a tail. She had ‘not’ visited the zoo in the daytime… but the ‘only’ night, that blind-Jane went to the zoo, in her-Perth… WAS WITH PAUL – when they were in a ‘superhero-mission’ – to rescue her abducted baby-brother…
… where Paul ended-up in TROUBLE-WITH-THE-LAW, over escaped monkeys.
Anthony was the only one who was talkative, during the movie as he was stating to Shelley, about the early humans' evolution of Darwin’s Theories and in-the-same-time dissing religions…
… Jane felt uncomfortable… she knew where her-daddy was ‘coming-from’ as an atheist – but ‘please’ be-respectful of other people’s sensitivity and beliefs… wherein her-Perth too, at the SHS over-there, where Christian students would make fun of Alicia’s Buddhist faith… and end-up as a shouting-match, where her BFF who-was a feisty-person, in public-debates.
The movie was confusing for the former-blind girl… and visually jarring too, with varying-shots… of ‘sudden’ close-ups and moving cameras. But she made ‘sense’ of the storytelling, of a man and woman who were helping this-talking chimpanzee named Caesar, to escape from a cage, where bad-people wanted to kill it…
The man and woman were scientists – it was her career choice-too, to be a scientist in her-Perth… but Catholic-Peter ‘also’ criticized it, as he summed-up that…
… science ‘equals’ atheism.
… she could ‘not’ get the humour-too, where her parents and Samuel were laughing aloud-at but instead…
…she laughed at the serious-beats, that made her family… looking at her, in eyes of idiosyncratic.
The movie ended in a positive finale, of the underdog-and-unified primates ‘rebelling’ and defeating the bad-people – and Jane clapped. After the movie, the tired, Shelley wanted to go to bed, after an afternoon of shopping… she reminded her daughter, to take her meds.
Jane too wanted to call-it-a-day too, and she kissed her father good-night – despite Samuel pestered her to stay-on – and watch the sequel… Jane decline and went upstairs…
… she wanted her ‘first’ movie-watching experience to be resolved as positive-note… as-it-was – that the underdog-apes who fought so hard and won…
…and escaped to their ‘Garden-of-Eden’ …
… and live there happily-ever-after.
She walked up-the-stairs, with her father and brother planning to make some hot-cocoa, to go with their movie bingeing. And, Jane thought about Paul…
… she had sent him earlier a photo of her, in her new black-dress, early that evening…
IT WAS 9:44 PM… AND PAUL WAS WATCHING the clock tick to 10 PM…
… where the Hateful-8, the animal activists would strike South Perthland Zoo. He was expecting the worst, as them GETTING NABBED, AND WOULD GET HIM arrested too – for conspiring the crime, as a fellow-activist member.
He was trembling all over, of the thoughts of going to prison – and had ideas of wanting to ‘runaway’ from the Dicksons’ house, like his twin-Peter…
…he almost got a-heart-attack, when his iPhone rang suddenly… and he gave-out a shrill scream as a reflex-action… and his heart was pounding hard-and-fast, as he saw the phone-screen…
… it was Jane Wilson’s VIDEO-CALL… ‘NOT’ the authorities.
Jane wanted to say good-night to him – BUT-WAS DISTURBED… when she saw him at the other-end, shaking all-over and in the verge of tears…
Paul was rambling…
“It’s happening, Jane… it’s happening tonight at 10! Remember Agent Dickson from-over-there who was investigating on me…? It will happen here too… when those animal activists are going to hit the Perthland-zoo tonight – and free those monkey…”
“What? Is your stepfather investigating on you too?”
“Not-yet – but today after 10 PM – he would!”
He told Jane of his ‘whistle-blowing’ intentions that he had previously withheld from her – where he agreed AS TO BE PART OF THE rebel-group to ‘free’ those primates, in response to the WhatsApp group – followed by his stepfather’s ‘suspicion’ that the teenager was an animal activist BEHIND-HIS-BACK, AFTER INCIDENT at the church parking lot – where…
… the Uber driver ‘told’ Joe about it.
“I’m glad you didn’t go with them to the zoo, Pauly…”
“But the teen-Paul might have – but I blotched it-up… when I went and spoke to Gary…”
“That’s already a blessing… don’t worry, Paul.”
“How is that – now Joe knows of an EXISTENCE OF A ROGUE-ACTIVIST GROUP… if any of them got caught, Joe will reckon, I’m in the group too…. now, how about that?”
“Trust me, don’t worry – you’ll be fine, please… calm-down…”
Paul calmed-down… by blowing out his negative-breaths of air…
“Are you prepare for tomorrow’s dance contest?”
