《Violet's story》Yeah....


So this is the end of the book cause I've run of ideas. Sorry if you wished for more. But here's some sad quotes.

So, tell me where I should go.

To the left, where nothing is right.

Or to the right, where nothing is left.

I lost myself trying to please everyone, now I lost everyone finding myself.

Your skin's not paper, don't cut it. Your face is not a mask, don't hide it. Your size is not a book, don't judge it. Your life isn't a film, don't end it.

I don't feel like a FRIEND to some people, I feel like an option or someone they run to when they need something. (A)

Sometimes we keep our feelings to ourselves because we know nobody will ever understand. (This is true. ToT)

You call it jealousy, I call it fear of losing you. (Seems like Aurora)

Don't break someone's heart, they only have one. Break their bones, they have 206 of them.

Sad people always try to make other people happy, because they know what it's like to feel worthless.

I don't feel important to anyone anymore, I just kinda exist in their lives.

They don't notice your pain, they don't notice your tears, they only notice your mistakes.

Each heart hides some pain, some hide it in their eyes, some hide it in their smile.

I don't want to die, I just want to stop existing. (A)

You can break my soul, take my life away, beat me, hurt me, kill me, but for the love of God. Don't touch him. (A to anyone.)

People get bothered by my self-loathing, but they don't see that their the reason I feel this way.

Would you forgive if I disappeared one day without saying goodbye.

I didn't say 'I love you' to hear it back, I said it to let you know.

Yeah, she's smiling. Don't let that fool you. Look into her eyes, she's breaking inside. (A)

I don't want to be the girl who:

- thinks of suicide

-self harms

-wears a hoodie in the summer

-hates her body

-cries herself to sleep every night

-gets judged by everyone

-fakes smile

-feels insecure ALL the time

-keeps everthing bottled up

-pretends everything is okay

But guess what

I am that girl

And I fucking hate it.

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