《Henchman》Punk Girl


Punk Girl

Toshie’s eyes betrayed his intentions, briefly looking at the silver motorcycle behind Tomi.

“Don’t think about it,” Tomi said. “Your tricks will not work on me a second time.”

Toshie took a ready stance.

“Don’t be a hero,” Tomi calmly said. “Simply let me separate your head from your shoulders.”

“We have very different definitions on what being a hero means.” Toshie said. “Fighting for your life is not being a hero,”

Tomi shrugged nonchalantly.

“Can’t you just let me go?” Toshie said. “I have no loyalty to the Machete Bike Gang and I don’t care about the motorcycle. You can have it, just let me go.”

“No,” Tomi said. “I still need to find out where you biker grunts got the technology to shut mine down.”

“I don’t know. I’m new to the gang. I know nothing.”

“Then your death will be quick. Tomi sprinting forward with his green glowing katana trailing behind. Toshie leapt back, trying to avoid him. He leapt to the side, hoping Tomi would pass by him but he read him perfectly and moved to match the teenager and swung the blade down at him. Tomi’s blade was too fast for Toshie to follow all he knew was that it was coming to split his head in half! It shattered! It was inches from his face and it shattered.

Unlike Tomi, Toshie was not frozen in shock and thrust his knuckles into the man’s nose, causing him to stumble back.

“Fuck! I missed him! A little to the left and I would’ve gotten his shithead instead of his shit sword.”

Toshie heard a familiar voice. “Niko?”

He and Tomi looked to the side but the girl with the smoking sniper rifle was not Niko. She had short hair, blonde at the top and where its was shaven on the sides, it was pink. Her make-up was a mixture of pink and black.

“You’re not Niko.” Toshie said.

“Uhm… Yeah. I’m kind of her sister.” The girl said, removing the lollipop from her pink painted lips.

Tomi gritted his teeth, tasting the blood trickling from his nose to his mouth. He looked at the remainder of his katana blade, now a handle with a black broken blade. “Do you know what you have done?” he angrily threw the useless katana away. “You have just destroyed a 350 000 pound piece of technology! WHO ARE YOU?”


“Who am I?” The girl lifted the her rifle and placed its weight on her shoulder. “I am walking rebellion! The fire that burns in the belly of the beast and the water that will drown the ocean! I am the darkness that shrouds the fucking future and the nightmare you wake to, today. I am the greatest villain breathing and world’s future conquer! I am Punk Girl!”

She was dressed the black leather much like the one Machete Bike Gang wore but she did not bear their symbol, a hog’s head with a nose ring, being stabbed by two machete’s forming an X.

“I am going to kill you… painfully.” Tomi said, finally regaining control of his emotions. He ran for her.

Toshie briefly glanced at the silver motorcycle but decided against running away. Punk Girl had saved him so he should help her and anyways, his father always taught him to protect women. He too ran for her.

Tomi reached her first. She tried to avoid him but was caught by Tomi’s outstretched leg, sending her tumbling backward. Before he could continue, Toshie kicked him in the face on his way past. Tomi stumbled back, grasping his bruised cheek in surprise.

Toshie stopped before Punk Girl. “Are you okay?”

She leapt to her feet and grabbed his hand before pulling him away.

Toshie looked back at Tomi who was quickly catching up, his usually calm demeanour slowly peeling away with each step he took. “Can’t you just shoot him?”

“I’m out of bullets,” she said. “We can’t fight this fucker unarmed. We need a bitchslapper.”

“A what?”

“A weapon!” she said.

“Where can we get that?”

“Somethings coming up ahead!” she said.

They stopped in front of a vending machine.

“A plumbing equipment vending machine?” Toshie said, reading the sign in front of the vending machine.

“A weapon vending machine,” she said as she fed the machine her notes.

The vending machine vibrated and something fell into the compartment. She reached in and pulled out a black metal pipe that was thicker near the end and curved slightly. “There’s a vending machine for almost anything these days.” she brandished the pipe at the oncoming Tomi. “Even one that dispenses bitchslappers.”


“Don’t I get one?” Toshie said.

“Sorry, outta cash.” She turned her pockets inside out to prove her point.

Tomi was now upon them, only a few feet away.

“Stay behind me and I’ll protect you from this fucker!” she ran to meet him.

She swung wildly for him but Tomi was able to easily dodge. Tomi swatted the pipe aside and was about to punch her when Toshie swatted his hand away in time. He stepped between them, where he traded blocks, punches and kicks with Tomi.

Tomi was very skilful, not letting any hits come through and he was also strong, each punch and kick Toshie blocked felt like it would snap his bones. Punk Girl would ever so often swing her pipe, forcing the bespectacled man back to avoid her attacks. Toshie was surprised at how well they both were fighting together even though this was their first meeting.

Tomi blocked a pipe swing but opened himself up for a punch from Toshie into his eye, causing the man to stumble back.

Punk Girl pressed her advantage, pursuing him but paid when her pipe was caught and Tomi spun her around behind him before kicking her away. He looked at Toshie, his twitching eye already changing colour and swelling slightly. “You seem to be the biggest threat,” he said to Toshie. “So I’ll deal with you first.

They fought and Toshie was pressed back with each exchange. Without Punk Girl assisting him, Toshie could find no openings in Tomi’s fighting form. Tomi was able to bypass Toshie’s defences and deliver a quick but powerful combo of kicks and punches, sending the teenager tumbling back.

Tomi approached him, ready to end his life when… Punk Girl leapt on his back, using the length of her pipe to choke Tomi out. Her legs clasped around his ribs for extra leverage. Tomi attempted to swing her off of him but she held firm

Toshie got up and tried to help by attacking Tomi while he was distracted and earned a kick to the gut for his efforts, flooring him again.

Tomi reached back and grabbed her by her hair.

“Let go of me, motherfucker!” Punk Girl said before clamping down on his ear with her teeth.

He screamed in pain as she ripped out a part of his ear. He flipped her up and over him by her hair before slamming her on the ground before him. He stumbled back, grasping the side of his face.

Punk Girl got up, smirking evilly with her teeth stained crimson and piece of his ear still in her mouth.

“You… You… You bitch!” Tomi’s eyes went wide with rage. “I am going to kill you!” he spat, the corners of his mouth foaming.

“Not today, buddy!” A man riding a motorcycle said. Tomi stepped back, dodging the motorcycle that shot past him. Machete-Killer brought it to screeching stop.

““Machete-Killer!”” both Toshie and Punk Girl said.

Toshie looked at her in confusion.

“You missed!” Tomi said to Machete-Killer.

“Did I?” Machete-Killer said.

Tomi tilted his head in confusion before he turned around to be confronted with his own armoured truck barrelled towards him. He screamed in horror as the truck slammed into him and broke the railings.

Machete-Killer moved forward to dodge the truck that barrelled past him, crashed into the railings of the bridge before dragging a screaming Tomi down into the river below.

“Machete-Killer!” Toshie said in relief.

“Killer Pink!” Machete-Killer said, sounding happy before he was hit with a pipe. His helmet was sent flying and he fell to the ground with his bike. Punk Girl stepped on his chest causing him to grunt and spit out blood

“I finally got you, Machete-Killer.” she said with a smirk. “This time, you’re not going to escape me!”

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