Paul sighed…
“… I donno… maybe I’ll pull out, and ‘not’ compete… maybe I won’t go to the ball at all…”
“Paul Walker, you don't be a quitter… I want you to go on-stage, and dance your heart-out tomorrow and win… just like me, I too will on-stage tomorrow – to receive my tennis-award…”
Paul heaved a sigh again…
“… hah… I’m ‘not’ focused… I will ‘not’ win… therefore, why compete at all…”
Paul then-heard her snivel…
“What…? What’s wrong, Jane – why you’re crying?”
“When you won the dance competition, the last time – I was blind-then… but, I can ‘see’ now – and you refuse to dance…and I’m sad…”
Paul groaned, shaking his head…
“okay-okay… I will dance tomorrow…”
Jane clapped and was back cheery…
“Thank you, Pauly… I’ll be looking forward to cheering for you – give-me your best, and don’t let me down, okay?”
“I want both of us to be winners tomorrow…”
“Now, pleased don’t worry about anything and ‘only focus on the positive – that is your dancing…”
“… hmm… okay…”
“Now go to sleep… you need proper rest if you are going to be your best tomorrow…”
“… ya… okay…”
“Good night, love… kiss-kiss…”
He saw her blowing-kiss before the iPhone screen went to black… which reminded Paul of the goodnight calls from Alicia… his girlfriend ‘did’ back-from the other-Perth. Paul decided to take Jane’s advice to ‘not’ worry and go to sleep – after all the unfortunate-events that came sudden crash-down on him, on Good Friday.
Lying in his bed, Paul wanted to go through his ‘read’ messages from his inbox, before going to sleep. There were 3 entries…
… the first was unimportant…
… the 2nd was the online site, where he bought the LED dancing sneakers… informing delivery at 3 PM tomorrow…
… the 3rd was Jane Wilson-herself, sent an ‘IMAGE-FILE,’ from-earlier that evening…
He opened the file and his heart skipped a beat… it was Jane – in her new spaghetti-strap black dress… and it was sexy…
… Paul smiled before he slept… and his last thoughts were…
“… yes, my-Jane… I will-be dancing with-you tomorrow…”
PETER SLEPT SOUNDLY THROUGH-OUT THE EVENING, after the holistic body-massage earlier. Jezebel returned sweaty in her sportswear, after her intense kickboxing workout at the hotel-gym – and saw her lover immobile, in her King-sized bed.
Sipping her isotonic-drink, she sat at the edge of the bed… and went and nibble-his ear…
“Wakey-wakey, you-lazy slob…”
In reflex, Peter jerked-up… knocking down her drink…that flung-across, spilling all-over…
“Get-away, YOU-BITCH! I want to sleep – don’t piss-me off!!!”
This angered Jezebel…
“Who DID-YOU CALL a bitch!!?”
“Not-now, Belle – GET LOST!”
“Hey, I put you in my-hotel and now, ARE YOU DISRESPECT ME? Do you want to get my bodyguards, and throw you out in the streets???”
“What!!? Oii!! Are you threatening me!!?”
“Yes, I’m – what are you gonna do about it?”
Wearing only his brief, Peter sprung-out of the BED TO ATTACK HER – and she dodged. He swung both his fists at her, but she skilfully bobbed, and kicked his-guts… and Peter crashed on the nightstand, at the rear. He screamed a war-cry when he resilient-backed onto her… but his attacks were all-misses – and Jezebel punched his face a couple of times, that floored him.
He staggered up to his feet, and pounced at her – she swerved her body and kicked his legs… Clumsy, Peter tripped face-on onto the minibar, crashing the displayed glasses.
Peter came-up, mad in rage… for the 3rd time, from the floor… as he was cursing vulgarities and with an empty wine bottle, in his dominant left hand…
… the Jujitsu-trained Jezebel parried and disabled him and his-weapon… she palmed his face and broke his nose. Peter dropped face-down on the floor and the teenaged-girl got-onto his back…twisted his arm at the back, while used her-other arm and choked him, with a lock.
“How dare you attack me – you-ungrateful mongrel…”
She applied force in his twisted-arm and Peter cried out in pain-and-tapped out, in submission…
… it reminded him of his-Mom in the other-Perth WHO DID THE SAME when he had only-one-arm… inflecting him pain, punishing him for hurting Poe…
“.. so…so-sorry…”
“… Belle… sorry-Belle…”
She was still in adrenaline-rush, and turned him over and – got back to sit at his hips. Jezebel looked stern at his face… and pointed at him, and warned…
“You better ‘not’ disrespect me again… understand!!?”
