《The Paradox Prophecy》Chapter Three


“Someone has a boyfriend!” Finn sing-songed after I told them about meeting Xandar.

I had just gotten home from work and we were sitting in a tree overlooking the meadow.

“Of course you would think that, Finn.” Falda responds while rolling her eyes.

“Uh, no” I say “ we are just friends. Besides he is only eleven years old!”

“Hmm, well it didn't stop our mom, twenty years later and what do they have to show for it? Eight kids, that’s what!” Finn chuckles and nearly falls out of the tree.

“Oh, hush Finn. Well when do we get to meet him?” Falda asks, always the level headed of the two.

“I donno, never really thought about that.” I reply.

“Just think, Falda! We could be friends with the future Queen of Avani!”

I see Finn is not going to give this up anytime soon, so to shut him up I lean over and push him out of the tree, where he falls about four feet onto his back.

“Hey!” he yells, struggling to get back on his feet “Just because dwarves are hardier than you frail humans does not give you the right to abuse us!”

Falda and I are laughing so hard we too nearly fall out, “Oh you should have seen the look on your face as you fell!” Falda declares through her laughter.

“And the way he rolled about like a pig in mud!” I manage to get out.

“You guys are always ganging up on me!” he pouts.

We end up sitting outside for several more hours, talking and laughing like we always do. We even managed to convince Finn to let us braid his hair.

Before long, night approached and we figured it was time to go inside. Father wouldn't be home tonight. He was working through the nights this week, so I was staying with Finn and Falda.

“Ah, welcome Lya!” their father, Thadden exclaimed as we walked in. I have always felt right at home here. Thadden and Nora have always treated me like I was one of their own.

“Thank you Mr. Baerdal” I say.

“Always with the niceities” Nora says as she sweeps me into a hug. “Look how you have grown! I just saw you last week and I swear on the almighty Titans that you have grown another three inches!” she exclaims.

“Heh, if she grows anymore she won't fit through our doorway” I hear Yawrren, the oldest brother say. I wasn't expecting to see him actually, he had been away for a while, apprenticing with the blacksmith in Dwarren.

“It's good to see you Yawrren! How goes blacksmithing?” I ask.

“Hot, dirty, smelly. I love it!” he exclaims, and I believe him. Dwarves really do like those conditions.

We have dinner and before long we all start heading to bed. I end up sleeping in one of the younger siblings' beds, while they sleep in the room with Nora. Finn and Falda share this room with the two youngest, a fact that Finn complains about quite often.


It does not take long for the house to be filled with the sounds of rumbling dwarf snores. Luckily I have long gotten used to the sound and it does not bother me anymore. Honestly the sound is more welcome than the silence my own home sometimes brings.

The next morning I am awoken at dawn to the smell of bacon. “Rise and shine sleepy head” I hear Falda shout as she hits Finn with a pillow.

“Stop it!” Finn yells angrily while Falda giggles.

“Good morning Lya” the youngest, barely six years old says as she rubs her eyes, tiredly.

“Good morning, Dorri '' I say back, I have no clue how to pronounce her real name, even after being told numerous times. She was apparently named after some famous dwarven heroine.

After breakfast I say goodbye to everyone and make my way to the castle.

As soon as I walked through the massive stone doors I was greeted by none other than the young prince of Avani. This was a strange thing to imagine honestly, how often does one get ambushed by a prince? Even if said prince was a little goofy.

“How are you Lady Aalya?” he greets me as I approach him, bowing clumsily once again.

“I’m well Prince Alexandar” I say back with a curtsy.

“Please just call me Xandar or Alex if you wish, you sound like my father and his many officials when you call me that” he whines.

“Only if you stop calling me a lady” I reply

“Are you not a lady?” he grins.

“Well '' I pause before thinking of what to say next. “Yes, of course I am a lady, just don't call me that. Call me Aalya.”

“Very well, Aalya” he says as if trying out a new friend's name.

We walk together to the healers hut, where lilith is mashing something foul smelling with a mortar and pestle. She glances up at the prince and quickly curtsies and then hands me a list of things to gather “I made you a list, so you don't forget anything this time, most of the herbs you are looking for are going to be in the main garden up front, but the last several are going to be in the garden in town, I suspect you may have to go by yourself for those.” she says and I notice Xandar frown beside me.

