《Blockage of Writing》Angel's Revenge


The demons think they’ve won. They believe that they have won this fight, this war. But they have not, nor will they ever win. Earth may now belong to them, humanity may be enslaved to them but not all is lost. Heaven still stands. It still has yet to fall to the demons. The Pearly gates still stand despite the everlasting onslaught of the heretic demons. We’ve recalled all of our forces behind the gates, and defend them with all of our might. It’s laughable that we underestimated these heathens. To attack us when we were at our weakest, they certainly are more than just mindless beasts. But the enslavement of the human race will become their downfall. The enslaved humans will pray, pray for some sort of divine protection. They will pray to us, the angels for our divine and holy protection. It will make us stronger and stronger, as long as humanity wants us, needs us. The archangels are planning our counterstrike against Hell’s forces. A plan to finally be rid of them forever. We will purge humanity of these negative emotions, these desires that plague and haunt them, that turn them to be easily manipulated by the demons. We will guide humanity to a better future, to a life empty of negativity. Hellish desires will cease to exist. Already we can feel our strength slowly returning. We could barely hold our ground against the demonic invasion, being immediately pushed back to the Pearly gates, where we had to defend it at all costs. The breaching of the gates would’ve meant the end to everything good on earth. A world without our divine presence would eventually cease to exist. But we are slowly regaining our strength; the humans have realized that they need our protection and watchful gaze for them to live. We are now able to hold back the demons at the gates with ease, as humans and Heaven gives us strength. We will have our revenge against the heathen. We angels have been humiliated by the demons, letting them take us by surprise while we were at our weakest, humiliating us on the field of battle. Many of our forces abandoned us joining the Fallen Angels as they fell to unholy desires. To lose so many forces to the Fallen during such a crucial period. The Fallen have yet to be spotted in this war. We doubt they sided with the demons, they hate each other, but they are nowhere to be found. Maybe they are binding their time to strike once this war is over or just want to see us angels gone so they can return to heaven. Once we fight them, it will be another bloody battle. They may fallen from Heaven’s grace, but they can still gain strength from humanity’s wishes and prayers but they also have the advantage of leading humans to unholy desires as well to gain more power. When this war with the demons will end, a war with the Fallen will be inevitable. But first we have to focus our efforts on the demons. This war is turning in our favor. The archangels will lead us to victory, we will have our revenge.

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