The frightened Peter nodded – she slapped him…
“Say it louder!”
“… yes… I’m… sorry-Belle.”
The sweating teenaged girl was satisfied… and removed her top, and was in her sports-bra. She put Peter’s dominant left-palm, onto her breast…
“Now… make love to me!”
“…please… Belle… I’m hurt and bleeding…”
She slapped him hard again, across his face…
“DO IT TO-ME NOW!!!” She choked him…
… the helpless Peter, gagged-and-sobbed as… Jezebel raped him.
An hour later, the black-limousine drove at the outskirts at night. In the interior cabin, of the vehicle’s spacious backseat were Jezebel and Peter… dressed-up opulent, in their high-society garbs, that they went shopping yesterday. Jezebel wore a red-long sexy Cheongsam gown….
… and they both were drinking champagne.
Peter was ‘not’ enjoying the ride, and felt like he ‘was’ the Mistress’s powerless minion… washed-up into her orders and commands… to ‘break’ him, into obedience – he was defenceless and bore vulnerability, staying under her ‘roof,’ in her uncle’s hotel.
He wore the new, crocodile blue leather-jacket, she bought him in King Street Precinct – that matched his blue-blacked eyes… and a bandaged broken-nose, by the altercation and torture earlier. In his dominant-left hand was the undrunk glass of champagne.
Jezebel sat across him. And, was busy ‘entertaining’ herself in her iPhone, chat-texting with one of her lovers, who happened to be royalty, a prince-of-France. She drank-up… and held her empty glass…
… Peter took the bottle in the ice bucket, and poured the Armand de Brignac into her glass… till the bubbles flowed-out – and he said…
“… where are we going?”
“You’ll see… since you’re a ‘local’…”
Peter place the cold-bottle over his sore eyes, before returning it back to the ice-bucket. Jezebel was vaping, and the limo-cabin filled with smoky-vapour of caremel-hazelnut. Peter had the urge too and took out his pack of smokes from his jacket, lighting-up a Winfield. Jezebel looked-up…
“That will kill you.”
“I’ll live…”
She chuckled…
“Tough-guy-hah…? … but ‘weak’ lover…”
He scoffed but did ‘not’ respond her.
Peter looked out of the limo’s window and saw that the car was heading out of the city… and his mind was curious about where they were going. He looked below…
… at a piece of large, metal-rectangle luggage, at their foot…
“What’s in the bag?”
Jezebel puffed-out a lungful of cloud, and chucked more, as she teased…
“Aren’t you the instant-gratification type… the spoil-sport ones, of any surprises?”
“I don’t like ‘surprises.’”
“Very well…”
She grinned-wide – and placed both her heeled shoes, on top of the metal-case, revealing her dress-slit… and rocked-it to back-and-fore…
… Jezebel told him, one of the adventure stories of her Uncle-Ford, who lived to tell in his-long-life – where before the turn of the 20th century… PRECISELY IN 1888… and had-gone to Africa with his group of his wealthy friends from Manchester, whom he fondly referred, as his merry-men…
… as young men, they had followed a group of missionaries, on an expedition to the dark-continent – TO FEED-EDUCATE-AND, INDOCTRINATE… the poor-hungry-and lost negros over there…
… while the men-of-God went-forth to spread the Good-Gospel to the negros – the merry-men too, went forth with their spreading of their Good-seed in their fun-filled fornication of negros...
... when they resided among wealthy White-relatives, living in Africa…
… like any tourist, they brought ‘souvenirs’ home, to Manchester – and her-Uncle-Ford did the-same… when he went on a hunting expedition of man-against-the-wild-beasts… and bagged the ‘heads’ of elephants, rhinos and lions…
“So-Peter, if you visit me someday in the UK… I’ll take you to my Uncle-Ford’s castle – where you can see heads of those exotic wild-animals, mounted on the wall as trophies.”
“So, are we going hunting now?”
“Wow-Peter, you-smarty-pants… when did you grow a brain…? Yes-love, we’re going hunting.”
“…but… that’s illegal in Staya…err, Perthland…”
She winked at him…
“Let me worry about that.”
She saw Peter shaking his head and grumbling to himself…
“Come on, love… don’t be like that… do you want this…?”
Peter saw her showing a pill-box, with bright-red Gochi capsules.
And, he took one… how could he-refuse…
“Take another – you look edgy this evening.”