As we walk, he chats about many different things, from the boring parties he is required to go to, to the days where he gets to go with his father to visit the workers in the castle. “My favorite is when I get to watch the men train.” he says to me.

“You must know my father then”

“Maybe, who is your father?” he asks.

“Alaunus Aeson” I replied.

His eyes widen “Your father is the commander of the guard?”


“Well yes” I replied.

“That's amazing! He is so cool! I watched him sparring with some of his men last week!” he says wistfully. “He gave me this!” He pulls out a small pin that members of the guard wear. “He said one day I would be a great king and he would be honored to serve me.” he sighs “I don't think I wanna be king though, it seems hard and my father never has any fun anymore. I’d rather be a mighty general in the Army!”

I nod. “I know what you mean” I say “well not the king part, but the part about wanting to be something different.”

Before either of us have a chance to say any more we reach the garden and I pull out my list. It doesn't take long before we find them all and since we are close to the front already I head for the exit.

“You're going now?” He asks.

“Yes, I'll meet up with you when I get back, I won't be long” I head out the door and head straight for the garden.

There's plenty of people in the garden today. Some tending the plants and others just relaxing in the beauty and smells of the place.

I walked along a rock path looking around me for the items I was to collect. There were so many varieties of plants here and what surprised me the most was how many of them had no known medical use. This garden seemed to be mostly for show, probably one of the many things added to help foster peace and happiness for the people.

King Bellandar really was a king of the people. Where many other kings were known to favor military or politics, he focused on his people. Of course both of those existed here in Avani, but it seemed like he very much cared for his subjects, He has always been a very loved king.

I reached the part of the garden that housed many of the herbs the community used for medicinal purposes and picked out the ones Lilith required. Once I had finished I started back towards the castle. I wondered if Xandar was waiting impatiently at the gate or if he had found something to amuse himself while I was away.

The more time I spent with the young prince, the more I realized how much I enjoyed his joyful disposition. I was suddenly looking forward to his happy reception.

Once I reached the castle entrance, however, he was nowhere to be seen. I walked on towards the healers hut thinking he would be waiting there. No such luck though.

Disappointed, I resumed my duties while Lilith started in on her endless gossiping. Luckily, I have grown very good at tuning people out, while still managing to get enough of the story to seem to be listening. I nodded and made casual comments here or there as we worked.

The day seemed to drag on and on and I was relieved when it was finally time to go home.

“See you tomorrow Lilith” I said as I prepared to leave.

“No you won't, my dear! Your father requested a day off for you weeks ago!”

I had no idea what she was talking about, but in order to avoid more conversation, I just expressed embarrassment at my forgetfulness and took my leave.

On the way home I racked my brain trying to remember what my father had planned. Was it an important holiday? Somebody's birthday? No, my summer birthday was several months off and his was six months ago. Plus, he had his busy night schedule this week.

Once I got home I noticed two things. One that Mr. Baerdals canoe was leaning against our house and two that father was nowhere to be seen. Normally we had about an hour between our schedules to visit.

I walked around the house wondering if he was in the garden, but once I approached I heard a loud bang from somewhere in our shed. “Ouch!” I heard my father yell from inside.

“Father?” I called as I ran to the door.

“Oh! Lya! I didnt expect to see you this early!” he called.

“I come home every night at this time, father. Is everything ok?”

“Huh, must of lost track of time.”

“Whats going on?” I asked suspiciously.

“Nothing!” he says almost too quickly, then he sighs “oh I was trying to surprise you!” he said, giving up on the ruse.

I look at him in surprise “what for?”

“Must there be a reason for everything Lya?” he asks in mock dispair.

I just smile at him in confusion while I wait for him to explain.

Finally, he says “I had planned to have everything ready and hid in the shed before you got home, nothing ever goes according to plan” he laughs lightly. “Oh well!”

“So where are we going?” I ask, excitedly.

“I figured we would take the boat out on Emberbrook lake and do a little fishing” he pauses “I know you used to enjoy that, but if not then we can find something else to do”

“I would love to!” The idea of a fishing trip was exciting. We had not done that in many years, not since he became commander of the guard and time seemed to slip away for us.

I slept easily that night. Eagerly awaiting our next adventure.

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