《The Beauty Of The End》Chapter II: Departure


For the rest of the day I rested. The knights took my mother somewhere and that was the last I saw of her. Was I upset? No. I feel guilty for this, but I'm the happiest I have ever been right now. And I can't worry about her anymore, I have to prepare for my journey tomorrow. So I fell asleep, brimming with anticipation.

Early next morning, when the sun was just peeking over the shimmering edge of the world, we departed for Vidya: the capital city and base of operations for the knights. We took two new wooden carriages, each driver by two large and great black and white stallions, fit with locks of neatly combed hair. They were clearly treated well.

The carriages were driven by normal people, completely different to the proud knights that accompanied me. They treated the knights with lots of respect, bowing their heads and making sure not to disturb their cheerful chatter that created a comfortable atmosphere.

"Boy, what's your name?"

The leader asked me a question I knew was coming, he also spoke in a calmer tone, unlike the cold aura I felt emanating from him yesterday.



"No surname."

I'm sure I do have a surname, but for reasons, my mind has pushed it away to the furthest parts of my brain, so far that I've completely forgotten it. The only other names I can remember are those of my parents and siblings.

The carriages moved at a steady pace, faster than a man running but not too fast, probably because of the heavily armoured knights who were sitting on the small benches. We had left the village shortly after boarding them, travelling down a rough road constructed out of mud and wood, worn down by the years of carriages, humans and horses travelling over it.


"Who are you?"

I asked the leader, who gave me a strange look before answering, as if I should know who he was.

"My name's Lance Lott."

Lance Lott, huh? I'll remember it... I nodded, turning my attention to the scenery that passed behind us as we travelled. Tall, oak trees lined the sides of the road, the leaves they bared now changing to golden brown colours and drifting away in the wind. Birds flew from branch to branch, singing their joyful melodies. It's a beautiful day.

I sat in silence for the rest of the journey, listening to the chatter of the knights and learning many things. The most common topic they mentioned was the death of a fellow knight, apparently poisoned by an assassin. I shuddered to think about that topic and instead just looked up at the sky once more.

Eventually the sun had fallen and the moon had replaced it. The moon was but a half tonight, a couple more days and it'll be full once more. And now, at the top of the hill, we could see the capital city.

Vidya was the capital city for a reason: it's massive. From where we were you could see it's grand size. It contained hundreds of houses, shops and marketplaces, all tightly compacted together and to top it all off there was a massive, ten metre tall wall surrounding the entire city to protect it from invaders or attackers. People wondered around in the sleek moonlight like ants, most of them heading to their homes during the cold night.

"Well, we're here," Lance clapped his hands together. Our carriages approached a small line of travellers, all trying to get into the city. A guard, clad in chain and leather armour, noticed our carriages and promptly let us through the large iron gate. And so we entered the city.


I've never left Rivervalley, so I've never seen a city before. And now is the big day. I gawked at the massive wood and stone buildings all around us and the many guards who patrolled the streets, protecting the citizens from danger and criminals. They all carried swords, bows and quivers filled with iron tipped arrows capable of piercing through bone and flesh.

I was about to ask where we were going but I didn't need to. Before us stood a large building like a temple with full plated guards standing outside, carrying spears that looked like they'd been sharpened for years. They created a menacing atmosphere that died down when they noticed the knights exiting the carriages.

Massive pillars held up the roof of the grand, massive building, and tall wooden doors stood before us. Lance pushed one open, guiding me inside of the exquisite building.

It's hard to describe the wonderful sights I laid my eyes upon, there were so many decorations and banners and rooms. I have no clue what laid behind each door but curiosity reached into my mind upon passing them. I pushed it away and continued to follow Lance through the building and into a narrow corridor.

Eventually we reached another large door, entering a corridor with dozens of doors on each side, evenly spread out.

He led me to one with the number '16' outside of it and pushed the door open. Inside laid a small bedroom fit with a chest, drawers, desk and bed. A small oil lantern sat on the desk and beside that was a window that gave a clear view of a training grounds filled with dummies and targets.

"This is your bedroom. Tomorrow, at dawn, I'll collect you to explain everything here."

I nodded and he turned to leave before turning around once more.

"Don't enter the infinite room either. You'll know when you see it, and curiosity will take you over. Whatever you do, don't enter."

The infinity room? He left me wondering what he meant by that. Surely he knows that a child's curiosity is not to be messed with, right? I shrugged it off and climbed into the bed, tired from travelling all day. Tomorrow I will learn about magic, the order and many more subjects. I'm looking forward to it.

"Finally, the mountains can rumble and show themselves. It is time."

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