Peter popped in the 2 pills instead and washed it-down, with the champagne. He was mentally ‘charged,’ WITH SUDDEN SURGE of confidence-and-courage…
The limousine stopped, and Jezebel in the red gown was first to get-down, into the dark milieu … she instructed…
“Get the bag…”
Peter lifted the bag and it was heavy… he put it at the side of the road…
“Open it…”
Like a curious and excited-boy at Christmas, opening his present… he snapped-open the bag’s locks – he beheld the sight of HALF-A-DOZEN OF GUNS of various calibres and sizes…
It freaked-out Peter…
“Whoa-what are these… are they real-hard-wears, Belle….?” Are we going to kill someone – that’s a crime too… what if we get caught!!?”
The drunk Jezebel laugh-out, at his cowardice – and picked up a Soviet RPK74 Kalashnikov – the only LMG machine-gun among the others. She mocked and bragged…
“Maybe-you… you’ll-be arrested and jailed, after a kangaroo-trial – but for me… I have immunity-protection-rights to get away with anything, across boarders – I have the bloody licence to kill anyone and anything… ‘even’ in the western-hemisphere, where no-bloody-laws, can touch me as a Crowley…
“… that is an advantage of being super-rich-and-influenced… don’t you think, Peter?”
Peter was dumbfounded and didn’t reply…
… the only serious-crime he had done-before was in his-Perth, of brutally attacking Chinatown Wong, with his Babolat… and he ‘barely’ got-away with it…
There were 2 NIGHT-VISION-GOOGLE… she took one, and toss the other to her-lover…
“Put this on….”
In her cheongsam, Jezebel squatted at in front of the open-bag, after strapping the LMG on her back… SHE CHOSE ANOTHER 2 HAND-GUNS – a Glock and SIG Sauer.
She picked-up a .44…
“Here… try, the Magnum – you-be ‘Dirty-Harry’…”
Peter hesitated…
“Come on Peter, I got your back… you’ll be fine.”
He picked-up the most-powerful hand-gun in the world – it was heavy…
Peter saw only an odd-weapon, left in the bag… it was a handgun attached to a metal-cylinder.
“What is this…? Looks like a bug-spray…”
“Hahaha… it’s my ‘surprise’ – you’ll find out… soon…”
“What do we do now?”
“We wait… Uncle Ford says that the greatest virtue of a good-hunter is patience.”
But with a powerful-gun in his hand… Peter was impatient…
“Hah! Your good-old’ uncle told you lots of things… but-honey, it’s getting late – let’s line up the empty-champagne bottles… and setup our own target shooting, okay?”
“No-love… I want a ‘moving-life-target’ – just-wait… ‘it’s’ coming…”
Jezebel wore her night-vision on… and she pointed beyond the murk…
Peter quickly put on his set-of night-glasses. He saw they had parked near at hillock, with tall grass beyond it, with tall trees nearby… and saw a ‘place,’ that he was familiar…
… the South Perthland Zoo… was-over the other-side of the hillock…
Before long, there were a lot of movements afar, in the tall grass… coming towards them…
“Get-ready-Peter – let’s play ‘our’ video-game – to see-who has the most ‘kill’…!”
…Jezebel shot her 2-guns at the tall grass… Peter retreated from her loud blasting weapons…
“What are you waiting-for, you-dummy – SHOOT!!!” Cried the trigger-happy teenaged girl.
Peter pulled his trigger… to an even louder-boom, with its kick-back that made him almost-dropping the Magnum…
… his ringing eardrums heard frightened shrills of creatures, coming from the high-grass…
… the primates released by the Hateful-8, ANIMAL ACTIVISTS – were escaping the zoo and were-coming through the grassed-milieu …
… but they have to get in the ‘way’ of the gun-tottering teens…
… who were in the high-ground…
Peter joined-in the loud-laughers, of the adrenaline pumped-up Jezebel – as they unloaded shots into the undergrowth… cutting blooded leaves that were spewing-above, with more shrieks of the helpless beasts, behind-it…
… the rush-feelings remembered Peter, of his long-gone bull-dragon ride with the panther-head demon-partner – where in-air, they both flew-around – and razed a tall-building in his-Perth… called Blake Tower.
Both the handguns were out of bullets, as Jezebel tossed them below at the open-bag… she slid the strap-over of her LMG. She adjusted her stance, her leg was out of the long-cut stripped red-dress, and she fired the powerful RPK74 machine-gun…
… her whole-body shook to the vibration-released of the blasting-barrel, with her war-cries drowned in the deafening ear-splitting blasts. A chimpanzee sprung out from the tall-grass, only to fall-dead, with multiple bullet-holes in its body.
