《The Paradox Prophecy》Chapter Two


“Well well, if it isn't Miss Aeson!” a shrill voice said as I walked into the healers hut.

“Good day to you lilith '' I say as I curtsy politely.

“Oh, Posh!” she replied “No need to be so formal! We are basically sisters!” she exclaimed

I didn't have the heart to tell her that no, we were not basically sisters, the last time I saw her was at my mothers funeral, after it was her job to take care of my mother and keep her alive.

She failed.

“My apologies, lilith” I said in return.

“Oh, Lya, stop acting like we are strangers!” I try to ignore the personal moniker she uses.

“I remember when you were this tall!” she says as she gestures to her knee.

I steel myself and decide to blame the plague for my mother's death. She rushes forward to envelop me in an unwelcome embrace.

I decided it was better to placate her and hug her in return.

“Ah! Now isn't that better?” she exclaims. “Let's get to work!”

The rest of my day is spent finding different herbs and bringing them to lilith, where she arranges them in neat rows in the storage room.

The next weeks go by slowly, with the days preceding the same as my first.

One day, however, I was instructed to gather herbs from the king's personal garden. As I walk along the perfect rows of beautiful flowers and herbs, I start to have problems remembering all of what I needed. I seem to have a habit of not taking notes.

Oklifrass, Eklunip, and Ivavil, I remember at last. As I look for the last item on my list I happen to bump into a young boy.


He's smaller than me and looks to be a couple years younger as well. “My apologies!” I say “I wasn't looking where I was going.”

He stands up quickly, brushing off his satin tunic. “It's ok!” he replies enthusiastically “I’m just glad I didn't get this thing dirty, father would have my hide!”

He looks at me curiously and says “I haven't seen many other kids in the castle. My name is Xandar, what's yours?”

Why does that name sound familiar? “Aalya” I answer. He is certainly cheerful.

“Nice to meet you Lady Aalya” he says as he gives me an awkward and overly dramatic bow. “I’ve been practicing my bowing technique, what do you think?”

I can't help but giggle “It is very nice Lord Xandar” as I curtsy in return.

“You wanna play a game?” he blurts out, his brown eyes pleading.

“I really wish I could, but I am actually working right now.”

“Oh” he says sadly. Then suddenly he perks up again “I can help you! What are you looking for?”

“Ivavil” I answer.

“Great! I know exactly where those are at! This way!” he says as he darts off. “They were my mother's favorite flower!”

He leads me towards the back of the garden where a small bench is set underneath an elegant archway. “Here they are!” he exclaims, pointing to a bunch of orange flowers.

I bend down and gently pick them before depositing them in my basket. “What else?” he says.

“That was actually the last thing on my list”

“Oh, well can I walk with you?” he asks.

I don't see any harm in letting him walk back with me so I nod and we walk back towards the healer's hut. Him talking endlessly the whole way there.


When we finally reach the room, I hear Lilith gasp.

“My Lord!” she exclaims, “I didn't know you were visiting today! Is your father on his way? Lya! Is today the day the king is coming?” she rushes into a fit of cleaning.

Wait a minute. My lord? King? That's where that name is from! This little talkative kid is Prince Alexandar! I turn to look at him suddenly and I see a nervous smile on his face, before he says “No! Lilith! He's not coming today, I'm just exploring the castle.”

Lilith suddenly stops polishing the already clean table in front of her and sighs in relief “Oh good! There is so much to be done before his visit!”

I have heard that the king always makes a point in visiting many of his workers in the castle. My father said he used to visit all the businesses in the kingdom, but stopped after the last attack. Apparently there were still some people that disagreed with his choice in bride. Queen Emile was not a high born noble, but simply the daughter of a carpenter. Many lashed out at his decision but in the end she was accepted and loved by the people. She was beautiful and kind and like my own mother, taken too early by the plague. I remember attending her elaborate funeral several months before my mothers. There were a lot of funerals during that terrible time.

“Aalya! I need you to put those herbs in the back room and then help me get these floors spotless!” Lilith exclaims. I turn to do as she says before Prince Xandar grabs my arm.

“Can I talk to you for a second?” he asks shyly.

I turn to look at Lilith and she nods “Five minutes, then I need you back in here.” I set my basket by the door and follow him out..

“I’m really sorry I didn't tell you who I was. I was just excited to see another kid!” he says apologetically “And honestly, I don't think other kids like me, nobody wants to play with me when they find out who I am.”

I see the sad look in his eyes and the way he shuffles his feet. “I don't think that is their reason, I think they are just intimidated by you, or well more your father than anything.” I say, trying to lift his spirits. I never really thought about how lonely it could be being the only child of a king.

He looks up at me with a sad smile on his face “Well it was nice to meet you, Lady Aalya” he says and gives me another awkward bow and turns to leave.

“You know,” I say “I could probably use some help finding more herbs tomorrow.”

He quickly whips around with a grin on his face. “Really?” he asks. I nod and he happily skips away “I’ll see you tomorrow, Aalya!” he calls almost out of earshot.

I smile to myself as I pick up my basket. More friends never hurt anyone.

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