《The Beauty Of The End》Chapter I: Glistening Sunshine


In such a cold and hopeless world, there lives beacons of hope: like the persimmon and vermilion sunsets that break the night and start a new day- a new dawn. This world has many evils and hardships throughout the lands such as famine and plague and war and decay. I live in this horrible world and crawl to reach for a better life.

I grew up in Rivervalley village, located next to two conquering mountains with a pale blue river twisting between them, hence the name of my home. It's peaceful here and we have a wide range of trade, be it fishing or hunting or gathering herbs. There are plenty of opportunities here.

My father worked as a private trader for the lord and lady of the area: Lord Balruth and Lady Mineva. He was a bright and optimistic man who could turn the dreadful moments into wonderful moments. He always brightened our days, except for the day I turned eight. His body was found with over twelve stab wounds in his chest, completely and brutally murdered. The killer got away, and that was the start of my horrible life.

Mother had also been cheerful and loved the company of father, they would do everything together, but after his passing she withered into a hollow shell of ire, depression and spite. She became unpleasant to be around and was the driving cause for my elder brother to take my younger sister and twin brother and leave the village for good.

They didn't take me. I don't know why, but I remember that day distinctly. I was helping skin animals at the local butchers for some coin and was up all night doing so. And then when I got back they were just gone, no note, nothing. Just gone. I put all the blame on my mother, making her condition worse and my treatment harsher. Our house fell into ruin and I was forced to pickpocket and steal to make money.


I no longer had all the opportunities; the village began to see us in a bad light, broken and poor with a decaying house and no support. They didn't allow me to help with odd jobs just to make some money and I grew to despise them all. I had to be careful when I pick pocketed them, they don't take criminals here lightly.I stole goods, food and valuables and sold them. I began to earn a decent amount of money for a long time before I met them.

I ran through the village in my tattered outfit, the small bag of coins I had stolen no bigger than my fist. What a worthless amount. And now I'm in trouble. I glanced behind my shoulder and took a double take when I spotted the people following me.

Knights donning moonlight white armour and baring the crest of four golden wings- The Order of the Golden Angel. Tales of them spread around like wildfire, they're a force not to be reckoned with. The elite of the elite. And now they're here, in this village, chasing me. I stood no chance, and alas, they caught me.

I was heaved up and carried to my home with the help of some directions from the villagers. The knights looked upon my dilapidated house with expressions I couldn't see beyond their helmets- most likely pity. My home had no windows, no doors and grass and plants grew out from the sides. Some pieces of the walls were completely missing and insects crawled around like they owned the place. A place unfit to be called a home.

The leader of them, I assumed, pulled my inside and threw me to the ground. I scuffled backwards, my arms and legs trembling so that I couldn't stand or move. I hear pick pockets have their hands or ears removed. I don't want that- I just want to live. My lifeless mother watched me, her eyes like that of a dead fish and her clothes ripped and tattered, as if she were a zombie.


Then something happened. The knight removed his helmet, revealing his locks of golden hair and bronze eyes. He had a calm expression that I read as disappointment. The man withdrew a translucent orb from the bag one of his companions held and chucked it towards me.

I caught it- it looks valuable. But there's no chance I could sell it, it belongs to these terrifying individuals. But suddenly I felt a lot calmer and looked down upon the orb. It glowed like the sun in a mid-summer day, casting a bright light over the room which quickly faded. Is this the mystical art they call magic? This is my first time experiencing it, and it's so captivating...

And then he spoke in a cold voice that carried hints of soothing and anger all at once.

"Child who steals. Why do you steal? You commit acts that the law states against but you commit them for good reasons. Your mother has cast you aside, she hates you. She detests you to your very bones because you are a good for nothing,"

His deep, cold words made me shudder and feel something I've not felt before. What is this feeling?

"But good for nothings can change. You're committing these acts, despite your mother hating you, so that you can feed her. You haven't abandoned her because you're a caring individual with a great will, and that's what is takes to turn over a new leaf. We knights, give you a new opportunity."

A new opportunity? What does he mean? How can I ever leave this life, I can't abandon my mother despite all the wrongs she has done to me...

"Leave your mother in the care of doctors and train to become a mage so you can help the country and help the people."

Help people? Leave my mother in the care of doctors? That way she can get better...

I looked up at the man who spoke, his armour shining in the golden sunlight and his hair blowing in the wind. I have nothing, yet I can be something if I do what he says. So I accepted.

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