Peter too ran out of bullets and tossed the Magnum in the bag – as he reached to a Ruger, and continued to shoot at the primates emerging from the tall-grass. He and his partner-in-crime bagged orangutans, baboons, mandrills and a couple more chimps.
The Ruger handgun was out of bullets… Peter tossed in the open-bag and the only weapon left – was the gun-attached to the long metal-cylinder… of Belle’s ‘surprise’ armament…
… he pulled the trigger to find-out… it was a HAND-HELD FLAMETHROWER – he laughed in sheer delight, as the weapon sprat-out a long-flamed jet, that razed the grass…
… a mother-colobus with her baby on her back had escaped the burning undergrowth – and was climbing a nearby tree for safety…
… Peter was laughing hysterically, and he pointed his flamethrower – and burnt the tree, with the monkeys on it.
Then came an angry big-old-silver-backed gorilla, from the fiery tall-grass… Jezebel shot at it, with her LMG – as it RAN ON FOURS, TOWARDS her…
… in sheer-panic, she realized the ape did ‘not’ fall-dead – but was racing towards her despite her multiple auto-fires… she backed away and tripped… falling on the road, as she shrilled in fright… when the gorilla almost-pounced at her…
“Not-today, Gorilla-Grodd!”
Peter shot flames at the mid-aired landing ape – its furs burst-in-combustion as the grounded primate, which-was disoriented, and it was rolling over the road… trying to put out the fire that was burning it…
… but Peter injected more-sufferings to it… as he re-blasted more inferno, to kill it.
“You alright, Belle…?”
His hands reached out from above to her. Peter pulled her-up… and instantly she hugged him tight. Peter felt her shuddering with her trembling embrace over-him. She whispered…
“… Peter… you saved me, just now…”
“Don’t worry about it… it’s the least I can do, after… the many things you did… and gave me…”
She reached and kissed Peter…
“I love you…”
As they were kissing, police sirens blared from a distance – the couple soon saw below-over the burning tall grass… noticing 3 patrol-cars were racing, and nearing the zoo.
“Looks-like, our Bonnie-and-Clyde evening is over.” Said, Jezebel…
“Who? Who-they?”
“A notorious couple, who did lots of crime-together…”
“Are they more famous than Mickey-and-Mallory from, that ‘Natural Born Killers’ movie?”
“Something like that… come-on, Peter – quick, lets-go…”
Peter packed the guns in the metal-bag… as Jezebel was first to get into the limo. When he got into the town-car, he saw her pouring 2 glasses of champagne. She knocked on the glass-panel, alerting the driver…
They clink their glasses and drank…
“You did well this evening, as my rookie-lover.”
“Just give-me the right-resources – and I’ll do way better…”
They put their empty glasses aside and embraced, and kissed. The drunk Peter got on top… ripped her long red-gown – exposing her black lingerie…
… but the car hit a road bump, and the sloshed Peter fell down… and-both the intoxicated teenagers laughed. He wanted to get back at the backseat, but she pushed him back-gently onto the car’s floor. The seductive, Jezebel got down on-her-fours, and came on-top-of him…
… she unzipped his pants…
… Peter moaned-deep… inside the limousine – that was heading back to the city.
VRMMO: The Unrivaled
Lu Chen used to be a ranker of the most popular VRMMO game, Spirit of Grief. After a car accident turned his dreams into dust, his disability left him incapable of escaping the pit of mediocrity he was thrown into. Helpless and defeated, his story ended.Two years later, the Eternal Moon Corporation launched a new VRMMO called "Heavenblessed", and Lu Chen stumbled into another terrible accident that left him in a complicated situation far beyond his ability to handle. That won't stop him from rising to the top, however. Not again.Come witness the rise of the sword-wielding zombie and the relationships he makes during his journey to the apex! For riches and bi- ahem, for career and love!He wields a demonic sword from Hell, he dons armor shining with Heaven's light. His boots stride across the sky as his helmet devours the souls of his enemies. On his left side sits the Goddess of Death. On the other, the Angel of Beauty.From the land of ice and death, a generation of Asura Kings rises, their roars reverberating throughout the world.Tremble in fear, noobs!
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8 1715 -
Monarch of Evernight
Qianye rose from hardship but was felled by betrayal. From then, one man, one gun; he tread the path between Evernight and Daybreak and became a legend. Even if Evernight was destined to be his fate, he still intends to become the ruler who dictates.
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